The Lord was extremely happy. These ten princes had never been frivolous in their spending. They had obtained countless good things just by casually using their hands.

Those good things were naturally nothing in front of the ten princes. The thousand-year-old peaches and the ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruits were all the most basic.

There were also various kinds of elixirs, which were also things that the Lord had never seen before.

Although it could not improve his cultivation, it could also increase his magic power and the realm of enlightenment.

It can be said that with the improvement of the foundation of the prehistoric world, the effect of the fruits produced by those innate spiritual roots is getting stronger and more useful.

Originally, many of them were useless for the Daluo Jinxian to eat, even the fruits produced by the ten innate spiritual roots were ineffective.

Until now, the Daluo Jinxian has many benefits after eating them, and some of them can even help the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to enter the Tao better.

Being able to do this shows that the effect of these innate spiritual roots is getting stronger and stronger.

After all, they are spiritual roots rooted in the prehistoric world. How can the prehistoric foundation not make the innate spiritual roots stronger?

That's why Jehovah is so happy.

The effect of those fruits is too strong. It seems that they can strengthen the connection between him and the Great Dao. This is a road he has never walked before, and he doesn't know if he is walking on the right path.

"In view of your perfect performance, we unanimously decided to give you the prehistoric practice method so that you can become stronger!"

The third prince Shukun patted Jehovah on the shoulder and said with a smile.

This prehistoric practice method is actually a common thing in the prehistoric world. Everyone knows it, but it's different here. It is a completely unique good thing, a monopoly thing, and something they can't get.

And this is exactly what Jehovah wants.

If he didn't want the practice method, he wouldn't have been so flattering to the ten princes.

Of course, although he would still flatter them, after all, these were the princes of the Heavenly Court, and they were extremely important beings in the Heavenly Court. The Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Heaven were actually the parents of these people. After knowing this, Jehovah also knew why the previous existence, who was unknown how powerful, asked him to change his name.

The reason is that there is the Heavenly Court in this world, and there are many great emperors, even the Emperor of Heaven.

And some of the great emperors are called God, and what he wants to avoid is this, and another name for the Emperor of Heaven is also one of God, so he also avoids the Emperor of Heaven.

After all, such a creature from another world, how dare he call himself God! How dare he compare with those beings.

Although the Six Imperials are the Emperor of Earth and the Emperor of Man, plus the Four Emperors of the East, South, West and North, these are actually just their simple names, and there is actually another set of names for the Emperor.

And the Emperor of Heaven is just a short name, and actually has more names, and there are also many names for the Emperor.

For example, the Jade Emperor, such as the Jade Emperor and the Great Emperor.

There are also some names like Taishang Kaitian Zhufu Yuli Hanzhentidao Jinque Yungong Jiuqiong Yuli Wandao Wuwei Dadao Mingdian Haotian Jinque Supreme Jade Emperor Xiexie Datianzun Xuanqiong Gaoshangdi.

Such a string of names are actually all names belonging to the Emperor of Heaven.

Those names are the names that appear when the Emperor of Heaven and even the Six Emperors reflect the heavens. Strictly speaking, they are also part of the Emperor of Heaven, but the title of Emperor of Heaven does not belong to those people.

Those are the reflections of the Emperor of Heaven, not the Emperor of Heaven is their reflection, this is the fundamental difference.

Even the Six Emperors have reflected some things like Beiji Ziwei Emperor and Gou Chen Shanggong Tianhuang Emperor in the heavens, which are actually aliases of the Six Emperors.

They are their reflections in the three thousand great worlds of the prehistoric world, and they are their reflections in the endless small worlds.

In each great world and small world, there are actually many reflections of the prehistoric world.

And those people are all part of the original body of Honghuang, and they are also separate individuals, and they are all reflections of Honghuang's original body.

"Thank you, Your Highness! Thank you, Your Highness!!!"

Yehweh almost cried when he heard this. He finally got a happy ending after being treated like a cow and a horse during this period.

After enduring and being a dog for the prince for so long, he finally got a way to practice.

Shukun was a little surprised when he saw Jehovah's look. He always knew that Jehovah wanted Honghuang's practice method very much, so he decided to reward Jehovah with such a method after collective discussion.

He knew that Jehovah would be very excited, but he didn't expect him to be so excited.

They didn't feel anything wrong with Jehovah being a dog. After all, Jehovah looked very much like the descendants of the people in the Honghuang West Wilderness. Those descendants were not only stupider than Jehovah, but also had lower cultivation than Jehovah.

Those descendants made them feel extremely contemptuous and disgusted, but they didn't feel that kind of breath on Jehovah.

This means that the two are just somewhat similar in appearance, but not of the same species.

Even the humans below are the same, almost identical to the humans after the prehistoric times, but they also do not feel disgusted.

What does this mean? It means that compared to the ancestors of Yin and Yang who created life, Jehovah’s ability is obviously more powerful. In other words, in this regard, Jehovah even surpasses the ancestors of Yin and Yang.

Although the ancestor of Yin and Yang is indeed a bit ridiculously low in terms of creation, he is clearly in charge of Yin and Yang, but even Styx cannot compare with him.

The Asuras created by the Styx are much more perfect and much more powerful than the descendants created by the ancestors of Yin and Yang.

I saw the Third Prince Shukun lightly tapping Jehovah's head, and a line of inheritance shot out.

Jehovah closed his eyes and began to comprehend, while the third prince found the other princes and began to head towards the outside world together.

After playing in the mortal world for so long these days, it's time to go back.

And this practice method given to Jehovah is actually a reward for Jehovah giving them cows and horses to play with them these days.

"If you have a little bit of immortal spirit and condense the immortal golden light, you can become a golden immortal..."

"On top of the Golden Immortal, the true spirit condensed into the five qi in the chest is the Taiyi Golden Immortal..."

"After the number of Taiyi, condense the three flowers in the three souls, and you can become the Great Luo Golden Immortal..."

"Have you just become an ant in this world after entering Daluo?! Hiss..."

After Jehovah understood this, he took a breath of cold air. Daluo Jinxian was so powerful, but he was just a mere ant, and there seemed to be countless Daluo Jinxian in this world.

Those Da Luo Jinxian are equivalent to the realm before he broke through, but there are actually an unknown number of this realm, countless in the prehistoric times...

"After entering Daluo, you still need to practice and control the laws until you reach the peak of perfection. Although the Daluo Golden Immortal at this time is still Daluo Jinxian in essence, its strength is much stronger than other Daluo Golden Immortals at their peak.

The Great Luo Jinxian at this level can condense his only true self in the endless time and space. If he succeeds, he will have half a foot in the realm of Hunyuan, which is called the realm of Hunyuan True Self. "

"If you make a breakthrough in your cultivation later, and after attaining enlightenment, you can understand the Great Way, which can also be called the Great Way of Control, you can become the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Da Luo. From then on, you can prove your immortality and be immortal..."


Jehovah's eyes widened when he looked at the way of practice that the Third Prince Shukun had left for him.

He didn't know how strong Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was, but after that, he lost his realm. It must have been Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's strength that he had been arbitrarily rubbing against before...

He knew that the hundreds of human beings who were guarding the gate were all very strong, but in fact they were not as strong as him.

But I didn't expect that those people on the other side are actually immortal and eternal. They have attained the supreme Hunyuan in infinite time and space. If you want to kill the other side, you can only kill everyone in the world in a moment.

And in the endless time and space, there is no place he can touch.

Although he is the God of Creation and follows the avenue of faith, which is also one of the three thousand avenues, the way he cultivates is different from that of the ancient times, so he does not have that kind of effect at all. There is no so-called one-and-done certification. There are no immortals.

The other party used the Tao to enter the Tao and even became the Tao, but he used the power of faith to continuously accumulate his own strength. In fact, he did not understand the Tao, so he could not reflect time and space.

Relatively speaking, it is much weaker than the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian in the prehistoric times.

After realizing this, Jehovah's eyes showed a hint of cruelty. He knew that if he wanted to reach the top, he could no longer stick to his own path, and he had to be ruthless and change his ways.

It's not that he can't believe in the Tao, and he can't enter the Tao, but it means that there are problems with his cultivation method, and it can't be said that there are problems, at least it is not better than the prehistoric cultivation path.

"If that's the case, then I'll just do it again!!!"

Jehovah stared at himself, and then destroyed all his foundations, and all those things filled with the power of faith disappeared.

For a time, even he was unable to control those angels.

So the LORD shut himself up and disappeared.

Just at this moment.

In hell.

"Huh?! Disappeared?!"

Lucifer saw a trace of doubt in his eyes after seeing all the barriers and surveillance around him disappear.

"Could it be that the old guy was deliberately indulgent? He deliberately wanted to seduce me and then find an opportunity to kill me?!"

Lucifer was a little afraid to step out of this place for a while. He felt that these things would not disappear for no reason. There must be some reason for their sudden disappearance.

Therefore, Lucifer did not choose to leave here immediately.

After some time.

"Why haven't you responded?! Are you really going to let me go?!" Lucifer frowned tightly. The more this happened, the less he dared to believe it.

Afterwards, he kept wandering around, thinking about many possibilities.

Finally gritting his teeth, Lucifer said fiercely: "Damn it, no matter what, just rush! If you die, die!!!"

Immediately, his body flashed and he escaped from hell in an instant and came to the human world.


Lucifer felt the divine power of Jehovah in the world, and found that the other party's divine power had become extremely thin, as if it was about to float away.

His eyes lit up and he thought: "Could this be the old guy who angered the ten alien creatures from before and then got killed?!"

"No, no, he's not dead yet, but he must be extremely weak!!!"

Lucifer thought of this, a smile appeared on his lips, he looked up at the sky, and twelve black wings appeared behind him.

He flapped his wings fiercely and flew high into the sky.

"Old guy, don't blame me for being heartless!!!!"

Lucifer laughed ferociously and flew towards heaven.

"It's time for the evil spirits in hell to invade heaven and swallow all the angels into their stomachs..."

Following Lucifer's words, in an instant, the entire hell was filled with Satan's bewitching voice, and all those people came out one after another to follow Lucifer to heaven.

Above heaven.

After Michael felt the breath of Satan, his expression changed drastically, and he instantly summoned all the angels to prepare for the battle.

"Lucifer is going to invade heaven, go and report it to the Emperor and let him take action!!!"

After Michael shouted, he took the initiative to move towards Lucifer, taking the lead. With this move, he had an extra weapon in his hand.

In the past, he was able to defeat Lucifer, but with Lucifer's fall, he was instantly killed by Lucifer.

This time, he wants to tell everyone that he is still the strongest angel! ! !

"Michael, you are no match for me. Are you so stupid that you haven't realized it yet?!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Lucifer's mouth, and he said with a mocking look on his face, not paying any attention to the many angels surrounding him.

To him, these angels were extremely weak beings, and when he reached heaven, he had already shouted for the creatures from hell to come over.

This time, he was not fighting alone, but taking the lead.

He was not stupid to fight against so many angels alone. Even if he could hold on for a while, he would not be able to hold on for long.

At this moment, more and more demons, fallen angels, and even various hell creatures began to attack the angels below.

Just as Michael was leading a group of angels to besiege Lucifer, Jehovah's aura surged wildly.

Although he had scrapped his cultivation base and started all over again, he was still a fourth-level creature.

For condensing the innate immortality of the day, the gathering of immortal golden light is naturally achieved in an instant.

Therefore, from the moment he abandoned his cultivation, he had already reached the level of Golden Immortal in an instant. From then on, whether he condensed the five qi in his chest or the three flowers on his head, he reached it at an extremely fast speed.

And when Lucifer came to heaven, his cultivation had reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian. It was the real peak. After realizing the true meaning of Hunyuan, he could understand it carefully in the retreat.

"How can we condense the only true self? How can we condense the only true self..."

A look of anxiety appeared on Jehovah's face. He had everything in the outside world under his control. When he was anxious to practice, he forgot to get rid of the unstable factor of Satan first.

But now I didn't expect that the other party would actually attack him directly. If he waited until the other party did something, he would have to die here.

Therefore, Jehovah quickly began his own understanding.

"The only true self, searching for the true self in endless time and space, I am not the same as before. When I came to this world, it was the beginning of me in this world..."

Soon, Jehovah figured out the trick. He had a very short time before entering the wilderness, so he had to condense his self in the previous time and space very quickly. As for his future self, it would be the same as other living beings.

In heaven.

All twelve wings on Michael's back were brutally broken off by Lucifer, and his limbs were also interrupted. At this time, he was dying and looking at Lucifer bitterly.

"Haha, today, I'm going to show you what the so-called God Slaughter is!!!"

With a ferocious smile on his face, Lucifer looked at the angels who were dragged away by the crowds of hell, holding the crippled Michael in one hand and heading towards the Jehovah's retreat.

Soon, the two came to the retreat place of Jehovah.

Lucifer looked at the forbidden area in front of him and broke into it without hesitation with Michael.

Buzz! ! !

Just as Lucifer broke into it and saw Jehovah sitting on the ground, he immediately threw Michael to the ground and flew towards Jehovah.

And just when he was about to kill Jehovah, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared on Jehovah's body, blocking Lucifer aside.

"How can it be!!!"

Lucifer's eyes widened and he looked at Jehovah in front of him in shock, feeling horrified in his heart.

I saw Jehovah slowly getting up, looking at me with a playful smile on his face, and said slowly: "Do you know what the great road is?!"

After saying that, he raised his right hand slightly, put his thumb and middle finger together, and flicked them towards Lucifer.

Boom! ! !

A huge wave of air rushed towards Jehovah, sending him instantly to hell and sinking him into the depths of hell again.


There was a sound of rage from Lucifer. He didn't understand. He didn't understand why Jehovah suddenly burst out with such powerful strength even though his divine power had clearly dissipated.

"How can a frog at the bottom of a well know the great road?!"

Jehovah said disdainfully that he did not kill Lucifer, but only suppressed Lucifer in hell.

The aura on his body was already at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

In an instant, in just a short moment, he rose from Jinxian all the way to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Because the method of cultivation in the prehistoric world no longer depends on the tempering of time and the accumulation of cultivation, but on the perception of the law and the perception of the great way.

Although Jehovah did not actively comprehend the great way of faith, billions of years have long allowed him to have a very deep understanding of the great way of faith.

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