Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 330 The Emperor's Sword Appears! Lie Shan Clan is Born!

Kunlun Mountains, under Buzhou Mountain, at Yinyangtan, the ancestral land of the human race.

Emperor Suiren, carrying all the civil and military officials of Sui Dynasty, stepped out of the hall and arrived here immediately.

All the officials were dressed in crowns and robes like Suiren, and were extremely solemn.

"Suiren and all the civil and military officials are here to pay tribute to the ancestors of the human race and pray to heaven and earth and the Holy Mother."

As Suiren's words fell, the human race began a grand memorial ceremony.

The ancestors of the human race who were worshipped were those tribesmen who had sacrificed their lives for the human race in the past. They were all born later than Suiren, but they left first and could also be called ancestors.

After that, various words of memorial began to appear, and were read by all the officials...

After a while, after the memorial ceremony was over.

Suiren pointed to the sky with one hand and said loudly: "The kings of the human race, appear!"

As his words fell, suddenly, the phantoms of the kings of the human race appeared densely over the ancestral land.

Each shadow was transformed by the king sitting in the royal city. The kings of the human race came to the ground in an instant, knelt down in front of the emperor, and said loudly: "Shi Wang Shi Hao (Han Wang Han Li...) greets His Majesty, and His Majesty is in good health."

"I am well."

Sui Ren nodded, with a smile on his face.

He had already felt that the luck of the human race was soaring wildly, and it condensed into substance in an instant, becoming the shape of a sword, and suppressed the sky above the ancestral land of the human race.

There was nothing on this sword, and it looked like just an ordinary sword.

"Human Emperor Sword!"

When this sword came out, such a name instantly appeared in everyone's mind.

This sword is called the Human Emperor Sword, and no one can pick it up except the Human Emperor.



As Sui Ren said, the Human Emperor Sword fell and instantly fell into Sui Ren's hands.

"I was ordered to ascend the throne of the Human Emperor in times of crisis, and I worked diligently and finally made the human race prosperous.

I established the Sui Dynasty and unified the southern wilderness; I became a talent and obtained the position of heaven and earth; I protected my country for my human race!


As Suiren's words continued to fall, the sword of the Human Emperor Sword in his hand continued to tremble, and slowly, the sun, moon and stars began to be engraved on the Human Emperor Sword.

This is Suiren's own imperial Dao rhyme automatically engraved on it, about Suiren's great achievements.

For the human race, Suiren has the merit of establishing the human race's unparalleled foundation, and has the merit of uniting the human race's heart and stabilizing the human race.

He is the founder and the first Human Emperor.

He is a pioneer who leads the human race to power and a saint who leads the human race.

He has merits but no faults. The only fault may be that he asked the gods of the wilderness for the sake of the human race, which lost the face of the Human Emperor.

As his words continued to fall, the sun, moon and stars on one side of the sword of the emperor, which symbolized the luck of the human race, had been engraved. After that, mountains, rivers and plants began to be engraved on the other side.


The sky and the earth changed color, and auspicious signs appeared.

"Now the human race wants to compete for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and wants to become a talent of the three talents. Please invite the gods of heaven to watch the ceremony, and please witness the prehistoric races!!!"

Boom! ! !

One after another, the momentum began to appear continuously.

In an instant, the prehistoric forces that had been watching for a long time also appeared at this time.

There was a mighty emperor named Di Jun, who brought the queen of heaven Xihe, embraced the sun, moon and stars, led the demon race and the prehistoric races, watched the ceremony on the heavenly court, and projected it on the sky above Mount Buzhou, with unparalleled power.

There is a majestic Eastern Emperor named Taiyi, who brings the Eastern Queen Yuanmu and leads the East Wilderness tribes to the east of the human race to watch the ceremony.

There are twelve supreme giants, the twelve ancestor witches, who bring thousands of great witches and lead the witches and tribes to the west of the human race to watch the ceremony.

There is a supreme earth emperor named Houtu, who brings the gods and demons of reincarnation, embraces the six reincarnations, leads the ghosts of the netherworld, and projects below the human race to watch the ceremony.

The gods of the heavens gather together, and all forces are present.

The two sides of the sword of the Human Emperor have been engraved, and it emits a burst of supreme power.

The sword is a treasure of acquired merit, and its power is even greater than that of the innate treasure.

It is the treasure of the human race, and it is also a sword with a dark yellow body formed by the condensation of the human race's luck.

"The human race is unparalleled in power and should be the protagonist of heaven and earth; the human emperor's merits are comparable to heaven and earth, and he should be the fruit of the human emperor."

The Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun, sat on the nine heavens, and the emperor said that he was conferred, and he came with supreme power.

A golden light shot out from the Heavenly Dao and sank into the body of the Human Emperor Suiren.

This human emperor's fruit position is different from the human emperor's position. This is the human emperor's fruit position among the six emperors, not the emperor of the human race.

"The human race is unparalleled in power and should be the protagonist of heaven and earth; the human emperor's merits are comparable to heaven and earth, and he should be the fruit of the human emperor."

Donghuang Taiyi sat on the top of the East Wilderness, holding the title of heaven in his mouth, and a word came out, and the Heavenly Dao was sensed.

Another golden light shot out from the Heavenly Dao and sank into Suiren's body.

"The human race is unparalleled in power and should be the protagonist of heaven and earth; the human emperor's merits are comparable to heaven and earth, and he should be the fruit of the human emperor."


Then, the witch clan, the underworld, and the dragon clan also followed suit, and golden light burst out from the Heavenly Dao one after another.

Each golden light that entered Suiren's body formed a fragment of the Human Emperor's fruit position, and the luck of the human race also grew stronger and stronger, and the power of the Human Emperor Sword became stronger and stronger.

After the three major clans, the Heavenly Court and the Underworld also announced it, the affiliated forces also announced it one after another.

In an instant, all the races in the prehistoric era announced their approval, and no one opened their eyes to prevent the human race from achieving the leading role in the world. As long as the three major races recognized it, the other races would also follow suit.

Because no one can bear the consequences of preventing the human race from becoming the protagonists of heaven and earth.

In the void.

"I really don't know what level this Human Emperor Sword can grow to..."

Ye Xuan looked at the sword in the hand of the Suiren clan at the human race's grand ceremony below and said with emotion.

This Human Emperor Sword was actually condensed by him personally. Otherwise, the luck of the human race would not be enough. The luck of heaven was the highest in the world, and he could not condense the treasure of luck.

This Human Emperor Sword was made by Ye Xuan by condensing the destiny of the human race. It carries the destiny of the human race. It is indestructible and is a symbol of the human race. The one who obtains this sword shall be the human emperor.

In other words, whoever can get the recognition of this sword will be the emperor.

For such a grand ceremony for the human race, how could he not give a gift, and this sword was a gift.

And this Human Emperor Sword can grow. The more Human Emperors it experiences, the stronger it becomes, and the stronger the human race's luck, the stronger this sword will be.

Boom! ! !

clang! clang! clang!

clang! clang! clang!

clang! clang! clang!

The nine ringings of the Donghuang bell signify the highest achievement for the human race to become the protagonist of heaven and earth, and it is also a great congratulatory gift.

As the Chaos Bell rang nine times, all living beings in heaven and earth also paid homage to the Human Emperor.

At this point, the ceremony is completed!


Streams of immense merit suddenly appeared, and in an instant they were absorbed into the destiny of the human race, instantly increasing the destiny of the human race by countless amounts.

The human emperor status was also completely condensed in the Sui Ren clan. From then on, the Sui Ren clan became the human emperor among the six emperors, and also the human emperor of the human race, with authority over everything in the world.

He is in charge of the human world for the Emperor of Heaven and is the true master of the human world.

In the world, except for the Eastern Emperor, all the other creatures are under the Human Emperor.

With the recognition of all races in the ancient world, the human race has officially become the protagonist of the world, and its luck has skyrocketed. Once the human race is in the position of the protagonist of the world, its luck will skyrocket.

All races and spirits in the ancient world need to respect the Human Emperor.

Although the human race does not have the authority to govern the world, the Human Emperor does have the authority to govern the world.

Of course, just like the Emperor of Heaven, the Human Emperor will not arbitrarily interfere in the affairs of other races.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty for achieving the throne of Human Emperor!!!"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty for achieving the throne of Human Emperor!!!"

All the civil and military officials, as well as the projections of the kings, instantly knelt on the ground and knelt towards the Suiren family.

The Suiren clan was inexplicably majestic at this moment, and seemed to be even more majestic than the Emperor of Heaven above the Nine Heavens.

"Flat body!"

Suiren raised his hand slightly, his expression unchanged, and holding the Human Emperor Sword in his hand, he looked like a holy master who was decisive in killing.

And as the Human Emperor status entered his body, his cultivation also naturally broke through to the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, becoming the third person in the world after Di Jun and Taiyi.

Now that he holds the Human Emperor Sword in his hand, even if he encounters Tai Yi who holds the Chaos Bell, he still won't be able to fight, but it's still unclear who will win and who will lose.

It should still be a little worse. Although the Human Emperor Sword is now comparable to the innate treasure, it is still inferior to the ceiling chaos clock among the innate treasures. After all, the Human Emperor Sword is responsible for killing, but it has no protection. ability.

But at this time, the killing power seemed to be even greater than that of Pangu Banner. Even Pangu Banner may not be an opponent of the Human Emperor Sword.

Moreover, Suiren himself is not as good at fighting as Taiyi, so he will inevitably fall into the inferior position in a battle.

But at this time, he was still truly standing on the pinnacle of prehistoric times.

"Congratulations to the Human Emperor, congratulations to the human race."

The Virgin Mother Nuwa smiled sweetly and came to the front of the Human Emperor.

"Suiren has seen the Holy Mother and made the Holy Mother laugh."

Suiren lowered his head slightly and bowed his hands.

This is not the salute of the human emperor to Emperor Wa, but the salute of a son to his mother.

Empress Nuwa is the Holy Mother of the human race and the Holy Mother of all people, so she should naturally bow to her.

"You don't have to be so humble. You have done a great job. I also admire you for being able to lead the weak human race in the past to the position of being the protagonist of the world."

Nuwa smiled and comforted Suiren.

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, together with the Queen of Heaven, the ten princes, Emperor Xi, Emperor Shu, Emperor Xi, the ten great demon commanders, and the thirty-two heavenly emperors... came to express their congratulations."

"His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, together with the Eastern Empress..."

"Pangu Sanqing..."

Afterwards, there were bursts of congratulations, and a grand ceremony began, held in the ancestral land of the human race.

Although there is something wrong, after all, it is urgent to follow the authority.

After drinking and eating, and talking for a while, everyone dispersed, and then the human race also returned to the court.

Hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye, and the world gradually became peaceful.

There are fewer and fewer people from all races who come to congratulate them, and almost all those who have traveled far away come.

Honghuang is now so big that even if they hear the news immediately, send envoys or come in person, it will still take a lot of time.

Gradually, the extremely lively human race began to calm down.

Everything seemed to have never happened, but the human race's unparalleled destiny was witnessing everything.

Yes, the luck of the human race is already huge. After becoming the protagonist of the prehistoric world, the luck has increased dramatically, surpassing the heavens and becoming the one with the greatest luck.

Such a scene also made Suirenshi quite relieved.

"My hard work has not been in vain..."

"Now that the matter has passed, it is time to abdicate and let the wise man go..."

Suirenshi showed a trace of relief and relaxation in his eyes.

He has never felt so relaxed.


At this time, above the void.

"The three emperors of the past made great contributions to the world, but they died tragically. Now that they are nurturing their true spirits, they should go to prove the way of Hunyuan and send the human race off..."

Ye Xuan looked at the three true spirits of Qingtian, Huangtian and Cangtian thrown in the underworld and sighed secretly.

In the past, in order to promote the development of the prehistoric world, he did owe Santian a lot. The prehistoric world owed Santian, and he, Ye Xuan, also owed Santian.

Now that the human race has established itself as the protagonist of the world, Suiren also wants to abdicate.

Therefore, it is time for Santian to reincarnate.

If he cannot become the real emperor of heaven in this life, then he can become the emperor of man in the next life, which can be regarded as a kind of compensation...

As Ye Xuan's mind moved, the boss of Santian in the underworld, Cangtian, turned leisurely and was sucked into the six reincarnations.

"Is it you..."

The reincarnation gods and demons opened their eyes, looked up, and muttered to themselves.

Everything in the six reincarnations could not be hidden from him, even if Cangtian's reincarnation was extremely fast, he could sense it instantly.

Originally, with Santian's merits and deeds, he should have entered the heavenly way and become sacred, but he was forcibly sent to the human race by Ye Xuan.

Only Ye Xuan could send Cangtian directly to the six reincarnations without going through the underworld.

If any other existence came, they would never be so rampant in front of the reincarnation gods and demons.

After hearing the words of the reincarnation gods and demons, Ye Xuan didn't say much. Who else could it be except him?

And the remaining two days were still in the underworld waiting for reincarnation and cultivation. The separation of the human emperor takes a long time.


Human race, Southern Wilderness, Kingdom of God, City of God.

The Kingdom of God is a country established by Wang Lin, one of the seventeen kings of ancient times. It was originally named the Kingdom, and later changed its name to the Kingdom of God, because the Kingdom had some conflicts with other countries. After all, the kingdom is the kingdom of the kingdom, and the kingdom is a bit like a lost country, so it doesn't sound too good.

The King's City was also renamed the City of God. The name of God was taken because Wang Lin practiced the way of God, so it was named the Kingdom of God.

At this time, the son of the leader of the Lie family was born today.

His name is Lie Shanshi, and he is the young master of the Lie tribe.

As soon as Lie Shanshi was born, he was accompanied by infinite merits, and auspicious scenes emerged one after another, gathering above the entire City of God, which shocked everyone in the entire City of God.

Lie family.

Wang Lin followed the scene to the Lie family and saw the young master. The young master was born with a sacred appearance. Unlike other human races, Lie Shan was born with a crystal belly, and the intestines and organs inside were clearly visible, which shocked Wang Lin.

However, Lie Shan was extremely lively at this time, without any abnormality.

"This child actually has such luck, could it be the reincarnation of some great power?"

Wang Lin suddenly felt puzzled, and kept calculating with his hands, but found that although the secrets were clear, he could not find out who the child's previous life was.

Immediately, he was shocked.

Then, he explored the future of Lie Shan, but he found that he could not predict it...

Suddenly, Wang Lin was horrified.

"It must be that a great supernatural being has blocked this child's past and present lives. How is it possible! What kind of existence can make me unable to spy on it?!"

"Forget it, wait until this child grows up and observe his temperament..."

Wang Lin sighed, and then carefully warned Lie Shan's parents not to let anything happen to him.

It seems to be unnecessary, but it also represents his attention to this child.

Born sacred, he will become a great man in the future.

After Wang Lin left, the crystal belly became an ordinary belly again, and Lie Shan's parents just regarded it as a natural supernatural power, like a pair of pupils, and did not care too much.

Gradually, twenty years later.

Lie Shan also grew from a baby in swaddling clothes to a strong and powerful young master of the Lie tribe.

On this day, Lie Shan practiced as usual. Born in the prehistoric times, he knew clearly that if he wanted to make the lives of his people better, he had to practice as high as possible.

"Young Master, this is bad, Young Master."

A noisy sound suddenly came from outside, as if something bad had happened.

Lie Shan frowned upon hearing this, looked at the tribe member who ran in, and asked, "What happened?"

"Young Master, someone in the tribe has eaten the elixir by mistake and is about to die. Please help him!!!"

The man heard this and quickly told the matter with an anxious look on his face.

Lie Shan has been proficient in medicine since he was a child and knows what can cure diseases and save people. At this time, he quickly stood up and said quickly, "Take me over!"

After saying that, he hurried over with the man.


"How is it?"

After some treatment, Lie Shan asked hurriedly.

"Much better..."

The tribe member was lying on the ground, his face extremely pale.

He was originally practicing, but he accidentally ate the elixir, which almost resulted in his death.

Before rescuing him, Lieshan had seen the ingredients contained in the elixir. It should not be a poison, but it turned out to be a poison.

So, Lieshan tried it himself, using the magical power of the crystal belly. Not only could he see the elixir clearly, but he could also see the development and effects of each ingredient of the elixir every second.

He immediately had unbearable abdominal pain, and then he took the right medicine to cure himself.

"No, if this goes on, every member of the tribe may face death every day. I have to try every kind of herb, record its medicinal properties and the various possibilities that may appear when it is combined with other herbs, and write a book. In this way, such things will not happen to the human race again..."

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