Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 332 The Emperor is shocked, the book spirit appears, and the true self condenses

Southern Wilderness, Human Race, Sui Dynasty, Sui City.

Wang Lin came to Suicheng, the capital of the Sui Dynasty. The Suicheng floating in the sky showed the strength of the human race all the time.

The Suiren family had long wanted to abdicate, and had expressed it at the court meeting. Later, they also informed the kings of various countries and asked them to select a list of candidates suitable to be the next emperor.

Of course, this is just a list, and he will personally inspect it later.

This is also the reason why the Wang Lin family pays special attention to the Lieshan family. If it is just a reincarnation of a powerful person, why would the Wang Lin family keep staring at the other party in person?

You must know that there are countless powerful reincarnated people in the human race, and most of those powerful reincarnated people ran away alone again, following in the footsteps of their previous life.

They don't have any problem with this, as long as they don't go against the human race, you can do whatever you want.

Of course, there are also many who have true feelings for the human race or value the future development of the human race, so there are also many powerful reincarnations who stay in the human race.

For these people, the human race does not have any rejection. After all, choosing to stay in the human race shows a lot. It does not matter whether he has the memory of his previous life. At least he is a human race in this life and has stayed in the human race, and he has not made any mistakes. That's enough for the human race.

Therefore, the human race will become more prosperous and prosperous.

It was precisely because he wanted to recommend the next Human Emperor that Wang Lin paid special attention to Lieshan, because judging from the vision when he was born, this boy was extraordinary, and he even saw him with his own eyes. Has a crystal belly.

The combination of these factors is the reason why Wang Lin has been staring at Lieshan.

Of course, the Human Emperor can also recommend himself, but few people recommend him.

At least none of the seventeen ancient kings recommended him, and even if the rest of them recommended him, Suiren didn't take them seriously.

None of these people are suitable to be the Human Emperor. To become the Human Emperor, he only has two requirements. One is to be able to lead the human race to further development and consolidate the status of the human race, and the other is not to have selfish motives.

It does not mean that sitting on the throne of the Human Emperor and driving the development of the human race can bring unlimited benefits to oneself.

However, Suiren could not find anyone who could satisfy these two points among the self-recommended kings.

They may really have the idea of ​​​​promoting the development of the human race, but there is no doubt that they do not have the corresponding abilities or the selfless heart.

At least, Suirenshi didn't see this in them.

What really don't care are those kings who are immersed in hard work all day long. They don't care about the so-called king or not. It's just that the Suiren clan gave it to them back then, so they just accepted it.

But as time progressed, more and more monks from Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian appeared, and the number of kings increased. Many of the kings born later had selfish motives.

But for the further development of the human race, the Suiren clan didn't say much. Anyway, it was impossible for those people to become the human emperor.

"Do you have any recommendations here?"

Suirenshi said leisurely. Behind him was a golden sword. It didn't even have a scabbard. It was just placed behind him.

That is the destiny that symbolizes the human race, and it is the sword that can command all human beings.

It is the Human Emperor Sword and the symbol of the Human Emperor.

No one in the world can pick it up, except the Human Emperor, and the one who is recognized by this sword will be the next Human Emperor.

Of course, Suiren's approval takes precedence over the approval of this sword.

If there is no designation of who will be the next Human Emperor, it will naturally be based on the recognition of this sword.

But if the Suiren clan decides who will be the next Human Emperor, then the recognition of this sword will be of little use.

After all, it's just a sword.

However, his approval still plays a significant reference role for the Human Emperor to decide on the next Human Emperor.

After all, the person who can be recognized by the Human Emperor Sword must have some special existence. One can imagine the difficulty of being recognized by the Human Emperor Sword, which is transformed by the fate of the human race.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Wang Lin family has found a person in the Kingdom of God. I don't know whether he is good or bad for the human race. If he is good, he can be the emperor of the people. If he is not good, how to deal with this person depends on your Majesty. "

Wang Lin first expressed his opinion clearly, and then waved his hand, and a breath quietly appeared, turning into a scene of mirror, flowers, water and moon.

Suiren's heart aroused some interest after hearing this, and he quickly turned his attention to the void scene.

It flew by quickly, starting from when Lieshan clan stepped out of the house, until Lieshan clan's cultivation reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

The scene came to an abrupt end. It was after Wang Lin left, and that scene no longer existed. It only took a moment, eight hundred years in a blink of an eye.

After reading it, Suiren's eyes flashed with interest, and he said: "It's really good for this kid to have a pure heart. He tasted all kinds of herbs for the sake of the human race and wrote this herbal book. It's for the human race." It’s said to have great merit!”

The Lieshan clan happened to meet his two requirements for selecting the Human Emperor. Whether it was selflessness or helping the development of the human race, this could be seen.

Moreover, at such a young age, he can promote the development of the human race. If he becomes the Human Emperor, he might really be able to push the human race to a higher level.

"It's just that this kid's cultivation level is a bit weird..."

Suiren also noticed that no one could improve their cultivation crazily because of this.

"Your Majesty, I also feel that something is very strange, so I am here to report to Your Majesty. If it is said that his cultivation level has improved due to swallowing too many medicinal herbs, but from the aura on his body, we can detect that there is nothing wrong at all. ! In other words, he did not improve because of the medicinal herbs at all..."

Wang Lin also replied and expressed his own opinion.

How can anyone take medicinal herbs to improve their cultivation without any side effects? Such a situation will not happen. In other words, Lieshan's cultivation has not been improved by taking medicinal herbs.

But what kind of dish caused Lieshan's cultivation to skyrocket? For a moment, the two of them were a little confused.

"Perhaps this is an opportunity..."

Suiren thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

There is no such thing as ascending in one day. Once there are three things, it is either swallowing pills, merit entering the body, or enlightenment during cultivation.

Once you gain enlightenment and achieve something, it is not impossible that your cultivation level will improve quickly.

But I didn’t see one of the three possibilities for Lieshan clan...

Therefore, Suiren could only attribute it to chance.

"By the way, it's possible that this is his way. If you pick and taste the medicine, you are following your own path. Only in this way can you be able to do it!"

Suiren's eyes suddenly lit up as he thought of this possibility.

This is when he thought of enlightenment. Ordinary people's enlightenment is just immersed in the great road, and the gods are in harmony with each other.

And maybe Lieshan clan has something different. He is swallowing herbs and making scriptures to warn the world. This may be his way. This is a brand new avenue, just like the Xinhuo Avenue, it is a brand new avenue.

Although it is an acquired path, it is also a path created by Lieshan clan.

This also explains the reason why their cultivation level has increased by leaps and bounds. In the past, wasn't it because of this that their cultivation level increased rapidly? It was precisely because they were constantly opening up the avenue of acquired life. Every time they opened up, their cultivation level would skyrocket. .

The Lieshan clan is the same this time, but the way of enlightenment is a little special.

"I want to go and take a look at this kid myself. Maybe he is the Heavenly Emperor!"

The light in Suiren's eyes kept flashing, and he was quite excited.

At the beginning, he was also the destined human emperor and directly became the leader of the human race. Later, even if he was dispersed and divided into many vassal states, he was still the co-leader of the human race. In the end, he directly became the human emperor.

Wang Lin was also very excited when he heard this. Is this really the Human Emperor? !

No wonder it is so strange that in less than a thousand years, it has reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian!

This speed is a bit faster than the Suiren clan back then...

Immediately, the two of them got excited and set off.

Kingdom of God, City of God.

In fact, Suiren and Wang Lin had already arrived at Lieshan's side as early as Lieshan's way home.

The Suiren clan stared at the Lieshan clan all the way, and found that his luck was indeed extremely rich, much deeper than many other candidates for the Human Emperor.

Moreover, this boy actually has the spirit of dedication for the human race at the age of twenty, especially since this dedication lasted eight hundred years. You must know that he only lived for a mere twenty years for himself. It is his own Forty times more...

The same was true for the Suiren clan back then. From the moment he was born, he had dedicated himself to the human race.

After returning to the divine city, Lieshan clan looked at this city with some familiarity and strangeness. Over the years, he had visited too many cities, but every time he walked through a city, he would have a feeling for himself. I miss my hometown very much.

At this moment, he finally set foot here. Returning to his hometown, he felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

After returning to my hometown, the first thing I did was to go find my mother. When I met, I burst into tears of joy.

Later, Lieshan clan ran to the place where the tribal leader was, where his father usually handled government affairs. Don’t underestimate the Lie clan. The Lie clan is a famous and large tribe in the Kingdom of God. Otherwise, he would not live in this sacred city. Came in.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes. Naturally, there are several major forces in the divine city, and the Lie tribe is one of the three major forces. The other two forces together form the current divine city.

Of course, the most powerful one has to be the Wang family. The Wang family is a royal family, a royal family of the Kingdom of God, so naturally it is the most powerful family.

Under the Wang clan, there are three major tribes: the Lie clan, the Fu clan, and the Fan clan.

Now, the leader of the Lie tribe is here.

Lieshan clan successfully met his father, Lietian clan. After meeting his father, both of them were extremely happy and chatted for a long time.

Only then did the Lietian clan suddenly realize that their son's cultivation had actually reached the peak and perfect state of Daluo Jinxian, which was almost the same as his own. He only needed to understand the true meaning of Hunyuan to be on equal footing in terms of strength.

"Good boy, how come you have only been out for more than 800 years, how can you achieve such a level of cultivation!?"

Lietian clan was surprised and asked quickly.

As for whether he had swallowed the elixir, Lietian clan could clearly sense that it was impossible. This was impossible. Lieshan clan's aura was stable, and his potential in the future had no end in sight.

Compared to myself, it is much more profound.

"Father, my son has been adhering to his wish to taste all kinds of herbs for the human race over the years. Along the way, he has traveled all over the Southern Wilderness, seen the warmth and coldness of the world, the prosperity and desolation, and tasted all kinds of medicinal herbs. For any plant, the child can tell its name, habits and medicinal effects, as well as what kind of herbs it can be combined with to achieve the desired effect, and this level of cultivation is getting higher and higher unknowingly, even the child has no idea.”

Lieshan's broad back actually seemed to be slightly hunched at this moment.

Seeing this, Lietian clan felt distressed, and immediately sighed and said: "My son is really a man of great perseverance. In the future, his achievements will be more important than being a father. If you have contributed so much to the human race, the human race will remember it."

Hearing this, Master Lieshan took out the herbal book and said slowly: "These are the hard work of the child. The child plans to walk in various cities and spread this book to the world. In this way, many people can benefit from it. The human race no longer suffers from the pill."

"Okay! My son's great act of kindness! Let's do it now! When you come back after doing this, you will surely be able to enter the realm of Hunyuan True Self!"

Lietian was overjoyed when he heard this. Although he didn't know why his son could increase his cultivation by doing these things, but since it could increase his cultivation, he could just do it with confidence.

No one would despise someone with a high level of cultivation, only someone with a low level of cultivation.

"Father, my son wants to start publicity from his hometown this time. As for whether he can step into the realm of Hunyuan True Self, he doesn't care. He just hopes that things like the last time will not happen again in the human race..."

In his eyes, Lieshan has no desire to improve his cultivation level. In his opinion, as long as he promotes these, even if he does not increase his cultivation level at all, it doesn't matter, he can just continue to practice.

In the first place, one's realm should be achieved through cultivation. Doing these things was not done to increase one's cultivation level at the beginning, and it is naturally not done for this purpose now.

"This son has a good character and will not change his ambition in eight hundred years."

Suirenshi nodded and said slowly, obviously very satisfied with Lieshanshi in his heart.

"It's true. This son's nature, perseverance and other aspects are all excellent, and he also has a spirit of dedication to the human race. It's really good."

Wang Lin also nodded and followed.

Along the way, he was the only one who witnessed how difficult it was for the Lieshan clan. Others would not be able to go on. If we compare it with the eighty-one difficulties, the eighty-one difficulties are not counted. Nothing.

The most important thing is not to change their aspirations after eight hundred years. After all, eight hundred years is just a drop in the ocean in their eyes, but in front of the Lieshan clan, it is different. He has suffered countless hardships in more than a hundred years.

He had suffered countless fatal abdominal pains. If he hadn't been born divine and blessed with a crystal belly, he would have been poisoned to death by those highly poisonous weeds...

However, even so, Lieshan clan was almost killed. In fact, it was Wang Lin clan who came to save him many times, otherwise his soul would have returned to the underworld long ago.

Although Lieshan was born sacred, it did not mean that he was invincible and could do whatever he wanted.

Therefore, many times when Lieshan fell to the ground and his consciousness was on the verge of death, Wang Lin came to the rescue and forcibly removed the toxins from his body.

But this guy actually risked his life and took it again because he was in a coma, was not conscious, and did not feel the knowledge of medicinal herbs in his body. Fortunately, Lieshan's body had good resistance. After taking it once, the second time This time I no longer have the ability to poison him to death.

Therefore, the Lieshan family was able to taste all kinds of herbs and survive until today.

Not to mention that because he was obsessed with tasting the herbs, he made people look like humans and ghosts looked like ghosts. He suffered countless looks from people along the way, but he didn't take it to heart, and he didn't care. Instead, he continued on his own path.

"Father, the child is gone now."

After getting his father's approval, Lieshan started his journey again.

Life is a journey, you can stop halfway, but you can't stop forever.

Although Lieshan's pause was short enough, he had more lofty ideals and ambitions in his heart.

He wanted to prevent the entire human race from dying due to the elixir incident again, so in the face of such a major event, many things were insignificant.

As a result, the Suiren clan and the Wang Lin clan followed the Lieshan clan and began to promote this herbal book in all the cities of the human race.

As the Materia Medica was promoted and copied more and more times, the magical power of this book became stronger and stronger, and it slowly seemed like spiritual wisdom was born.

And just when the Materia Medica gave birth to spiritual wisdom and the book spirit appeared, Lieshan clan also quietly broke through the realm, and the only true self in the world actually condensed itself and was confirmed in Lieshan clan.

As a result, Lieshan clan also broke into the realm of Hunyuan True Self, and was only one step away from enlightenment.

At this moment, the Suiren family and the Wang Lin family were shocked and dumbfounded. They had never seen such a scene before. Who could condense the only true self in the prehistoric times? It was not through self-cultivation for many years that they could slowly condense it bit by bit.

The fastest ones were Hongjun and Luohou, who both took very short time.

But even for them, they took the initiative to condense, but in contrast, Lieshan clan, all the true selves scattered in the ten thousand worlds condensed automatically together, becoming the only true self that merged into Lieshan clan’s body...

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