Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 331: Tasting Hundreds of Herbs in Lieshan, Eight Hundred Steps of Daluo

After Lieshan clan made up his mind, he planned to personally travel all over the world, try various herbs and the elixirs refined from them, and record them in a classic book, so that the clan members would not suffer from accidental ingestion again in the future. Elixir and died.

Although the matter of alchemy is not the first of its kind by the human race, the human race has been a people with outstanding talents since ancient times.

The original alchemy saints were only refining a few types of elixirs, but humans seemed to have found the essence, as if they had found another avenue, and they directly began to study various elixirs.

As a result, there were only a few dozen types of elixirs in the prehistoric world, but the number suddenly doubled to thousands.

And these elixirs are almost all created by the human race, and they are divided into categories, including those that are beneficial and those that are destructive.

They are also divided into many small categories, which shows the talent of the human race.

After all, these elixirs are all medicines, and they are poisonous. Therefore, those who are truly talented do not take elixirs. Just like those innate saints, the elixirs they refine are made with various kinds of elixirs. Even if it is refined from Xianzhen, it is still difficult to change the fact that this elixir has toxic side effects.

Therefore, most of the elixirs refined by the innate saints are for use by their descendants, or they are refined because of some special situation. It is expected to change their physique or Disease curse or something like that.

All in all, they are all for one thing, and that is to take them only when they can get the most benefits.

The elixir is exactly the same as the combination of traditional Chinese medicine. If there are a little more medicinal materials, the medicinal properties may be completely different, and it will become another elixir.

Or there may be something wrong with the control of the heat, resulting in the medicinal properties not being neutralized.

Anyway, there are many situations. If one is not controlled well, the poisonous content may increase sharply.

In this era, there was no systematic alchemy book. Let alone this, even the elixir prescriptions were not actually spread, but were spread among different tribes one by one.

It's just that in total, there are thousands of them. This is the current situation of the human race.

The people of the human race are all busy practicing, or busy participating in various discussions, etc., and finally have time to refine elixirs. Where do they find the time to go to other places to inquire about elixir prescriptions and the like.

Pills are just items to assist in cultivation, and having one is enough.

At least that's what people think now, and they have never thought about whether people in other places will have this kind of elixir and whether there will be new elixirs.

After all, these elixirs are just auxiliary things in their view. They have not become mainstream at all, but they are just showing signs of rising now.

After that, the human race will have various incidents of poisoning due to heat or dosage problems.

Immediately, Lieshan clan came to his father.

"Father, I want to go out to find various medicinal herbs and the corresponding medicinal properties. I don't want to see anyone in the human race have problems because of the elixir..."

Lieshan looked at his father with determination and said, this is the path he has chosen and what he wants to achieve.

In his previous life, he was the sky, and the sky was the east, so he had the attribute of wood. It is reasonable for him to be reincarnated as the god of medicine this time.

This is why he has such a high talent for medical skills. Of course, this era is an era where immortals emerge in large numbers. The so-called medical skills are actually of some use among mortals. For those immortals and gods, it is more important than ever. It would be better to learn various healing techniques than to learn medical skills.

In fact, those are also included in medical skills.

However, medical skills, as a acquired path, have also begun to quietly exert their influence. With the development of the Lieshan clan, they will definitely come to the fore. The reason why medical skills have little effect on immortals and gods is mainly because the medical skills are not yet in the realm. If the medical skills are promoted to That kind of realm that would shock the gods and gods would definitely be useful.

Of course, the fastest way is to master the law of life. After a life healing spell, the opponent will basically be cured.

When Lietianshi heard that her son wanted to go outside, he instinctively felt relieved. The child finally knew how to go out for a walk. He nodded and said: "It's a good thing that you want to go out, but you have to remember "Whenever you encounter something, remember to think twice before making a decision."

After hearing his father's teachings, Mrs. Lieshan nodded and said, "My child must remember his father's teachings!"

"Well! Also, if something happens outside, it is very important to report the identity of our human race as soon as possible. Basically, all races in the wild will not make things difficult for you, but you must remember that Don’t rely on the human race to bully others.”

The Lietian clan was afraid that something might happen to their child outside, so he warned her again, but it would be even worse if she took advantage of the human race's power to bully others.

In the eyes of the current human race, the death of his son is a small matter, but bullying others and insulting the name of the human race is a big deal.

"Kid, please keep this in mind and don't dare to violate it at all. Father, please rest assured!"

After hearing this, Lieshan clan nodded again in agreement.

His words were extremely sincere, which reassured his father.

Seeing this, Lietian clan nodded and said, "Go."

"Father, take care, the child is leaving now!"

After saying this, Mrs. Lieshan turned around and walked towards her home. After saying goodbye to her father, she naturally had to inform her mother.

After chatting, he embarked on his journey.

There is not much reluctance, because for them, no matter how many years they leave, they will always meet again.

This family is not just a mortal, they have already attained enlightenment and become immortals.

And the Lieshan clan is the reincarnation of the sky, and the talent cannot be any worse. Although it is not as good as those of the first batch of human races, it is no worse than their descendants. In other words, the Lieshan clan's talent is the best among the entire human race. It's worthy of the ranking.

With such a high talent, coupled with his merit and luck, his future achievements will definitely not be low.

However, the Lietian clan did not see how talented his son was. He just knew that his son was very talented, much higher than his peers in the tribe, even in the divine city. genius.

Only Wang Lin knew about Lieshan's talent. From the moment Lieshan was born, Wang Lin knew that this was the reincarnation of a great power, but she didn't know which great power it was.

Therefore, Wang Lin has been watching him silently from behind these years, and his every move cannot escape Wang Lin's eyes.

Everything was seen by Wang Lin, and naturally, this trip was no exception.

"Is this kid finally leaving home..."

Wang Lin's figure was hidden in mid-air. This was just a stray thought on his part, and his true body actually comprehended the Great Dao in the Great Luo Realm.

But although it is just a stray thought, its strength should not be underestimated, and it is at the level of Da Luo Jinxian. Of course, the most important thing is not this, but that he is the clone of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

If we really want to fight, the main body will arrive in an instant, and then the person we have to face will not be Daluo Jinxian, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Often the first step out of home is the first step on the road, and the previous step was just laying the foundation at home.

Lieshan clan traveled all the way, walking step by step from the divine city of the divine kingdom to the entire territory of the divine kingdom, and every place has his footprints.

Every time he went to a place, he always wanted to search for all the herbs in that place.

Then he swallowed it himself and tried various states.

There are many fairy grasses in the ancient world, and there are also many poisonous weeds.

The most powerful poisonous weed can even poison Daluo Jinxian to death. This is the horror of the prehistoric world after its foundation has improved.

If you don't improve your foundation, it is impossible to poison Daluo Jinxian. At most, it will just poison Jinxian to death.

You know, it is actually very difficult to poison a Golden Immortal. After all, the Golden Immortal realm is theoretically immune to all laws and is invulnerable to all laws...

Of course, it's just theoretical...

After all, in reality, there are many magical means that can make the golden immortal fall, not to mention that in front of people with high cultivation level, even a sneeze can kill the golden immortal.

Well, although it is impossible to sneeze in that state, the problem is that whether or not a sneeze occurs is not a matter of a word from the other party...

Therefore, it is actually very simple to kill the Golden Immortal.

These poisonous weeds will have various strange reactions in Lieshan's stomach. After Lieshan eats them, he will clearly understand the effects of this poisonous weed every time he is in pain. , what to use for treatment, and what kind of conditions can occur when combined with what herbs...

Gradually, as Lieshan took more and more medicinal herbs, he mixed more and more medicinal herbs, and various elixir recipes resurfaced in his mind.

The habits of each herb and the possible effects of its combination are also clear to the mind. As more and more herbs are tried, the possibility of combinations becomes more and more.

In other words, as Lieshanshi takes more and more herbal medicines, the number of possible elixirs in them increases geometrically.

"This Lieshan clan is really a talented person. He actually relies on this method to continuously increase his luck."

Wang Lin can clearly see that the merits and fortunes on Lieshan's head are getting higher and deeper, because what he has done is a huge progress for the human race, and these improvements are The key is to allow Lieshan clan to obtain more luck from the fate of the human race.

Perhaps Mr. Lieshan didn't use this in his heart to think about adding merit to himself, but it was true that his luck was constantly rising.

"Also, why did this kid break through to the Golden Immortal without practicing all the way? What the hell is this? Is it a legacy from the previous life? But I didn't see what he accepted..."

Wang Lin looked puzzledly at Lieshan, who was still swallowing herbs below, and her heart was full of doubts.

How can anyone be like this? Their cultivation level rises so quickly just by eating?

He understands when you say that you want to increase your luck. After all, you are doing something beneficial to the human race. It is normal for the human race to gain more luck, but the key point is what kind of operation is this to directly increase the cultivation level...

Time keeps passing, and as time goes by, Ye Xuan personally witnessed what it means that luck cannot be stopped.

If other creatures in the prehistoric world want to improve their cultivation level, they must continue to practice and comprehend or obtain the merits of the heavenly way to directly take the rocket, both of which have no sequelae.

But if you swallow the pill, you can improve your cultivation, but there are more or less sequelae.

Just like the Tai Shang among the Three Pure Ones today, he can refine the Nine-Turn Golden Pill by refining pills. Any one of these Nine-Turn Golden Pills can make an ordinary person jump from nothing to a Daluo Jinxian.

And it is the real Daluo Jinxian, not something false, and it will not be much worse than other Daluo Jinxians. As long as you hide and practice a few magical skills, it is no different from other Daluo Jinxians who have practiced step by step.

The only drawback is that the Daluo Jinxian obtained by swallowing the Nine-Turn Golden Pill cannot be cultivated again. In other words, it is the realm of this life, and it is impossible to improve it.

Oh, yes, there is only one possibility.

That is the merit from heaven. Except for using the merit of heaven, nothing else can make him improve his realm. But nowadays, the merit of heaven is not so easy to get.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, there is no need to swallow the so-called Nine-Turn Golden Pill.

But this does not mean that the Nine-Turn Golden Pill is not powerful. On the contrary, it is still very powerful. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to do this.

But it happened that the realm of cultivation of Lieshan clan was improved just like using merit, and it was directly improved rapidly, and there was no side effect.

But the problem is that Lieshan clan did not obtain merit, but only obtained more luck from the luck of the human race.

Luck cannot improve cultivation, but luck can increase the speed of cultivation growth.

In other words, luck is something that can speed up cultivation. Of course, this is just one of the wonderful uses, but you have to practice it! If you don't practice after the speed of cultivation is accelerated, it will be useless!

But now, Lieshanshi has not practiced, but his cultivation speed has increased rapidly.

From the realm of heavenly immortals when he stepped out of his home, to the realm of golden immortals after leaving the kingdom of God, and now, Lieshanshi, who has already traveled all over the southern wilderness, has already reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

It is still the real peak, only to comprehend the true meaning of Hunyuan, and then you can step into the realm of Hunyuan true self.

"This guy, the one loved by the heaven, can't be like this..."

Ye Xuan thought silently in his heart, this is too outrageous, it is simply not something that a human can do.

Unless he specifies someone to increase his cultivation, then the origin will also be transformed into merit, directly enter the other person's body, and improve his cultivation.

But the problem is that he didn't, and he didn't see the so-called merit appear.


"No, this kid is too outrageous, a little weird, I have to report to His Majesty, such a freak has appeared in the human race, I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing..."

Wang Lin had already changed to his real body, because with Lie Shan's cultivation reaching the Daluo Jinxian, his distracting clone could not hide in front of this kid.

He didn't want the other party to find out that he had been staring at the other party, so he just changed to his real body and stared at the other party.

With his Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm, Lie Shan naturally couldn't find it.

So, he just stared all the way.

This damn Lie Shan's cultivation level has changed from ordinary to the current Daluo Jinxian peak perfection in just a thousand years, and the time he spent is only more than 800 years...

This is an extremely terrifying thing, because even the first batch of human race, the cultivation speed does not seem to be so fast...

But now Lie Shan's speed is so fast, if he continues to go, who knows what his cultivation level will become.

"I have traveled all over the Southern Wilds, and this book has recorded a lot. It is time to promote it among the human race. After promoting this batch, I will go to other places..."

Lie Shan thought to himself as he looked at the extremely thick book in his hand.

This is an acquired spiritual treasure that can be extended and recorded indefinitely. It is a spiritual treasure specially refined by Lie Shan, and it became a spiritual treasure after being recognized by the human race.

It is convenient for him to record the characteristics of many herbs and the elixirs and other things refined with other herbs.

From habits to medicinal properties, and then to compatibility, everything is available.

It can be said to be the first record of herbal species in the prehistoric world, and this book was also named Bencao Jing by him.

It was a miracle that he could travel all over the Southern Wilds in more than 800 years with his Golden Immortal cultivation, not to mention that there was a considerable period of time when he was not a Golden Immortal, and he had to travel to every corner of the Southern Wilds and eat every herb personally...

It can only be said that he was able to do this because he used his spiritual sense to scan every place he arrived at, saving a lot of time, but more importantly, it was the luck of the human race that helped him to be extremely fast.

Otherwise, even if he saved time like this, he would not be able to reach such a fast speed.

Lie Shan walked to the southernmost tip of the Southern Wilderness. Looking at the immortal volcano in front of him, he had a vague urge to go in. However, he knew that once he stepped into it, he would be burned to ashes. He had to wait until his cultivation level was higher before he could step into it to see what was going on.

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