Wardgil Bangjiang was furious when he heard this, and cursed at the sixth-level Creation God who had spoken previously.

This man didn't deserve to be scolded. He couldn't even speak. Everything he said had already happened.

He didn't want to hear any reasons, because the facts had already happened, and no matter how much he said, it was just an excuse to cover up his mistake.

He just wanted to know what the group of people in front of him were doing. They couldn't even handle a small fourth-level Creation God!

In fact, it was Wardgil Bangjian who had wronged them. After all, behind Ye Xuan stood the seventh-level creation god Zhu Yuanzhang. With the help of Zhu Yuanzhang behind him, all the small tricks used by the sixth-level creation god were useless. , all failed.

For example, in Ye Xuan's opponent's kingdom, several extremely powerful creatures from his own kingdom directly appeared. Although they were only fourth-order creatures, their actual combat power was much stronger than those of the same fourth-order creatures. Too much.

If a few late-level fourth-order creatures were directly embodied, Ye Xuan's kingdom of God could be easily destroyed.

But just when they wanted to use their methods secretly, they found that their methods were of no use at all. Whether it was to manifest creatures or to weaken the creatures in Ye Xuan's kingdom of God, no matter which point it was, It can't be done.

That's why they allowed Ye Xuan to defeat the United Eagles step by step and reach the peak of the battle.

Although the United Eagles are the most powerful existence among the five major countries, that is, the strongest country in the universe, they are actually extremely shameless. Whether it is the arrangement of the competition schedule or their plans to eliminate Ye Xuan, they are all It shows the rot within this country.

If you can't even afford to lose a game, what qualifications do you have to talk the strongest.

Even if it is the strongest now, it will be surpassed by other countries sooner or later.

As the strongest nation, the United Eagles are most worried and afraid of being surpassed by other countries.

That's why we hold such competitions again and again, announcing to the world again and again, look, our country is the most powerful, don't think about surpassing us, don't think about defying us.

However, secretly, he is afraid that the champion of the national competition will be left behind, but he can use all kinds of underhanded tricks.

The country that the United Eagles are most worried about is undoubtedly Daxia, which is ranked second. Therefore, most of the players from Daxia are targeted. Either they meet those from the other five major countries or they meet those from the United Eagles. Anyway, they are going to Priority will be given to sending Daxia players home.

If you encounter someone you really can't beat, you will find ways to help students from your own country or directly weaken the strength of the other country's kingdom, thereby causing it to lose.

Of course, Ye Xuan was the only one who had really forced these sixth-level creation gods to lose their shame over the years and did this.

Counting further up, it was who knows how many years ago.

"No matter what method you use, you must not let that Daxia student become the champion! Otherwise, our country's face will be completely lost! Understand!"

Wadgil Bangjian shouted at everyone with a ferocious face.

"But sir, no matter how much power we use, we can never destroy the battle between the Daxia students!"

A sixth-level creation god knew that if he didn't dare to say anything, he might really let Ye Xuan win the championship. Then their sins would be revealed, and the person in front of them might not know how to punish them.

Wadgil Bangjie was stunned when he heard this, then frowned and said, "How is that possible?"

Immediately, he reacted suddenly, slapped his forehead, and murmured to himself: "I know, it must be Zhu Yuanzhang who took action! Otherwise, how could it be possible!!!"

"Damn it, what the hell is Little Potsdam doing! He can't even watch Zhu Yuanzhang!!!"

He clenched his fists, waved them vigorously, and said bitterly.

Of course, that's just what he said. If he really wanted to let him go by himself, there would be no way to stop him.

For a moment, his face turned extremely dark, and he didn't know what to do.

It would be fine if the other party did not have the protection of the seventh-level Creation God. But now that the other party has taken action, it is impossible for him to fight with the other party. You must know that this is no joke. If things really break out, the consequences will be very serious.

If it makes a big fuss, it won't just be the loss of a championship, it will truly lose the face of one's own country.

Because of cheating in a competition, he got into a fight with the seventh-level God of Creation on the spot.

The consequences of this matter are much more serious than losing the championship in a mere national competition...

In the VIP room.

There was something strange on the face of Little Biel Potsdam. Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang in front of him, he forced a smile on his face and said slowly: "This country is quite big and very old. There are some dirty things in it. It’s inevitable, I hope you won’t forgive me.”

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled slightly, shook his head, and said: "It's okay, you can understand it. After all, that old guy has always been like this, he can't afford to lose."

He was talking about Ward Gil Bangjian. This person was specially responsible for organizing this kind of competition, but he always did it like this, using various scheming tricks and looking like he couldn't afford to lose.

Unlike Daxia, they lose if they lose. Although there are many powerful monks who are extremely talented in those small countries for some reason, they do not do anything secretly, but let everyone Together, either defeat the other or be defeated by the other.

Even those foreign players who continued to harm their own players did not intervene.

Of course, they were all eliminated by Ye Xuan in the end. No matter how powerful the players at the same level were, they seemed to be illusory existences in front of Ye Xuan.

"Ahem, although the words are a bit unpleasant, it is true. Even I look down on him."

Little Biel Potsdam also nodded and said slowly, in fact, there is still one word in his heart, that is, we, but there are many people involved in this matter, it is not easy to scold them all, we can only scold Ward Gill who came forward. ·The bang is hard.

Among the United Eagles, there are not only those creation gods who think of various ways to cheat, but there are also existences like Little Farewell Potsdam.

And existences like Little Piet Potsdam are basically hawks and representatives of hardliners, just like Zhu Yuanzhang.

This kind of people often look down on those who only play tricks. They believe that strength is everything. Instead of playing tricks, it is better to indulge in cultivation or cultivate strong people than to play tricks. trick.

Xiaobie Potsdam was responsible for receiving Zhu Yuanzhang. If he could not chat with Zhu Yuanzhang, he would not have been sent here.

Many people can't get along with Zhu Yuanzhang. The two have completely different ideas. In this case, how can they get along with each other?

Of course, although the two can chat, it does not mean that the two will become friends. They both know clearly in their hearts that they are each other's enemies, but they have not started a war yet.

If a fight begins, the two people who are chatting passionately on the front foot will fight more fiercely than anyone else on the back foot.

No one can prevent the possibility of unifying the universe, and no one will refuse the opportunity to unify the universe.

One thing you need to know is that the Creator Gods are actually transformed from humans. Humans have desires and ambitions, and they, the Creator Gods, are no exception.

Arena, spectator stand.

"This battle is the last one. Can our talented boy Bill Fitz defeat that boy from Daxia?!"

"I don't know, it's incredible. Is our number one going to be taken away again?!"

"No! Bill Fitz will definitely be able to defeat him!!! Do you know that Bill Fitz has quickly eliminated his opponents along the way?!"

"But the kid opposite is also very fast. Whenever he is not seeking the origin of the opponent's world, he directly pushes his opponent..."

"Shut up! No matter what, the winner must be our Bill Fitz!!! The championship belongs to our United Eagles!!!"

In the arena.

Unlike the bustle of the viewing platform next to the arena, the arena was very quiet at this time. Only these two people existed. The other teenagers had long been eliminated, leaving only these two people.

Ye Xuan looked at the young man opposite him with a calm face. He had yellow hair and the rest was ugly in his eyes. He couldn't accept the aesthetics of a foreigner at all, even if he had gone through the process of becoming the God of Creation. The refinement still made him feel a little ugly, except that the yellow hair could belong to any country. This thing was completely a matter of thought.

People from Daxia are still good-looking...

For a moment, he moved his gaze elsewhere, not wanting to taint his eyes any more.

At this time, Bill Fitz saw Ye Xuan, who was looking at him, turning his eyes away, thinking that the other party was scared, so a touch of joy appeared on his face and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Are you scared..."

"That's right. Although you are lucky enough to be here today, you can only stop here!"

Bill Fitz, who had never accepted failure, looked at Ye Xuan with a crazy look on his face and shouted loudly.

Ye Xuan frowned when he heard this, thinking to himself that this guy is a bad guy, right?

But he didn't plan to pay too much attention to it. Anyway, he would be able to beat the opponent severely later.

On the other hand, Bill Fitz thought that Ye Xuan was scared. Dang even said sarcastically again: "I don't know how many lessons I have to teach a person like you every year. I don't know the heights of the world, thinking that I am very powerful in my own country. If you don’t, you can ignore the students from other countries. Today I will show you what it means to be a real strong person!”


Ye Xuan looked at the other person's face and said two words softly.

Bill Fitz, who was originally extremely excited, froze when he heard this, as if he had eaten a fly, his face was extremely ugly, and then with infinite anger suppressed in his eyes, he looked at Ye Xuan and said word by word: "You are dead! !”

Originally, he planned to give Ye Xuan a chance to admit defeat, at least not to let him die so miserably, but now, he plans to directly destroy Ye Xuan and seize the origin of his world, just like Ye Xuan It's common to seize other people's origins.

Bill Fitz has come here. Naturally, he knows that Ye Xuan can seize other people's kingdoms of gods, and he can do so quietly, so he must be extremely guarded against this move.

But now he wants to use the other's methods to repay the other's body.

Let Ye Xuan also taste the pain of having his kingdom of God taken away from him and becoming a cripple!

However, Ye Xuan was not someone who could be easily dealt with, so he naturally had to be cautious, so he did not say these words.

Then, the kingdoms of God of the two were connected.

In the prehistoric world.

In the underworld.

The kingdoms of God that originally belonged to the students of the former Rongdi Kingdom had now become a realm in the prehistoric world. Here, the former extremely outstanding creatures of the kingdom of God seemed to have become ordinary existences.

"Shiva, Vishnu, do you feel that the original world seems to have become a little different?"

Brahma looked at Shiva and Vishnu and said slowly. At this moment, his brows were furrowed, as if he had discovered some differences in this world.

This world seemed to have some problems originally. Just like at the beginning, nothing had changed, but after careful investigation, it was found that there were many more avenues between heaven and earth.

Those avenues were extremely powerful existences, which were not in their previous worlds, but now they all existed.

Although it is secret and only a law, after their continuous practice and contemplation, they found that there is actually a great way behind it.

"Of course, the original world was swallowed by this powerful world, so the world laws in that powerful world also appeared in this world."

Shiva saw through the essence at a glance. He discovered this matter many years ago.

It's just that Brahma has been creating humans and various animals and plants.

This creator god seems to be reluctant to give up his identity as a creator god, and has been creating the creatures that existed in this world.

Brahma enjoys blessing, so he wants to create many other creatures, so that this world will become more lively.

The witch clan doesn't care about these. As long as you don't make trouble, basically nothing will happen, and the witch clan will not take the initiative to manage anything.

As I said, as long as you live and work in peace and practice well, no one will bother you.

Shiva and Vishnu were immersed in cultivation, and soon felt the strangeness in this world. Of course, they were not able to master it in the end.

In their own world, they were extremely powerful, but in the prehistoric world, it was completely different.

Ye Xuan leaned over to look at this world. He originally planned to let this kingdom of God and the other party collide first, but now it seems that it is not going to work.

"Too weak, still too weak, forget it, let's just give it to the human race..."

Ye Xuan followed the agreement of the four major tribes in the prehistoric world. This time it was the human race that went to war, so he threw the space channel directly to the gathering place of the human race in the Daluo world.

Originally, I wanted to see if I could use other worlds to fight this kid, and I could taunt him crazily after the fight. Even the lower world couldn't beat him, but now it seems that I'm afraid it can't be done.

The creatures in this divine kingdom are still too weak. They have been in the prehistoric world for so long, but they haven't learned anything. If they change their ways to learn the realm of Hunyuan, they might be able to fight, but now they are like this, how can they fight?

They can only let the human race take action as agreed by the four major forces of the prehistoric world.

Now that the prehistoric world is at its peak, it is naturally enough for one major force to deal with a small fourth-level world.

Let alone the fourth-level creation god of the senior year of the Eagle United Nations, even the fourth-level creation gods in the entire universe are not as powerful as Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan was able to sweep the entire fourth level when he was still in the early fourth level. Now that he is in the middle fourth level, how can he not beat all the fourth-level creation gods?

Moreover, although the senior student of the Eagle United Nations is known as a genius, he is actually only in the early fourth level. Naturally, he is useless in front of Ye Xuan.

But then again, Bill Fitz can be considered a genius. After all, he has only been practicing for a short time, but he can overpower a group of fourth-level creation gods and become the strongest college student in the Eagle United Nations.

Of course, this situation is only a genius within the normal range. After all, there is always such a strong existence. Even if he is not there, there will be others, and the strength will not be much different.

But Ye Xuan's situation is completely different. From the time of the creation god until now, there has never been a real existence like Ye Xuan.

It can be seen that Ye Xuan's strength is simply a super existence far beyond other creatures.

He is the only one, the first such powerful existence in history.

Daluo Realm, Human Race.

"Your Majesty, the space channel of the other world has appeared, right in the territory of our race."

After Shi Hao sensed the breath of the other world, he came to the side of Suiren in the palace in an instant.

Suiren nodded upon hearing this, and murmured: "Is it our turn again..."

Thinking back to the previous battles, although they wanted to seize the other party's kingdom of God, they were always discovered by the other party. Just when they wanted to enter the origin of the world, they were discovered directly. Then there was a big battle, and they defeated the other party and were directly sent back to the prehistoric world, without giving them any chance to seize the origin of the world.

"The alien world has arrived, the human race's Hunyuan Daluo, assemble the army!!!"

Suiren released his spiritual consciousness, covering the infinite world. His mind moved, and his mind was transmitted to the entire human race.

"I will obey your majesty's orders!!!"

"I am willing to die for the human race!!!"


"This time, strictly follow the plan, and there must be no mistakes!"

Suiren looked at the thousands of figures below and said with a serious face.

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