Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 345: The Emperor is born and the Southern Emperor is determined

Lieshan clan forcibly suppressed the excitement in her heart, and took the Human Emperor Sword, which symbolized the human race, with a straight and somewhat excited face.

This sword is golden in color, and there are some patterns engraved on both sides of the sword. One side is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the other side is engraved with mountains, rivers and vegetation, which symbolizes that the universe is under the control of the human race.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Lieshan clan took over the Human Emperor Sword, he felt the slight tremble from the Human Emperor Sword. He didn't know whether it was because the Human Emperor Sword was reluctant to leave the Suiren clan or because he was happy for his arrival.

But this also shows that the magic weapon has a spirit, and if you have the right way to get it, you can abandon it if you don't.

"From now on, I am not Your Majesty, you are."

Suiren had a smile on his face and shook his head slightly. Then he saw that the Human Emperor's robe on his body had become Lieshan's. The human crown also appeared on Suiren's head. As for the Human Emperor's seal, it remained aside. in the hands of ministers.

After the handover ceremony was completed, Lieshan clan, wearing the Human Emperor's robe, a Human Emperor's crown on his head, and holding a Human Emperor's sword, turned around and looked forward, and a powerful force suddenly appeared, sweeping away.

"I pay homage to Your Majesty and congratulate Your Majesty on your enthronement!!!"

The humans below also kowtowed again and shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the power suddenly rose, and the luck was condensed.

The Shen Nong's Herbal Scripture in Lieshan's arms also flew out, absorbing all the luck from the sky and turning it into a treasure of acquired merit. This was Lieshan's ultimate treasure of enlightenment.

Although it is not as powerful as the Human Emperor Sword, it still has many special functions that the Human Emperor Sword does not have. The Human Emperor Sword is mainly for killing, while the Herbal Medicinal Sutra is mainly for defense and treatment.

After obtaining these two treasures, the Lieshan clan will rise to the top of ancient combat power.

Although he is not as good as those monks in the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, being able to become the leader among them just as low as the Hunyuan realm is also something that many living beings hope for.

"I have no merits and virtues. I was ordered by the late emperor. I feel extremely guilty. However, when I first ascended the throne, I should..."

Immediately, Lieshan clan began to mutter about herself. At this time, the ceremony began to gradually come to an end.

From now on, the Lieshan clan is the Shennong clan.

He is no longer the Lieshan family of one family, but the Shennong family of thousands of families.

"The former emperor's achievements have surpassed the heaven and earth, and his virtues have surpassed the eight wastes. Although he has abdicated the throne, the etiquette cannot be abolished. He is honored by his title. His name is Tian. He is the heaven of the human race. He is the emperor of the human race. The human race should respect him..."

Lieshan clan then spoke, naming the Suiren clan as the Emperor, which means that this emperor is the top of the human emperor, which symbolizes the head of the human emperor. No matter how many emperors there are in the future, they cannot surpass the emperor. name.

This is his respect for the Suiren clan, and it is also the respect the human race has for the Suiren clan.

After his words fell, the fate of the human race condensed into a heavenly character again. It was the heavenly character of the human race, symbolizing the recognition of the identity of the Suiren clan.

From then on, even though Suiren was no longer the current emperor, he was still the supreme emperor among the human race.

"The emperor's achievements are so great that he can overcome all the wastes!!!"

Immediately afterwards, all the human races in the Southern Wilderness knew that the Suiren clan was revered as the emperor and was the supreme being of the human race. Although he abdicated, he was still the emperor of the human race.

Regarding the rise of the Shennong clan, the entire human race also knew about it.

No one knows what the Shennong clan will bring to the human race after taking the throne, but everyone knows that there will be no problem with the next human emperor selected by the Suiren clan.

And the key point is that these people also know about Shennong's character and the efforts that Shennong has made for the human race.

Just this book, Shen Nong's Herbal Classic, is the treasure of the entire human race.

After the entire ceremony is over, the position of the Human Emperor will change. After the position of the Human Emperor changes, the position of the Human Emperor, one of the six emperors in heaven, will naturally go to the Shennong family.

From then on, Shennong became the true emperor of the people.

After doing all this, Suiren looked at this scene with a smile on his face. He didn't shy away from wearing a raincoat. Just when he was about to leave, he saw a sudden golden light in the sky.

"The Suiren clan of the human race has made great contributions in the ancient times. Today I am abdicating the throne of the human emperor. I feel this, so I specially ennoble him as the Southern Emperor to lead the affairs of the south..."

Bai Ze from Heaven also came here with an imperial edict. It was the Imperial Edict of the Emperor of Heaven. He picked it up and read it out.

"Suiren, thank you so much, Your Majesty."

Suiren didn't think much when he heard this. After a little thought, he knew the reason, but he didn't refuse, but accepted it.

Because the position of Southern Emperor in Southern Wilderness is not good for anyone, it can only be given to people from the human race.

Obviously, other people from the human race cannot be registered with Di Jun, so only his Suiren clan can take on the responsibility.

As for why he was not conferred the title of Southern Emperor to him while he was still in office, you can understand it with a little thought.

This is because the Emperor of Heaven does not want the positions of Renhuang and Nanhuang to be superimposed, so that's why.

This position can be given to people from the human race, but not to the emperor of the human race.

This means that the human race can have two positions of six emperors at the same time, but no one can have two positions of six emperors at the same time.

The gap was extremely huge. After understanding this, Suiren didn't refuse.

As the Southern Emperor, he has nothing to do anyway. All matters in the Southern Wilderness can be handled by the Emperor. He is just an old man from the human race who bears the name of the Southern Emperor.

After Suiren received the imperial edict, the power of the imperial edict appeared and was directed at Suiren for a while. Then, a robe of the Supreme Southern Emperor appeared, on which was carved a beast that looked like a phoenix but was not a phoenix.

That was the Vermillion Bird, one of the Four Symbols. It was not a race, but a divine beast. It was the legendary divine beast that guarded the four poles of heaven and earth.

But now, the Four Symbols did not appear at all. None of the Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise appeared.

If these four divine beasts appeared and guarded the four poles, the four poles would not be so rampant in the future. Although it could not be compared with the fairyland of the four wastelands, it would not be as crazy and raging as it is now.

If it was not as rampant as it is now, then the place created by everyone would be larger and more magnificent, and many creatures would be able to survive in this world.

Although the four poles are not as magnificent as the four wastelands, they are actually not small places. If they can really be used, the actual area of ​​the prehistoric world will become even larger.

The present prehistoric world is actually already thousands of times larger than those other worlds. All this is due to Ye Xuan's previous desperate robbing of the liquid base, which has secured such a large territory in one fell swoop.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Southern Emperor, congratulations to His Majesty the Southern Emperor."

Bai Ze bowed slightly to Suiren and said with a smile.

"Marshal Bai is polite."

Suiren also had a lot of dealings with Bai Ze, smiled and helped him up in the air.

Then Bai Ze walked to Shennong again, bowed slightly, and said: "Congratulations to the Human Emperor on his ascension to the throne, congratulations to His Majesty the Human Emperor."

The former congratulated the Human Emperor of the human race, so there was no word "Your Majesty", while the latter congratulated the Human Emperor, one of the Six Imperial Emperors of the Heavenly Court, so the word "Your Majesty" had to be added.

The former emperor governed only the human race. As the Marshal of Heaven, he naturally did not need to call the emperor of the human race "Your Majesty". However, the latter emperor was the Six Imperial Emperors, and he was above him, so he naturally had to respect his title.

"Marshal Bai is polite."

Shennong also nodded slightly, imitating Suiren's words.

It was the first time he met Bai Ze. When he saw him, he naturally knew who he was. They were both in the realm of Hunyuan. If he didn't even have this ability, then there was no need to mix.

Seeing the sacred and well-known, let alone Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even Daluo Jinxian knew this.

"Your Majesty, the holy order has been delivered, and Bai Ze should return to Heaven to report."

Bai Ze bowed slightly to Suiren and Shennong, and said goodbye.

Shennong and Suiren nodded when they heard the words, and bowed slightly, indicating that they could go.


Above the prehistoric world, in the void.

"The succession of the emperor was so peaceful, it was better in the ancient times. If it were in the future, I'm afraid that all the tribes would start to fight for it..."

Ye Xuan looked at Suiren and Shennong below, alternating power and the position of emperor.

In this era, surrounded by enemies, it can be said that the position of emperor is not just a position of power, but more of a role of responsibility, a role that needs to lead the human race to prosperity.

If those ambitious people are allowed to take the position, it will definitely not be a good thing.

On the contrary, it is still good to let Shennong, who pays more attention to the development of the human race and is relatively peace-loving, come to take office.

Of course, the most important premise is to make great contributions to the human race, and there will be no changes after ascending the throne.

And Suiren valued Shennong's point. It can be said that Shennong completely meets all the needs of Suiren and the needs of the human race.

This is the most popular choice and the destiny of heaven.

The destiny is not the destiny determined by the heaven, but the destiny determined by Ye Xuan.

Whoever he chooses to be the emperor of mankind will become the emperor of mankind.

Just like the reincarnation of heaven, he should become the emperor of mankind in this life. This is a compensation for the guilt of the whole world towards him.

For the human race, it is also a good thing, and it can lead the human race to be stronger.

Shennong had already opened his wisdom, but this did not affect his position as the Shennong of the human race. The real strong will not be swayed by the previous life, but will grasp the present life.

What's more, only a wisp of true spirit survived in the previous life of heaven, and even the three souls and seven spirits were not left.

Not to mention wanting to influence the current Shennong, that is a completely impossible thing.

What's more, to have the achievements of this life, heaven should close its eyes.

The three days in the past were just puppets pushed out by the myriad races. Although it was not the case when they were first created, it can be seen from this how good it is to have a powerful force of one's own.

If Santian had a tribe like the dragons, he would not have died tragically, and he would have truly served as the emperor of heaven.

Perhaps the heavens would fall apart, but the three of them would never have died tragically at the hands of Zulong and others.

It can be said that Zulong is a congenitally sacred being. On weekdays, I can ignore you, but if you really violate any interests, you will die.

Zulong has lived from ancient times to the present. Apart from strength, he is not bad in all aspects, otherwise he would never be able to preserve the entire dragon clan.

"But having said that, this Shennong family is really kind. In the blink of an eye, he made the Suiren family emperor. Isn't this like putting a father figure on his head? If future emperors find out about this, will they have to shout? Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

When Ye Xuan thought of this, he couldn't help but smile.

Just as Ye Xuan said, if it weren't for Shennong's outline and leadership, the fate of the human race would not be condensed into a single word.

And the Suiren clan will not become the true emperor of the human race. Even if his achievements are enough, if no one proposes it, then he really will not get this treatment.

This is extremely difficult in Ye Xuan's opinion. Many people don't want another father to appear above them. They are already emperors, so there is no room for others to criticize them.

In particular, the Suiren clan has the highest prestige among the human race. Even if he ascends the throne, it is impossible to compare with the Suiren clan. If he is made an emperor, it will be easier to intervene in the internal affairs of the human race.

As for the Southern Emperor, that's okay. That's the position of managing the southern part of the wilderness. At most, it can move the human race from where to where, or come over to coordinate when there is a conflict between the human race and other races.

However, this position cannot interfere with the internal affairs of the human race. He can only make macro adjustments to the human race, but cannot directly intervene in the internal affairs of the human race.

Therefore, Ye Xuan was quite surprised by this, as if he had invited a father to look over his head.

In the name of the Emperor, and with the deterrent power of the Emperor for many years, if he really wants to dictate the policies of the Shennong family, the Shennong family really has to accept it honestly.

But in an instant, Ye Xuan also understood.

After all, Suiren took the initiative to abdicate. He could have always been the Emperor, but he still abdicated on his own initiative. What does this mean? It means that he doesn't care about this position at all, at least he doesn't care about these powers.

This means that even if the Shennong clan gave the Suiren clan a reasonable status to interfere in the government affairs, the Suiren clan would not interfere.

Unless there is a huge problem, the Suiren family may appear and intervene. For this, the Shennong family also hopes very much.

After all, Shennong didn't understand many things about the human race. If there was a major decision-making mistake, it would be better to have one more person handle it.

At least this way, he won't lead the human race into the fire pit.

It has to be said that the sages of the human race thought more about how to develop the human race better, rather than how to make the power in their hands greater.

This is the difference between sages and emperors...

With the gathering of the emperor, as long as the Suiren clan is here for one day, there will be one more person to suppress the fate of the human race.

Not only the Human Emperor Sword can suppress the destiny of the human race, but also the Shen Nong's Herbal Classic, the Robe of the Human Emperor, the Seal of the Human Emperor, etc. can suppress the destiny of the human race.

Luck is ethereal and will scatter anytime and anywhere, so treasures with special functions are needed to suppress these ethereal luck. If it is not suppressed, even if a huge amount of luck is gathered, it will disperse sooner or later.

If a person's luck is not good enough, at most he will have no good luck and have bad luck again and again, or it may be so low that it may even endanger his life.

But if a race's luck falls to a critical value, it will undoubtedly lead to the disintegration of this race's power, and may even lead to the death of a large number of members of this race.

This is the reason why the Church of Jie has declined in parallel time and space. The big reason is because the luck of Jie Jiao does not have the ultimate treasure to suppress the luck of Jie Jiao.

The sword is the most precious treasure for killing, and the Four Swords of Zhuxian are the most precious among the most precious treasures. They are even more powerful for killing, but luck cannot be suppressed. In addition, thousands of immortals from the Jie Jiao descendants have come to court. Such a huge number, coupled with With good fortune drifting away, you can imagine what the final result will be.

This is also the reason why Jiejiao has fallen into such a miserable situation.

If the luck is strong and can be preserved, even if the other three sects join forces, they will not be able to bring disaster to the Jie sect to such an extent.

"The human race is so harmonious, but the ten princes of this demon race don't seem to be very honest..."

Where Ye Xuan looked, it was the ten princes in the mortal world.

During the grand ceremony held by the human race, they actually began to dominate and dominate in the mortal world.

After Jehovah knew that these ten princes were the ten princes of heaven, he completely transformed into a licking dog and accompanied the ten princes, and he was completely like that.

He completely regarded himself as the servant of the ten princes. He would respond to any request of the ten golden crow princes. Whatever he could do, he would definitely do it without making any mistakes.

For such an obedient servant, the ten Golden Crows were also very happy. After all, if Jehovah is obedient, it means that all the angels in heaven are obedient and they are all his subordinates.

After that, the ten Golden Crow princes stayed in this paradise and began to play freely.

After all, he is still a child who has not yet reached adulthood, and his life is too comfortable. His mind is relatively immature and stable, and he loves to play.


Shukun, the third prince of Jinwu, shouted loudly.

"Hey! Here you go, Third Master, what are your orders?!"

The Lord responded loudly from a distance, and came to Shukun, lowered his head, and said with a flattering smile.

He looked like a lackey, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

What's wrong with being a dog?

What's wrong with being a dog for the prince of heaven? !

Others want to be a dog but can't!

"After our careful discussion, we all think you are very good, you are very good!"

Shukun nodded in approval and said with a smile.

"Hey! Thank you for your approval!"

The Lord was so shameless that he didn't care about his face.

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