Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 348 The betrayal of the demons, Luo Hou's back-up plan

"As you wish."

The evil thoughts came together and spread across thousands of miles.

In an instant, the evil energy in Lucifer's body rushed out, destroying all of Lucifer's cultivation.

In just a short moment, Lucifer's cultivation disappeared completely, and he became like an ordinary mortal.

But then, the evil thoughts rose up, constantly forging Lucifer's foundation.

"Is this... the new power..."

Lucifer muttered to himself, not caring about his body that had been invaded by the Demon Ancestor.

If Luohou wanted, Lucifer would not even be able to control his own body, and could only watch Luohou do anything to him without resistance.

This is the price Lucifer has to pay for surrendering to Luohou.

Luohou rarely gives people power directly like this. Generally, he hides deep in the heart of a living being, constantly using evil thoughts to lure this living being to self-degradation, so that these living beings can enter the demon gate by themselves.

In this case, these creatures will be real members of the Demon Sect, and will truly become disciples of the Demon Sect.

For a moment, the demon thoughts flew wildly and drifted.

And Lucifer's cultivation also soared from the Golden Immortal to the peak strength of the Golden Immortal. As for when he will break through to the realm of the True Self of the Primordial Chaos, it depends on Luohou's own luck.

As for whether he can enter the realm of the True Self of the Primordial Chaos like Jehovah, it depends on whether Lucifer's own accumulation is enough.


Demon Domain Outside the Territory.

"Master Demon Ancestor, when can we counterattack the prehistoric world?"

The Heavenly Demon King, the leader of the four demon kings, said impatiently.

He was almost bored in this Demon Domain Outside the Territory. All day long, he was either fighting with other demons or running to the prehistoric world to seduce other creatures.

Of course, he rarely needed to go there in person.

However, over the years, from the demon ancestor Luohou to the newly born demons, they all ran to the prehistoric world to seduce those creatures, so that they could join the demon sect and work hard to strengthen the demon sect.

And the accumulation over the years has indeed allowed them to accumulate a powerful force in the prehistoric world.

But once someone is found to be possessed by the demon, they will almost always kill him.

Only the human race is quite indifferent to this matter. You can enter any gate you want, but if you dare to follow those gates to deal with the human race, it means betraying the human race, and you will be expelled from the human race and then killed.

This is how they deal with this matter, but if it is not harmful to the human race, then leave it alone and let it decide for itself, and no one will interfere.

Just like Su Mingshi, one of the seventeen ancient kings among the human race, who directly majored in the Great Way of Demon, nothing happened, but instead cultivated it more like the real Great Way of Demon than Luohou.

Not to mention that there are a large number of human children who have run to various sects and forces. That is a personal matter, and the human race will not care.

But the most basic premise is that you cannot hurt the human race, you cannot be harmful to the human race, otherwise you will not care whether you are a human race or not.

Those who attempt to harm the human race must be killed.

This is the idea of ​​the human emperor and a group of human beings. There is freedom, but you cannot betray your race.

"The time has not come. In the current prehistoric world, the four tribes are extremely prosperous. Although the demon sect has secretly accumulated a lot of strength, it is simply unable to deal with any of the four tribes, not to mention that we are likely to be besieged by the four tribes if we enter rashly."

The demon ancestor Luo Hou shook his head and said slowly.

The demon sect is not like the human race. The reason why the human race can grow all the way and become the strongest is because the human race has a good saint. The saint is Nuwa, the demon emperor of the demon race, so it is destined that the heaven will not take action against the human race.

If the Heavenly Court does not take action, there will only be two possibilities left, the Wu Clan and the Dragon Clan. The Wu Clan has always been too lazy to care about you if you do not harm the prehistoric world.

The human race will naturally not think of harming the prehistoric world, so the Wu Clan will not bother to care about the human race. After all, the human race has not harmed the prehistoric world, and has not offended the Wu Clan. Although the Wu Clan is good at fighting and aggressive, it will not mess with the human race for no reason.

Then there will only be the Dragon Clan. After experiencing the ancient war, the Dragon Clan has been silent in the prehistoric world and defended the land of the four seas. As long as no one competes with them for the land of the four seas, these people will not run over to care about anything, let alone trouble the human race.

But the Demon Sect is different. The Dragon Clan is unlikely to care about the Demon Sect, but once the Demon Sect starts an incident, the people in the Demon Sect who have infiltrated all aspects of the prehistoric world will also follow.

Let alone the demon dragons in the dragon clan, even if the dragon clan does not care, the Demon Clan will have to encounter the two tribes of witches and liches.

After all, Luohou wants to dominate the prehistoric world, which is naturally extremely conflicting to the interests of the demon clan. If they want to seize the dominant position from them, they will inevitably go to war.

And not only that, they will even encounter attacks from the witch clan.

After all, once the demon sect takes action, they will be a disaster to the prehistoric world in their eyes. Who makes the demon clan have such a bad reputation? Every day, they prevent many creatures from practicing to become immortals. Although this is in line with the operation of the way of heaven, in the eyes of those people, they will not care so much. It is the demon clan deliberately harming the world.

Therefore, the witch clan will definitely take action.

What's more, Luo Hu did leave a few back-up men in the Wu Clan. Those silly big guys in the Wu Clan were too confusing. Of course, they couldn't find anyone who was too strong.

And they will not be allowed to believe in the Demon Ancestor or the like. After all, they only believe in Father God Pangu.

And Luo Hu took advantage of this to make those people have different differences with the ancestral witches. As for whether they belong to him or not, it is not important. What is important is to make the witch clan weaker. This is very important.

As for the human race, they almost had no weaknesses at all. He wanted to bewitch those humans, but he couldn't find any weaknesses.

Even among those human kings who wanted to compete for the position of human emperor, they were fighting among themselves. When the evil thoughts arose, they refused without hesitation.

He was not tempted at all, and almost even entered the Demon Realm.

This frightened Luo Hu, and he immediately dared not touch anyone in the human race.

Those people seemed like crazy lunatics. They obviously wanted those things, and they were obviously trying to trick them into saying that they could help them obtain those things, but those people just did it with a knife.

This is the deep-rooted thought of the human race. We want to obtain the position of human emperor, which is a matter between us within the human race.

But whoever dares to hook up with forces outside the human race is betraying his ancestors and needs to be severely condemned, and he may even be killed directly.

All in all, it’s just one sentence, it’s my business to covet the throne. If you are from the human race and covet it together, then we can work together to do something big. If you are a creature from outside the human race and you dare to come and join forces, I will chop you down and stretch out my hand. Cut off the hand, stretch out the head and cut off the head.

And once the demon sect attempts to reach the top of the world, it will naturally encounter opposition from the human race. I finally became the protagonist of the world. Why do you want to overthrow this system now? dream!

This is the problem of vested interests. In fact, among the four major races in the prehistoric era, the three major races are completely united interests.

Although the human race, the wizard race, and the demon race appear to be three races, in terms of big interests, they are truly a group of common interests.

Because whether it is the position of the human race's overlord of heaven and earth or the witch race's position as the lord of the underworld, they are actually closely linked to the demon race's heaven.

And these are the reasons why they jointly resist others who want to overthrow Heaven.

Once the Heavenly Court is overthrown, the benefits at the current stage will be redistributed, and the Human Race and the Witch Race will not get a bigger cake than now. After all, their current cake is already very big.

If you want to be bigger, there is only one possibility, and that is to overthrow the demon clan yourself and go to the Emperor of Heaven yourself.

This is their only way to advance, but no matter which force wants to overthrow the heaven, it is obvious that it is impossible to give up the real leading position to them.

Therefore, rather than working on something that has no real benefits, it would be better to maintain the status quo.

As for wanting to get more benefits? It's not that there is no way out. When you think you can overthrow the heaven by yourself, you can just revolt and overthrow it yourself.

"The time has not come, the time has not come, you always say the time has not come, when will the time come!" The Evil King among the four demon kings said with an angry look.

Every time they wanted to attack Honghuang, Luo Hu would always speak out to stop them.

Every time they say the time has not come yet, but if this continues, when will the time come?

As time goes by, their magic sect is rapidly strengthening and becoming stronger.

But the four major races in the prehistoric era are not static. They are also constantly changing, and they even become stronger faster than them, much faster!

This is the reason why the four demon kings can't wait to attack as soon as possible. If it drags on any longer, relying on the speed of the demon sect's strength growth, they will never be able to dominate the world in this life.


Rahu's demonic power was overwhelming, and a demonic path appeared, suppressing all the four demon kings transformed from his own body to the ground.

"I created you not just for you to question my existence, let alone for you to question me!!!"

Luo Hu was extremely angry at this time. The evil demon king among the four demon kings had not taught him a lesson for too long, so he dared to speak to him in such a tone.

Could it be that he is really tired of living?

If so, he wouldn't mind changing to another Demon King.

"Hmph! We are in the realm of Hunyuan. In the past, I just respected you as the Demon Ancestor, so I kept tolerating it. But since you said such words, I don't want to spoil you anymore!"

The evil demon king was even more arrogant. He directly broke his face and looked at Luo Hu and said with disdain.

"Since you have lost your courage and dare not attack Honghuang, then you should abdicate and make way for others. In this way, we can still save your life!"

The Earth Demon King also stood up at this time and said silently from the side.

Luo Hu had a gloomy face, looked around, looked at the four demon kings and the thirteen demon generals under his command, and said slowly: "Is there anyone else who wants to stand with the two of them?"

This time, a group of high-level demon clan officials came together. He didn't know why before, but it turned out that they wanted him to abdicate.

He knows that since these people have chosen to rebel, it is naturally impossible for him to survive. In other words, he has only one way to be suppressed. After those people have the ability to kill him, I am afraid that He will kill himself without hesitation.

Of course, he couldn't sit still and wait for death. As early as when he faced these people, he had already kept a secret plan.

How could a person like Luo Hu trust other people? Therefore, when he first transformed into the demonic realm outside the realm and gave birth to those demon kings and generals, he had already set up methods.

Just like the demon seeds he planted in the bodies of Styx and other creatures, these are things to prevent those people from betraying him.

"I'm sorry, Demon Ancestor."

Although the Ancestral Demon King said he was sorry, there was a smile on his face.

He is the Ancestral Demon King among the Demon Ancestors, and is second only to the Heavenly Demon King in strength.

The thirteen demon generals all chose to side with the three demon kings, leaving only one demon king who looked at these people in surprise.

"You jointly asked me to come to see the Demon Ancestor just for betrayal?!"

The Demon King asked the three demon kings and the thirteen demon generals angrily. He did not expect that he would be tricked by these guys.

I originally thought they were just asking the Demon Ancestor, hoping to enter the wilderness to fight, but it turned out that these people were thinking of treason.

More importantly, why don't you bring me along for your rebellion? ! ! !

If you don’t take me with you, do you want me to be suppressed along with the Demon Ancestor? !

"I'm sorry, Heavenly Demon King, who made you always loyal to Demon Ancestor?"

The Earth Demon King spread his hands. Although he was the weakest among the four demon kings, everything happening now was planned by him.

And he always believed that the Demon King was extremely loyal to Luo Hu, so he did not take the Demon King with him.

The Demon King's face hardened when he heard this, and he was already scolding him in his heart.

Damn it, I am so loyal because I am afraid that you are all sent by the Demon Ancestor to trick me! How can you be so unfaithful? !

Who knows, you actually really have something evil in your heart! ! !

However, it was naturally impossible for him to say these things in his heart at this moment, because even if he said it, those people would not believe it, and it would only ruin his image among Demon Ancestor Rahu.

Yes, his only way now is to hope that this unique Demon Ancestor still has some cards in his hand, at least he will not be suppressed here.

In this case, he at least still has some hope.

Now that the opponent has shown his cards, he can only go to the dark side and follow Luo Hu.

"good very good!"

When Luo Hu heard this, he suppressed his anger and glanced at the men who had surrendered to him in the past.

"It seems that you have forgotten who gave birth to you..."

A strange smile appeared on Luo Hu's face, and then, the demonic thoughts on his body rose into the sky, turning into wisps of demonic fire and raging in the sky.

"No! Suppress him quickly!!!"

The Earth Demon King shouted. Although he didn't know what Luo Hu was doing, he had an extremely ominous feeling in his heart.

"Kill him!!!"

More than a dozen beings from the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal realm all attacked Luo Hu.

When Luo Hu saw this, his expression was not surprised but happy. After Jie Jie laughed, his figure disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already behind the demons.

"Kneel down!"

Luo Hu shook his hands gently, and the three demon kings and thirteen demon generals turned pale in an instant. They covered their heads and knelt down on the ground. They kept hitting their heads on the ground in pain.


Luo Hu snorted coldly, and then sat on his Demon Ancestor seat again, leaning down to look at the Demon Kings and Generals below.

He didn't expect that this day would actually come. Fortunately, he had a backup plan, otherwise, he might be the one who was suppressed here today.

The Demon King on the side quickly wiped away the cold sweat and bent over, not daring to raise his head or even take a breath.

At this moment, he was filled with ecstasy. These guys actually dared to betray the Demon Ancestor and why not bring him with them. They must be punished!

Fortunately, I didn't bring him with me, otherwise he would be kneeling on the ground now.

Different from the ecstasy of the Heavenly Demon King, the Ancestral Demon King, the Earth Demon King, the Evil Demon King, and the Thirteen Demon Generals were all about to burst into tears.

Damn, you are actually cheating!

They have all cultivated to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but they didn't realize that their bodies were being controlled by the Demon Ancestor! ! !

"How did you do it?!" The Earth Demon King's eyes were full of unwillingness. He hated it. He obviously joined forces with everyone who could join forces, and it could have been accomplished today, but the result was the devil ancestor. He actually left such a hand behind.

The other demon kings and demon generals also looked up at the demon ancestor, wanting a satisfactory answer in their hearts, so that they would all die better.

"It's okay to tell you. As early as when I gave birth to you, I planted a demon seed in your origin. I thought I would never have the chance to use it in this life. Who knew it would actually come in handy today? ”

Luo Hu sneered and said everything was under control.

He enjoyed it all, enjoyed the feeling of having these people in his hands, and enjoyed the feeling of being able to play with other people's fates at will.

"You!!! Despicable!!"

The Earth Demon King held back for a long time, and finally said despicable.

"Oh?! I am the ancestor of demons! Hahahaha..."

Rāhu was not angry when he heard this, but laughed loudly.

After laughing for a long time, he stopped, looked at his subordinates fiercely, and said word by word: "I gave you everything, whether it is power or strength, you are the existence standing at the top of the demon clan, why do you want to betray me?!"

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