Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 339: Depriving God of His Name and Giving Him the Innate Treasure

"That world is useful, and those creatures can also help the human race, but there is no need to kill them. I see that among those alien creatures, there is a creature that is no worse than Jehovah, who calls himself God."

"However, this world is now under the jurisdiction of the prehistoric world, and its name of God is bound to conflict. It is ordered to change it to the Fan Emperor."

"And the world that Su Ming obtained will be called the Fan World, symbolizing that it is a place for ordinary people. If there are evil people in the human race in the future, they will be exiled to the Fan World."

Sui Ren looked at Su Ming and Shi Hao below and said slowly.

He is the emperor of the human race, the real emperor of the human race, the emperor of the human race and the emperor of the entire prehistoric world.

The prehistoric world is actually the prehistoric world, that is, the four seas and eight wastelands, and the so-called heaven and hell are special cave worlds that appear based on the four seas and eight wastelands. They are extremely large and spectacular cave worlds.

Although it is not comparable to the Four Seas and Eight Wastelands in terms of scale, it is still much stronger than the Four Seas and Eight Wastelands in terms of foundation and class.

Although the human world is rich in the Four Seas and Eight Wastelands, it is not a place for the human race alone. There are thousands of races living in harmony, and there are super-large races such as the East Wasteland Monster Clan, the West Wasteland Witch Clan, and the Four Seas Dragon Clan.

As for the other four extreme places, except for the Phoenix Clan, almost no creatures will go there. There are some extreme places, so they are called the four extreme places.

The Human Emperor commands everything in the human world, naturally including the human race, and Suiren himself is the emperor of the human race, so it is okay to make a decision with one word.

"I will obey your majesty's order!"

Su Ming and Shi Hao bowed and said after hearing this.

Whether it is the treatment of Jehovah and others or the renaming of the mortal world, they have no big opinions.

It's just the name of a world, it doesn't matter what it is called, in their opinion, it is far less important than their own affairs.

Since the life of Jehovah was useful to His Majesty, Shi Hao naturally let it go. After all, they were just some low-level creatures from another world, and it didn't matter whether they were killed or not.

So, neither of them had any objections.

Suiren nodded when he heard this, and then a divine thought passed through.

There were two big characters on the door at the entrance of that world, and it was called the Mortal Realm.

The Mortal Realm was different from the prehistoric world, which meant that everyone there was mortal and inferior. Compared with the prehistoric world, it was the lower world.

The word "mortal" was already very clear, and Suiren wanted to make that world a place of exile for human sinners.

Let the human race exiled into that world never return to the prehistoric world, and let him and his descendants stay in the Mortal Realm to repent.

Although it was not a really dangerous place, nor was it a place without great ways, it also had the great ways in the prehistoric world, and there was no upper limit to cultivation.

But it is even more difficult to comprehend there than the Great Dao in the prehistoric world, let alone in the Daluo Realm.

The Great Dao in the Daluo Realm is extremely obvious, just like the ancient period when the prehistoric world had not yet been taken over by the Heavenly Dao. During that period, many innate sacred beings were able to directly comprehend various Great Daos.

But later, the Great Dao retreated, the Heavenly Dao emerged, and the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth became more obscure and difficult to understand, but it was still much better than in the mortal world.

And now the Daluo Realm is in such a state, returning to the era of the original prehistoric world, and it also has half the size of the prehistoric world, which can be said to be a holy place for cultivation.

As for the four seas and eight wastelands, that is an ordinary place, and the mortal world is an extremely difficult to detect and almost exiled world.

Just like the worlds captured by the demon clan and the witch clan, those worlds are also full of Great Daos, but compared with the prehistoric world, it is much worse, let alone compared with the Daluo Realm.

In the mortal world.

Jehovah rebuilt heaven and hell again, as always.

However, he set up many things in hell this time to monitor Satan's actions, because he always knew that Satan was dissatisfied with his rule, and it was hard to guarantee that the other party would think of leaving secretly.

Therefore, Jehovah threw Satan into hell by force, and set up layers of supervision. As long as Satan wanted to leave, he would know immediately, and then arrest Satan.

But Satan could not be suppressed, because the world still needed Satan's power to help Jehovah maintain his rule.

As for killing Lucifer and replacing someone as Satan, it was the same. Lucifer as Satan and Gabriel as Satan were the same. Whoever was Satan would wish him dead.

As for directly removing Satan and leaving the world without Satan, that was even more impossible, because without Satan's existence, people would not believe in God.

Because no one harmed them, they naturally did not need anyone's protection.

Suddenly, a divine thought came from the sky.

"From now on, in order to avoid taboos, Jehovah will change his title to the Fan Emperor, and this world will be the Fan World!"

This was the voice of the Human Emperor Suiren. As soon as the voice fell, other creatures in this world immediately called Jehovah the Fan Emperor, instead of the former God.


After hearing this voice, Jehovah immediately noticed the other party's cultivation level, and found that he could not detect the other party's cultivation level at all, which showed that the other party's cultivation level was unfathomable.

"It's true as that person said. This world is too dangerous. There are too many beings stronger than me. I have been searching for countless years, and now I finally found an extremely powerful world!"

There was a trace of desire in Jehovah's eyes, which was the desire to become stronger. Once upon a time, he also had this belief, but he didn't know when he discovered that his own cultivation was already the most powerful existence.

Not only in this world, but also in the endless world, he is always the strongest one.

Gradually, his desire to become stronger gradually disappeared, and he slowly turned into a God who only cared about pleasure, and turned into a God who was immersed in female sex all day long.

In addition to practicing cultivation, his life is obsessed with women, and there is no other existence at all.

However, until now, he finally found a way to become stronger again, a reason to become stronger, and he finally had the motivation to move forward again, that is, to transcend everything and become God again!

"Are you not allowed to use God's name? Then I don't need to. The situation is stronger than human beings..."


"I will definitely regain this title again! I will become God again! The God of all existence! Let all the beings in the world surrender under my feet!!!"

There was a hint of huge ambition in Jehovah's eyes. This ambition was huge, but it was far from what his current strength could support.

That's not to say that it's completely impossible for him to achieve this condition. As long as Ye Xuan doesn't intervene, there is still a certain possibility.

After all, Jehovah is extremely powerful and has a profound foundation. He has a foot-tacking talent that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

These are the foundations that can support Jehovah to stand on the top.

Basically, he is adequate.

In terms of path, he is also taking the avenue of faith. There are three thousand avenues, and all of them can lead to enlightenment, so it is not too difficult.

But here comes the problem. What he wants to fight for is the most powerful throne, and the most powerful throne means that there are many people who are ahead of him on this road, and these people They are all his competitors, and every one of them is his insurmountable existence.

And among these people, those who stand at the end are those beings who are superior, those beings who can defeat Jehovah.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to happen.

Because there are many, extremely many beings who stand above Jehovah in terms of footwork or foundation and talent.

"I have to create more human races and let them believe in me! I must get out of this world so that more creatures in the world believe in me. The more people believe in me, the stronger I will be!"

The ambition to be powerful in Jehovah's eyes is getting stronger and stronger, and he almost wants to turn it into reality.

However, at this time, he could not even leave the mortal world and was imprisoned in it.

He can only survive in the mortal world, which is his original world, but in today's world, even his name has been changed.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Being weak is the original sin, and you can't blame others.

Therefore, at this moment, Jehovah began to become angry and strong.

The divine power throughout the day is used to create humans, making more and more humans believe in him.

However, by teaching him the methods of cultivation, those humans who believed in him became stronger and stronger.

After all, no matter how many human beings there are, no Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who devoutly believes in him can bring him a greater improvement. This is a leap in the level of life.

And he has never improved the strength of his believers before, because he feels that his current strength is enough, and the growth rate is also enough.

But things are different now. Therefore, after Jehovah used up his divine power, he rested in heaven. After he recovered, he went to the world to create new human beings.

Not only humans, but also more animals, because as the number of humans increases, more and more food is needed.

You can't just watch the human race you created with your front legs, and the back legs starve to death because there is no food...

"Your Majesty, if you have nothing else to do, I will take my leave..."

Shi Hao was eager to go back to practice. In today's prehistoric world, there are more and more creatures who have reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he is still at the early stage and has not reached the middle stage.

If things go on like this, he may even be surpassed by others, so he is anxious to enter the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

As for him who is in charge of the Great Way of Reincarnation, although his understanding is not as deep as that of Empress Houtu, it is still one of his powerful methods.

After all, that is the Avenue of Reincarnation, the avenue at the forefront. Coupled with the invincible avenue he controls, the Avenue of War, he is now extremely powerful.

He is still the God of War of the human race, and he also symbolizes the most powerful combat power of the human race besides the Human Emperor.

"If nothing happens, you can go back first."

Suiren said to Shi Hao that he didn't have much to do, so he could just briefly talk about the harvest this time.

As for rewards and the like, he didn't have anything good, and those kings didn't need any rewards.

With the emergence of some innate spiritual treasures between heaven and earth for a period of time, more and more people in the human race now have their own innate spiritual treasures, no longer the low-level acquired magic treasures used before, let alone the bare hands used before.

Today, the human race is very powerful in cultivation, and naturally has a lot of innate spiritual treasures.

This is thanks to the heaven and earth furnace set up by Ye Xuan in the heavenly way. That thing can absorb the power of heaven and earth and refine it into innate spiritual treasures. Although it is acquired, it has the ability to reverse the innate and acquired.

It is very similar to the innate treasure Qiankun Ding in the prehistoric world. Qiankun Ding is also like this. It has the ability to reverse the innate. Of course, this requires the refiner to have a huge amount of merit power.

Because the power of merit is essentially the power of origin, use the power of origin to promote its reversal of the innate and acquired.

"Su Mingshi, you have worked hard this time."

Suirenshi looked at the remaining Su Mingshi and said kindly.

This time, Su Ming suffered a lot of losses. Although he used the secret method and did not really die, his own body was also greatly injured.

"Devoted to the human race, these are nothing."

Su Ming shook his head slowly and said with a smile.

Yes, for the human race, it is nothing to get hurt. It is not impossible to repair it. Even if it cannot be repaired, it is willing.

Everything is done to make the human race stronger. If these are achieved, even if there are heavy losses, what's the harm?

"Over the years, without the help of you kings, the human race would not have come here."

Suiren sighed, then slowly walked down from the throne of the human emperor, looking at Su Ming in front of him, and something appeared in his hand.

"Your Majesty, what is this?!"

As soon as the book appeared, Su Ming instantly felt a very strange beating feeling with himself, which was a mutual attraction in the dark.

Not only was Su Ming extremely surprised, but even the book was constantly beating.

"This is the Book of Fate, an innate treasure that I accidentally found in endless time and space. It contains the branch of the Great Dao of Fate, which is just right for you."

Suiren said with a smile on his face. The book was written with two words in the very simple Dao character, and its name was Book of Fate.

The Book of Fate was transformed from the Book of Fate, the companion treasure of the gods and demons of fate in the chaos of the past. It records the Great Dao of Fate, which is exactly the same as the Great Dao that Su Mingshi practiced.

So, the two are innately very compatible.

Su Mingshi quickly took the book from Suirenshi's hand, and the joy in his eyes could not be suppressed. He bowed to Suirenshi and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift of the treasure! Su Mingshi is grateful!!!"

At this time, Su Mingshi was very excited in his heart, and he wanted to go and refine this book immediately. This was a treasure that matched him very well, and it could be said to be his innate treasure.

After all, Su Mingshi's main training now is the Great Dao of Life and the Great Dao of Demon, but he does not have the corresponding treasure for the Great Dao of Demon, so the Book of Life corresponding to the Great Dao of Life naturally becomes an extremely important treasure.

"What you have done in these years is enough to get this treasure, you go and refine it!"

Suiren nodded with a smile, indicating that the other party could go.

He saw Su Mingshi's excitement and understood it very well. Others would do the same.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Su Mingshi thanked him again, and then immediately flashed out of this place and went to where he lived.

Although he did a lot for the human race, which king did not do a lot for the human race? What's more, doing things for the human race is a matter of course, and in his opinion it is a matter of course.

What is more important is that there are too many people in the world who have done many things for their own race or power, but at most they are rewarded with some status, that is, luck, and some fairy treasures. The most generous reward is the innate spiritual treasure, but how can it be rewarded with the innate supreme treasure.

Let alone the innate supreme treasure, even the innate spiritual treasure is rarely rewarded in reality. Most of the time, it is not the innate spiritual treasure that is rewarded. Since the birth of the prehistoric world, except for the one time when Hongjun Patriarch gave it out in large quantities to harm people, no one has ever rewarded it on such a large scale.

Those are the innate spiritual treasures that Hongjun Patriarch looted from the Qilin Treasure House and the Phoenix Treasure House. How can ordinary people have so many innate spiritual treasures?

After watching Su Ming leave, Suiren sighed and said, "If possible, I would like everyone in the human race to have an innate treasure..."

"It's a pity that there are so many innate treasures in the prehistoric world, not to mention that they have already been obtained by others..."

It is not easy to get an innate treasure, and the most powerful of the thousands of innate treasures is the Chaos Bell transformed from Pangu Axe.

The Chaos Bell is both offensive and defensive, and can attack, defend, suppress luck and even the world.

This kind of super treasure with three functions in one, I am afraid there is only one in the whole prehistoric world...

If it weren't for the Chaos Bell in Taiyi's hands, Taiyi would not be the undisputed god of war in the prehistoric world, at least it would not be undisputed, there would be more or less objections.

But it was precisely because the Chaos Bell was too powerful that Taiyi, who was originally in charge of the Great Dao of War, naturally became even more powerful after obtaining the Chaos Bell.

And the Chaos Bell was his companion treasure, accompanying him along the way and witnessing many historical events.

In the Heavenly Palace, the 36th Heaven.

There were ten golden crows flying high in the sky, constantly laughing and playing.

The aura on their bodies was the aura of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If they were placed in the outside world, they would be the most powerful existence, but now they were playing like children in the top layer of the sky.

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