Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 328 The Emperor of Man asks for help, and goes to the underworld again!

In the Lingxiao Palace.

The Human Emperor Sui Renshi walked into it and saw the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven sitting high on the throne. Sitting beside him on the same stage was the Emperor of the East and the Queen of the East.

Immediately he understood in his heart, and walked towards the center of the hall step by step, bowed his head slightly and said, "The Human Emperor Suiren has met His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, the Empress of Heaven, His Majesty the Emperor of the East, and the Empress of the East."

"Flat body."

The Emperor nodded slightly and said slowly.

"The Emperor is well."

Dong Huangtai nodded and said hello in return.

"I've met the Human Emperor."

The Queen of Heaven also bowed her hands and replied.

"I have met His Majesty the Human Emperor."

Donghou, on the other hand, stood up slightly, bowed his hands, and bowed his head slightly.

This symbolizes the status of each other. The Heavenly Emperor and the Eastern Emperor are both above the Human Emperor, so they don’t need to reciprocate too much. Just reply with a few words.

The Queen of Heaven's status is below the Six Imperial Guards and above the Five Elders of the Five Directions. Although the Human Emperor is the emperor of the human race, he is not the Six Imperial Guards after all. Although the Human Race is huge in power, the Queen of Heaven can be regarded as a superior emperor.

The status of the Eastern Queen was much worse. At most, she was just on the same level as the Human Emperor by virtue of the Eastern Emperor, or even lower, so she had to stand up and return the favor.

After everyone bowed to each other, the Emperor began to take his seat.

Suiren came to his seat, looked at the emperor above him and said slowly: "Your Majesty, Suiren came here to be the protagonist of heaven and earth. There were three talents in the ancient times who became people of heaven and earth. Now your majesty is the emperor of heaven. She rules over the world, and the Supreme Good Empress of the Witch Clan is the lord of the underworld. She is one of the six emperors of heaven, in charge of life and death, and takes part in creation.

Among the three talents of heaven, earth and man, they only lack the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth. If the human race achieves this status and the three talents are complete, the three races will surely gain supreme benefits. With feedback, they may not be unable to go further. Therefore, the Suiren clan hereby implores your majesty to allow the human race to be the leader of heaven and earth. main character. "

There is no way. Emperor Jun is the Emperor of Heaven. This is not just in name. Strictly speaking, Emperor Jun is qualified to intervene in the affairs of the underworld, not to mention that the protagonist of this heaven and earth is the leader of all races and spirits. Everyone can compete for the position.

Even if Di Jun does not interfere in this matter, if he says a word and the demon clan comes out in full force, which clan in the world can defeat the demon clan?

After all, standing behind the demon clan is Heaven, and Heaven is the highest existence in the world.

Therefore, if Emperor Jun does not allow it, no one will be able to get the position of the protagonist of this prehistoric world.

When Emperor Jun heard the words, he did not reply directly, but looked at the Suiren family, his eyes were like a torch, and said slowly: "If the human race becomes the protagonist of the world, where should the demon race be placed? Where should the heaven be placed? And where should I be placed? where?"

The meaning of his words was that he wanted to see what the Suiren clan was thinking, and to see if the human race had second thoughts.

Although Di Jun would not take the initiative to attack any race, he could not sit back and watch a race that had second thoughts about him take the position of the protagonist in this world.

After all, he is the protagonist in this calamity. After all, this era is an era shrouded by the Emperor of Heaven.

Just like when he was enveloped by Hongjun, this era belonged to Emperor Jun until a creature more powerful than him appeared.

And Di Jun's words were meant to give him a satisfactory answer.

If the Suiren clan can give him a satisfactory answer, what's the problem if the leading role of Heaven and Earth is given to the human race?

When Suiren heard this, he immediately understood what Emperor Jun was thinking. He knew that Emperor Jun was uneasy because he was afraid that the human race would be unjust and afraid that the human race would turn against them when they became stronger. At that time, according to the talent of the human race, the monster race would It might not end well...

Immediately, Mr. Sui Ren stood up again, bowed and said loudly and forcefully: "Your Majesty, the human race was born from the Holy Mother. The Holy Mother is the Emperor of Heaven. To oppose Heaven is to oppose the Holy Mother. Just think about it, which child in heaven and earth dares to Being anti-mother, such a treasonous act, not to mention Your Majesty, even the Suiren clan will never allow this to happen!

What's more, in the past, His Majesty had the grace to enlighten the Holy Mother, and he had the grace to recreate the human race. The human race would never rebel against the Heavenly Court, nor would they dare to rebel against the Heavenly Court!

Therefore, please rest assured, Your Majesty, if Your Majesty is in power for one day, as long as the Holy Mother is in Heaven, then the human race will not rebel against Heaven! "

What he said is not wrong. The Emperor of Heaven does have the kindness to rebuild the human race, and the Holy Mother is the Emperor of Heaven. Therefore, to oppose Heaven is to oppose the Holy Mother, and to oppose Heaven is to oppose one's great benefactor.

The human race would never do such unfaithful, unjust, unkind and unfilial things.

But if Di Jun is no longer the lord of Heaven, and Nu Wa is no longer a member of Heaven, then the human race will have no worries at all. By then, even if they rebel against Heaven, they will have nothing to do with Di Jun and Nu Wa. .

There is no such thing as disloyalty, unrighteousness, benevolence and filial piety in the human race.

After all, the reason why the human race is loyal to the Heavenly Court is that they were protected by the Heavenly Emperor when they were weak or even before they were born. Otherwise, the human race would have disappeared long ago. Where would there still be the current human race...

But if the Emperor of Heaven were replaced by someone else, then screw it. The human race is inherently unwilling to be inferior to others. In other words, it is inherently rebellious. No one can do it except itself.

Therefore, for the human race, we can only use kindness to control them, but we must not suppress them with the power of thunder.

Well, it was possible in the early days of the human race, or it was possible before the human race became what it is today, but the human race has become so powerful that suppression cannot be done now.

Fortunately, although the human race is not willing to live under others, they are not the kind of ungrateful people who want to exterminate all living beings in the wild.

If a single person is like this, there is nothing to say, but if the entire human race dares to be ungrateful and try to overthrow the heaven, then it will be attacked by all the races in the wild in the next moment, because if this despicable and shameless race becomes the emperor of heaven, no one will dare Think about how all races will live in the wilderness in the future.

I'm afraid that at that time, I had to ask the other party for advice on everything I did, or maybe the other party directly intervened in the internal affairs of the race.

If you are ungrateful to a race, then this force will definitely not make it to the end.

If you can do something ungrateful, then you can do something that oppresses all races in the wild.

Regarding these words of the Suiren clan, Di Jun nodded with satisfaction. He believed in the Suiren clan of the Human Emperor and the human race.

There may be many shortcomings in the development of the human race, but in terms of repaying kindness and being extremely respectful and pious to Nuwa, there is nothing to say.

The human race respects Nuwa, and Nuwa respects the human race.

Nuwa would not rely on her status as a Holy Mother to arbitrarily interfere in the affairs of the human race, and she fully supported the words of the Human Emperor.

"In this case, I should recognize that the human race has become the protagonist of the world, and I also believe that the Human Emperor will be able to govern all races in the world in the future."

The meaning of Di Jun's words is very obvious, that is, he recognizes the human race as the protagonist of heaven and earth, and the human emperor is also the co-lord of heaven and earth.

As his words fell, the fate of the human race grew stronger. This was because it was recognized by the Emperor of Heaven, which was theoretically the most difficult recognition besides the recognition of Heavenly Dao.

"Suiren, thank you so much, Your Majesty. Your Majesty's kindness will be unforgettable to the human race!"

Suiren bowed to Emperor Jun again, bowed and said.

Di Jun smiled and nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

He was also very satisfied with Suiren's words.

Then, Suiren looked at Donghuang again, bowed his hands and said: "Your Majesty Donghuang, please lend a helping hand to the human race."

His meaning is very obvious, that is, he needs the Eastern Emperor to help the human race, so that all the races in the East Wasteland can recognize the human race. In this way, the human race will save a lot of trouble.

The power of Donghuang Taiyi shook the Eastern Barren, and the entire Eastern Barren was under the jurisdiction of Donghuang Taiyi. All the tribes in the Eastern Barren relied on the Holy Judgment of the Eastern Emperor.

Therefore, one word from Donghuang Taiyi can withstand many human efforts.

Tai nodded and said: "Since the eldest brother has given permission to the human race, there is no harm in helping the human race."

"The Suiren family would like to thank His Majesty the Eastern Emperor for his kindness. The human race will never forget His Majesty the Eastern Emperor's kindness!"

The Suiren family can be regarded as showing off their old face. It is just a matter of worshiping the Emperor of Heaven as a majestic human being. It is nothing to worship the Eastern Emperor, but now he still wants to beg the Eastern Emperor in such a low voice.

Of course, it is also for the benefit of the human race, so there is nothing wrong with risking it.

After all, if you ask for something, you can't be superior, right?

Anyone who asks for help is not to be humble. Don't ask for help if you have the ability. They won't force you to ask for help.

I want benefits but don't want to say nice things. How can such a good thing happen?

On the contrary, saying a few nice words can bring such benefits. For others, how many people would not be willing to do so.

If Zulong knew that he could change his position as the protagonist of the dragon clan by lowering his head, the original Zulong would have bowed his head long ago...

"It doesn't matter."

Taiyi shook his head slightly and waved his hand.

Although this matter is a trivial matter to him, it saves a lot of effort for the human race. After all, if many races among the thousands of races in the Eastern Wasteland do not recognize it, the human race will inevitably waste it. A lot of time spent on this.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you so much, His Majesty the Eastern Emperor. The Suiren clan has important matters to attend to, so it is not convenient for me to stay here for a long time. I will leave for now. I will personally go to heaven to express my gratitude in the future."

Suiren bowed upward again, and then waited for the Emperor's words.

After hearing this, Emperor Jun immediately said: "The Human Emperor's affairs are urgent. Just leave on your own. There is no need to go to Heaven in person. When the human race becomes the protagonist of heaven and earth, I will join hands with the gods in heaven to go to the human race in person to congratulate you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. In this way, the Suiren family will retire..."

Suiren bowed upward again, then turned and left.

The Suiren clan who left the Heavenly Court was obviously extremely happy. He did not expect that the most powerful Heavenly Court would be so easy to deal with, which was beyond his expectation.

Perhaps like what was said to the kings of the human race before, the Heavenly Court simply does not like the position of the protagonist of the world.

In the Lingxiao Palace.

Mrs. Yuanmu of the East Queen asked Xiang Taiyi curiously, "The demon clan is so powerful, why doesn't Your Majesty allow the demon clan to assume the leading role in this world?"

Taiyi smiled slightly when he heard this and said slowly: "The Demon Clan has occupied the Heavenly Palace, which has already occupied the highest level of luck in the ancient world. If it were to occupy it again, it would undoubtedly be jealous of all the tribes in the ancient world. I'm afraid they would unite. , fight against the demon clan together.

Of course, this is not the real reason.

After all, with the strength of the Monster Clan, when the Monster Clan was the dominant family, it was able to overwhelm all other races, so there is no real reason. "

Mrs. Yuan Mu was even more curious when she heard this, and then asked: "Then what is the real reason?"

"The real reason is that my mind was attracted to that supreme being at that time. When I achieved Hunyuan and took over the power of the ancient world, although I dominated the ancient world, I always vaguely felt that there was an invisible big hand in the sky. Controlling everything.

As expected, that person really does exist.

Therefore, at that time, I did not dare to let the demon clan become too powerful. After all, if it was extremely powerful, it might turn things upside down. "

Before Taiyi could speak, the superior Di Jun frowned and spoke slowly.

This is the reason why the demon tribe did not occupy the leading position of heaven and earth after occupying heaven. After all, after he became enlightened at that time, he noticed the existence of Ye Xuan. Although he was not sure, he did not dare to gamble.

After all, if that person really exists, the many balancing techniques in the ancient world can be seen at a glance.

In the past, when ferocious beasts ravaged the wild land, all races immediately formed an alliance, and the Emperor of Heaven emerged from the sky to rule all races and conquer the ferocious beasts.

Seeing that the ferocious beast clan was extinct, the Emperor of Heaven was about to dominate the wilderness for three days. Then the three clans conspired together for three days and shed blood for three days. The three clans dominated the wilderness, showing the trend of a tripartite confrontation.

Immediately, under the control of Hongjun and Luo Hu, it was clear that the two clans were in decline. Although the dragon clan won, it was a tragic victory. Just when the innate sacred power was dominant, and the dragon clan was about to be sealed, good guy, merits actually appeared, and the ancestral dragon was established. Enlightenment shocked Hongjun, and the forced Hongjun had to lead the gods to evacuate the land from all over the world.

For a time, the innate saints were no longer able to dominate the wilderness.

Then, Hongjun realized the Tao, entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self, condensed the only true self, and was just one step away from reaching the top of the realm of Hunyuan.

Seeing that Hongjun's family became the dominant one, Zulong obviously also entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self, but Zulong didn't take any action, he just protected the world.

There is no other way. Ancestor Xingchen has understood the true meaning of Hunyuan, which can be regarded as an unforgettable achievement.

Another Demon Ancestor immediately appeared to compete with the Immortal Ancestor for the so-called Hunyuan Dao Fruit...

It was obvious that the Immortal Ancestor won, but in the end, it turned into the Demon Ancestor and the Immortal Ancestor sharing the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

Di Jun personally participated in everything that happened after that.

Except for that period when Emperor Jun claimed to dominate the ancient world, no one has ever been able to truly dominate the ancient world from the beginning of the world to the present.

And that period is also a necessary stage of development, and at that stage, if Di Jun has evil thoughts in his heart, he may really perish between heaven and earth.

Therefore, in fact, Shen Shenjun was extremely dangerous at that time, but this danger was only relative. For Hongjun, it was naturally the only way to die. After all, that kid only wanted to dominate the wilderness forever, and even blocked future generations. road.

But for Di Jun, this is not the case. He has the world in mind and has never thought of dominating the wilderness and isolating the path of future generations. Therefore, he is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian chosen by Ye Xuan, so he can carry Hunyuan Tao fruit.

Ye Xuan would not let a creature like Hongjun carry the Hunyuan Dao Fruit. Even if he could carry it, he would still die.

After all, carrying the Hunyuan Dao Fruit at that time meant that he would dominate the world for a period of time from now on. If there were no mistakes, it would have a great impact.

"I see……"

Mrs. Yuanmu nodded, indicating that she understood.

No wonder it is said that Emperor Jun will not let the demon clan become too powerful. If it is really always the only one, then it may not be far away from the disaster of annihilation.

"Then why does it have to be the human race? Can't it be the dragon race? Is it just because the human race came first?"

Another thought came to Mrs. Yuanmu's mind. Why does it have to be the human race? Is it just a matter of order?

Di Jun slowly shook his head and clarified his doubts: "The protagonists in the world can only be the human race. Even if the Dragon Race comes, I will not agree. What's more, the Dragon King is extremely smart and will not make this trip. Muddy water…”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Yuan Mu became even more curious, why was the protagonist of this world called Muddy Waters, and why was it said that it could only be the human race.

Di Jun seemed to have seen through the words she wanted to ask next, and explained her confusion: "The human race is uniquely blessed by nature, which is unmatched by any other race. You also know this, the human race is valued by that being, so this The position of protagonist in the world can only belong to the human race.

The reason why the Dragon Clan will not fight is because the Dragon Clan has already fought once before. The Dragon Emperor can naturally see that the Human Clan is the destined protagonist, and naturally will not fight for hegemony again. After all, if they fight for hegemony again this time, the Dragon Clan may really They have to be reduced to the Phoenix and Qilin clan..."

After saying that, perhaps because he was afraid that Mrs. Yuanmu would ask again, or because he didn't want to say any more, he disappeared, but he was no longer in the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. Also leaving with him was the Queen of Heaven, Xihe.

Upon seeing this, Mrs. Yuanmu smiled, and then disappeared from the place with Donghuang Taiyi.


"It is rare to visit this underworld place..."

Suiren sighed with emotion. He had rarely come to this underworld, and he had hardly been to this place a few times.

And every time I come here, I can't help but wander around.

After all, this scene of ghosts and gods in the underworld is really extremely rare, and it is the only one that exists here in the entire prehistoric era.

It's just that this time, he came for important matters, so naturally he couldn't wander around in the underworld.

"The Sui Ren clan, the emperor of the human race, is here to ask for an audience with the Queen of the Witch Clan, the Earthly Good Empress."

Suiren shouted loudly from the sky above the underworld.

These words came from his mouth and went straight into the depths of the reincarnation of the Nine Netherworld. Apart from him, only cultivators at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian like Hou Tu could hear them.

The ghosts below did not notice anyone coming, and even spoke loudly.

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