Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 333 Shennong, Shennong Herbal Classic

Perhaps this is because God feels guilty, so he makes up for the Lieshan family in this life...

This is also what Ye Xuan is thinking...

It's no wonder that Ye Xuan thinks this way. The current Lieshan clan is really too buggy. It's almost like a cheat that comes with its own plug-ins. It's like being able to increase your cultivation level even by eating or sleeping.

Lieshan clan practiced on his own, and he was only in the realm of heavenly immortals until he was twenty years old. But after he came out, he had not yet practiced, but just devoured all kinds of herbs, and his cultivation level actually flew like crazy.

Now he is preaching among the human race the Baicao Jing that he summed up at the cost of his life, and his cultivation level has been able to break through again, directly reaching the realm of Hunyuan True Self, which is only one step away from attaining enlightenment.

This step has stumped many creatures. Even his father Lietian clan was trapped in this realm and never came out.

However, this ups and downs will not be a real difficulty for the Lieshan clan. He may not know when he will break through in cultivation and reach the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.


"That's all..."

Ye Xuan looked up to the sky and sighed. This boy is really lucky. He can rise rapidly and his cultivation level rises rapidly. Even if he has the luck left in his previous life, this is not the case.

After all, what was left in the previous life was just luck, and it was not a golden elixir that could make Lieshan's cultivation skyrocket wildly.

"I can only say that he is worthy of being born a human emperor, he is just awesome..."

Ye Xuan said with some envy, if he could follow the Lieshan clan and increase his cultivation level rapidly while lying down, then he would be comfortable and wouldn't have to worry about the prehistoric world.

Unfortunately, the fact is that he not only has to worry about the ancient world, but also relies on the strength brought by the world to frantically fight for the resources he can get from the outside world, feeding each other back and forth to become stronger and stronger.

In the wild world.

The Suiren clan was also shocked by him, with a look of horror on his face. He looked at Wang Lin clan aside and said, "Such talent and luck are truly rare among the human race. This child will definitely become the human emperor in the future!"

Regarding Suiren's words, Wang Lin did not refute anything, but nodded seriously, indicating that he also agreed with Suiren's ideas.

Wang Lin did not have the slightest objection to the fact that the Suiren clan wanted to pass on the title of Human Emperor to the Lieshan clan, although his objections were ineffective.

With such a great talent, wouldn't it be a pity if he didn't become the Human Emperor?

In other words, if this son was not the Heavenly Emperor, how could he reach the realm of Hunyuan True Self in a short period of time?

After all, it takes a thousand years to go from a mortal to the realm of the Hunyuan True Self...

Compared with the original Suiren clan, he was even more talented. After all, the time spent by the Suiren clan was longer than that of the Lieshan clan, and it was much longer.

Although the Suiren clan's actual cultivation speed is not very slow, it is actually much faster than most creatures in the prehistoric times, and even countless times faster than those high-ranking saints. It can be said that not many The cultivation speed of the creatures is comparable to that of the Suiren clan.

But now, one person has appeared, that is Lieshan Clan, even faster than the Human Emperor Suiren Clan...

Of course, there are some bugs in this cultivation speed. Suiren doesn't know what is the reason for his cultivation to soar, but he also knows that it is abnormal and the effect will disappear sooner or later.

He didn't believe that someone could really continue to increase his cultivation like this, but even if he stopped now, it would be an extremely terrifying thing.

Wang Lin then realized that what His Majesty just said seemed to be that the next Human Emperor must be this boy. She was stunned for a moment and said uncertainly: "Did His Majesty say that Lieshan should be the next Human Emperor?"

Suiren nodded when he heard this and said with a smile: "What? Do you have a better candidate?"

Wang Lin quickly shook her head when she heard this and replied: "Your Majesty, no."

How can he find a better candidate? It would be good to find Lieshan clan, let alone other people.

And the most important point is that His Majesty obviously does not want to pass the position of the human race to these kings, but wants to find a new generation of human race to pass the throne.

Otherwise, none of these seventeen ancient kings would be able to pass on the throne.

Of course, they don't care. Since the Suiren clan wants to find the new generation, then they should find the new generation.

Hearing this, Suiren nodded and replied, "That's him. I saw the shadow of Tianding Renhuang from his body. The manifestation of destiny and the appearance of heaven's secrets are all like this. There should be no mistakes.”

After saying that, Suiren's figure flashed and returned to his Suicheng.

He was also very happy to have found a new Human Emperor. He had already started to prepare for his abdication. As long as Lieshan clan became the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, he could abdicate directly and give way to others.

After Wang Lin saw it, he also disappeared with his figure. Now Lieshan has the cultivation realm of Hunyuan True Self and can completely protect himself. Moreover, he also has the human race as his backer, so there must be no big problem.

At this time, Lieshan clan had no idea that he had been secretly designated as the next human emperor by Suiren clan, and he was still walking around the cities of the human race, promoting the Materia Medica that he had worked hard to formulate.

The Materia Medica is his hard work, and it is also a good thing to help the entire human race. It can prevent the people of the human race from dying from eating poisonous herbs or taking some elixirs.

With the development of the times, a complete alchemy system will inevitably be formed around the Materia Medica.

After all, after the characteristics of a herb and the possible situations after the combination are introduced, it actually tells everyone that the elixir they have refined may be poisonous.

And as time goes by, more and more elixir illustrations will gradually appear, all of which are based on herbs.

Lie Shanshi watched more and more people of the human race know the content of the Materia Medica, and the smile on his face became more and more intense.

"It's time to go to the next city..."

After watching the people of the human race in this city highly recognize and praise his Materia Medica, Lie Shanshi also began to head towards another city.

In fact, promoting the Materia Medica is not much easier than when he walked in the southern wilderness and tasted all the herbs himself.

After all, this was in an era when people had very little knowledge of various medicinal herbs. He was a pioneer, and many people did not believe in the Materia Medica in his hand.

Only when he met a cultivator who was interested in alchemy, he could be recognized and promoted in the city.

Although it took a lot of time and energy, it was not a big deal for the Lieshan family today.

And gradually, everyone praised Lieshan's action very much, and gradually, everyone called Lieshan Shennong.

Because no one knew Lieshan's name, and no one knew what Lieshan was called.

Some people asked, but Lieshan never said anything unrelated to the Materia Medica.

What he did was not to leave a name, but purely for the benefit of the human race, so he never answered his name.

So, some people called him Shennong.

Shen is a respectful title that shows their respect for Lieshan clan, while Nong means Lieshan clan’s contribution, and Shi means the names of all people in this era, with a Shi added after them.

These herbs and other things are all included in the word Nong. People in this era did not actually have any farming or anything like that, because no one needed to eat to sustain their lives.

Although children born from childhood have no cultivation realm, their cultivation realm begins to advance by leaps and bounds after drinking breast milk.

No one needs to rely on eating other foods to sustain their lives, so there are no so-called grains in this era.

Everyone lives in the open air, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and does not need to rely on any grains to fill their stomachs.

And they absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth just for cultivation, not for the so-called fullness, because if they have achieved a little cultivation, they don’t need to eat any grains anymore.

In a blink of an eye, ten thousand years have passed.

Although Lieshan's cultivation had not yet reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his aura was already very full at this time, and it seemed that he could break through the realm of cultivation and reach Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at any time.

As for the name of Shennong, he did not reject it. In his opinion, the name was just a code name. As long as the other party could understand that he was being called, it was enough.

As long as it was not insulting, he could call it casually.

Just like Shennong, on the contrary, it was a compliment to his actions.

Ten thousand years later, after he publicized his work Materia Medica in all the cities, all the human race began to call him Shennong.

And his Materia Medica, which had been copied countless times, also deliberately added two words Shennong, becoming Shennong Materia Medica.

After the name of Shennong Materia Medica was considered mainstream, two more words suddenly appeared on the Materia Medica of the acquired spiritual treasure in Lieshan's hand, Shennong.

It's not just the words that are added, but also the power of merit, which has become the acquired merit spiritual treasure Shennong's Herbal Classic.

The book spirit of this book is also sublimated, becoming more strange and powerful.

Lieshan stroked this Shennong's Herbal Classic, and his heart was full of a sense of achievement. Along the way, only this Shennong's Herbal Classic witnessed his growth, and he also personally witnessed the growth of Shennong's Herbal Classic.

From the beginning of a mere acquired spiritual treasure embryo to the current acquired merit spiritual treasure, the growth was witnessed by Lieshan bit by bit.


After meeting Lieshan, although Suiren returned to his own Suicheng, he was still watching Lieshan's scenes anytime and anywhere.

After seeing the other party step by step to obtain the honorific title of Shennong, Suiren was also very happy. After all, although he was the emperor of man, he directly designated the next candidate for the emperor of man, and no one dared to say anything else.

But there are more or less some people who say they obey but are not really convinced. Even after he abdicates, there may be people who disobey orders but not declarations. There may even be people who pretend to obey but actually disobey or simply ignore him.

Those are obviously extremely divisive of the human race. Although the human race is extremely united, it actually only has this spirit of unity when facing foreign races. If it becomes the kind of thing that has no external worries, internal fighting will start instantly.

If there is a person like Suiren who can suppress the kings and make all the human leaders convinced, then there will naturally be no chaos.

But if there is no such person, then there will undoubtedly be various situations.

The worst result is naturally the kind of direct rebellion, which is undoubtedly an ideological blow to the entire human society.

Although the seventeen kings of ancient times would not do such things, those who came later have many ambitious existences.

Suiren can understand the emergence of these ambitious descendants in the human race. After all, there will always be such people in each race.

It may not be that there were no such people in the human race in the past, but in the context of the harmonious era, the probability of their emergence is small after all, and the base number is small, so the probability of the birth of strong people is not great.

But now the number of people in the human race is more than 100 billion, and the number of ambitious people among them can be imagined, and the probability of strong people being born among so many ambitious people has also increased a lot.

And those ambitious people will definitely rebuild their own country after they become stronger, and then ask the emperor for a title.

For such tribes with enough people and strength, if they are recognized by the king of the previous kingdom, the emperor will approve them all and allow the establishment of a new country.

Of course, the existence of many countries in the human race is just for the convenience of management. After all, it is impossible for one person to manage such a large territory. At this time, someone is needed to help them manage.

Just like in the heavenly court, the emperor is in charge of everything, but there are six emperors to help the emperor manage the world.

The same is true for the human race. The emperor commands all human races and can intervene in all aspects of human affairs, but the daily affairs are also divided among the kings, so that the kings can help manage a place so that the place can prosper quickly and give birth to more people.

Therefore, in fact, if all kingdoms are traced back to their origins, they cannot escape the 17 tribes led by the 17 kings of ancient times.

Almost all kingdoms eventually emerged from there, of course, there are also tribes led by Suiren himself.

And most of them came from the 17 tribes led by the 17 kings of ancient times. After all, the more than 300 kings at that time were actually separated from the 17 tribes, and the more and more countries that appeared later were actually split from those more than 300 countries.

Although the human race has thousands of kingdoms, there is actually only one dynasty. All the kings of their kingdoms are a vassal and a minister of the Sui Dynasty.

They all respect Suiren, the emperor of the human race, and Suiren is the symbol of the human race and the stabilizing force of the human race.

Therefore, if it is only designated by the emperor of the human race, succession will definitely not be a problem, but it may be very uncomfortable afterwards, and various situations may arise, and prestige is needed at this time.

The prestige of Lieshan clan is now extremely high. No one in the entire human race has not heard of the name of Shennong clan. This is prestige, and it is the love that can be received by everyone after ascending the throne in the future.

"It's almost done, it's finally about to break through..."

Suiren stared at Lieshan clan in the mirror flower and water moon. Lieshan clan's cultivation realm in the mirror flower and water moon was almost about to break through the shackles, but it was still not broken, not yet finished.

But it was almost there, and it seemed that it would not take long.

Seeing this scene, Suiren clan was obviously very relieved.

When Lieshan clan broke through the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he could abdicate with peace of mind.

After all, even if Lieshan clan's prestige was enough and loved by everyone, it was still not enough. Strength is the eternal foundation.

Only when his strength can convince the public, his contribution to the human race is great, and his prestige among the human race is extremely high, and he is personally appointed by the Human Emperor Suiren, then even those human kings with ambitions in their hearts will not be able to do anything.

After all, this is the popular choice, the next Human Emperor appointed by the Human Emperor, and his own strength is also good. What qualifications do you have to say no?

If you dare to say no, you will disobey the order of the Human Emperor, which will have extremely serious consequences among the human race.

Don't even think about being the Human King, it's good enough not to be expelled from the human race.


The national competition of the United Eagles has also reached the final decisive battle, and Ye Xuan naturally advanced to the finals.

United Eagles, conference room.

"How can a student from the Great Xia Kingdom come to this point?!!"

As the main person in charge of this competition, Wardjier Bangying looked around and said with anger.

He is a seventh-level God of Creation and the main person in charge of this competition.

In front of him are a group of sixth-level Gods of Creation. In the eyes of others, these people are high and mighty, and they are rarely seen in daily life.

But at this moment, they are all being scolded madly by Wardjil Bangying.

Moreover, none of these sixth-level Gods of Creation dared to talk back.

After Wardjil Bangying finished cursing, someone said weakly: "Sir, that student from Daxia is too strong. All the students in our country were defeated by him..."

"Bullshit! You say that?! If he is not strong, how could he get to this point?! Also, am I blind and can't see that he defeated the students in our country?!"

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