Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 329: Determining the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, recalling the grim pas

Although the twelve witch ancestors are headed by Dijiang, everyone knows that the strongest existence of the witch clan is still Hou Tu Niangniang in the underworld.

Since Hou Tu turned into reincarnation, she has been invincible. No one in the world can kill her. Even if the strongest existence appears in the future, she can immediately rise to that level.

This is the compensation for turning into reincarnation. There must be a loss for every gain and a gain for every loss.

Lose in the east, gain in the west.

This is the case with Hou Tu. After turning into reincarnation, she directly became the top stream in the prehistoric world. The name of Hou Tu Niangniang is known to everyone in the prehistoric world. There are countless creatures in the world who admire the name of Hou Tu.

In addition, Hou Tu is the master of the underworld, so Suiren came to the underworld this time.

Because in his opinion, Hou Tu Niangniang is much kinder. If he can convince Hou Tu, then let Hou Tu go and talk to the witch ancestors, and then the matter will basically be done.

But if he couldn't even convince Hou Tu, then he would have made a wasted trip, and he wouldn't have thought about convincing the witch clan.

At this time, a gentle voice came from the underworld: "I know why the Human Emperor came here, please come in directly."


In the underworld, a road came out of Hou Tu's palace and went straight to Suirenshi.

Suirenshi nodded and walked towards the road.

In Hou Tu's palace.

"Meet the Earth Emperor and the Ancestral Witch."

Suirenshi entered and found that even Dijiang was here, so he bowed immediately.

"Meet the Human Emperor."

The two returned the greeting.

Dijiang came for this matter. When Hou Tu felt something, she notified Dijiang. After Dijiang received it, he immediately rushed here.

"Is the Human Emperor here for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth?"

Dijiang said with a smile. In his eyes, these things can be discussed.

Just as Suiren thought, the Wu clan already had the underworld, and Houtu also told them not to be greedy. It was already the limit to be able to rule one side in the prehistoric world. They must not have the wishful thinking of dominating the prehistoric world, otherwise they would suffer disasters.

And Dijiang also knew that there was such a person above, and it was meaningless to fight for anything, because even if they won the first place, they were just ants in the eyes of that person, and they could let the Wu clan give up at any time.

If they didn't give up, they would die.

Therefore, many things were meaningless, just like unifying the prehistoric world. Do you really want to dominate the prehistoric world?

You just need to kill Ye Xuan. Whoever can kill Ye Xuan can truly dominate the prehistoric world. Otherwise, even if it is unified on the surface, it is not considered to be truly dominating the prehistoric world.

After all, there is still such a great god standing in the sky above the prehistoric world. The existence of Ye Xuan is a mountain that all of them cannot avoid.

Therefore, instead of thinking about it, it is better to practice more directly.

"To be honest, Suiren came here for the position of the protagonist of the world of the human race. Please help the Wu clan." Suiren nodded and smiled back at Dijiang.

Dijiang nodded directly and said, "Yes, the Wu clan has no idea about the position of the protagonist of the world, and it can even make all the creatures under the jurisdiction of the Wu clan recognize the human race."

Dijiang nodded directly and agreed happily. This scene was extremely pleasing to Suiren.

But Suiren also knew that there is no free lunch in the world. Even at their level, some small favors are done, and it is all to promote the relationship between the two.

But how could such a thing be solved by just asking for help? Therefore, Suirenshi quickly replied: "Thank you, Ancestral Witch. What do you need the human race to do? As long as you have a request, I will do it!"

Dijiang touched the back of his head and said a little embarrassedly: "People, we need people. There are still too few people who intermarry with the Witch Clan. Can Jiuli add more human races..."

He always felt that he was taking advantage of the situation, but the Witch Clan now really needed the genes of the human race to improve. After all, although the new generation of witches were not as powerful as the Great Witch and the Ancestral Witch, some small witches were far from being the opponents of those witches.

And as their strength grows, those witches may also be able to shine among the Great Witches.

As for being comparable to the Ancestral Witch, there is no need to think about it. I don’t know how many generations of the Witch Clan bloodline and the human race bloodline were born. It’s good enough to be comparable to the Great Witch, and how dare I think about being comparable to the Ancestral Witch.

Therefore, Dijiang always felt a little embarrassed. The Wu Clan has always acted openly and honestly, and never bullied others.

However, since it was the Human Emperor who said it on his own initiative, it should not be considered that they were repaying a favor. After all, no matter what the human race is like, they intend to recognize the human race.

"The Wu Clan has helped the human race so much, how can the human race ignore the danger of the Wu Clan? Leave this matter to me..."

After hearing this, Suirenshi immediately agreed.

The Wu Clan can support the human race so much, so what if the human race allows some people of the Wu Clan to marry.

Although it looks like a marriage alliance, there is a big difference in essence. This is not a marriage alliance between the human race and the Wu Clan in order to seek help from the Wu Clan, but the human race feels the help of the Wu Clan, so they also want to help the Wu Clan.

Therefore, this is not a compromise, but the best of both worlds.

The only drawback of the Wu Clan may be here, there is no Yuanshen.

Those ancestral witches and great witches were okay. Although they did not have souls, they had extremely powerful physical bodies that could not even be eroded by magical powers, so they did not have much influence.

But those little witches at the bottom are different. Those little witches have neither souls nor extremely powerful physical bodies. Their physical bodies are breakable in front of many creatures, so their strength is greatly reduced.

But it's different for witches who are born from intermarriage with humans. They have the physical body of witches and the soul, talent, and talent of humans.

Therefore, the future of the witch clan depends entirely on those witches, and it is extremely difficult for the rest of the little witches to become enlightened.

This is also the reason why the Witch Clan has some weak successors. If it is not improved, sooner or later the Witch Clan will be left far behind by the Monster Clan.

After receiving the recognition and help from the Wu Clan, the Suiren clan set out again, rushing from the underworld to the East China Sea.

As we all know, there is only one person in the dragon clan who has the final say, and that is the Dragon Emperor Ancestral Dragon, and the Dragon Emperor lives in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

And the East China Sea is close to the East Wasteland, and is somewhat bordered by the East Pole.

Therefore, Suiren soon arrived in front of the Dragon Palace.

When he arrived, the Dragon Emperor Zulong opened the palace door and signaled for him to enter.

Dragon Palace.

Along the way, Suiren saw what true luxury is. The Dragon Palace was even more luxurious than the Heaven. If Heaven was a natural luxury, the Dragon Palace was an acquired luxury.

Both represent the extreme, but undoubtedly the man-made Dragon Palace is more luxurious.

The Dragon Clan’s love for treasures is also well-known in the prehistoric times, and the period when the treasures broke out happened to be the time when the Dragon Clan and the other two tribes dominated the prehistoric world. In addition, the Dragon Clan has never suffered any looting since ancient times. thing.

"I already know about the coming of the Human Emperor, and I can also tell you directly. The Dragon Clan has no idea about the position of the protagonist of the world, so it can recognize the Human Clan, and the Sea Clan of the Four Seas can also recognize the Human Clan. Maybe some rebellious thieves will not listen to me. , but I can also help the Emperor to calm down."

Zu Long said straight to the point, without any hesitation.

As soon as these words came out, the Suiren clan felt like they had found a treasure. It would be great if all the creatures in the world could talk to them so easily.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor. I wonder what the Dragon Emperor needs from the human race?"

Suiren thanked him first, and then asked.

Zulong shook his head slightly and said slowly: "The Dragon Clan does not need the Human Race to do anything. Since ancient times, the Dragon Clan has gained far more things than the Human Race, so there is nothing that needs the Human Race's help."

"So, the Human Emperor can go back. Since I promised, I will definitely do it."

The fact is just as Zu Long said, the Dragon Clan is now extremely powerful, has no external enemies, no internal worries, and is rich all over the world. No one comes to compete with the Dragon Clan, but some people from the Four Seas Sea Clan are unwilling to give up and want to rebel.

This kind of thing can be settled by the Dragon Clan in an instant, so there is no need for help from the Human Clan.

If we talk about the worries of today, the Dragon Clan has no immediate worries. If we talk about the worries of the future, the Dragon Clan has no long-term worries.

It can be said that the dragon tribe is almost the most comfortable race. It is powerful, has extensive influence, and has no worries about the near future. The only thing the dragon tribe needs to do is to practice and improve its own strength. There is nothing else.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor. The kindness of the Dragon Clan today will be repaid by the Human Clan in the future."

After Suiren heard that Zulong didn't need any help, he bowed his hands and bowed slightly, then turned around and went back.

This line has been successfully accomplished.

The Dragon Clan has not asked for anything, and there are no difficulties to be solved. Naturally, it is impossible for the Suiren family to pretend that all this has not happened.

Since the Dragon Clan is willing to help the Human Clan, if the Dragon Clan is in trouble in the future, the Human Clan will naturally not sit idly by.

Prehistoric times are not about fighting and killing; prehistoric times are about human nature.

How can there be so much fighting and killing? It's just the courage of an ordinary man. Unless he can control the wilderness alone, there is no need to talk about fighting and killing. Nowadays, the four forces are so easy to conflict.

Anyone who dares to provoke a war will be attacked by the other three parties.

Fortunately, the ancient wilderness was big enough for the four races to divide their interests. The human race was entrenched in the southern wilderness, and now they wanted to take the leading role in the world.

The demon clan dominates the Eastern Wilderness, and even obtains the Heavenly Palace to rule the world.

The Witch Clan occupies the Western Wilderness, and also has the Netherworld, where they control the cycle of life and death.

Although the Dragon Clan does not seem to occupy any place, it is actually able to dominate the world. It looks like the image of the overlord of the world, watching the clouds roll and relax in the world, but not moving.

As for the Northern Wilderness, it was divided between the two Lich clans, but that does not mean that there are no other races of creatures in the Western Wilderness, Southern Wilderness, and Eastern Wilderness. Just like the Witch Clan, there are still creatures in the Eastern Wilderness, and the Southern Wilderness There are also shamans living there.

Some of the human race also went to the Eastern Wilderness. Those who went out to cultivate and seek immortality followed their masters.

Monsters are widely distributed, and they can be found all over the world.

The Four Seas is never just the Four Seas, it is the Four Seas with countless fairy islands. The Dragon Clan does not care about those fairy islands, but it will be fine if they don't get involved in the Four Seas.

Therefore, there are many demons and many independent cultivators on the fairy island.

Strictly speaking, the prehistoric world is not a very beautiful world for those weak independent cultivators. After all, the personal fights at the bottom are not taken care of at all, and they can't be taken care of at all.

Therefore, many weak independent cultivators are often oppressed, and even death has become the norm.

Killing and robbing treasures are common.

Only in the bottom of the prehistoric world can such a social scene be seen.

However, the four great tribes of the prehistoric world, which are high above, do not have such things.

Other creatures in the prehistoric world dare not have any ideas about the members of the four great tribes. After all, these four great tribes are real great tribes. No matter where they run in the prehistoric world, they can't escape.

Therefore, whenever a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian appears in a race, it actually jumps up from the bottom to the upper level. Although it can't be said that they can be at the top, at least the tribe members will not be oppressed by others.

After all, if you provoke the opponent, it is not fun to be angry with the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This is why there are many small tribes that are dependent on the four major tribes in the prehistoric world, because they can't survive in the prehistoric world with their own strength. When the various evil cultivators or creatures of other races see the weak creatures with treasures, you can imagine what they will do.

But if there is a backer, it will be completely different. Just like in the Southern Wilderness, the human race is an absolute god. Those forces that depend on the human race, no creature dares to be too presumptuous. After all, if you force the other party, it may be a devastating thing if the human race comes.

After all, whether it is cultivation or robbing, everyone is working hard to prove the great way.

But if you provoke the four major tribes or their subordinates, you will definitely be courting death.


Southern Wilderness, human race, Sui Dynasty, Sui City.

The human emperor Suiren returned to the hall, wearing an emperor robe and an emperor crown.

With the blessing of the human emperor robe and the human crown, Suirenshi looked unusually sacred and majestic.

"All civil and military officials, follow me to the ancestral land, sacrifice to the heaven, pray to the earth, report to the Holy Mother, and announce that the primitive human race now occupies the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth."

Suirenshi stared ahead with bright eyes.

This time, he wanted to push the destiny of the human race to the peak.

His eyes were full of yearning for the future of the human race, and at the same time, there was a hint of closure and relaxation.

He was too tired, too tired.

If the affairs of the human race had not been weighing on his shoulders every day, with his talent and the prosperity of the human race, perhaps he would have already broken through to the middle stage of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

And now, as the human race is about to become the protagonist of heaven and earth, he can also perfectly unload the burden on his shoulders and let another human emperor lead the human race to the road of extreme prosperity.

His mission is about to be completed. From the time when the human race was weak and weak, he had to walk on thin ice all the way. Facing the covetousness of the gods of the heavens and the intimidation of the three major races, he had to put down his own posture and had to lick his old face and beg for help everywhere.

He brought the human race from its weakness to the third most powerful race in the prehistoric world. If he can become the protagonist of heaven and earth, it is just around the corner to become the strongest race in the prehistoric world.

As the first emperor of the human race, he has done everything he can.

Even before he was about to succeed, he had to run around, regardless of his face, and beg the leaders of various races.

Why didn't he want to shock the prehistoric world, why didn't he want to lead the human race to directly declare his dominance in the prehistoric world, and why didn't he want to beat anyone who dared not to obey.

But the prehistoric human race is not strong enough now, and if they force a war, they will only be crushed into dust by the three races.

Perhaps the human race can continue to hide, but if so, I don't know how many years it will take to truly become the first in the prehistoric world. Suiren can wait, but he doesn't want the human race to wait any longer.

His own face is lost.

He led the human race to come forward, and it would be better if the future emperor of the human race didn't bow his head again.

Each generation has its own mission, and each generation has its own destination.

Suiren stepped down from the emperor's chair step by step, and when he walked out of the hall, his eyes showed memories of the past days, from the ignorance and weakness of the human race at the beginning of its birth, from the ten thousand years of facing the covetousness of the gods, to the more than three hundred emperors of the human race, and then he proved the Hunyuan human race, and then completely declared independence and no longer needed anyone's protection.

Without Hunyuan, one will end up being an ant. Without Hunyuan, the human race can only rely on the protection of the Holy Mother and the demons behind them. If there were no Holy Mother and no demons, the human race would have died in the mouths of those saints.

This may be a past that is hard to look back on, a past that requires dependence on a powerful race to survive, but that is the fact, it is there, whether you face it or not, it is there.

But after all, the human race is a latecomer. If it does not rely on the former, it will not even be able to survive, let alone a grand ambition.

Later, another Hunyuan appeared in the human race. He was the teacher who created characters. His talent and talent made Suiren himself dumbfounded and had to admire him.

Later, when competing for the treasure, he felt humiliated again. It was the humiliation from his own lack of strength, and it was also the shame of Suiren as the emperor of man.

In the end, more than 300 kings of the human race completely broke through the realm and reached the top of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. After that, the human race Hunyuan emerged in endlessly and completely stood at the top of the prehistoric world!

And he, Suiren, lived up to expectations and led the human race to the top of the prehistoric world.

One step, and the world turned and the years flowed.

From now on, he will be the protagonist of the prehistoric world of the human race!

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