At this time, those angels were also completely pushed to the ground by the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals from the ancient human race. The wings of each angel were broken off and torn apart.

The entire space passage was filled with endless blood, including the weeping blood of angels and the lamentation of the sky.

However, Gabriel clearly had the reincarnation fist in his body and fell into the true meaning of reincarnation, but he became obsessed with it, panting constantly, as if crying, tears spraying out, making the world full of vitality and lust. .

In that land of tears, new races are constantly appearing. It is a place with the same appearance that angels can only imagine. Those are elves!

In God's world, the race of elves actually appeared.

However, at this time, the God in Heaven's heart suddenly beat, and he quickly looked at the place where the space passage appeared.

"How can it be?!!"

God said in shock, his face changed drastically, and he quickly moved his mind and heard the presence of the other three archangels.

"Michael, Raphael, and Uriel, lead all the remaining angels in heaven and rush to support Gabriel!!!"

After saying that, he flashed and came to the battlefield.

Looking at the tears below, Gabriel, who had become an elf in the world, God's face turned blue and white. At this time, he felt great hatred in his heart. He had never made Gabriel cry. She was well taken care of, and now all the angels saw her crying scene.

Many angels even began to breathe heavily, although it was not known whether it was because of the battle or because of being in Gabriel.

But when God was angry, the harm was obvious. When he pointed it out with one hand, Gabriel regained consciousness. After seeing his appearance, his face suddenly turned red. He actually shed tears in front of so many people. She shed tears, looked at Shi Hao with shame and anger, and then transformed into a set of clothes, covering herself in it to prevent anyone from seeing her again.

Although almost all the creatures in the world who are paying attention to this battle have seen it, it is not too late to make amends.

As a result, Gabriel's face was distorted with a look of hatred that wanted to kill Shi Hao.

"I am going to kill you!!!"

After Gabriel felt the existence of the elves below, he became even more angry, wondering why he was so easily attacked.

At this time, Shi Hao glanced at her disdainfully and said, "Just you?"

Then a hand stretched out and turned into a huge hand that reached the sky, suppressing Gabriel to the ground.

If Gabriel hadn't been killed for the sake of the plan, he would have killed Gabriel long before he fell into reincarnation.

But he didn't, and naturally he wouldn't this time either.

After God saw Shi Hao's action, he immediately understood in his heart that the guy in front of him must be the most powerful existence in the opponent's world, and he was not on the same level as other creatures.

At this time, Su Ming also killed several angels because he felt tens of thousands of angels coming from another direction.

After God noticed this, he said calmly: "Gabriel, go kill that creature."

Although Gabriel didn't want to when he heard this, he could only nod his head, but at this time, the mountain formed by Shi Hao's big hand still suppressed her to the ground, unable to move.

After seeing this, Jehovah waved his hand and rescued Gabriel from that mountain.

Afterwards, Gabriel glanced at Shi Hao's family fiercely, then turned around and headed towards Su Ming's family.

"Your Excellency is so powerful, why would you humiliate a female prostitute in public?"

Jehovah looked at the opponent's Shi Hao, but he was not in a hurry to start the battle, but said slowly.

In his opinion, even if the Shi Hao in front of him was ridiculously strong, he would not be his opponent.

When Shi Hao heard this, he sneered and said, "She has an unstable mind. She doesn't know what she has experienced in reincarnation. She looks like this. It shows that the desire in her heart is like this. What does it have to do with me?"

What he said was true. What he used was the Reincarnation Fist, which could make the opponent's soul go straight into reincarnation and realize the various aspects of reincarnation.

As for what is reincarnated, this is not something he can control. This is the matter of the creatures who are in the reincarnation fist.

Jehovah's face froze when he heard this. This guy in front of him actually controls the power of reincarnation? This is not easy to deal with. No wonder the opponent is so powerful. It turns out that he has understood the power of reincarnation.

You must know that there is no reincarnation in this world. The reason is that he does not control the avenue of reincarnation and cannot manifest it at all. Therefore, the creatures in the world were all created by him at the beginning, and then they were created from generation to generation. Birth, old age, sickness and death.

If the number of any clan decreases, he can create some again to help the other party recover.

Of course, this is based on belief in God.

This is the world. Everything is based on belief in God. Otherwise, there is no hope of getting any benefits from Jehovah.

Of course, Jehovah will not specifically express His anger at those creatures who do not believe in Him.

But those creatures after death can enter heaven. No matter whether you have done evil or not, you can go to heaven as long as you believe in God. Similarly, if you don't believe in God, no matter how many good deeds you do, you will not be able to enter heaven. .

Angels in heaven have an angel pool. The water in that pool can help angels recover and resurrect, but it is not the true six paths of reincarnation.

That’s why God’s expression changed so much when he heard about reincarnation.

"Let's fight!"

Shi Hao's whole body was full of fighting spirit and he went towards God to kill him.

His avenue of reincarnation was the mysterious avenue he had realized in that world. Only after he realized it did he realize that that avenue was the avenue of reincarnation.

The Avenue of Reincarnation is extremely powerful and is one of the most powerful among many avenues.

Now under the display of Shi Hao's clan, coupled with the increase of the Invincible Avenue, its power is even more powerful.

God was forced to fight and stood together with the Shi Hao family. He was surprised to find that he was actually inextricable from the opponent. He thought that the battle would be over soon and all other creatures would be wiped out before he could invade the wilderness. world.

But now it seems that whether it can defeat the opponent is a question.

On the other side, the three archangels also led the remaining angels to rush here and started charging towards the human race.

The joining of these angels instantly absorbed most of the pressure.

Whether these angels have two wings or twelve wings, they are all at the fourth level of strength, because they do not need to practice at all. Their strength is determined by the strength of God.

The stronger God becomes, the stronger they become.

The more wings you have, the closer your strength is to God.

It was precisely with such a strength system that Bill Fitz defeated all college students in the entire United Eagle Republic without defeat.

In the final analysis, it is because his system is outstanding, and he is so close to one hundred thousand fourth-level creatures. Although some are weak, he can surpass the fourth-level creation gods of all universities in the country just by relying on their numbers.

After all, the creation gods of these universities are only in the early stage of the fourth level at most and cannot reach the middle stage. Naturally, they cannot escape from his numerical suppression.

What's more, his kingdom of God also has hell, and the fallen angels in hell are all fourth-level beings.

In an instant, Lucifer, under the instructions of Bill Fitz, had to start reinforcing Heaven.

This war is not only a matter of heaven, but also a matter of hell.

It's a matter of the whole world, but the strength in the human world is too low, most of them are ordinary people, and even first-order creatures are difficult to find.

This is the strange thing about this world. The second and third levels are almost broken, and they are all supported by the demons in hell. Some are only mortals and first-level creatures, and some are fourth-level ones. The living beings are those angels.

Later, in the joint battle between Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel, Su Mingshi was suppressed and beaten by the opponent.

Of course, this is just a pretense, and it does not mean that the leader of hell and the four archangels can really defeat Su Mingshi.

"it's time……"

Su Mingshi saw all the powerful creatures in the opponent's world rushing over, so he began to take the initiative to find a few powerful creatures in the opponent's world to drag him, and then began his own interpretation.

"The Great Fate Technique!!!"

A mysterious and mysterious aura appeared from Su Mingshi's body and shot towards Lucifer and the four archangels.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, fearing that they would be enveloped by that magical power, so they quickly used their strongest magical power to fight against Su Ming's magical power.

"Great Fall Technique!!!"

"Great Guardian Technique!!!"

"The earth..."

"Lock of Law!!!"

"Cremation of the sky!!!"

Boom! ! !

The sound of bursts of magical powers colliding with each other appeared, erupting with huge power and rapidly extending in all directions.


"It's the aftermath of their battle!!!"

"too strong!!!"

All the angels fled the scene quickly.

outside world.

"How could that student from Daxia be so strong!?"

"How is it possible! Even God cannot defeat that creature!!!"

"Look, that powerful creature will be defeated by Satan and the four archangels!!! Our victory is coming!!!"

"Yes, when the four archangels and Satan free their hands, they can kill all the other creatures on the other side. It is not impossible to even help God kill that extremely powerful creature!!"

"How is it possible!!! You have to know one thing, that is, that student from the Great Xia Kingdom has four major forces in the Kingdom of God. Didn't you find that every battle is fought by one of the forces?! So, even if you defeat these creatures It is impossible to win, the outcome is doomed from the beginning.”

"Yes! In that student's world, there are the Eastern Dragon Clan, as well as the huge giants, as well as those integrations from various races, and those human races who are currently fighting against God and the others! Now only It’s just one of the forces, it’s impossible to defeat this guy!”

"Damn it! How can this kid be so powerful?!"

"What kind of kingdom is he from and why is he so powerful?!"

"It's terrible, this man is terrible!"

At this time, a burst of gunpowder smoke dissipated on the battlefield, and Su Ming's body was completely broken apart and flew in all directions. He kept disappearing while flying, and soon nothing was left, disappearing between heaven and earth.

After watching this scene, Bill Lafite showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said hatefully: "Damn guy, the creatures of the Kingdom of God are so powerful, where on earth is this luck!!!"

"But fortunately, the first one in their world has fallen, and it is such a powerful existence. My four archangels and the Lord of Hell Satan will soon be able to completely open up the situation!"

Bill Lafite said very confidently, and he was obviously quite confident in his own Kingdom of God.

Even so, he was always staring at the other side's Kingdom of God creatures, fearing that any one of them would disappear. As long as one of them disappeared, he would immediately go to the origin of the world to check.

The team battle can be lost, but the house must not be stolen! ! !

Although he did not see Ye Xuan's God's creatures stealing the house, he heard from other people's warnings that Ye Xuan's God's creatures were very strong and they had to be careful. They had to be more careful about the fact that he might steal the house at any time.

The premise of stealing the house was that an extremely powerful existence would suddenly disappear. They were not prepared, which led to the theft.

When Ye Xuan was playing, he was also playing, so he didn't know what Ye Xuan's methods were. He just stared at the other creatures stupidly. As long as someone dared to disappear, he would immediately go to the origin of the world to check. If he could beat them, he would kill them, and if he couldn't beat them, he would surrender.

Anyway, you can lose, but your home must not be stolen. Now losing is just losing a game, losing some honors and some rewards. But if your home is stolen, the loss will be huge. It's not just some rewards that are gone, it's everything.


However, at this time, at the origin of the world.

A small figure passed through layers of barriers all the way and quickly came to the origin of the world without alarming anyone.

The person who came was Su Mingshi.

Su Ming used a secret method to turn himself into nothingness, as if he had dissipated in the air, but in fact, he had already arrived at another place and disappeared without a trace of perception.

After arriving here, the whole person returned to his original state, looking at the origin of the world in front of him, with an impulsive desire in his heart. The desire in his heart told him that if he occupied the origin of the world in front of him, he would become extremely powerful and he would not have to look at anyone's face.

"No! It's definitely a trap!! This is the self-protection of the origin of the world!!"

In just a moment, Su Ming woke up and stared at the origin of the world with a torch-like gaze. He was sure that the origin of the world would use the art of bewitching.

This is because the origin of the world has no protection mechanism and can only rely on the creatures on this world to protect it. If the protection of the creatures is lost, the origin of the world will have almost no protection.

Whether it is the previous barriers or the current charm, they are actually for self-protection, but in fact they are useless for the strong.

If Su Mingshi really chose to merge in, as an individual, no matter how strong he was, he would become a puppet of the origin of the entire world, and become a puppet warrior of the origin of the world to protect himself.

Fortunately, Su Mingshi was not bewitched by it at all, otherwise, he would become a puppet of the origin of the world.

Su Mingshi's mind moved, and he attracted the primordial heavenly way to descend to this world in the dark.


In the outside world.

When Shi Haoshi felt the arrival of the breath of the primordial heavenly way, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he was happy immediately. He knew that Su Mingshi had succeeded, and the rest was just to devour the other party.

Therefore, he had to wait a little while, suppress the excitement in his heart, turn it into strength, and uncontrollably press God Jehovah to the ground and pound him.

When Jehovah saw the corner of the other party's mouth slightly raised, he felt extremely panicked from the bottom of his heart, but before he could react, he saw the other party's fist suddenly become stronger and more dense, and instantly pressed him to the ground.

For a moment, Jehovah was beaten so hard that he had no ability to fight back.

After seeing this scene, Bill Fitz above, his pupils shrank and he was shocked.

"How is it possible?! How could he suddenly become so strong?!"

Then, he looked at Shi Hao, wanting to know why the other party suddenly became so strong, but after seeing the other party's state, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"No, the other party should have used some secret method to become so powerful, otherwise he would not become like this."

Bill Fitz thought so, looking at the other party, knowing that only the secret method could make him extremely powerful.

"Hold on a little longer, hold on a little longer, wait until his secret method ends, then you can fight back!!!"


Time kept passing, but Shi Hao seemed to be still as powerful as before, and it was impossible to escape. Not only that, he became even more powerful, getting stronger and stronger.

Bill Fitz's face became more and more ugly, and at this moment, suddenly there was a big change between heaven and earth.



"Not good!!!!"

Bill Fitz's face turned pale with a swish, without any blood red.

He thought of a possibility, and in an instant, he flashed to the origin of the world, but found that the place where the origin of the world should have been stored had disappeared.

"How is it possible!!! It's impossible! Obviously no one disappeared!!!"

Bill Fitz roared to the sky, and a burst of panic continued to come.

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