Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 347 God will forgive everything, including Satan

Therefore, Jehovah was able to cultivate to perfection in the realm of Daluo Jinxian in an instant and comprehend the only true self. The only thing that blocked Jehovah was the condensation of this only true self. When the only true self was condensed successfully, he directly stepped into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian with his own understanding of the avenue of faith.

In the dark, Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Fortunately I saw it, otherwise I would have really fallen here."

Yes, the reason why Jehovah was able to condense the only true self in a moment was because Ye Xuan took action.

If Ye Xuan had not taken action, Jehovah would probably have died here.

He wanted to see what it would be like if there was one more charlatan in the prehistoric world, and whether it would become more interesting and prosperous.

Prosperity may not be the case, but it is certain to be more interesting.

In the present prehistoric world, the four major forces, namely the witch clan of the underworld, the demon clan of the heavenly court, the human race of the human world, and the dragon clan of the four seas, dominate the prehistoric world. There are also many small forces below, such as the three sects of the Three Pure Ones, the Chan and Jie, and the Xianmen secretly established by Hongjun. The disciples of the Xianmen have already had many followers among the human race.

There are also the Demon Sect and the Buddhist Sect. These two sects are actually the most powerful among the many small forces in the prehistoric world.

The Buddhist Sect seems to be suppressed by the witch clan and cannot even go out of the Western Wilderness, but it depends on who it is compared with! That is compared with the witch clan!

What is the concept of the witch clan? ! That is the peak power in the prehistoric world, and it is the second most powerful force!

The four major forces are a devastating blow to any force that is not one of the four major forces. They are all existences that can be crushed to death with just one finger.

Therefore, it is a very normal thing for the Buddhist Sect to be suppressed by the witch clan.

Let alone the Buddhist Sect, even if the Demon Sect, the Xianmen, etc. are added, they are not enough to fight the witch clan.

This is the absolute crushing of the top major forces on those small forces.

When the combat power between the two is not so different, the power becomes a very important existence.

If it is the same as in the past, the saint is the peak, and there are only a few saints, then naturally the saints are the only ones in the prehistoric world, and there is no need for any power, because each other is the opponent, and no one is the opponent except each other.

Even if more forces are accommodated, it is actually just a game when bored, and those forces can't help in the real battle.

But if the number of saints becomes unlimited, everyone in the world can become a saint, then the saint will need the help of power, because if you don't have power, that is, you don't have the help of people at the same level, then you can't have the final say.

Because more people with the same ideas gather together, you are a saint, they are also saints, two against one, naturally the two have the advantage.

Just like the present prehistoric world, there are no restrictions on the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian appeared in the world. Although the strength of the prehistoric world has also become stronger, it has also led to the suppression of those innate saints without power.

This is not an era of fighting alone, and it is not an era that can crush everything with its own strength.

In the prehistoric world, even if the talent and foundation are as strong as the Three Pure Ones, this ultimate boss who is formed by the three parts of Pangu Yuanshen, whether it is the foundation, the footsteps or the talent, is the existence standing at the top of the prehistoric world.

But they can't stand at the top of the prehistoric world. They can only curl up in the Buzhou Mountain and can't dominate the outside world at all.

They can only look forward to the growth of the next generation, and when their disciples have entered the realm of Hunyuan, and when they have accumulated enough strength, they can truly be among the top of the prehistoric world.

In fact, it is not that difficult to step into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. At least many creatures have directly broken through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian after releasing the restrictions of heaven and earth.

There are many creatures that were supposed to be cannon fodder. Many of those who became cannon fodder in the war between witches and liches in the original story have entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian one by one in the prehistoric world.

It can only be said that the prehistoric world has never lacked talented creatures, but what it lacks is the upper limit.

Once the upper limit is opened, the strength that will burst out will surprise people so much that their eyes will fall off.

And now, what Ye Xuan is doing is to open the upper limit of the prehistoric world step by step, so that more and more people can reach the legendary strongest realm.

The upper limit that the prehistoric world lacks is not the upper limit that can be reached by the foundation, but the upper limit of Ye Xuan's prehistoric world.

In the original prehistoric world, those great gods and demons did not have an upper limit. Pangu, who opened the sky, proved the great way, but he did not succeed in proving the great way, just one step away.

But that is also much stronger than the way of heaven, not to mention how much stronger than the saints.

The reason why it has become so weaker and weaker is all the work of Daozu Hongjun.

He sealed the upper limit of the prehistoric world, and then he became stronger and stronger in his enlightenment, and then he oppressed the world, and even controlled the world.

When he first merged with the Tao, he gave a few saints to manage the world for him, and there was another saint who was left outside, so that those innate saints still had a glimmer of hope for him, and there was still a glimmer of infinite possibility.

But as a result, when Hongjun became stronger and stronger, not to mention becoming a saint, he directly drove out the saints who originally helped him suppress the world and rolled into chaos. Nether.

Then, the upper limit of the prehistoric world became even lower.

Hongjun controls the world, absorbs the talents and heritage of future generations of the world, and cuts off all the upper limits of future generations to help himself realize the Tao.

Although one living being is only a small amount, when infinite living beings gather together, it becomes an extremely huge number, which will naturally be of great help to Hongjun.

Then one generation is not as good as the other, and one generation is not as good as the other.

The already low ceiling has been cut again, one generation after another.

Gradually, the upper limit of prehistoric creatures became lower and lower, until in the Age of Ending Dharma, it became extremely difficult to become an immortal.

This is the thief of heaven and earth, this is the real thief.

And Hongjun did this. Hongjun did this in endless time and space, but he failed in this time and space, which resulted in all future time and space in this world. Failed.

And those who succeeded were not the future infinite time and space in this side of time and space, but the parallel time and space of this side of time and space that succeeded.

Every space and time has endless future possibilities, and each possibility will become a parallel time and space, just like the two different futures that appear in this space and time now, and the other future is this Parallel space-time of square space-time.

Of course, this requires one thing to look at, that is, the future in this space and time has already arrived. For example, one thing will happen at the next moment and lead to two different results, but it has not happened yet at this moment, so the two different results The direction is the future time and space in my time and space.

But after the next moment arrives, the result of the time and space I am in is A, so the time and space of the other time and space where the result is B is no longer the future time and space of my time and space, but the future time and space of my time and space. My side of time and space is a parallel time and space.

In other words, in every moment, endless time and space will be born, and the superposition of these time and space is a real prehistoric world.

There are two ways to access these time and spaces. One is to break the barriers of space and reach parallel time and space.

One is to find the future time and space of the past and future from the long flow of time.

After mastering time and space, you can go to all time and space, and you can truly find what may happen in the future time and space in this world.

Just like the scene when the space gods and demons and the time gods and demons joined forces to go to the beginning of Pangu, it was impossible to reach anywhere without anyone.

Without the space gods and demons, even if the time gods and demons arrive there, it will be impossible to enter it, because he can only look at everything in that space and time, but he cannot enter it because he lacks the space gods and demons. s help.

But if the space gods and demons lack the time gods and demons, they will not be able to find the time and space when Pangu opened the sky. At most, they can only find what happened in the parallel time and space in the chaotic world at that time.

Mortal world.

"Satan has subdued his power, do you still want to resist stubbornly?"

Jehovah looked at the hell demons in front of him who were fighting against heaven, and scolded them coldly.

The demons and fallen angels looked at each other, and sure enough, there was no sign of Satan. But at this time, Jehovah walked out again. The final result is self-evident.

So, they all scattered and fled.

As for Jehovah, who has reached Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he no longer feels that those hell demons pose any threat to him.

With his current strength, he only needs to gain a better understanding of the Dao of Faith to become stronger and stronger until he has enough strength to step out of the mortal world and go to the real prehistoric world to see true power. .

As his strength grew stronger, the cultivation levels of these angels began to skyrocket.

Even Michael, who almost died, all the injuries on his body have disappeared, and his body seems to be getting better, as if there is no problem.

"Thank you Emperor Fan."

Michael also came out of the previous retreat, lowered his head and spoke to Jehovah.

Jehovah nodded when he heard the words and said: "From now on, you will be the head of many archangels and manage everything in heaven."

"Michael will live up to his command!"

After hearing this, Michael bowed again and said with a firm voice.

After doing all this, Jehovah nodded slightly, flashed and disappeared.

It was there that Michael began to rebuild heaven. In the previous battles, many buildings in heaven were destroyed.

Deep in hell.

"Lucifer, save it and just be my dog ​​from now on, otherwise I will kill you sooner or later." Jehovah looked at Lucifer who was completely suppressed by him with a cold look on his face.

The reason why Lucifer was not killed was really largely because he had a breakthrough and was in a good mood.

Otherwise, just because the other party almost killed him, he would have to cut the other party into pieces.

"Why did you suddenly become so powerful!!! Was it just to seduce me?!!"

Lucifer, who was suppressed underground, said with a look of reluctance.

He wondered why Jehovah suddenly became so powerful even though he had lost his cultivation.

He couldn't think of any other reason. There was only one possibility, and that was that it was really a trap, a trap to lure him, and he was indeed fooled.

"No, no, no, my previous cultivation is indeed gone."

Jehovah shook his head slightly and looked at Lucifer in front of him as if he were looking at some poor creature.

Before he established the Ancient System, he was already a true god in this world. Killing Lucifer was just like crushing an ant. His opponent had never been anyone else in this world.

He has only one opponent, and that is the creatures in other worlds, the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals in the ancient world.

"Then why is this?!"

Lucifer was even more puzzled when he heard this. This guy actually lost all his cultivation. So what's the reason now? Because of love? !

But just when Jehovah was about to answer, his pupils shrank, and he suddenly understood something.

"I understand, that's it, that's it..."

Lucifer's brows furrowed together, and he finally understood that Jehovah must have obtained the cultivation methods from the outside world, which made such a possibility possible.

If it weren't for outside cultivation methods, Lucifer really couldn't think of any other possibility that could make Jehovah's cultivation so weird.

But in just this short moment, Jehovah was actually able to become so powerful from nothing.

This also made Lucifer a little frightened.

He knew that Jehovah was so powerful that it was terrifying, even stronger than the Jehovah he had faced before.

"That's right, just as you thought, I have acquired the cultivation methods from the ancient world, and I just abandoned my cultivation and practiced again." Jehovah looked at Lucifer with a smile. He saw through Lucifer's thought.

He didn't hide anything. After all, this made Lucifer even more uncomfortable and painful. Lucifer didn't know how to resist all this happening.

After all, he was already so powerful before, and now that he has obtained the Prehistoric System, he is even more powerful. He is no longer an existence that Lucifer can pursue. Even if Lucifer obtains the Prehistoric System, it is impossible to pursue him. on his development.

What's more, today's Lucifer simply cannot obtain the prehistoric system.

"Are they those ten?"

The unwillingness on Lucifer's face dissipated somewhat. No matter how unwilling he was now, it would be in vain. No matter what, it was impossible to surpass Jehovah.

Jehovah himself is the one who beats them. If he had mastered the practice of the prehistoric system, he could kill Jehovah. But now Jehovah has mastered this system, and even if he has mastered this system, he will still will be crushed by the Lord.

Of course, there is another possibility, which is to overtake Jehovah.

But Jehovah himself is the only true God in this world. There is no living being with a stronger talent and deeper foundation than Jehovah.

If there are, they are creatures from the ancient world, not creatures from this world.

"That's right, those ten are the princes of heaven."

Jehovah nodded after hearing this. He had always loved Lucifer in front of him very much. If he didn't need a villain to help him gain faith better, he would not let Lucifer become Satan.

Everything in this world is actually controlled by Jehovah, including Lucifer turning into Satan.

Because he wasn't sure if he could bear not to kill someone else if they turned into Satan.

Therefore, he could only endure the pain and turn his favorite angel into Satan, so that he would not always think about killing him.

"They are actually the prince..."

Although Lucifer doesn't know how powerful Heaven is, he must be like Heaven in this world, a supreme existence, and the importance of those princes can be imagined, they must be extremely important.

"Why are you telling me all this?"

Lucifer looked up at Jehovah and asked in confusion.

He didn’t know why Jehovah told him all this instead of killing him directly, or telling him nothing at all.

Jehovah chuckled when he heard the words, and then said slowly: "It's very simple, because I want you to never have any thoughts of resistance and cooperate with me well. In this case, you may not be unable to have the cultivation method of the ancient system."

He wanted to use this to seduce Lucifer, so that Lucifer would stop thinking about so many nonsense and just be his dog honestly, that would be fine.

As for other things, that's not what Lucifer should be thinking about.

Lucifer was silent for a while after hearing this. He didn't know where to go. After thinking about it carefully, he nodded silently.

At this moment, his heart was full of humiliation, but he had no choice but to do this.

"Very good, I look forward to your development. God will forgive everything, including Satan."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A burst of laughter from Jehovah reached Lucifer's ears, making him feel extremely humiliated. However, he could only choose to temporarily attach himself to Jehovah, which was even more ironic.

After Jehovah left, Satan's eyes instantly changed, becoming extremely intense and extremely angry.

Those were extremely blood-red eyes.

"I want power, I want to become stronger! I am willing to submit to you, as long as you can make me stronger than Jehovah!!!"

Lucifer kept shouting in his heart. He had been suppressing the evil thoughts since they entered his body.

But now, he didn't want to suppress them anymore. He wanted to become stronger, stronger than Jehovah!

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