However, the world will not give Bill Fitz an explanation. The whole world is constantly collapsing and collapsing crazily.

The originally quiet and peaceful heaven was now filled with the sky, and all the living beings without cultivation inside died instantly and were crushed on top.

What followed was the collapse of the sky and the heaven falling fiercely and rapidly downwards.

The demons in hell screamed in horror, fleeing from the hell they usually lived in, and came to the ground.

Chaos, destruction, destruction, endlessly began to appear.

One holy place after another was destroyed, and one after another the aura of destruction appeared.

The whole world is constantly beginning to be shattered and destroyed.

At this time, Shi Hao leaned over and looked at the frightened God Jehovah, and said lightly: "The origin of this world has been taken away by my world. If you want to survive, then surrender."

He didn't really want to conquer these creatures, but it was better than nothing. After all, it was a combat power, and it was a combat power that could make them feel quite useful.

Therefore, it is not impossible to save the other party.

God Jehovah felt the destruction of the world, and was horrified in his heart. He looked at everyone with a horrified look. At this time, he didn't know what to say in his heart.

"I am willing! I am willing to surrender!!"

Jehovah, the God who had been worshiped like a god in the past, fell to his knees and expressed his willingness to surrender.

Because if you don't surrender, the only way is death.

He was not willing to die like this. Rather than die like this, it would be better to go to the other party's world and survive. What's more, the other party's world must be very good, otherwise such a powerful creature would never be born.

God Jehovah has long understood the true fighting power of the Shi Hao clan, which can definitely suppress his existence easily. I am afraid that he was just trying to seize the origin of the world, so he pretended to be like this and kept dragging that powerful creature... …

Although Jehovah didn't quite understand it, he also knew that the existence above him that was much more powerful than him must have not appeared for some reason.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Hao turned around, looked at the many angels and the fourth-level creatures in hell, and said with a calm expression: "Those who are willing to surrender can live in the wilderness, and those who are not willing to surrender can stay here. World, let this world die!"

"Where to go, you can choose for yourself! My patience is very limited!"

After finishing speaking, before he could add anything, he saw all the angels and demons kneeling on the ground, shouting crazily: "Surrender! I am willing to surrender!!!"

Even God knelt on the ground and surrendered, let alone them. Surrender was surrender, and it was not a particularly shameful thing.

That's how it seems to them, as long as it's something God does, it makes sense to them.

Not to mention the creatures in hell, none of them are stupid. If they can live, why should they die?

As for those non-fourth-level creatures, they have no use value at all, that is, they can only stay here and wait to die.

Then, Shi Hao looked at this scene and nodded with satisfaction. Fortunately, he did not waste his words.

"Children of the human race, go home!!!"

Following Shi Hao's loud roar, everyone cheered.

Obviously, everyone is very happy to be able to complete the task this time. Not only did they successfully capture the origin of the world, but they also subdued the creatures from other worlds and became a major help to the human race.

Of course, whether it can be completely tamed depends on the methods of the human race.

But the human race has never lacked such talents since ancient times, so as long as they can be made to surrender at this time, they will naturally be able to do so in the future.

Especially when the human race's combat power crushes them, this is naturally the case.

"This Kingdom of God does have some talents. Relying on God's ability, many angels can be born. Those are all fourth-level creatures. Although their strength is not as good as that of the ancient Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, but After all, it is still a fourth-level combat power, and it is still very useful in fighting other worlds..."

Ye Xuan was in the void, watching the human race successfully conquering God Jehovah, and some thoughts suddenly appeared in his heart.

"If we imprison them in one place, crazy birth angels, and new fourth-level creatures will constantly appear, will there be no need for primitive creatures in the future? Just let these angels come up and sweep them away..."

"Although the strength is a bit inferior, it is only stronger than most fourth-level creatures in other worlds. Plus, with such a large number, maybe it can really become a mass-produced army in the wild. ”

"If you expand it a little further, you can even become the envoy of the human race to supervise the ancient world. No, it's not an envoy. It doesn't sound so noble and nice, it's just a pure humanoid surveillance..."

"But what happens exactly depends on what the human race thinks..."

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly, but he didn't want to run over and interfere in the prehistoric affairs just for this thing.

After all, Honghuang's strength is enough to sweep other worlds, so there is no need to make such a special trip to create another one. It is just that it is possible. If Ye Xuan was the leader of the human race, he would do the same.

Maybe it won't be used when conquering other worlds, but it's a very good thing to become part of the human race's fighting force.

Of course, these angels are just the appendages of the human race, not the high gods.

This is very important, the priority must not be reversed.

Even if the human race dies in battle until the last person, it will not become the appendage of other races.

At most, it is acceptable to become a appendage in terms of power.

Just like the human race has become the protagonist of heaven and earth now, but the supreme position of the human emperor is actually the six imperial fruit position among the fruit positions of heaven and earth, and is a part of the heavenly court.

Under the rules of heaven and earth, the heavenly court is the supreme existence, which is even more important than the protagonist of heaven and earth. Whether it is the human world or the underworld, they cannot escape the rule of the heavenly court, and are actually under the command of the heavenly court.

Of course, because they are very powerful, they are actually divided into their own, but in name they are all part of the heavenly court and are under the heavenly court.

Just like the human emperor and the earth emperor, he is also one of the six imperials of the heavenly court, under the emperor of heaven.

It can be said that from the perspective of the fruit position, the Emperor of Heaven is the strongest fruit position in the entire prehistoric world.

Then the next is the Six Emperors, who are often referred to as the Two Emperors and the Four Emperors. The Two Emperors refer to the Earth Emperor and the Human Emperor, and the Four Emperors refer to the Four Emperors of the Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest.

Outside, the viewing platform.


At this time, the viewing platform, which had been very noisy, suddenly became silent, and there were two teenagers standing on the ring. One of the teenagers was terrified, and in an instant, he collapsed to the ground without making a sound, as if the whole person had died with the world.

And looking at the other teenager, he looked calm and smiled at everyone.

The smile on the face of this teenager at this time was undoubtedly a slap in the face of all the audience present, which was undoubtedly an announcement to everyone, announcing that the students of Daxia country had hung up and beaten all the students of the Eagle United States.

The strongest student of the Eagle United States could not even beat a quarter of the power of the teenager in front of him, and there must be more power and more powerful existences in the other world that have not appeared.

However, even so, he was able to defeat the strongest student in the Eagle United States University and even seized the origin of the Kingdom of God.

This is simply indescribable. It is impossible to imagine how powerful Ye Xuan is.

"Next, let us congratulate Ye Xuan from Daxia for winning the Eagle United States National Competition Champion!!!"

As the host said loudly, the audience looked at each other, but no one stood up and cheered.

As the host of the Eagle United States, he should have ignored the Eagle United States at this moment to reduce the impact, but this guy actually specifically named it and mentioned the Eagle United States.

This operation made those people feel confused. Isn't it enough to shout the champion of the national competition? Why do you have to add the Eagle United States?

Next, the originally silent viewing platform broke out into a wave of noisy waves.




"You are the first genius of the United Eagles. I think you are a pile of shit!!!"

The overwhelming abuse was directed at the boy who was lying on the ground below. It is conceivable that after this battle, this guy will definitely not appear in the world again.

Because people now also want to kill this guy who makes the United Eagles embarrassed, and the most terrifying thing is that the boy who is sitting on the ground is really useless. After losing the kingdom of God, his cultivation will soon fall to the first level, or even not the first level...


In the VIP room.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who usually has a serious face and does not smile, also deliberately showed a smile this time. In his opinion, it is expected that he can win this time, but he still can't help but smile.

You know, after this game, the reputation of the United Eagles will definitely plummet in the world. After all, the United Eagles always require countries all over the world to pay attention to this game.

Of course, as they were all five major countries, he naturally had no control over it, but those small countries had to watch.

Moreover, this was the competition they held to intimidate other countries for generations, so they usually boasted that this event was extremely important, but they lost...

"Haha, I said that the genius you called couldn't beat Ye Xuan!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Xiaobie Potsdam with a smug look on his face, and said with a smug look on his face.

Last time, the two of them had competed with each other on who would win. In fact, the victory between Ye Xuan and Bill Fitz was also a battle between him and Xiaobie Potsdam.

Xiaobie Potsdam laughed and shook his head, saying, "It's really strong, Ye Xuan, I remember this name."

Although the two had been chatting in the VIP room and talked a lot about the affairs between countries, they were also paying attention to the victory and defeat in the ring below, so Ye Xuan's performance was always in their eyes.

He also knew that Ye Xuan's kingdom of God was very strong.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled when he heard this and nodded.

Even he felt quite satisfied and proud of the feeling of winning glory for the country.

"By the way, what kind of kingdom is his? How can it be so strong?" Little Bie Potsdam asked curiously.

You should know that Bill Fitz's kingdom is already an extremely powerful mythical kingdom, one of the top mythical kingdoms, and has great potential for development, but now it is being beaten by the opponent.

Moreover, this kid's cultivation has reached the middle stage of the fourth-order creation god. He is only a freshman, but he is so strong. That is to say, the opponent's kingdom has only been cultivated for two years.

In just two years, he can have such a powerful cultivation realm, and the future is still countless. It's simply outrageous.

He has never heard of any kingdom of God that is so powerful. Originally, he could go to explore, but after all, Zhu Yuanzhang was next to him, and he also protected Ye Xuan very tightly. He couldn't explore it at all, unless he used all his strength, then he would have to fight with Zhu Yuanzhang...

So, when he looked at it and found that he couldn't enter it to spy, he gave up this idea.

In fact, it was not that Zhu Yuanzhang could not tell the other party about the Kingdom of Chaos. He just wanted to protect Ye Xuan and prevent other creators from harming Ye Xuan.

As for the others, he did not think so much.

So, now under Xiaobie Potsdam's question, he smiled and said, "The Kingdom of Chaos."

"Chaos World?!!!"


"Isn't that a waste world?!"

Xiaobie Potsdam jumped up in surprise and said directly.

This is simply impossible. How could someone create a waste world? Isn't that a world that all creators can't do anything about? How could it be created now?

The reason why Zhu Yuanzhang said it directly was that Ye Xuan's Kingdom of God could not be hidden. It would be exposed sooner or later. Now that he had exposed himself in the Eagle United Nations, the other party would definitely go to the Great Xia Kingdom to investigate.

And there were many people who knew what Ye Xuan's Kingdom of God was. As long as the other party sent someone to investigate, they would be able to find it soon.

"Really?!" Little Bie Potsdam asked in doubt.

Although according to Zhu Yuanzhang's level, he should not be willing to lie, but what if he wants to tease him?

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with a smile and confirmed it again.

This can't be hidden anyway, and even if he tells the other party, the other party can't let the person who created the chaotic world evolve that world.

They can't do this, let alone those people in the Eagle United Nations.

Those people in the Eagle United Nations only know that the chaotic world can be very strong, and they can't create the chaotic world at all.


This is undoubtedly a new discovery. The people in the Eagle United Nations will definitely try their best to open up the chaotic world, but if they can't open it up, they will definitely think of catching Ye Xuan for research and interrogation.

Therefore, this is also a further pressure to promote Ye Xuan's rapid growth.

"By the way, is this an example or can it be replicated?" Xiaobie Potsdam suddenly felt something was wrong. If it could be replicated, the other party would not have to tell him. On the contrary, he would have tried hard to block the news. How could he tell him that it was a chaotic world?

"Of course not. If it could be replicated, why would I tell you?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said casually with a smile on his face.

Indeed, if it could be mass-produced, he would have been busy creating one powerful existence like Ye Xuan after another.

It's just a pity that it can't be mass-produced. Otherwise, they would have hidden themselves and mass-produced, and then when they grow up, they would have unified the universe.

At first, unifying the world was just a small area, but now unifying the world is much more...

"That's right..."


"Very good, just as I expected, I became the champion."

After Ye Xuan walked down from the podium, Zhu Yuanzhang appeared in front of Ye Xuan. Although he had expected Ye Xuan to become the champion, he was still a little happy when this moment came.

Finally, there was a feeling of succession.

But he had a lot of years, but he had such a feeling.

The reason why he planned to protect Ye Xuan was not only because Ye Xuan would give Daxia the opportunity to unify the universe after he became stronger, but also because he knew after he saw Ye Xuan in person that Ye Xuan was the same person as him.

They all looked like easy-to-talk people, but in fact they had a strong sense of national sentiment, and they wanted to kill those people from other races and countries.

Therefore, he now had a feeling of succession.

"I have to thank the dean for protecting me from behind, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to become the champion so easily."

Ye Xuan immediately flattered him. It wasn't that he was talking nonsense, but he instinctively felt that if Zhu Yuanzhang hadn't been backing him up, then no matter how strong he was, as long as he didn't exceed a certain level, he wouldn't have been able to win the championship.

Because according to the nature of the Eagle United Nations, they would definitely find various ways to mess with him. Anyway, one thing is that they won't let him win the championship so easily.

"Haha! Let's go! The rewards for the competition will be given to you later!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly, but he didn't say much. It was already very good to see the Eagle United Nations suffer a setback.

Then, he took Ye Xuan and several other contestants to the Great Xia Kingdom of the Creation Continent.

As for the rewards for the competition, he would naturally not embezzle them, after all, they were just some rewards.

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