Shi Hao's eyes were full of longing for the future. He had been fighting for the human race these years, which actually delayed a lot of his time in cultivating the Taoism.

If he could put down the affairs of the human race and concentrate on pursuing his own path, he might have reached the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal by now.

Everything was fine in the early stage, and I also received a considerable cultivation speed bonus by relying on the king's luck bonus.

But after arriving in the realm of Hunyuan, he has been distracted from managing the affairs of the human race and has not devoted himself to the battle, so his cultivation has also been delayed.

Although the impact is not very big, now that we can throw away these influences and practice, it is naturally good.

After all, the human race is now extremely prosperous and no longer needs his protection or anything like that.

The position of the King of the Stone Kingdom can be given to others. After all, His Majesty the Human Emperor has already planned to resign, so what's the problem with his little King of the Stone Kingdom?

"After I retire, many kings may also abdicate."

Regardless of appearance, Shi Hao and Suiren sat on the steps, leaning on the guardrail beside them, talking face to face.

Suiren laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "Haha, just retreat then. It's time for the human race to be handed over to the new generation. Our generation has completed the mission we should complete, and now it's time to let future generations go on to explore." It’s time, after all, the human race can’t always rely on our old bones to support it, right?”

The human race itself is a race that dreams about the future, and the Human Emperor also wants to see a human race in which the predecessors are strong and the future generations are stronger. Therefore, at the end of each era, the new generation will step onto the stage of history.

Rather than letting one person serve as the Human Emperor all the time, if he holds the position for a long time, the water of the human race will become turbid, until it becomes dead.

Suiren didn't want to see that scene, and he didn't want to block everyone's way. What he wanted to do was to create a human race where everyone had the opportunity to become a human emperor, and there was no such thing as one person dominating forever.

As long as this person completes his own mission of achievement, he can find an opportunity to abdicate until he finds another true Human Emperor, at which time he can abdicate, just like himself.

After a person has held power for a long time, it is inevitable that he will not be eroded by the power. After a person has been self-reliant for a long time, he will inevitably develop a character that cannot listen to the advice of others and only cares about what he thinks.

This kind of character is not good, and it will definitely affect the rebellion against major events in the human race.

In the history of Ye Xuan's previous life, many monarchs were wise in their youth and dim in their old age. Not only because they became a little confused when they got old, but also because of the egocentric and domineering attitude they developed during their lifetime of controlling the world. character.

He thinks that all his decisions are right, and that everyone in the world should do what he wants.

The most typical examples of this are Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. As wise as they were in their youth, they were as foolish as they were in their old age.

It's just that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty issued a Luntai sinner edict to save his reputation. In addition, after his death, Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty wiped the butt of the Han Dynasty, and a wave of Zhaoxuan Zhongxing came. Otherwise, there would be rebellions all over the world. Emperor Wu's reputation may not be much better.

After Tang Xuanzong, there was no one to wipe his butt. Tang Suzong, who stole his throne, failed to revive his life, and the same was true for Tang Daizong later. Therefore, the world of the Tang Dynasty continued to suffer from ills, and Tang Xuanzong also became a prosperous person. The sinner who has turned down...

Suiren didn't want to be a sinner, and he didn't want sinners to appear among future human emperors.

He looked at the infinite time and space and knew that the human races in many worlds were trapped in internal fighting, and the fighting became more and more fierce from generation to generation.

But at those times, it was all because the human race was unable to covet the larger world. The human race was locked by the gods and immortals and could not spy on the world. Therefore, those human races could only focus on the internal strife of the human race.

If there is always a goal, then the human race will not have internal friction.

Of course, the internal strife of the human race is an internal struggle, but if anyone dares to invade the human race, the anger will be twisted into a hemp rope and fiercely drawn towards other forces in an instant.

"The future of the human race is no longer comparable to those in time and space. The human race will definitely be prosperous and prosperous in the future. What's more, we just abdicated, but we did not abandon the human race."

Shi Hao raised a smile on his lips, looked into the distance and said.

In the infinite time and space, the end of the human race cannot be considered good. Although it is very good compared to the two Lich clans, they have also become puppets and become the false protagonists of the world. In fact, they are controlled by the gods in the sky. Playing with it.

Even the fight for luck has to be fought under the guise of the human race, and the human race is completely manipulated, without any consideration of whether the human race is willing.

Randomly interfering with the fate of the human emperor's change, and even created a so-called emperor.

How can the Human Emperor exist? He actually needed to become the emperor and downgraded his status.

The Human Emperor is the emperor of the human race, and now he is the respected one among the six emperors. He should be brothers with the Emperor of Heaven. Although his status is not as high as that of the Emperor of Heaven, it is not too far behind.

But those human emperors in other time and space are willing to become the sons of the Emperor of Heaven and rule the world as the sons of the Emperor of Heaven. It is simply ridiculous.

Although the status of the Human Emperor is not as good as that of the Heavenly Emperor, it is not so low.

It is natural for the emperor to rule the world. There is nothing wrong with it. It is just like this. It is very reasonable. Why does he need the approval of the emperor? He even lowered his status to become the son of the emperor.

They were originally equals, but they became the sons of the emperor.

All of this is ultimately due to the problem of strength. If the strength is insufficient, it will be like this. If the strength is prosperous, then there will be no need to worry about anything, and no one will interfere with the affairs of the human race.

"Yes, we are just abdicating, not leaving the human race, haha..." Suiren laughed when he heard this. He abdicated within the human race, not leaving the human race.

If anyone dares to bully the human race, they will still come out to support them.

But if it is not a critical moment, they will not take action again, just like they really retired from the prehistoric world.

At least, they would not come out unless the human race was in danger. When they took action, it also showed that the human race was in a very dangerous situation.

Heavenly Palace, Thirty-three Heavens, Lingxiao Palace.

“Your Majesty, the Human Emperor wants to abdicate. If the Human Emperor attends the Heavenly Palace at that time, what scale should be used to receive him?” Bai Ze bowed slightly to the Emperor Di Jun above him and said slowly.

Bai Ze was responsible for such matters. He was basically responsible for all the etiquette matters in the Heavenly Palace.

The Human Emperor wanted to abdicate, and this matter was known to the world. Although they did not understand it, they all respected Suiren’s choice. In addition, this was also an internal matter of the human race, and they had no right to interfere.

In their view, Suiren had finally brought the human race from a weak state to its current strong position. It can be said that it was already the third largest tribe in the prehistoric world, and the gap was not that big compared to the previous two tribes.

It is almost certain that the human race will surpass the two races of witches and liches in the near future, but at this time, Suiren actually abdicated.

He should have enjoyed himself, but he didn't want to, and abdicated.


Di Jun thought deeply after hearing this, and it was a bit difficult to answer for a while.

Yes, if Suiren abdicated, if the human race attends the activities of the Heavenly Court in the future, or Suiren comes to visit the Heavenly Court, what scale should the Heavenly Court receive him?

Let's say it's the highest scale. Suiren abdicated, not only is he not the emperor of the human race, but he is not even the emperor of the six emperors.

Because as the human race has become the protagonist of heaven and earth, the emperor of the human race and the emperor of the six emperors are already the same thing, unless the protagonist of the human race is deprived of the position of the human race, otherwise, the two are together.

If these two are connected, then Suiren abdicated, which means that Suiren is no longer the emperor of the human race, but just an ordinary human Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But is it really so in fact? !

It is impossible to think about it. Although it was not done by Suiren alone, but by thousands of people, Suiren made the human race such a powerful force. However, the greatest contribution was naturally Suiren.

This means that Suiren has a very special status in the human race. Even if he is no longer the emperor of the human race, he is still the supreme emperor of the human race.

For Emperor Jun, Suiren is also someone he has watched since he was a child. From the birth of the human race to the present, Emperor Jun has always paid attention to the human race, so naturally he has paid a lot of attention to Suiren.

Emperor Jun also admires Suiren very much. He also has a broad mind and has brought a weak race to its peak. Naturally, they appreciate each other.

Heroes appreciate heroes, and weak people despise each other.

"The human race has occupied the Southern Wilds, and the position of the Southern Emperor is vacant. Apart from the people of the human race, I am afraid that no one can gain a foothold in the Southern Wilds."

After thinking for a while, Emperor Jun spoke slowly. At this point, Bai Ze already understood what he meant.

"Your Majesty means to make Suiren the Southern Emperor?"

Bai Ze bowed and asked.

Emperor Jun nodded upon hearing this, and said with a smile: "Yes, that's right. Suiren is of great significance to the human race. After all, he is the first emperor of the human race, and he can be regarded as a genius of his generation. Such a hero should be respected even after abdication.

In addition, the position of the Southern Emperor is vacant, and anyone other than the human race who takes this position will inevitably become a puppet, and it will be difficult to show the true style of the Six Emperors. The Six Emperors of Heaven are the face of the entire Heaven, and this situation must not happen.

And with Suiren's achievements, he must be able to take this position, so it is natural to confer him the title of Southern Emperor."

That being said, it is said that no one except the human race can serve as the Southern Emperor in the Southern Wilderness, otherwise it will be sidelined.

But in fact, as long as Emperor Jun nods, it will definitely not be sidelined. After all, the power of the demon race is still stronger than that of the human race at this stage, not to mention the entire Heaven.

Therefore, the throne of the Southern Emperor may not necessarily be given to a human. Of course, Emperor Jun did not know who to give it to, so it had been vacant.

The reason why it was given to Suiren now was that besides Suiren being a human being who could rule the Southern Wilderness well without causing any chaos, another very important factor was that he admired Suiren very much.

He didn't want Suiren to come to the Heavenly Court as an ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the future, which was not in line with Suiren's status.

Therefore, Suiren was the Southern Emperor. Even if Suiren stepped down from the position of Human Emperor, he could still enter the Heavenly Court as the Southern Emperor. Although his status was a little lower than that of Human Emperor, Suiren was the former Human Emperor and the current Southern Emperor, which was actually very high.

Moreover, whether it was the Southern Emperor or the Human Emperor, their status was the same. They were both one of the Six Imperial Emperors, just like the Eastern Emperor and the Earth Emperor.

"Your Majesty, when will it be conferred? Now?"

After hearing Di Jun's affirmative answer, Bai Ze nodded and asked.

"No, I will confer it when the Human Emperor abdicates, otherwise the Human Emperor will be the Southern Emperor, and this precedent cannot be set."

Di Jun shook his head and said slowly.

He could confer Suiren the title of Southern Emperor because Suiren was qualified and he really admired Suiren.

But if Suiren had named the other party the Southern Emperor when he was in power, wouldn't that mean that the Human Emperor was the Southern Emperor, and the two emperors' positions must not be combined. Once a habit is formed, the Southern Emperor must be selected from the human race in the future.

Although he planned to give the Southern Emperor position to Suiren, who knows if Suiren would suddenly give up the Southern Emperor position.

At that time, Emperor Jun would naturally have to find another Southern Emperor, and at that time it would not necessarily have to be from the human race. There really was no qualified one, so he would rather leave it empty than directly give it to the Human Emperor as a title.

Of course, if there is a suitable candidate among the human race, then it will naturally be given to that suitable candidate, regardless of whether the other party is the Human Emperor.

Emperor Jun is not unwilling to give the Southern Emperor position to the creatures of the human race, but he is unwilling to let the Southern Emperor position and the Human Emperor position become one position, and will not let the Human Emperor succeed to the Southern Emperor position.

He would not allow such a thing to happen. How could there be a situation in the world where two of the Six Emperors are the same person? If that were the case, wouldn't that person be the leader of the Six Emperors, and wouldn't the Eastern Emperor be a decoration?

But if there was a fight, which emperor could win if the Human Emperor and the Southern Emperor were united?

In terms of luck, it would be overwhelming, and it might even be more magnificent than the luck of the Emperor of Heaven, after all, it was two Six Emperors united...

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Bai Ze bowed again and boasted.

He asked this question before because he was afraid that the Human Emperor and the Southern Emperor would be united. For the position of the Six Emperors, many people have some ideas in their hearts, after all, this is the real Six Emperors.

Bai Ze is no exception, but he knows that the Six Emperors are a great position. His current position as the Ten Great Marshals of Heaven is second only to the Six Emperors and the Demon Emperor, and even higher than the Thirty-two Heavenly Emperors.

The Thirty-two Heavenly Emperors do not refer to the Heavenly Emperor, but the Great Emperors of each of the Thirty-two Heavens. They are the people who are responsible for ruling and managing the Thirty-two Heavens. These people are collectively called the Thirty-two Heavenly Emperors.

The status of the Ten Great Marshals is even higher than theirs. They are the real high positions in the Heavenly Court.

But compared with the Six Heavenly Emperors, they are naturally much worse.

The Six Heavenly Emperors also appeared to stabilize the world, stabilize the Heavenly Court, and assist the Heavenly Emperor in managing the four seas and eight wastelands.

The Human Emperor and the Earth Emperor respectively command two of the Three Realms, while the remaining Four Heavenly Emperors command the Four Wastelands.

On the surface, the Human Emperor naturally commands the largest area, but in fact, this position conflicts with the Four Heavenly Emperors, so it is extremely difficult to completely command the human world.

But if the command is successful, it will be incredible, and the power will suppress the Four Heavenly Emperors and catch up with the Heavenly Emperor.

Even the Earth Emperor cannot compare. Although the position of the underworld is small, its importance is actually no less than that of the Heavenly Court, and it is even more important than the Heavenly Court.

This is why the underworld is so small, but the position of the Earth Emperor is so high.

It can be said that the position ruled by the Earth Emperor is the smallest among the six emperors, which is already extremely small and completely incomparable with the Four Emperors.

After all, although the prehistoric world has four seas and eight wastelands, it is actually just four directions. The Lord of the East Emperor is not only in charge of the East Emperor. From the perspective of authority, the East Emperor has the power to rule all the eastern parts of the prehistoric world, that is to say, the four places of the East Wasteland, the East Pole, and the East Sea are actually under the jurisdiction of the East Emperor Taiyi.

It's just that Taiyi has rarely taken care of these things. He just relied on his identity as the East Emperor to seek benefits for the demon clan so that the demon clan can live better in the East Wasteland. As for the East Pole, it is almost the territory of the witch clan, and he doesn't care.

Of course, the Guixu land in the East Pole actually belongs to the Guixu Goddess, but none of the two Guixu Goddesses went there. That ghost place has nothing good except for giving birth to them.

As for the East Sea, it is the birthplace of the dragon race. The dragon race has long drawn a clear line with the four wildernesses and four poles. They only care about playing in their own four seas.

The power of the Human Emperor is much greater than that of the Four Emperors. The entire world is under the jurisdiction of the Human Emperor. In other words, except for the Heavenly Court, the Starry Sky and the Underworld, the rest of the land is nominally under the jurisdiction of the Human Emperor.

That is to say, the four seas, four poles and four wildernesses are all under the jurisdiction of the Human Emperor.

But obviously, the Human Emperor does not have such great power. Not to mention the Human Emperor, even the Emperor of Heaven cannot actually govern all places in the four seas and eight wildernesses.

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