Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 327 The protagonist of heaven and earth? The emperor ascends to heaven!

In the wild world.

The strength of the human race is increasing day by day, and it is becoming stronger day by day.

Nowadays, the mark of the human race is all over the Southern Wilderness. The great prosperity mentioned by the Li Renhuang Suiren clan has begun to come. The human race was so weak at the beginning, but now the human race is so strong.

He has already stood at the pinnacle of the world, almost invincible.

After that, Ye Xuan participated in several more national competitions, but the opponent was already on guard. When the creatures on Ye Xuan's side disappeared, the opponent's Creator God would immediately go to the origin of the world to personally guard it.

There are only two possibilities. Either the God of Creation can defeat the primitive creatures, but in the end he is called over by the opponent and beaten by a crowd. When he is about to lose, the God of Creation simply surrenders, even though he has lost the game. , but fortunately, the kingdom of God was saved and his life was not directly destroyed like other creation gods.

The other one is very simple, just can't beat it, and then surrender.

There may be two kinds, but there is only one ending, that is, neither the dragon clan nor the human clan in the prehistoric era can seize the origin of the other party's world.

In this case, the Dragon Clan and the Human Clan will appear to be at a disadvantage.

Although it is said that the world of the Creator God will become more and more powerful in the future, and if you seize one, you will earn one, but the problem is that the success of the subsequent worlds has also been greatly reduced.

The key to this thing is to be caught by surprise. If the other party has been prepared for it, then there is nothing they can do and they can only watch this scene happen quietly.

Just like when the Dragon Clan and the Human Clan encountered each other, even the Human Clan and the Dragon Clan were equally powerful. They used the same method to paralyze each other, but the other party had long since become extremely vigilant under the warning of their own people. .

How could it be so easy to steal someone else's kingdom? The first Creator God died because he failed to think of it. That was indeed an injustice.

However, the second God of Creation was really careless. Ye Xuan's attempt to seize the world had already happened once, but the other party didn't understand it yet and didn't take any precautions.

Although the human race failed to obtain a world, the human race was not discouraged. After all, that world was fundamentally just an increase in territory, and in fact it did not greatly improve the strength of the human race.

Unless the human race can, like the Witch Clan, bring all the creatures in the other world into captivity, then it can increase its own power.

However, the human race is so proud and is an extremely exclusive existence. It is okay to laugh and laugh on weekdays, but it is simply a dream to really integrate into the human race, let alone those alien races in different worlds.

Southern Wilderness, Human Race, Sui Dynasty, Sui City.

Although the vast majority of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals usually stay in the Daluo Realm to comprehend the Dao, Suicheng is still a symbol of the entire human race. Suicheng is also the imperial city of Suicheng and the imperial city of the human race.

On this day, all the kings gathered together, and many Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals also rushed over. Almost all the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals who could come were gathered in the Sui Dynasty Palace at this moment.

Suiren, wearing an imperial robe and an imperial crown, walked through the crowd step by step.

And every time he passed by everyone, everyone bowed their heads and bowed their hands to show their respect for His Majesty the Human Emperor.

Suiren's face remained normal, and he slowly walked towards the high platform until he reached the Human Emperor's chair. After sitting down, he looked at the people who were bending down to bow and said calmly: "Sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone thanked him, then stood up and looked forward, but they didn't dare to look at Suiren's face.

As time goes by, the imperial power in Suiren's body is increasing day by day, becoming more and more intense day by day. It seems that the amiable and amiable Majesty in the past is no longer visible, and only the human emperor with imperial power like prison is left.

However, these are just manifestations, they are the external manifestations that the Suiren clan has to do. As a human emperor, you must not lose the power of the human race. You should be majestic and powerful all over the world.

In this way, all living beings in the world will respect and fear the human race even more.

"Now, the road to great prosperity is slowly beginning. We are almost the same as the other three tribes in terms of strength. Even the Dragon Clan is no match for us now."

"The human race is supposed to have no desires and needs, it is supposed to recuperate and develop its strength. However, the human race is the destined protagonist. It should do the things of the protagonist of heaven and earth. It should compete for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth. The talents of heaven, earth and man can be regarded as complementing heaven and earth. Merit Participate in nature and achieve perfection."

"Therefore, starting from today, the human race will compete with other races for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth!"

Suiren sat upright and spoke with his head held high. An inexplicable power spread in all directions, shocking everyone with surprise and joy.

What is surprising is that the Human Emperor is now even more majestic than before. What is joyful is that the human race is finally going to ascend the supreme throne.

If one day does not ascend to the leading role in the world, the human race will never be able to compete with the two top Lich clans for hegemony.

Because the two Lich clans control forces such as Heaven and Earth, they are already the only force in the wilderness. The only ones who can really compete with each other are each other. The others, whether they are human or dragon, are actually It's a bit worse.

Even though the human race's cultivation speed is extremely fast, it still takes a long way to truly catch up with the two Lich clans.

But the Dragon Clan has indeed been surpassed by the Human Clan, and now the Human Clan is even stronger than the Dragon Clan.

As Suiren's words fell, the human master at the head stood up, bowed his hands to Suiren and said: "Your Majesty, if the human race wants to compete for the leading role in the world, the three tribes cannot avoid it.

Although the strength of the human race is many times stronger than before, there is still a gap between the two Lich clans. If they want to compete for the leading role in this world, the Lich clan may be a hurdle.

Even if the two Lich clans do not fight, the dragon clan is no longer as powerful as the human clan, but if they really start a war with the human clan, even if the human clan wins, it will definitely be a miserable victory. At that time, the human clan will not have the strength to sit there. He is the protagonist of heaven and earth..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, although the two Lich clans have now obtained heaven and earth, the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth can increase a lot of luck, so they will not be tempted. Although the dragon clan is rich in the world, but compared to the prehistoric continent It will still be much poorer in the future, and they may have to compete..."

Among the kings below, one of the Chao clan spoke up.

The country with the Chao family is called Youguo, also known as Chaoguo, because there is not much in this country, everyone has many houses, but almost every city he goes to has his own house.

Although the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth is illusory, it does exist. Those who win the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth will enjoy the destiny of heaven and earth, and the destiny of all sentient beings can be divided.

This is the protagonist of heaven and earth. Apart from this, there is only one name left to rule the world, but the other benefits are gone.

But even these two benefits are what all the tribes in the wild have dreamed of.

"It doesn't matter, the demon clan has gained the heaven. The former demon emperor is now the supreme emperor of heaven, ruling the four seas and wastelands, nine heavens and ten earths. Even if the human race has achieved the leading role in heaven and earth, even if I am crowned the human emperor of heaven and earth, it will still be the same. Located under the Heavenly Court and under the Heavenly Emperor.

Therefore, when I go to discuss with the Emperor of Heaven, I believe that the Emperor of Heaven will not stop me.

And the witch clan has obtained the underworld. The former ancestral witch is now the lord of the underworld, enjoying the sacrifices and offerings of all races and spirits in the ancient world, and controlling the location of the underworld of reincarnation. Similarly, even if the human race achieves the position of the protagonist of the world, I am just the emperor of the same earth. Empresses and empresses are equal, and according to the temperament of the Wu clan, it must not be too difficult to convince them. "

Having said this, Suiren paused for a moment, and then said again:

"The only thing that is unfathomable is the Dragon Clan, the three talents of heaven, earth and people. If the human race achieves the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth and controls the talents, then all three talents will be occupied. The Dragon Clan will probably not be willing to lag behind the three races. Therefore, the Dragon Clan is somewhat Difficult to handle.

Moreover, in the past, the dragon clan also wanted to compete for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth. Although it is unknown why it could not hide after the victory, it is still unknown what is in its heart.

However, I will still go to the Dragon Clan in person to meet with the Dragon King and discuss the position of the protagonist of the world. "

The Human Emperor Suiren saw that although the many tribesmen below were jealous, they did not lose their rationality. Looking at this scene, he was extremely satisfied.

If you can become extremely fanatical about being the protagonist of heaven and earth today and can't think of anything, then you can lose your mind for other things in the future.

The most fearful thing for a creature is to lose its rationality, because it will undoubtedly become like a beast and fall into the inferior state.

Among the three clans, the Lich clan, which is the most powerful, is not a big deal in his eyes, because now the Lich clan has occupied the genius and the earth among the three talents of the ancient world, Demon Palm Heaven, Witch Palm Earth .

The only thing left is for the talents to return to their positions. If the talents return to their positions, they can achieve the perfection of the three talents of the prehistoric era. Presumably, the luck of the three tribes will skyrocket by then, and they will feed back the prehistoric people, and the prehistoric people may even become stronger.

There was one yuan and two rituals in the prehistoric world, which appeared from the beginning of its birth.

One Yuan is Tao, the beginning, the end, the end of everything and the starting point of everything.

The two rites are heaven and earth, heaven is Qian and earth is Kun.

And when the three talents are perfected, they will inevitably feed back to the ancient world, and the foundation of the ancient world will become more majestic. The luck that the ancient world will feed back is also what the three tribes dream of.

"Your Majesty is wise and powerful, and his merits are closely related to nature. We worship him!"

All the kings bent down and bowed at the same time and shouted loudly.

They had to accept the Suiren clan. It was indeed under the leadership of the Suiren clan that the human race reached its current situation. It was precisely because of the existence of the Suiren clan that the human race could be so prosperous.

If the human race loses the Suiren clan, it will still become stronger, but it will definitely not be as strong as it is now.

The human race has hundreds of kings in one dynasty. This is a system that belongs to the human race and was proposed by the Suiren family to allow everyone to participate in the construction of the human race.

Although it is said that all kings stand side by side, all kings also respect the human emperor. The human emperor is the common master of the human race, the master of all human races, and the emperor of the human race.

"The kings have returned and await my edict."

After Suiren left a few words, his figure disappeared, leaving the human race and heading towards the heaven.

“I obey His Majesty’s edict!!!”

The kings bowed down to the empty throne of the Human Emperor, and then found it difficult to restrain the burning emotions in their hearts.

"We, the human race, are finally going to declare our name as the strongest to the ancient world!!!"

Shi Hao put one hand behind his back, clenched his fist with the other, and punched the air in front of him.

This punch seemed to hit not in mid-air, but on the heads of all races in the wild.

Shi Hao couldn't wait to see the moment when the human race became the protagonist of the world. If they wanted to achieve the position of the protagonist of the world, they had to get the recognition of the prehistoric races and the recognition of the Heavenly Dao.

Needless to say, the recognition of the Heavenly Dao was originally the protagonist of the heaven, and they were born to achieve the position of the protagonist of the world, so the most difficult hurdle of the Heavenly Dao's recognition was directly passed.

However, in addition to this, it is necessary to get the recognition of the prehistoric races.

And it can be seen how difficult it is to get the recognition of all races.

Therefore, if one race is not convinced, defeating the other party means that the other party is convinced.

Otherwise, the other race can only be wiped out in the prehistoric world.

Fortunately, forcibly suppressing is also recognized.

After all, in the prehistoric world, strength is respected, and the stronger the strength, the more power one has.

At this moment, Shi Hao's face was shining brightly, and a very special aura of the Great Dao began to spread out. That was not his invincible Great Dao, but a Great Dao like Su Ming, which could not even be determined before it was completely mastered...

Although he did not know what the Great Dao was, Shi Hao undoubtedly believed that it must be an extremely powerful Great Dao, otherwise he would not have been unable to cultivate it until now.

The reason why he was able to cultivate this Great Dao was because he had also drunk the tea brewed by the red spider lily and entered a strange world. Everything in that world was so real, and it seemed to be false...

But he firmly believed that as long as he became stronger and stronger, sooner or later he would be able to figure out which world that world was and whether it really existed!

"Yes, it is not easy for the human race to reach this point from the beginning..."

"If it were not for your majesty's bravery and the people of the human race's hard work, it would be extremely difficult to grow to the current status in just a dozen Yuanhui, and even to compete for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth."

"Speaking of the prehistoric world, only the human race is so powerful, right? As the saying goes, who else but me! Hahahaha..."

"Okay, okay, let's obey your majesty's orders and go back first. Wait for the imperial edict, and then we can act according to the imperial edict!"


Unlike the joyful atmosphere of the human kings, the human emperor Suiren flew towards the heaven with a solemn face.

Wanting the three tribes to give up the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, this matter is not as simple as he said at the court meeting...

It seems that the demon tribe has the heaven and the witch tribe has the underworld, and they will not compete with the human race for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Although it is true, why don't the two tribes of Wu Lich compete with you for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth? With the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, they can further enhance their luck. Therefore, Suirenshi actually has no idea whether the two tribes of Wu Lich can give up.

"I hope everything goes well. Now the human race has reached a bottleneck. If we can't win the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch up with the two tribes of Wu Lich..."

Suirenshi said secretly in his heart.

Looking back to the past, the cultivation of the human race made rapid progress. In just one Yuanhui, I don't know how many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were born.

However, with the dilution of the human bloodline, the number of geniuses has become less and less, and the speed of cultivation has become relatively slower and slower.

This is something that no tribe can avoid, but the demon race has long reached the point where the bloodline is the thinnest, that is, it has long passed this stage. At this stage, the demon race has produced those who have accumulated for a long time and have accumulated those who have extremely strong cultivation.

Therefore, they will be caught up by the human race in a short time.

However, the geniuses of the human race have also been consumed, and the talents of the geniuses who appear later will become lower and lower. Therefore, if there is no luck blessing like the Heaven and the Underworld, it is almost impossible for the human race to surpass the two races of witches and liches.

Because each race has a lower limit of talent, and after reaching this lower limit of talent, it will hardly drop again.

As for the upper limit of talent, it is the talent of the first generation...

The starting point of the talent of the human race is higher than that of other races, so the lower limit of the human race will also be a little higher than the lower limit of other races, but the two races of witches and liches have the luck blessing of these two super organizations, the Heaven and the Underworld, so the gap between them is filled...

In addition, the number of demons is an existence that the human race can hardly match no matter how it reproduces, so this leads to the existence of more Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the demon race than other races...


In the Heaven, the thirty-third heaven, the Lingxiao Palace.

The Emperor of Heaven, Dijun, was wearing a crown and a crown on his head. He sat upright on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, with a solemn expression on his face. Because the Emperor of Humanity, Suiren, had come all the way from the South Gate of Heaven, he naturally knew that the Emperor of Humanity had arrived.

At this moment, sitting next to him was the Empress of Heaven, Xihe, and the first one below him was the Emperor of the East, Taiyi, and Madam Yuanmu of the Empress of the East.

Obviously, they had long known why the Emperor of Humanity came here. A thought of Hunyuan gave birth to the heaven and earth. This means that when someone wants to do something and involves Hunyuan, there will be a vague induction between heaven and earth. How can a Hunyuan not sense it?

This is also one of the reasons why the Hunyuan realm is extremely difficult to calculate. Almost all things related to them will produce induction.

This is also the reason why the Emperor of Heaven treated the Emperor of Humanity with such great respect.

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