Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 338 Shi Hao's murderous intention


In the prehistoric world.

Shi Hao led the creatures in heaven and hell back to the prehistoric world. Looking at the shocked creatures in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little disdainful.

These creatures were like country bumpkins entering the city, looking at this world with great surprise.

"In this world..."

God Jehovah looked at everything in front of him with a stunned look on his face, his heart was full of shock, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"This majestic and powerful force..."

"This extremely abundant avenue of heaven and earth..."

"This world of infinite vitality, such a strong foundation! Is there really such a world in the world..."

Jehovah has witnessed many worlds. He has been to one world after another. Originally, he was looking for a powerful world, and then find the secret method to become stronger and defeat Bill Fitz.

But after he went to one world after another, he suddenly found that there was no world stronger than the world he was in, and he couldn't stay in those worlds for long.

Gradually, Jehovah gave up this idea and turned to living a life of drunkenness and dreaming in his own world every day to improve his cultivation.

Either he was looking for beauties of all colors to indulge in lust every day, or he was practicing every day.

"In such a powerful world, will my mantra still be effective..."

Jehovah's eyes flashed with light. He originally planned to surrender to the man in front of him first, and then wait until he arrived in the world, and then find a way to escape.

But now it seems a bit difficult.

After all, the power of his mantra had no effect when facing Shi Hao, and now in this world, it is probably the same, and it can't help him escape.

There was no way in the previous world, and he could only fight hard, because if he retreated, the world would lose, and he would sooner or later fall into death, so there was no retreat.

But if it were placed in this world, it would be different. If he ran away and hid, I'm afraid others would not be able to find him again.

But relying on the strength of God Jehovah himself, it is impossible to escape from Shi Hao's hands, so he has only one possibility, that is, to use the power of the innate mantra, only in this way can he escape.

As for what happens after escaping, we will talk about it later. In such a huge world, if you just feel the breath, you will know that it is endless. If you really want to hide, how can the other party find him!

So, this time, God Jehovah is going to gamble!

"I said, God must stay away from this place for billions of endless, a place that the person in front of him can never find."

Jehovah closed his eyes and said softly.


A breath of law appeared slightly and flashed away.

After Shi Hao felt it, he frowned and looked at Jehovah in front of him, who didn't know what he was doing, and murderous intent appeared in his heart.

An astonishing murderous aura rushed to the sky and rushed straight to Jehovah.

Jehovah was shocked and opened his eyes quickly. Seeing Shi Hao in front of him, he said incoherently: "How... How is it possible!?!"

"It's over now, I'm dead..."

Jehovah closed his eyes with a face full of regret, waiting for death.

He knew that what he had done just now was a gamble. Now that he lost the gamble, there was only one result waiting for him, that is death.

After all, no one would tolerate the betrayer to live, at least he would not tolerate it.

In his opinion, since he had become his subordinate and submitted to him, he must respect himself as the master and could not think of treason and betrayal, otherwise, there would be only one way to die.

However, at this time, Shi Hao forced himself to suppress his killing intent, snorted coldly, and said: "Put away your extremely foolish thoughts. This world is much more terrifying than you think. If you are not careful, people will die! If you dare to think of escaping next time, you will only have death waiting for you!"

After a little warning, Shi Hao once again looked at the angels and demons who were frightened by his killing intent, snorted coldly, and said: "And you, the same!"

Then, he put away the killing intent in his heart, his face returned to calm, and then slowly said: "Next, follow me, those who try to escape will die!"

Then, under the supervision of other Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian of the human race, these angels and demons were forced to follow Shi Hao.

In fact, Shi Hao really intended to kill God just now, but at this time, Su Ming sent him a message, asking him to lead those people to the new world, saying that it was the order of His Majesty.

At this moment, Shi Hao, who had originally wanted to kill, had to put away his murderous intentions. After all, it was the order of His Majesty, and he could not disobey.

Since he could not disobey, he could only obey His Majesty's orders. It was nothing to endure.

Shi Hao looked at the people in front of him who had returned to their own world again, sneered, and said: "You stay here and wait for His Majesty's decision. If anyone dares to escape, I will hold you accountable!"

He said to God Jehovah. Obviously, no matter who escaped, he would hold God accountable.

The Lord of Hell Satan in the crowd was delighted when he heard this. Has he finally found a chance to kill Jehovah? !

Then he must escape from here successfully!

For a moment, Satan was ecstatic.

Jehovah's face changed when he heard this, but the situation was stronger than him, so he could only nod his head and said, "Respected God, I will help you manage this world, please rest assured!"

He quickly got into the role and knew what the current situation was like. It was impossible for him to choose, so he could only be a dog honestly.

Shi Hao nodded with satisfaction and turned away.

When he left, most of the human race also left, only a hundred Hunyuan stayed at the door, preventing other creatures from breaking through here, avoiding the other party's idea of ​​escaping from here.

Now it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to escape from here.

After all, a hundred Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian guarded this place. If you want to rush out, at least thousands of angels will have to rush out.

Only God Jehovah can have the opportunity to rush out. Others have no such opportunity. After all, Jehovah can order other angels to cover him.

For a while, many people who wanted to escape showed a look of despair on their faces.

Jehovah's face changed. Looking at the other side's mere hundred people, he knew that if he wanted to escape, he would definitely be able to escape.

But Shi Hao's previous words were still ringing in his ears. If he dared to rush out, it was hard to guarantee that this was not a trap to lure him out. Once he really got out of here, he would probably die directly.

After all, there were so many of them, but only a hundred Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were left. Isn't this a trap that looks like a trap...

As for sending people to rush out to try, he didn't dare, because Shi Hao said that if anything happened, he would be held responsible.

In other words, he only had one chance, either to rush out himself or to wait for death.

The murderous intent of that man just now was not fake at all. Although he didn't know why the murderous intent suddenly disappeared in an instant, he didn't want to feel it again.

"Should I run..."

"But where should I go if I run..."

"This world has such a strong foundation. That person should be right. This world is really a very dangerous world. So even if I run, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive..."

"Now I'm in the original world anyway. It's better to stay here first. After I have completely gained their trust, I will talk about where to go. I think by that time, I should understand the pattern of this world..."

Soon, Jehovah made up his mind not to leave and escape from here.

No matter whether this is a trap or not, he can't escape. Now he has just come to this world and still doesn't know anything. It's better to wait until he understands it.

If he is really unhappy here, he will just change to another place to live. After all, for him, as long as there are not too many people watching, or too strong beings guarding him, he can escape.

"Michael, lead your men to guard this portal. Anyone who dares to escape from this world will be killed without mercy!"

Although God Jehovah was extremely servile in the face of Shi Hao, he was still the high and mighty God when facing these natives of the world.

"Yes! Obey God's orders!"

As the most powerful existence under God, Michael usually responded to God's words.

Jehovah nodded with satisfaction. With Michael's protection, he knew that he didn't have to worry about this portal anymore.

Except for one person, so he looked at the fallen angel Lucifer, who he had cultivated but eventually fell into darkness, that is, Satan today.

"Lucifer, if you dare to oppose me in this matter, then I can only bear the pain and kill you!"

He looked at Lucifer with a serious face and intimidated him.

In his opinion, he could forgive many things and didn't care about what Lucifer had done in the past, even if he wanted to overthrow himself.

There are two reasons for this. The first is the most important point, that is, he knows that Lucifer has no ability to overthrow him.

The second is that because of the existence of Lucifer, more people will believe in him and have faith in him.

Only in this way can his strength be improved more quickly.

Yes, God Jehovah relies on faith to improve his cultivation realm, and those angels are actually creatures transformed by his faith power combined with the water of the Angel Pool, so they will grow with his cultivation.


Satan sneered at first, then smiled and said: "Also, you should have forgotten that my name is Satan now, which is the name you gave me personally..."

That smile was full of weird expressions, which also made Jehovah feel a little disgusted.

"Hmph! Don't play dumb with me! I'm not kidding you!"

Jehovah snorted at Satan and warned again.

Then, he looked at this empty world and said slowly: "I say, there must be earth and sky."


For a moment, the sky and earth suddenly appeared in the originally empty world, standing opposite each other.

"I say, there must be light."

As the word of the Lord falls.

A divine power moves.


A sun hung high in the sky.

“I said, Let there be water, and let the waters of the whole world be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear.”

As soon as Jehovah's words fell, sea water began to appear on the originally empty and uneven land. The sea water gathered in one place and communicated with each other smoothly. Water also began to appear in the low-lying places on the earth, while the protruding places were land.

“I said, Let there be lights in the sky to divide the day and the night, and let them be signs to establish seasons and days and years; let them give light to give light on the whole earth.”

Then, the moon and stars appeared in the sky, dividing day and night.

"I said that the water should breed many living things, there should be birds flying in the sky on the ground, and there should be trees, flowers and plants manifesting on the land."

Ever since, he began to create these fish and birds again, and various birds and fish began to appear, as well as dense woods and some competing flowers. It's like returning to the world of the past.

"I said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures; cattle, creeping things, and wild beasts, according to their kinds."

Immediately afterwards, various insects, beasts and other animals began to be active on the land, and the disturbing sounds of life began to appear among the originally silent grass and trees.

Then, the Lord continued: “I said, I will make man in my image and likeness, and will give them dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds in the air, over the livestock on the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

The creatures he created before were only for human beings to manage.

For a time, a large number of human races appeared in the world.

These human races are different from the perfect human races in the prehistoric world. On the contrary, they are somewhat similar to the Western human races created by the ancestors of Yin and Yang, that is, the descendant human races.

In an instant, the world was reshaped again, as if it was back to the world before the world collapsed.

The only difference is that there are some unusual things in the world now, that is, the avenues hidden between heaven and earth that were not found in the original world.

Immediately afterwards, a clichéd scene appeared, in which God Jehovah drove those demons to terrorize mankind. At this time, the incarnation of God, the angel, appeared to save the world and spread faith.

For a time, God restored his faith again.

It's just that there aren't that many believers. After all, it took so long in the previous life to accumulate so many humans. Now they have returned to before liberation overnight, and they still need to slowly accumulate them to be real.

Satan looked at this scene, turned his head away with disdain, and casually found a place to stay.

He knew that Jehovah would create hell sooner or later, but he would not go in. What he wanted was to find an opportunity to sneak out, causing that extremely powerful creature to become angry at Jehovah, and then kill Jehovah.

Da Luo Realm, the gathering place of the human race, the Human Emperor City.

Human Emperor City, as the name suggests, is the city where the Human Emperor is located. This is the capital of the human race in the Great Luo Realm.

"Your Majesty, one hundred thousand alien creatures have been brought into that world!"

Shi Hao looked at the Human Emperor above, bowed and said.

"Well! Very good! This time, you two did a great job! I am very satisfied!"

The Suiren clan smiled and nodded when they heard this. The Shi Hao clan and the Su Ming clan did a good job indeed. Not only did they seize the origin of the world, they also brought in the powerful creatures from the enemy.

The last time it was the Witch Clan who did this, those big bosses actually thought of incorporating those alien beings. The Monster Clan couldn't even think of this, and the Human Clan also copied it.

As for the dragon clan, they are the only ones among the four major clans that have not captured the world. There is no way. Those people are all too smart, and there is no chance for the dragon clan to capture the origin of the world.

Once it disappears, someone will immediately block it, and then it will be inexplicably teleported back to the wilderness.

To seize the origin of the world is like ascending to the sky.

In fact, although these alien worlds are not of much use, they are still one world after all. And now, especially when the other three major forces of the four major forces have obtained it, but the Dragon Clan has not, how will the other races in the prehistoric world view the Dragon Clan.

Don't you want to win glory for the prehistoric era? Or is it because of a lack of strength?

What? neither?

Then why do the three major clans have other worlds, but you don’t? !

Therefore, the most uncomfortable one at this time is the Dragon Clan. Of course, the Human Clan is very happy now. After all, they have finally captured the world, which also represents strong strength and intelligence.

Of course, the Dragon Clan plans to follow the Human Clan's approach next time. After all, the Dragon Clan did not succeed, so every time they go on an expedition, the Dragon Clan actually sends people to watch.

That is for observation and learning. If someone succeeds, the Dragon Clan will try this method next time.

However, the two Lich clans did not put their energy here anymore, because they found that instead of putting their energy here, they might as well think of ways to improve their own strength, which was the real way out.

"Your Majesty is so complimentary..."

When Su Ming heard this, a smile appeared on his face and he said humbly.

As for Shi Hao, he nodded slightly without saying much. His Majesty praised him, so he continued.

"Your Majesty, I think the strength of those creatures is extremely low. Why keep them? It would be better to kill them and let some people from the human race immigrate there."

Shi Hao then raised his hands and suggested.

In his view, those creatures were weak and poor, and were taking the wrong path, which was extremely difficult to correct. They were not following the same path of cultivation as in the ancient times.

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