Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 341 Xiaowu, you like women, can I find some for you in heaven?

Normally, when encountering this kind of tail, they would just swipe the opponent, but now they don't.

Forget it if you don’t have it, now you have to go see what the other party is up to?

As the speed of the Golden Crow slowed down, the most intuitive thing was that Gabriel found that he could actually keep up with the speed of these Golden Crows.

"Did they find me?"

Gabriel was overjoyed. Those Golden Crows were so fast that even the simplest way of flying through the clouds made it difficult for her to catch up. But now she was getting closer and closer to them. What did this mean?

It means that it's not that the other party has discovered something and wants to stop and take a look, it means that he has discovered her and wants to meet her, otherwise the speed will not slow down.

And she is more inclined to the latter possibility, because if she really finds something, she can stop there.

As time went by, she became more and more determined in her inner thoughts, confirming that the other party had discovered her and wanted to meet her.

Soon, Gabriel caught up with the top ten Golden Crow princes.

"Greetings to your Royal Highnesses."

Gabriel came to the ten Golden Crows, bowed Yingying, and spoke slowly.

She was wearing a black long hollowed-out tight-fitting dress, which highlighted her graceful body, including her slim waist, her buttocks that could not help but protrude despite being wrapped by the skirt, and her upper body's career that stood out from the crowd. The lines all show that the woman in front of her has an excellent figure.

And that's not all. The pure and sacred look on that pretty little face is completely different from the temperament set off by this black hollow spiritual dress, and there is an ultimate sense of contrast.


The ten Golden Crows had never seen such a scene before. Although they were used to seeing beauties, they had never seen a woman dressed up so coquettishly.

This style of dressing has never been seen before, so all ten Golden Crows were shocked at once.

"As expected of a creature from another world, the way he dresses is so unique..."

The fifth prince of the Golden Crow, Xian Rui, almost lost his eyesight as he muttered to himself.

Apparently, this guy was obsessed with Gabriel.

Gabriel was secretly happy when he saw this, but on the surface he still smiled and did not get up, but it was to give the other party a good impression.

"Get up, how do you know our identities?"

It was the eldest prince Boyuan who said this, allowing Gabriel to stand up.

"Earlier at the entrance, I happened to hear the guards saluting your Highnesses."

Gabriel didn't hide anything and replied directly.

The voice she spoke in was magnetic and lovely, resembling a sweet little woman.

But the more she behaved like this, the more unbearable it became for the untouched Golden Crow princes. The contrast between the hollowed-out tight-fitting dress and her current appearance was too great. Every hollow seemed to be carefully designed, which made it difficult for her to bear it. The key parts are somewhat looming.

Gabriel had never thought about being the wife of one of these princes. She knew that her status was not worthy at all, as long as she could be a little higher on the list.

Not to mention helping you get revenge, but at least providing yourself with a new cultivation system, that would be enough.

The eldest prince of the Golden Crow, Boyuan, nodded when he heard this and said softly: "Then why did you come to see us?"

This is also what he wants to ask the most. The woman in front of him is not ordinary. Although her cultivation level is not as good as theirs, her aura is almost the same. As for her strength, that will only be known in actual combat.

It is already very good for a creature from another world to be able to cultivate to this level.

Hearing this, Gabriel raised a delicate face, and said with a charming expression like pear blossoms on his face: "I was originally from this world, and then entered the prehistoric world. I knew the greatness of the prehistoric world, and I wanted to see it all. Shengjing, however, is imprisoned here by the human race and cannot escape. Please, Your Highness, please take me away from this place and go to the wilderness. "


Boyui and several other Golden Crow princes looked at each other, and their spiritual thoughts continued to communicate.

"Brothers, do you want to take it or not?"

"How can such a beautiful woman be seen suffering here?! The right way is to take her out of the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible!"

When Boyao asked, Lao Wu Xianrui immediately replied.

"Fifth brother, don't be seduced by that charming woman. If you really like me, there are a lot of women in heaven waiting for you to favor you. The origin of this guy in front of you is unknown, and he is dressed so coquettishly that compared to those succubus It’s no different, how can such a woman be brought back to heaven?”

After hearing this, Lu Jun, the sixth child, quickly began to persuade Xian Rui.

In his opinion, the woman in front of him was extremely ominous, and she was definitely not a good thing. Dressed like this, no one in the world had ever dressed so coquettishly, and no one had ever dressed so tightly and dignifiedly.

But the charm of Gabriel only shocked them for a moment at most. After all, they had never seen anything like this before, but after they came back to their senses, it was nothing.

If you can't overcome this temptation, then your character is useless.

"Nonsense! How could I be deceived by her?! Everyone in the world has hobbies, and I am lustful, isn't it okay?!"

The fifth prince of the Golden Crow, Xian Rui, said it directly without any shyness.

This era is the prehistoric era, and it is not the era of later generations whose thoughts were restricted by Confucianism.

In this era, just say what you want, and fight for what you want. If you can fight for it, it is your ability. If you cannot fight for it, it is your own ability. Don't blame others.

And as the prince of heaven, what's wrong with being nice? Very normal thing!

Between heaven and earth, yin and yang attract each other.

Except for those great gods and demons who have no gender, the remaining creatures do not have genders.

The gods and demons of the Great Dao are transformed by the Great Dao. How can the Great Dao come to be called gender? Since the heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang, gender naturally begins to exist.


After hearing what the fifth brother said, the sixth brother Lu Jun didn't know what to say, so he had no choice but to remain silent.

"Xiao Wu, you are such a woman. There are so many in heaven. How about I help you choose them personally?"

After hearing this, Boyuan also began to persuade.

He also felt that the woman in front of him was too slutty and not good. She might be scolded by her father and mother when she was brought back to heaven.

"Yes, yes, Xiaowu, just listen to the advice of Big Brother and Xiaoliu..."

"Xiao Wu..."

"Fifth brother..."

"Fifth brother..."

For a time, everyone began to persuade the fifth prince to show his luck.

Xian Rui was silent for a while, then nodded, and conveyed with his spiritual thought: "Okay, forget it then, it's all up to you."

Seeing that the brothers had also made up their minds, Boyuan smiled slightly and said, "Sorry, we can't help you."

After saying that, he planned to leave.

However, at this moment, Gabriel's expression changed when he heard this, and then he pulled his clothes fiercely, and the huge snow-white Xiong Pu was exposed in front of the ten Golden Crow princes.

"If you can take me out with you, I am willing to work as an ox or a horse for your highnesses..."

Gabriel knelt down in the air, supported the clouds with his limbs, raised his head slightly, and looked at the fifth prince of the Golden Crow with full of lust in his eyes, obviously acting like a cow.


These ten innocent Golden Crow princes had never seen such a scene before. Even the little Golden Crow reacted directly. Fortunately, they were wearing some robes, which covered this embarrassment.

But from their physical reactions, Gabriel could sense the changes in the ten princes, and then they swayed slightly.

"I can't help it..."

Xian Rui stared at Gabriel with red eyes. At this moment, he felt that there was a huge desire in his body that was about to burst out.

"How dare you, a despicable creature, do such a disgraceful thing to my son!"

Suddenly, there was an angry sound in the sky.

Xi He's figure appeared, looking coldly at Gabriel, who was kneeling in mid-air below, with eyes that almost killed him.

Gabriel was so frightened that he quickly kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, please spare my life, Your Majesty, please spare my life. I just want to escape from here. Please spare your life..."

The powerful aura frightened Gabriel so much that he did not dare to move. With the words "my son", she instantly understood who the other party was. It was naturally the empress.

Immediately, he hurriedly kowtowed and begged for mercy, fearing that he would be killed.


The ten Golden Crow princes also lowered their heads and said. Even the fifth prince, who had been so horny before, lost all desire at the moment of showing his dignity. He lowered his head with fear on his face, for fear of being punished by Xi He.


Xihe's face turned frosty and he snorted coldly.

Then he waved his right hand slightly, and a true sun fire emerged.

"Mother, please spare your life! Please spare your life..."

After Gabriel felt the power of the flames, he was so frightened that he kowtowed more frequently. The two extremely white bears kept shaking with the shaking, but no one was watching.

"Despicable creature!"

Xi He waved his hand in disgust, and the true sun fire in his hand moved towards Gabriel.

Seeing that the opponent was being serious, Gabriel quickly transformed into his true form and spread his wings to escape, but her speed was not as fast as Xihe's True Sun Fire. In just an instant, she was caught up by the True Sun Fire.


Gabriel let out a scream and then disappeared into the sky and earth.

After seeing the extremely lewd thing die, Xi He turned his eyes to his ten sons and warned sternly: "Next time you encounter such a lowly creature, kill it!"

After saying that, the figure disappeared.

Daluo Realm, Lingxiao Palace.

"Husband, I felt something in my heart earlier, but there are despicable creatures in the mortal world who want to seduce those boys. I think Xiao Wu is very tempted. Should I arrange a marriage for him? In order to prevent the bloodline from spreading to the lower world and being mixed... …”

Xihe said with a sad face.

She didn't care about the pure Golden Crow bloodline, but whether the Golden Crow bloodline would spread to the lowly world of the mortal world.

If you choose a princess in the wild, it would be good.

As Xian Rui said, all creatures in the ancient world have desires, but most of the desires of creatures are to pursue the great road. However, the Golden Crow princes have no sense of crisis, so they have no desire to improve their cultivation.

The reason they were promoted to the Hunyuan Realm before was that they could be released because they had reached the Hunyuan Realm, otherwise they wouldn't have practiced so hard.

This may be a shortcoming common to many rich second-generation guys. Their ancestors have done everything well. They don't have any sense of crisis. They just want to eat and have fun, and they don't have to do anything.

Di Jun also looked thoughtful, then nodded slightly and said: "In that case, let's choose a princess for these boys. Don't worry too much about anything, just let them choose the one they like. ”

In Di Jun's view, all living beings in the world are the same. As for cultivation, there is no need to be too serious. It is impossible to let the crown prince go into battle to kill the enemy anyway. As long as the prince likes it, everything else is not that important. .

Xihe nodded when he heard this, showed a smile, and said: "In that case, let's hold a concubine selection..."

Xi He also felt the same way, as long as these children liked them and were not like the lowly creatures before.

I don’t know how you dare to do such a lowly thing in broad daylight.

If Xihe knew what the other party had experienced, she might be able to understand it, but obviously, she didn't know.

Gabriel is the kind of person who has broken things. Anyway, I don’t know how many people have seen this body, and they have seen how she played with him, so he has long since been seen by no one.

So I don't care about these anymore, as long as I can take her out of this world, that's enough.

Mortal world.

After Gabriel died, Jehovah felt a sudden pain in his heart, and he suddenly understood something.

"Gabriel?! Who did this!!"

Jehovah was furious, and then his fingers began to calculate continuously, and the power of faith began to emerge. After a while, a mirror image appeared in front of him.

But because of Gabriel’s extremely lustful look before, Jehovah understood everything in his heart.

"This bitch! She has become so lewd! I haven't even enjoyed it yet! She actually wants to escape from this world!" Jehovah couldn't help but cursed loudly.

You must know that Shi Hao had given him an order before. If anyone breaks out, he will die.

But now Gabriel actually wanted to run out with these people of unknown origin. Fortunately, another person suddenly appeared and killed him.

The scene ended abruptly after Gabriel's death. These are the scenes of Gabriel that he restored through the power of faith.

So after Gabriel died, it naturally disappeared.

"Should we resurrect her..."

Jehovah hesitated for a moment. He must have been resurrected. This little girl might even want to escape.

Instead of resurrecting, it's so lascivious that it's gone before it's been enjoyed by anyone. He really wants to enjoy it...

"Resurrection! Although she has the same intelligence as Lucifer, it is precisely because of this that she can bring me different feelings!"

A lustful smile appeared on Jehovah's face. He only liked this hobby. Those creatures in the past were all like puppets, without their own real sanity.

But this time Gabriel is different, he really has his own sanity.

Angels are creatures that are dependent on God and are not truly independent creatures. Even if they die, as long as Jehovah is not dead, Jehovah will have the means to re-breed them from the Angel Pool.

Therefore, he was able to resurrect Gabriel.

Even if Jehovah dies, the angels will not actually die with him, it just means that there is no chance of resurrection.

As for the fallen angel Lucifer, Jehovah cannot resurrect him.

Because the fallen angels have truly separated from the angels and from Jehovah. Although they still look like that in appearance, they are not actually like that.

Although Gabriel has her own sanity, she has not truly escaped from the angel after all. She is still the same angel, she just has a lot more thoughts.

Soon, Gabriel began to conceive again from the Pool of Angels.

This time, Jehovah was not going to let him go. He was going to eat Gabriel thoroughly, leaving no trace of space behind.

And he will also let Gabriel try what is the most terrifying punishment in the world.

As an angel who dares to betray God, apart from allowing God to freely vent his inner desires, he has no other value in existence.

After all, not all angels who rebel against God are Lucifers...

Among the fallen angels, the one whom God really values ​​not to kill is Lucifer. The rest of the fallen angels do not have life protection.

And someone like Gabriel would have to endure a more special punishment.

It can also be said to be a gift from God...

On the other side, the ten Golden Crows were also quite lucky. Fortunately, they were not punished in the end.


"Brother, let's not stay any longer if we encounter this kind of person in the future. Otherwise, if we meet this kind of person again, our mother might really punish us..."

Zhong Lang, the second prince of Jinwu, said with lingering fear.

The rest of the princes also nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Boyu also looked at the brothers with regret and said slowly: "This time it was all my fault. It won't happen again. I hope you brothers won't take offense."

"What did eldest brother say? We are all brothers. We should help each other and bear the burden together. It is no one's fault. If we are wrong, we are all wrong. After all, if we had not fallen into its charm, my mother would not be wrong either. Will appear……"

Shukun, the third prince of the Golden Crow, said with a frown.

"Yes, yes, third brother is right!"

"Yes! Third brother is right!"

"If you want to blame it, it's also my fault, alas..."

"Why should Fifth Brother be like this? Third Brother has already said that it is no one's fault..."

After a period of comforting each other, the ten Golden Crows became happy again.

"I sense that there is heaven and hell here. Do you want to go and see it?"

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