"We will obey the order of His Majesty!!!"

When Suiren announced to everyone, everyone responded.

After several unsuccessful attempts to seize the other party's world, the human race held a meeting. The content of the meeting was nothing but one point, that is, they must seize the other party's world.

For this reason, they thought of one plan after another, and made plans again and again. Finally, after several exposures, they found that the other party was really very vigilant after they disappeared.

Therefore, they cannot disappear among them, but how to seize the other party's world origin without disappearing?

Then there is only one way left, that is death.

Yes, let a creature pretend to die, and then break into the other party's world origin. The dead creature will not be watched by people, and the fallen creature should disappear.

Everything is so reasonable, so this time, it is planned to let Su Mingshi personally implement this plan, let Shi Haoshi lead the team to fight in all directions, and let Su Mingshi pretend to die and break into the other party's world origin.

The fate that Su Ming mastered was conducive to his fake death, and it could make people no longer pay attention to him after his death.

Of course, he would also fall into fake death and disappear on the spot.

Then, under the gaze of the Human Emperor, everyone stepped into the space channel.


In the Kingdom of God.

Here, God is the master of everything, the true God of everything, and the Supreme God who created the world.

According to legend, everything in the world was created by God. God said that there should be light, and then the sun appeared in the world.

In many other myths, it is the Sun God of the Supreme God, but here, it is just one created by God.

Although God governs the whole world, God knows that there is a real creator god above him, and that creator god is Bill Fitz.

Bill Fitz enjoys this kind of God who can control the Supreme God in other myths and legends very much. He even gave God a name, called Jehovah.

Jehovah gave birth to a son named Jesus. Jesus is the leader of the world. He is extremely powerful and controls everything in the world and rules the endless continent.

Jehovah originally had many angels in heaven, led by Archangel Gabriel. However, one of the angels, Lucifer, eventually chose to betray God and became the leader of hell, which is opposed to heaven, and changed his name to Satan.

Because of Lucifer's rebellion, many angels also rebelled, and were eventually driven to hell by God, suffering endless suffering. These angels are called fallen angels.

The fallen angels in hell are just one of them, but they are also the most powerful one. The one who controls the entire hell is the strongest fallen angel Lucifer, which is now Satan.

Angels are God's helpers, which shows how powerful angels are. Even if they fall into darkness, they are the most powerful existence in darkness.

They directly overwhelmed other demons and became a race that ruled hell.

In fact, whether it is heaven, hell or the world, they are all places ruled by God Jehovah.

It's just that God usually likes to stay in heaven, not in the human world or hell, because in God's eyes, both the human world and hell are extremely filthy places.

And God also knows that if there is no hell, no one in the world will be willing to believe in him, so even if Satan in hell repeatedly opposes him, he will let it go and let it do what it wants.

Because there is darkness, light will be more meaningful.

And the human world is the existence that brings the power of faith to God.

Therefore, the human world is ruled by his son Jesus.

Everything in the world seems to be so harmonious and orderly, but only God knows that these are just illusions.

If the supreme being above comes down, his world may turn into ashes at any time.

Only God knows the existence of that person, because Bill Fitz has met Jehovah.

Jehovah has a deep understanding of Bill Fitz's strength, and he never dares to disobey Bill Fitz's instructions.

Although he seems to be a puppet of Bill Fitz, fortunately his cultivation has been rising.

But no matter how he improved his cultivation, when he faced Bill Fitz, he felt like he was facing a vast ocean. He didn't know when he had given up the idea of ​​defeating Bill Fitz and becoming the true Supreme God.

Suddenly, a divine thought was transmitted, and an order came from God's mind in an instant.

"The space of the other world has been opened, quickly enter it, defeat them, and kill all the creatures in it, leaving no trace!"

The God who was originally caressing the beauty stopped his actions, put the beautiful woman with a spring face on the bed, stood up, and murmured in his heart: "Is it coming again..."

The appearance time of this other world is extremely irregular. Sometimes it will not appear for hundreds of thousands of years, and sometimes it will appear one after another for hundreds of years.

Therefore, when facing this other world that may appear at any time, Jehovah directly obeys Bill Fitz's instructions, so that he can know it at the first time.

Although he didn't like this kind of life where someone else stood on his head, the other party was extremely powerful, so he could only do so.


Jehovah said lightly, and his words went straight into Gabriel's mind.

"My dear God, what do you want?"

Gabriel came to Jehovah's side like a servant, bowed and saluted, with a pious look on his face.

These angels were originally created by him so that someone could serve him. They are extremely powerful. The level is distinguished by wings. The more wings, the higher the level, and the stronger the strength.

Gabriel is one of the four archangels and the only female angel. Her status is also above many angels.

For God, Gabriel is his most proud assistant, extremely beautiful, charming, and has a divine light.

Whenever he sees Gabriel, he is very happy, so he prefers to let Gabriel do everything. Over time, Gabriel's status ranks first among the four archangels.

This is why Gabriel, a woman, is not the strongest, but can become the one with the highest status among all angels.

There are four archangels in total. One is Gabriel, who is in charge of water and has the ability to guide women to conceive, that is, to guide the reincarnation of souls. He is a reincarnated angel.

The second is Michael, who is the chief warrior beside God and the leader of the angel army. He not only has the courage and incomparable power that mortals do not have, but also has the most beautiful appearance. He is brave and courageous. Although he is warlike, he is full of compassion. He holds absolute denial and ruthless annihilation for evil things. He is the embodiment of absolute justice without any darkness.

He controls fire among earth, water, wind and fire, which can also explain his character.

As an archangel who controls fire, he is naturally like fire, fierce and brave, powerful. Another meaning of fire is light, and light often symbolizes justice, so Michael is the embodiment of absolute justice.

The third one is Raphael. Raphael is the guardian angel, holding the earth. The earth gives people love and care. He is the guardian of the world. He likes to protect those extremely weak beings, that is, those lonely travelers and lonely wanderers.

The fourth one is Uriel. Uriel is the existence that controls the wind. The wind moves as he wants and drifts, but he is also the existence that controls the rules. An angel who should be free but is limited by the rules. He is self-contradictory, but extremely powerful.

Often those sinners who are judged are judged by him, so he is also called the angel of judgment.

Whether to go to heaven or hell, in fact, it is up to him to decide.

Although it is nominally God who has the final say, in fact, it is still what he says that counts.

The reason is nothing else, only one point, that is, God is too lazy, and many things are done by the four archangels instead of doing them himself.

"You will lead half of the army of heaven to the other world and destroy all the creatures in that world. Don't let any creature go!!!"

God's words are very serious. The supreme God Jehovah, the strongest existence symbolizing light, actually said these words very seriously at this time.

However, the archangel Gabriel, who symbolizes light, did not have any doubts, but still looked at Jehovah with a pious face, bowed respectfully, and said: "Follow God's command, we will definitely complete this order and not fall from God's majesty."

For her, what God said is just, what God wants to do is right, and there is nothing more important than God's words.

Although God issued an order to destroy all the creatures in that world, it must be because the creatures in that world are all evil and do not believe in God.

In their eyes, only those who believe in God can go to heaven after death and get God's protection in the world.

Those who do not believe in God are not qualified to obtain these, and are not qualified to be protected by God. They are all the same and can only go to hell after death.

Since they do not believe in God, what does it matter if they are sent to hell as soon as possible, not to mention the existence of another world.

These are extremely normal things in the minds of angels, and they are also in line with their logic, because when God created angels, he set a rule that they all respect God and take God's words as the truth.

Therefore, these angels cannot be blamed. They did not realize how big a problem their actions were. They have been doing this for thousands of years.

Until one of the angels named Lucifer began to reflect. Lucifer was originally one of the archangels, and even the archangel appointed by God, that is, the head of the five archangels. Unlike the current four archangels, there is no appointment at all. It is only because Gabriel is deeply loved by God that she is recognized as the head of the archangels. In fact, God has never issued such an order.

And this Lucifer, now Satan, for some reason began to think about whether God's commands were correct. It would have been fine if he hadn't thought about it, but after thinking about it, he discovered that many of God's actions were wrong.

He drew his sword with an angry look on his face and questioned God. Then, under God's instruction, Michael started a great battle with Lucifer. This battle was the most powerful single battle ever born.

As the angel whose strength was closest to God, Michael naturally defeated Lucifer in the end. Although it took forty-nine years to defeat Lucifer, it also proved his strength.

And Lucifer became a fallen angel after this battle. As a fallen angel, not only did his cultivation not decrease, but he became even stronger. He once again led his subordinates, that is, those fallen angels who followed him to understand that God was the evil existence, to kill in heaven again.

In heaven, the largest battle in history broke out again, and it was also a battle between the two most powerful beings besides God.

In this battle, Lucifer defeated Michael in just three days, shocking all the angels in heaven.

No one expected that Lucifer, who became a fallen angel, would become so powerful! ! !

However, the fact is that Lucifer defeated Michael and once again pointed his sword at God. This time, God personally took action.

Just one move, just such a simple move defeated the extremely powerful Lucifer, but God did not choose to kill Lucifer, but once again chose to forgive Lucifer.

From then on, Lucifer realized that God's power was so strong that he had no chance of overthrowing God's rule. He temporarily gave up overthrowing God's rule and turned to look for those creatures who were dissatisfied with God's rule.

He took everything, regardless of whether it was an extremely evil existence, he took it all in, as long as he could become a part of overthrowing God, it was a valuable existence for him.

Even if he did a lot of evil to the world, it was still the same.

Lucifer clearly understood in his heart that no matter what means he used, his ultimate goal was to kill God, overthrow his rule, and establish a real paradise, a truly fair and just paradise!

A paradise without so many false justices! Only by overthrowing this world can we see the real light! ! !

Even if there is some darkness on the way to pursue the light, even if there are some shortcomings on the way to pursue the light, those are the prices that must be paid to bring light to the whole world!

In front of the space channel.

Gabriel brought half of the angels in heaven and came here. She originally planned to invade the other side's world, but she found that the other side happened to run over at this time, so she could only start a confrontation here.

Whether it is God or her, they all think that the army like heaven is enough to defeat these creatures on the opposite side.

Shi Hao led more than 2,000 human Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to this alien world. In this battle, two of the seventeen kings of the ancient times were dispatched, and many of the other kings also appeared.

Su Ming and Shi Hao looked at each other and nodded. Then they saw Shi Hao's Dharma image appeared in the world. In an instant, his whole body became extremely huge. He stood in front of everyone and said, "Kill them!!!"

Although the words said to kill the other party, in fact, they wanted to make them fight equally with the other party, not equally, but to suppress the other party, but remember not to kill the other party.

As long as the other party is beaten into a disadvantage, all the armies will really appear, and then pretend to be defeated and disguise.


Hearing this, all the men of the human race used their own magical powers and killed the other party's angels.

Shi Hao saw the twelve-winged angel Gabriel at a glance. There were so many angel wings, but there was only one. Just thinking about it, you know that the other party's status must be extraordinary.

As the saying goes, king against king, general against general, he flashed and broke into the army of tens of thousands of angels, grabbed the wings of the twelve-winged angel and hammered the ground.

These angels actually didn't look ugly, unlike the extremely ugly angel mounts in Liu Yong's Knight Kingdom.


Gabriel was hammered down by Shi Hao and hit the ground hard, making a huge noise.

Just as Shi Hao was about to continue chasing, the layers of angels around him also sent magical spells to him.

"Immortal Golden Body!!!"

As Shi Hao's angry shout came, a burst of golden light suddenly appeared around his body, wrapping him up, and the magical powers of the angels around him all hit it, making a series of creaking sounds.

It seemed that the immortal golden body might perish at any time, but it never perished.

Just after Shi Hao resisted the attack of dozens of angels around him, the archangel Gabriel below also flew up from the ground and punched Shi Hao's golden body.


The golden body shattered into pieces, drifting around the world.

"Reincarnation Fist!!!"

Shi Hao clenched his right fist fiercely, which contained the true meaning of the supreme reincarnation, and carried the rhythm of the reincarnation towards Gabriel.


All the clothes on Gabriel's body were shattered by this punch, and his body was exposed to the sight of many creatures.


The true meaning of reincarnation contained in the Samsara Fist really severely injured Gabriel, causing his consciousness to remain in the reincarnation and unable to escape.

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