Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 344 The Emperor abdicates and the new Emperor ascends the throne

This further proves that if the Human Emperor wants to become a true emperor comparable to the Heavenly Emperor, he must unify the entire world, otherwise he can't even think about being comparable to the Heavenly Emperor.

Of course, this also shows that the Human Emperor has the potential to grow, and when he grows to the highest level, he can be on par with the Heavenly Emperor.

As for the others, only the Earth Emperor has this ability, but no matter how the Earth Emperor grows, he can never be on par with the Heavenly Emperor.

It is much easier for the Human Emperor to surpass the Eastern Emperor and become the head of the Six Imperials. The Human Emperor who controls the Southern Wasteland only needs to control any of the Eastern, Western, and Northern Wastelands to surpass the Eastern Emperor.

Southern Wasteland, among the human race.

"My son, I never thought you could achieve this now. When you were born, everyone knew that you were not a mortal, but I didn't expect you to be the next Human Emperor."

Lie Tian looked at Lie Shan in front of him with tears in his eyes. Now he is also called Shen Nong.

As the saying goes, men don't shed tears easily, but they just don't feel sad. Now Lie Tianshi didn't shed tears for sad things, but because of great joy, he couldn't help but shed tears.

The status of the Human Emperor is supreme among the human race. It is highly respected and is the dream of almost all human beings.

If you can become the Human Emperor, it is really a real honor for the family. It can be said that you have become a celebrity in this era.

Lie Shanshi returned to the place where his father usually stayed and found his father. Now he only needs to perfect his state of mind to break into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The Shennong Materia Medica passed down by the Manchus in recent years has made his luck become magnificent, and then he was named the next Human Emperor by Suiren, which made his luck soar to the sky.

It can be said that in terms of cultivation, Lie Shanshi can break into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at any time, but he is still a little short of his perfect state of mind.

What he lacked was the guilt towards his family and parents.

He had been wandering outside since he became an adult. Although it was for a big career, it still couldn't change the nature of his wandering outside.

Even though the Lietian couple had never blamed Lieshan, in fact, Lieshan himself had always felt guilty towards his parents.

The Lietian couple only had Lieshan as their child, but since he became an adult, he had been away from home and rarely returned. Over the years, I don't know if he had stayed at home for three days...

From this, we can know that Lieshan and his parents were apart more often than together, and they rarely stayed together. They often visited each other in a hurry when passing by, and then immediately set off for the next trip.

As a result, Lieshan felt more guilty.

And these feelings of guilt towards his parents became the last obstacle for him to enter the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In fact, he could have achieved enlightenment long ago, but he had been promoting the Shennong Herbal Classic all along, and it was about to be completed, so he resisted the thought of breakthrough and finished what he had to do on this trip with peace of mind.

When things were completed, the aura on his body became stronger, and the only difference between him and the breakthrough was his state of mind.

He could have come back to make up for his guilt and spend time with his parents, and then he could achieve enlightenment, but for the promotion of the Shennong Herbal Classic and to prevent the people of the human race from being harmed by it, he resisted the desire to achieve enlightenment and walked forward step by step.

This kind of perseverance is extremely amazing, at least in Ye Xuan's opinion.

If others are about to achieve enlightenment, just a little bit short, they will definitely go there immediately to make up for the defects in their state of mind, and then achieve enlightenment immediately.

After all, achieving enlightenment is more important than all other things. Everything can be postponed, but no one can suppress the urgency in their hearts to achieve enlightenment.

This is a very normal thing, but Lieshan was able to control it and avoid going there, which is simply outrageous.

"Father, the reason why the child was appointed by His Majesty as the next emperor has nothing to do with the child's cultivation and talent. It must be because His Majesty saw that the child has made contributions to the survival of the human race, so it is like this."

Lieshan did not praise himself too much, and what he said was all true.

The reason why he was able to become the next emperor is that he has a heart to pacify the people and save the world.

Suiren knew that what the human race needed now was not a human emperor like him, but a human emperor who could stabilize people's hearts and develop the human race well.

After the human race has become stronger, it will talk about unifying other places.

The human race is still not strong enough. Even if the next emperor wants to expand the territory, it is actually impossible to implement it. Instead of messing up the human race, it is better to choose a human emperor who can stabilize the people and develop the human race well.

When the human race truly prospers and becomes the largest force in the prehistoric world, then it will be time for the next emperor to take charge.

Each generation has its own mission.

Suiren’s mission is to make the human race gain a foothold in the prehistoric world, to be able to survive without relying on other races, and even to establish the status of the overlord of heaven and earth in one fell swoop, and to completely push the human race to a powerful race that can rival the two races of witches and liches.

This is the mission of the first generation of the human race, that is, Suiren’s mission.

The human race has stood up, and what they need next is to become stronger. The mission of the next generation of human race is to make the human race stronger, which is the mission of the Lieshan clan.

At this stage, there is no need to do anything. All you need to do is not to fight, develop the strength within the human race, and constantly cultivate the new generation of strong men, so that the strength of the human race can reach a peak stage.

It is also the stage of accumulation. Perhaps this will lead to the Lieshan clan's reputation being inferior to that of later generations of human emperors. However, without Lieshan clan's accumulation, there would be no fame for future human emperors.

Every generation has its own mission. Now Mr. Lieshan clearly knows what his mission is, and he is also exercising it towards his mission.

Just like the advent of Shen Nong's Materia Medica, it was a boost to the strength of the human race.

"My son has grown up. As a father, I am very pleased. As a father, I have nothing to teach you. But after you succeed to the throne, you still have to maintain your current mentality and never have evil thoughts." Lie Tianshi looked pleased. warned Lieshan.

He knew that many kings were extremely simple and kind before they ascended the throne. However, many kings slowly changed after they separated and established their country, and became slaves pursuing power.

Nowadays, among the many kingdoms in the human race, there are many kings like this.

Of course, most of the kings only care about the human race, and those kings are undoubtedly the oldest royal families.

"Father, don't worry. My child is a Shennong today and will also be a Shennong in the future."

Mrs. Lieshan grinned at her father and comforted him.

The reason why he said he was Shennong was to show that he was not that kind of person. If he were that kind of person, he would not be called Shennong by others.

In fact, the Lietian clan is unfounded. If he were that kind of person, the Suiren clan would not choose him as the next Human Emperor.

Some people can hide it, but absolutely no human creature can hide it from the Suiren clan.

The Suiren clan controls all the ways of the acquired world, and their cultivation skills take part in creation. How can they deceive a living being who has not even entered the path of Hunyuan?

Today, he is the Shennong clan who can taste all kinds of herbs for the sake of all human beings. In the future, when he becomes the Human Emperor, he will still be the same Shennong clan who can taste all kinds of herbs for the sake of all human beings!

Baicao is just an adjective. In fact, there are more than hundreds of millions of grasses in the Southern Wilderness? Regardless of whether they are useful or not, whether these herbs or poisonous weeds, he has actually recorded them all.

Even the grass that is useless for laying eggs has been recorded by Shennong. Of course, his wording is also very pertinent. Even if he says that he has not found any effect, it may not really be useless.

The same is true for every other kind of grass. It is just my own point of view, which does not mean it is absolutely comprehensive. There may be many aspects that have not been explored.

These things were all recorded by Shennong, bit by bit.

This is also the reason why Suiren feels that he has made such a great contribution, which was all in exchange for his life.

Another three years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three years, the Lieshan family has not left the sacred city. He has been at home with his parents all day long. No matter who comes to see him, he always turns away behind closed doors.

There is no need to worry about whether those people came here because of the problems in the Shennong's Herbal Classic, because all the situations are clearly explained in it, so there is no need to ask him for advice.

You only need to rummage inside to find the corresponding question.

Suiren didn't come to rush him. Anyway, when he was in a perfect mood, he could step into the realm of Hunyuan, and Suiren could announce his abdication.

Three years is just a blink of an eye in their eyes.

"It's almost done..."

Ye Xuan was in the sky, looking down at the Lieshan clan in the ancient world below him, and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

The prehistoric era has such great love for the human race. The Suiren clan, the Cangjie clan, the seventeen ancient kings and many monks, all of them are not geniuses and beautiful people, and each of them is not a person who can shock the world.

"If the human race is like this, will it enter the era of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors..."

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly. This world has changed too fast. It is said that the general trend cannot be changed, but the small trend can be changed.

But this is all three emperors and five emperors, and the battle between lich and lich has no clue.

It can be said that it has completely changed from the prehistoric times.

"Just change, it's not a bad thing..." Ye Xuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly again, no matter what he said, today's prehistoric world is powerful, and the spiritual cultivation is also rising steadily. It can be said that there is no disadvantage. Something like that.

Southern Wasteland, Kingdom of God, City of God.

"Father, mother, I have a breakthrough."

Mr. Lieshan looked at his father and mother with a calm expression. The three years of companionship made the guilt in his heart disappear.

Therefore, it is logical to break through and cultivate.

Three years is actually not a long time, but if we talk about being together, it is still a long time.

If you go outside to do work or practice, it will be gone in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, being with him day and night also made the guilt in his heart disappear.

It's not that he no longer feels guilty, it just means that it can no longer affect his mental breakthrough.

"Is this a breakthrough?!"

The Lietian couple looked at their son in shock, and said in disbelief.

They had never broken through the Hunyuan realm, and they didn't know what it was, so it was incredible that he broke through like this.

Lieshan nodded and said, "Of course! It's a matter of course and it's a matter of course."

His cultivation had already been enough to break through, so there was no big movement at all. As long as his state of mind was perfect, he would be able to break through to the Hunyuan realm immediately.

"Good! Good! Breakthrough!"

Lietian said three times in a row. He knew that his son had really broken through, and even he was not his opponent. Not to mention the opponent, even the realm of cultivation could not be seen through.

At this time, the wind and clouds between heaven and earth changed, and clouds gathered together rapidly, forming a huge figure.

The three looked over and saw that it was the appearance of Suiren.

"Greetings, Your Majesty."

The Lietian couple and Lieshan hurriedly bowed and saluted.

Suiren raised his hand slightly, signaling the three to stand up, and then said with a heavenly title: "Lieshan's cultivation has been completed, and we should quickly go to our ancestral land to prepare for the ascension!"

As Suiren's words fell, a strong wind suddenly blew between heaven and earth, and after the wind swept away the clouds, the clouds returned to their original appearance.

"Father, mother, I am going to the ancestral land to ascend the throne, so I bid farewell!"

After receiving Suiren's order, Lieshan immediately stood up and bid farewell to his parents.

They came to urge him personally, and it would not be good if he did not go.

Besides, it is not impossible to bring his parents over after ascending the throne in the future.


The couple of Lietian looked excited. If that place was not too sacred and not everyone could attend the ascension ceremony, they really wanted to run over to see their son's ascension ceremony with their own eyes.

The human race does not care too much about emotions in such a grand ceremony. It is all formalities and regulations. Even if it is the next emperor, if the parents' positions are not high enough, they cannot come here.


Ancestral land, under Mount Buzhou.

If the Tai Shang among the Three Pure Ones was not the leader of the human race, the Three Pure Ones would have driven the human race away long ago.

Whenever there is a big event, they will go to the ancestral land, and the ancestral land happens to be their Taoist temple.

Every time, Mount Buzhou is in a commotion.

Of course, the relationship between the Three Pure Ones and the human race is also very good, so there are not many problems in fact.

And every time the human race holds a grand ceremony, the Three Pure Ones will also send their own blessings.

At the abdication ceremony of the human emperor, all the attendees were human beings.

All the attendees were in the Hunyuan realm of the human race, or the king.

Of course, every king is actually a powerful Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"I have been entrusted with this important task since the human race was weak. Fortunately, I have received your love and shared the danger. Now I have finally obtained the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth and have a foothold in the four seas and eight wildernesses. I have fulfilled my mission.

The world is vast and loves the human race. There are many geniuses in the human race. However, at this moment, I feel that I am unable to lead the human race anymore. I should let go and hand over the power to the new emperor. I hope that the new emperor can be diligent in government, love the people, and sympathize with all living beings.


Human Emperor Suiren said a lot about his own merits to prove that he has not failed his mission, and then said a lot about his own shortcomings, meaning that he should give up the throne to the new emperor.

In fact, he didn't need to say that at all. He could say it very beautifully, but in fact, he had done it very beautifully, so he tried his best to make himself incompetent, so as not to put so much pressure on the human emperors of future generations.

After the abdication edict was finished, the minister who presided over the ceremony drew up a treasure book of abdication at the abdication ceremony.

After the abdication treasure book was read, the next procedure began.

Many people knelt on the ground, including the new emperor Lieshan who was about to ascend the throne, and cried out in a sad voice: "Your Majesty!!!"

"Your Majesty cannot be absent from the human race!!!"

"Your Majesty!! You can't abdicate..."

A large number of people began this procedure, which was called asking the emperor. Asking several times symbolized that the emperor's heart to abdicate was extremely firm, and it also further highlighted the contribution of the emperor to the human race, which made these people cry from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, such a scene was actually very embarrassing. For example, the seventeen kings of the ancient times all knelt on the ground with expressionless faces, and sent the emperor to abdicate.

This was also one of the few times they kowtowed...

Although kowtow is not required on weekdays, it is still required in such a grand ceremony, symbolizing respect for the emperor.

"I have made up my mind, no need to say more!"

Suiren waved his long sleeves and said in an unquestionable tone.

After that, he begged again and again.

After doing this again and again, he abdicated completely.

"Shennong, come forward!"

Suiren shouted loudly with a serious tone and a very serious expression.

Then, Lieshan slowly stood up from the ground and walked towards Suiren step by step.

At this time, Suiren was still wearing the human emperor robe, while Lieshan was still wearing ordinary clothes.

"Your Majesty!"

Lieshan bowed his head slightly and shouted to Suiren.

In his heart, although Suiren's glorious image was not that strong, he had heard various legends about Suiren since he was a child, and he also knew many of Suiren's deeds.

"This is the Human Emperor Sword, which was condensed from the destiny of the human race when they became the hegemon of heaven and earth in the past. It is the symbol of the Human Emperor and the destiny of the human race. I will pass it on to you today."

Sui Ren handed the sword that symbolized the destiny of the human race to Lie Shan and said slowly.

This is the most important artifact of the human race and the only artifact that can symbolize the Human Emperor.

Neither the Human Emperor robe nor the Human Emperor seal is enough to represent the Human Emperor, let alone the entire human race.

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