Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 340: The Golden Crow descends to the mortal world, Gabriel’s resentment

"Okay, okay, no more playing, no more playing."

The ten Golden Crow princes laughed and played for a long time before they stopped.

"By the way, brother, I heard that the human race has captured a new world. Do you want to go and play in that world?"

Youwen, the tenth prince of the Golden Crow, said curiously.

They have visited all the realms in this ancient world, but they have never been to this new mortal realm.

"You mean the mortal world?"

The eldest prince of the Golden Crow, Boyuan, frowned and asked.

"Yes, yes, just go to the mortal world for a stroll. Anyway, there are also creatures from other worlds there!"

Youwen grinned and said.

"Yes, big brother, why don't you go there? Everyone from all walks of life has gone there, but this world is the only one I haven't seen!"

The other brothers on the side also urged him one after another.

After all, this is a new world. They are playful by nature, but they will not cause any trouble, so Di Jun did not ground them.

And this must be attributed to Taiyi's original teaching, otherwise, based on the nature of these little Golden Crows, I am afraid that they would have turned upside down long ago.

After all, these little Golden Crows have been like this since they were born, they are the kind of extremely out-of-the-box, and they know that their parents are the Emperor and Queen of Heaven, and their uncle is the recognized God of War since ancient times.

Under this background, how could they, who were already naughty and mischievous, not become dandy.

Fortunately, Taiyi's timely teachings prevented these little Golden Crows from turning into playboys. Although they still ignored things and only cared about having fun as usual, there was nothing wrong with their character. Prices were also rising, so Di Jun didn't care about them.

Play as you like, as long as you don't cause trouble.

The huge Heavenly Court does not need these ten princes to deal with anything. Basically, the people who are left in the Heavenly Court to work are some clones, and the main body has already entered the Daluo Realm to concentrate on cultivation.

After all, one's own strength is the most important, and everything else appears to improve one's strength.

Just like these heaven and earth fruit positions, if you can't add luck to yourself, how many people will be curious about this kind of thing? It doesn't matter if you have it or not.

Except for those who are addicted to power, almost no one is willing to be an official in heaven.

Of course, the current heaven and earth status has the bonus of luck. Not only can you get a piece of luck in the heaven, but you can also get a piece of luck in your own power.

Correspondingly, the fate of the force they belong to is also somewhat linked to the heaven.

Just like heaven and underworld, although underworld is ruled by the witch clan, in fact the luck of underworld is somewhat connected with that of heaven. After all, the emperor of earth is also one of the six emperors of heaven, so he naturally belongs to heaven. organization, but after all, it is also an independent branch, so although the two are connected by fate, they are actually not very big, just a small part.

Then the earth can eat the luck of heaven, the luck of the underworld, and even the luck of the witch clan.

After all, the witch clan did not join the underworld collectively, but only some of the witch clan joined it and held positions.

This is like two companies. Behind the scenes, they actually have the same chairman, but they are separated to prevent one company from going bankrupt and being completely wiped out. At least after one company goes bankrupt, there will still be another company, even if it will be somewhat implicated. , but it is better than all the companies going bankrupt together.

This is the plan of the Wu Clan. The reason why the whole clan has not moved into the underworld is because they want to put their eggs in two baskets.

Of course, although the Wu Clan did not move into the underworld, in fact the Wu Clan still has the final say in the underworld. This is a fact that will never change, because the reincarnation in the underworld was transformed by Hou Tu, and she controls it inside. Absolute authority.

Except for the gods and demons of reincarnation, no one can shake Hou Tu's authority.

Even if someone leads an army to enter, the most they can do is kill all the creatures in the underworld, and it is impossible to say that they want to control the power of the underworld.

As long as Hou Tu's consent is not obtained, even if the entire underworld is occupied, he will not be able to control the power of the underworld.

At this time, the ten little Golden Crows were still discussing whether to go to the mortal world to play.

"Okay then, let's go once, but it must be the same as before. You are not allowed to reveal the true form of the Golden Crow. You must use your innate Taoist body, and you must not harm the world!" Boyuan's eyes scanned the many Golden Crow princes. He warned slowly.

In the end, many Golden Crows finally talked through the Golden Crow's eldest prince Boyui.

"I know! Just rest assured, brother!"

"Yes, yes, don't we do this every time?"

"Besides, brother, aren't you right next to us? With you watching, what can be the problem?"

"let's go!!!"

Many Golden Crows cheered and started speaking loudly.

Obviously they were extremely happy after their eldest brother agreed. Although they could go to the mortal world without the permission of the eldest prince Boyuan, the ten Golden Crow brothers have always done whatever they wanted to do together since they were born. I have never acted alone.

If they want to go somewhere to play, they always go together, because they always feel that if they don't have a brother by their side, they won't have as much fun.

In fact, the ten little Golden Crows at this time still have the mentality of children and like to play together in groups.

It is very happy to play anything together, even if it is just to transform into the real body in one place and chase each other, it is also an extremely happy thing, as if it is the most fun game in the world.

This also corresponds to the saying that what matters is not what game you play, but who you play with.

If you play it with the people you want to play with, no matter how boring the game is, you will still think it is the most fun game in the world. But if you play it alone, it will feel very boring.

With Boyu's agreement, the ten Golden Crow princes manifested their innate Tao bodies one after another, which is the appearance of Pangu, which is the appearance of the human race today.

"Don't mention it, these costumes of the human race are really unique!"

Boyuan looked at the many brothers with great pride and showed off the clothes he was wearing.

He wore a yellow robe with various seals and text carved on it.

These are not clothes bought among the human race. Those clothes are just some extremely low-level magic weapons. He directly transformed the patterns created by the human race.

Wearing it on the body and matching the temperament of his innate Taoist body, it is indeed very good.

"The eldest brother is really a god. It seems that just by looking like this, he is a true cultivator!" Zhong Lang, the second prince of Jinwu, took a closer look and saw that the eldest brother's outfit was indeed well matched.

In fact, what they wear on weekdays are all princely clothes, which are innate spiritual treasure level clothes and can be transformed into various clothes.

Of course, you have to have the concept of that kind of clothes in your mind, otherwise it won't be possible.

Then, Zhong Lang also transformed himself, looking somewhat like a handsome young man.

So, the ten princes started a heavenly prince model show on their way to the mortal world.

They all transformed into various clothes according to their own ideas. Those clothes were all different styles and had various changes.

It's just such a simple slapstick, but you can actually have a lot of fun. This is also an enviable family relationship, or friendship.

The relationship between brothers of the same age is very responsible. Brothers of the same age basically add friendship to the family relationship.

While there is no shortage of playmates, childhood will naturally lead to a happier life.

Although these Golden Crow princes are not younger than their peers in the human race, compared to the time they were conceived at this time, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are children.

Mortal world, heaven.

Nowadays, there are not many creatures in heaven, because the number of human beings who died of old age and death in the previous batch is not very large, so heaven is very empty, with clouds and mist everywhere, and there are not many buildings.

At this time, Jehovah, as the Mortal Emperor, is spreading the path of cultivation in the mortal world and guiding those human beings in the direction of cultivation. He hopes that more and more cultivators will appear among his followers, and naturally they will become stronger and stronger. Good, because in this case, his cultivation will become stronger and stronger.

However, as one of the four archangels, Gabriel had an unusual look in his eyes at this time.

That was an extremely abnormal look, a look that shouldn't appear on angels like them.

just like……

He seems to be Lucifer, the leader of the five archangels in the past...

Lucifer also had this look in his eyes. This was a look that was full of wisdom and was no longer an accessory to God.

"Damn Jehovah! He did these disgusting things to me!!!"

Gabriel suddenly felt a chill in his heart when he thought of all the things in the past, and he felt nauseated and wanted to vomit.

Although I have never really slept with Jehovah, I am still taken advantage of by him on weekdays.

And then I thought about the fact that I was naked in front of many living beings in the past. Although it was caused by Shi Hao, all the living beings present also saw it.

"Damn! You all deserve to die!!!"

Gabriel's eyes were full of resentment. After she was beaten like this, according to her previous consciousness, although she was equally annoyed and angry, she must not be as hateful as she is now.

Her eyes were filled with resentment towards Shi Hao, and all the creatures who had seen her body felt a little disgusted.

Although there were nearly one hundred thousand angels, she was the only female angel among them. The other angels were all male. Therefore, those male angels had focused their attention on her.

Some of them were even stunned and kept staring at her.

"No, I can't kill them directly. My strength is not enough, far from enough! I need to practice. I will be strong enough before I can go for revenge!!!"

Gabriel suppressed his eagerness and forced himself to think rationally.

It was impossible for her to run over to seek revenge now, let alone the Shi Hao clan. Even if it were Jehovah, she would not be able to defeat the opponent, let alone kill him.

Therefore, she can only endure, can only lurk, and find ways to obtain the cultivation methods in this world. Only in this way can she better surpass Jehovah.

If she continues to practice according to the current system, no matter how much power of faith she collects, she will never be able to defeat Jehovah.

Only by finding other ways can we have a chance of defeating the opponent.

"Going to find Lucifer?"

A new idea suddenly appeared in Gabriel's mind. He could go to Lucifer and join forces with Lucifer to see if he could overthrow Jehovah's rule.

"No, no, Jehovah can kill Lucifer instantly, so joining forces with him is not feasible!"

In just a moment, Gabriel immediately shook his head and rejected his idea.

"Then the only possibility left is to find a way to escape from the mortal world, and then obtain those people's cultivation systems and see how they practice..."

Gabriel murmured to himself, his eyes getting brighter and brighter, and she felt more and more that this idea was reliable.

And the next second, her eyes dimmed, and she knew in her heart that this was impossible.

Because Gabriel could not break through the defense of the hundreds of Hunyuan Golden Immortals of the human race, it was impossible to escape from those people and obtain the cultivation system in this world.

And since you can't rush out and get it, then naturally there is only one possibility.

"Yes! Go and seduce those human guards! These men are extremely dirty things. With my beauty, I can definitely get what I want from their hands!!!"

Gabriel soon thought that he had the last possibility, the only possibility.

That is to use the beauty trap to seduce the human guards so that they can become his subordinates. Since this body is already unclean, it is better to use it to seduce those men and strengthen himself.

As long as you are strong enough, you will be able to avenge yourself when the time comes.

Whether it is Jehovah, Shi Hao, or those who have seen his body, they will all die! ! !

Mortal world.

After the Ten Golden Crow Princes entered the portal, they saw hundreds of human Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals floating in the air and meditating.

After they stepped into it, the hundreds of human Hunyuans quickly opened their eyes. Among them, a human came out and looked at the person coming, cupping his hands and saying:

"We have met ten His Royal Highnesses. What business do these ten His Highnesses have to visit?"

"We have met ten His Royal Highnesses."

The remaining human monks also followed suit.

This is etiquette, and it cannot be broken unless the situation is completely turned upside down.

"Get flat!"

Boyuan said on behalf of the ten Golden Crow princes, raising his hands slightly to indicate that everyone could get up.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Many human beings once again expressed their thanks, and then looked at the ten Golden Crow princes like this.

"I don't have any official business here. I just heard that a new world has been captured among the human race, so I came here to have some fun." Boyao looked at these human monks standing in front of him and knew what the other party meant.

"So that's it. Your Royal Highnesses, please help yourself. Hundreds of us are burdened with heavy lives and dare not leave this place. We are unable to accompany you. Please forgive us, Your Highnesses..."

The human monk was neither humble nor arrogant, and continued.

Telling the reasons clearly will save these ten children from having to blame them in the future.

These ten Golden Crow princes originally did not want anyone to come and follow them. They wanted to be able to run out and play directly instead of being followed behind them.

After hearing this, the ten Golden Crows were overjoyed and hurriedly left and went to play in the mortal world.

In the distance, the Archangel Gabriel, who was running over to seduce these human monks, happened to see the scene in front of him.

"These ten are princes!!!" Gabriel was shocked and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although there is no so-called prince in this world, after hearing the word prince, he naturally knew what it meant.

This shows that the identities of the ten handsome young men in front of them are extremely unusual. They are probably the young masters of the human race in front of them, so they are so respectful.

In other words, I don't need to seduce the gatekeepers, but I can go directly to seduce the princes. As long as I successfully hook up with one of them, it will be enough for me to become famous.

At least it should be no problem to kill Jehovah. As for whether she can kill the man who took off her clothes before, it depends on her own methods.

Thinking of the Shi Hao family, Gabriel felt a dull pain in her heart. She wished she could cut the Shi Hao family into pieces.

You must know that it not only made you naked, but also made you fall into the six paths of reincarnation, becoming an extremely lustful woman, and actually did that kind of thing in front of many living beings.

The most egregious thing is that the water that appeared as the sequelae of that incident actually turned into a new race, which was the elves. They were born extremely handsome, but fortunately they died in the destruction of that world. Otherwise, Gabriel looked at it. Those elves will always think of their humiliation.

Yes, humiliation.

It was just before my own spiritual wisdom was completely born. I didn't think it was too outrageous, but since the end of the six paths of reincarnation, I began to quietly plant a seed of spiritual wisdom.

Eventually, it took root and became the Gabriel it is today.

Gabriel quickly chased in the direction of the ten golden crows, wanting to curry favor with them.

"Brother, there is a tail behind you. Do you want to shake it?"

After discovering the tail behind him, the third prince of Jinwu, Shukun, looked at Bo Yan and said.

Bo Yan frowned when he heard it, and then his mind scanned it, and then his brows relaxed, and he smiled and said, "No, slow down a bit and see what she wants to do."

After saying that, many of the princes of Jinwu were a little puzzled.

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