Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 342 Demon Cloth and the Great Desolation, Abdicated Together

"Okay, okay, then let's go to hell and see whether it's more terrifying here or in the underworld!"

When a prince mentioned going to see hell and heaven, another prince immediately said.

There's nothing to see in heaven. It must be like heaven, magnificent and golden. They've long been tired of it.

Hell is more fun. Hell generally has all kinds of punishments, and these punishments are undoubtedly quite fun and interesting to the little golden crows, so they all like to go to hell more.

So, these little golden crows started to go to hell in groups.

Hell is very big, but it's much smaller than the hell in the underworld of the prehistoric world, but it's very big in this world.


In order to make hell look more terrifying and to make people believe in God more, Jehovah made hell extremely terrifying and gloomy.

But for the ten little golden crows who love adventure, they are not afraid at all.

In their view, these are just trivial matters.

After all, as the embodiment of light, how could they be afraid of gloomy and terrifying things.

"Hey, these creatures look so strange, why do they look like humans but have so many wings?" Jinwu Tenth Prince Youwen asked curiously.

"Oh, by the way, the woman before seemed to look like this, but her wings were white, and these people's wings were black..."

Youwen then added.

He thought of the woman's appearance when she was running for her life, isn't it the same as these people now? Except for the different color of the wings, there seems to be no difference...

"Maybe there is a race like this in this world..."

Jinwu Ninth Prince Renjing guessed and expressed his thoughts.

"Who dares to trespass into the land of hell?!"

The fallen angels in front saw that these ten guys were actually commenting on their appearance, and they were a little angry for a while, and ran over to scold them.

Hell is not supposed to be a place for non-hell creatures to enter. To survive here, either the strong oppress others or the weak are oppressed by others.

There are only these two possibilities, nothing more than this.

Of course, they are the fallen angels, a group of their own, and they are the upper race that rules the many tribes in hell.

Because their own strength is very strong, before the appearance of fallen angels, angels symbolized the existence of peace and were also messengers to protect the world.

Angel means the messenger of heaven, that is, the messenger of Jehovah.

In this world, for those creatures born and raised in this world, Jehovah is the absolute heaven.

Otherwise, there would not be the name of God, which shows the merits of Jehovah, that is, the existence similar to God.

"Get lost!"

The third prince of Jinwu, Shu Kun, looked at the fallen angels on the other side, and directly released his momentum and scolded them.

He was too lazy to talk to these lowly creatures, and just said get lost.

The fallen angel felt humiliated when he heard this, but then he felt the extremely powerful aura and was so scared that he quickly ran to the other side with his men, not daring to stay here.

Strength is the pass to all places, and the strong always have various passes.

Deep in hell.

A pair of red eyes flashed with light, which seemed particularly strong in the dark hell.

"Is there someone finally here..."

"It's the breath of the outside world..."

Lucifer's hoarse voice sounded. During this period of time, he has been imprisoned here by Jehovah.

He has the ability to escape, but he knows that once he really escapes from here, Jehovah will come to arrest him immediately.

And in this world, he has no chance to run to the boundary gate.

That means that if he really escapes, he will be caught back immediately.

He may even die directly.

Just like Jehovah, he has no chance to try again.

So either don't move, or if you move, you must make sure you can escape from here, otherwise, what awaits you will be death.

While he was waiting for the opportunity, at this moment, the ten golden crows stepped into hell and startled him.

Lucifer's eyes were instantly filled with hope, and he placed all his hopes on these ten outsiders.

"Come here quickly..."

"Come here quickly..."

As Lucifer muttered to himself, a burst of light really responded in hell, which was a pulling force.

In the dark, it seemed to be pulling the ten golden crows towards him.

As soon as this pulling force appeared, the ten Golden Crows immediately felt it and frowned: "Who cast this magic..."

"I don't know, should we go and investigate?"

"Go! Why are we here? Isn't it just for fun!"

"But...will it be dangerous..."

"What are you afraid of? This little danger is nothing!"

"That's right, these mere mortal creatures, how can they hurt us!"

"Then go!"


After a moment of discussion, the ten Golden Crows began to move towards each other's pull.

Even though they knew that this was the pull of evil spirits from the depths of hell, they still chose to continue following the pull.

Although these little golden crows were a little fierce, the fact was indeed as the third prince of the golden crow, Shu Kun, said, these creatures could not hurt them, at least they could not endanger their lives.

You should know that they had already achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. After achieving the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, not only did they improve their cultivation level and combat power, but they also improved their means of saving their lives to the extreme.

This means that it is impossible for the creatures in the mortal world to kill them.

Even if they died here, they would be reborn again soon.

Soon, the ten golden crows followed the pull all the way to where Lucifer was.

It was dark here, but the ten golden crows themselves could dispel the darkness, so after they came here, there was light in hell, as if God had come in person.

"Who are you?!"

Bo Yu looked at the handsome man Lucifer inside, who had a rather magical appearance and good looks.

He found that Lucifer was exactly the same as the winged humans he had encountered before, they were all of the same race, and the one in front of him was obviously extremely powerful, and he could tell at a glance that he was a very strong existence.

But compared to them, he was still much worse.

But even so, he must be the king of this race!

Lucifer had no idea what was in Bo's mind. When he saw the people in front of him, he was overjoyed and said quickly: "Can you take me out? I want to go to the prehistoric world to learn more powerful skills, so as to overthrow Jehovah's rule!"

Although he was called Satan by Jehovah, which symbolized the devil.

But in fact, he knew that he was not a devil, and he also wanted to overthrow the hypocritical Jehovah and establish a real paradise, a paradise for the friendly development of the world.

Even if he would lose a lot of things, even if he had to bear countless infamy, he didn't care.

Because in order to achieve his goal, he would use any means.

When facing a treacherous and evil person, you must use all means to get rid of him. If you still care about some bullshit, it will undoubtedly increase your difficulty.

You should use the same means to deal with the person you treat. Only in this way can you really overthrow the other party.

"Why should we take you away from this world?"

Bo Yu frowned and asked.

What are the winged creatures in this world thinking? They met one before and asked them to take him away, and now they meet another one who wants them to take him away.

Is this world really so dark?

In fact, it is not only because of this reason, but more of a desire for powerful strength.

These people are eager to have powerful strength, so that they can better control their own destiny.

If they might be willing to take Gabriel away before, then they will definitely not take Lucifer with them now.

The reason is very simple. After all, this is the territory of the human race. They come here to play. Strictly speaking, these creatures are the property of the human race. How to deal with them should be decided by the human race, not by them.

Of course, they can take someone away with their status, which is not a big deal, but they will not do so.

Because Taiyi taught them that they cannot use their status to force certain things.

Lucifer was stunned when he heard this. Yes, why should they take him out? They are not related to each other, so they can't do it just because he says so.

As for the so-called overthrow of the rule of the evil Jehovah, what does this have to do with the creatures in the outside world...

For a moment, he seemed to have no serious reason.

But even so, it does not mean that Lucifer is willing to sink. He closed his eyes in pain, and then opened his eyes again and said calmly: "If you are willing to take me out of this place, or teach me the method of cultivation, Lucifer will definitely follow your orders in the future."

After hearing Lucifer's words, Shukun was a little moved. This is an opportunity to control this world.

But in a flash, he threw this idea out of his mind, because this is the territory of the human race after all. If they control this place, what will it mean?

Even if his father knew about it, he would probably not get any benefits.

After all, it was said at the beginning that whoever captured the world would own it.

This was captured by the human race, so it should naturally belong to the human race. What's the big deal for them to come and interfere? Coming in to play is already a face given by the human race, otherwise they would not be allowed to come in.

After all, this place belongs exclusively to the human race, and naturally other creatures cannot come in.

Of course, coming here to play is just like being a guest, which is also okay, but you can't say that others asked you to come and play, and you took it away from them.

Bo Yan shook his head slightly, then turned around and planned to leave here with many brothers.

Lucifer got anxious when he saw this. This was his only chance, so he shouted: "I can agree to whatever you want. As long as I can do it, I will agree to it."

"Forget it. We can definitely get what we want. You don't need to worry about it."

Such words came from the retreating figures of the Golden Crows, making Lucifer's face look deathly silent.

Why don't these primitive creatures want to save themselves? Why don't you give yourself a chance!

Even if it’s just a technique, it’s better than giving nothing at all! ! !

For a moment, the aura on Lucifer's body began to feel a little strange.

It's like being possessed by a demon, but there are no demons in this world at all...

As his demonic aura became stronger and stronger, his strength also became stronger and stronger.

"What a powerful force! This is the power! I want to become stronger!!!"

Lucifer suddenly let out a roar that spread throughout hell.

On the other side, the Ten Golden Crows who had just walked out of the depths of hell heard roars coming from behind.


"who cares……"

"But it seems that my strength has become stronger..."

"I have indeed become stronger, but that's it..."

"Hell turns out to be so boring. Apart from seeing some creatures I've never seen before, I didn't see anything special..."

"Then go to heaven and see, I hope there are good things there..."

Beyond the wilderness, in the chaos, there is a demonic realm outside the realm.


"Now the human race finally has the secret that I planted, although it is only the secret in the subordinate world..."

Having said this, Demon Ancestor Luohu's originally happy mood suddenly became a little depressed.

Damn, this is really fucking crazy. What on earth is this human race made of? Actually, none of the hundreds of billions of humans that are about to exceed one trillion can be bewitched by him...

This is so unscientific! ! !

Although ghosts are just ants in front of Luo Hu, Luo Hu still wanted to express his feelings at the moment.

As for science, what is that…

"Huh~ Generally speaking, it is worth gratifying. That is, only the human race has uncertainties, but other racial forces have hidden secrets planted by me. When the various races decline, it will be my demon sect. The day of unification!"

Luo Hu instantly became excited again. Looking at these his secret disciples, his heart was filled with excitement at this moment.

"If all clans do not decline, then I will let all clans decline!!!"

The light in Luo Hu's eyes was strong, and ambition was revealed.

This is Luo Hu, Hongjun's mortal enemy. The two fight each other, and one is more ambitious than the other.

But at this time, Luo Hu had already thought about it. If the tribes themselves did not decline, then he would let them begin to decline!

After all, Luo Hu is not the kind of person who just sits back and waits for death. If the opportunity does not come, he will not wait patiently, but will take the initiative to create the opportunity.

And these shadows are not only the prosperous future of the Demon Sect, but also the creators of the opportunities he creates.

From this we can also see Luo Hu's ambition, which is to dominate the ancient world.

These beings who stood at the pinnacle of the ancient era could not understand the nature of this era, and they wanted to unify the ancient world. It was simply a fool's dream.

The truly powerful people in Dijun today have already seen through everything and know that Ye Xuan will not let them dominate the ancient world.

Even those Dao gods and demons, although they have awakened, still dare not show their faces in the wilderness.

There is no other reason but strength.

Today's prehistoric era is no longer the weak prehistoric one, which is no longer allowed to be manipulated by the gods and demons of the great avenue. Of course, in fact, it is because these gods and demons do not have their true bodies, otherwise they can still wreak havoc in the prehistoric era, but it is not the same at all. It is impossible to unify the ancient times.

Samsara Gods and Demons have known for a long time that there are stronger ones besides the ancient world, and he is not interested at all in the so-called unification of the ancient world. As for destroying the ancient world, he is not stupid. Not destroying the ancient world will only benefit him and not harm him. .

Therefore, he has always stayed in the underworld, comprehending his own path and strengthening his strength in the six paths of reincarnation all day long.

His cultivation realm also unknowingly broke through to the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, becoming the fourth living being to step into this realm.

At this time, the Suiren clan of the human race was already preparing for the abdication ceremony.

His abdication ceremony was also the Lieshan clan's enthronement ceremony.

Of course, there are also many people in the human race who call the Lieshan clan the Shennong clan, which is also an honorific title.

Among the human race, all the human races also know that the next human emperor is Shennong.

After knowing the news, Lietian clan almost fainted from excitement. A being who was in the realm of Hunyuan True Self almost fainted, which shows the excitement in his heart.

It's like watching a child who grew up come back from wandering around, and then the national leader comes over and tells you that your son is the next national leader...

What kind of surprise is this?

What's more, it's not just a country, it's the entire human race!

He is the supreme human emperor! It is His Majesty the Human Emperor who symbolizes the co-owner of the human race and even the co-owner of heaven and earth! ! !

Although Shennong's position as the next Human Emperor has been announced by Suiren to all the people of the human race, after all, their cultivation has not reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at this moment, so they have not yet ascended the throne.

But the Suiren family was planning the abdication ceremony and the Human Emperor's enthronement ceremony. After all, after finishing it first, they would only wait for the Shennong family's breakthrough in cultivation before passing on the throne.

Human race, Suicheng, Imperial Palace.

"Your Majesty, after you abdicate, I will also abdicate. The king of the Shi Kingdom should be replaced by someone else."

Shi Hao looked at Suiren and said seriously.

Suiren was stunned when he heard this, then smiled and said, "If you want to replace someone, then replace someone else. It's up to you. You have worked hard over the years. It's time to take a break."

"The human race is already very strong and no longer needs my protection. I should also go to find my own path..."

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