"Ha ha ha ha……"

After hearing this, the Earth Demon King was not in a hurry to answer the question. Instead, like Rahu, he laughed wildly for a while.

They could not kill Rahu, and he claimed that Rahu could not kill him.

After all, everyone is in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and they are not beings that can be easily killed like those Da Luo Jinxian.

The Hunyuan One Certification Eternal Certification is not only that, you also have to erase yourself in all time and space. Only in this way can it be regarded as a real kill.

Otherwise, even if the Hunyuan in this side of time and space is wiped out, it won't be long before the other side will be born again.

It will be more difficult to find traces of the other party by then.

Therefore, most of the time, if you can kill the opponent, then kill it. If you can't kill it, just suppress it.

It's much better than seemingly killing him, but actually the opponent comes back to life again soon.

Luo Hu just looked at the Earth Demon King who was laughing wildly in front of him quietly. He didn't feel angry, nor did he directly use thunder to suppress him.

He wanted to see what the Earth Demon King in front of him planned to say.


The Earth Demon King sneered again, and then said with an arrogant look: "Why? Because your existence prevents us from moving forward, because you always say that the time is not enough, but you just refuse to attack Honghuang because there are too many Too many, not to mention, who wouldn’t want to replace you..."

He didn't hide anything, let alone beg for mercy.

The worst possible outcome would be to be suppressed, and he also knew that people like Luo Hu would not let them go. Even if they knelt down and begged for mercy, they would not be able to escape being suppressed.

Therefore, there is no need to beg for mercy, the final result is to be suppressed anyway.

"good very good."

Luo Hu suppressed his anger, stood up slightly, and looked at the Earth Demon King who was kneeling on the ground in front of him and was still extremely arrogant. He had a cold expression on his face, his eyes were condensed like frost, and he stared at the Earth Demon King with extremely cold eyes.

"Do you think there is nothing I can do against you?"

His voice was like a demon crawling out of hell, full of magnetism but also terrifying.

"Huh...isn't it?"

The Earth Demon King sneered disdainfully and asked.

Luo Hu didn't say much when he heard this, but a smile appeared on his face.

That smile looked so weird, and it looked so frightening.

The other demon kings and demon generals suddenly felt a bad feeling in their hearts, but they didn't know why. They just curled up and knelt on the ground, and none of them dared to look up. .

At this time, the Earth Demon King seemed to have a feeling of fear in his heart, but he did not show it, but looked at Luo Hu with disdain.

"Then why do you think that the backhand I left behind cannot erase you..."

Luo Hu disappeared and suddenly appeared behind the Earth Demon King, speaking slowly.

The Earth Demon King's face changed drastically, and his aura became chaotic instantly. He wanted to fight back and kill Luo Hu first, but he was horrified to find that he couldn't control his body at all, let alone want to fight back!

For a moment, the aura coming from behind the Earth Demon King surged.

That was Luo Hu's breath. Luo Hu closed his eyes slightly, and his body suddenly expanded ten times, becoming extremely huge.


There was a sound, and after a blast-like sound came from Luo Hu's body, Luo Hu's body was shrinking rapidly, visible to the naked eye.

But at this time, I saw that the body of the Earth Demon King, which was obviously not damaged at all, was also shrinking, shrinking, shrinking.

Soon, it was so small that it was not even visible to the naked eye.

At this time, the Earth Demon King still exists.


An extremely slight sound came out, and along with this sound came the feeling that the Earth Demon King's breath was no longer there, and he could no longer feel it.

At this time, the Ancestral Demon King, the Evil Demon King, and the Thirteen Demons of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires were all so frightened that they kowtowed incessantly.

"Lord Demon Ancestor, please spare my life, I don't dare to do it anymore..."

"Sir, have mercy on me, have mercy on me!!!"

"Lord Demon Ancestor, I will never dare to rebel again. I hope Lord Demon Ancestor will save my life!"

After feeling that the aura of the Earth Demon King had disappeared forever, these people were so frightened that they quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

This doesn't just seem to be gone, it's gone forever.

It was as if something had disappeared from its origin, and there was no trace of the Earth Demon King at all.

Even the Earth Demon King in infinite time and space disappeared and evaporated instantly, as if he had never been born.

But it's not like Kunpeng's being wiped out from the root, so that the world no longer knows about Kunpeng's thoughts.

In other words, the Earth Demon King did not disappear from the source, but it happened that the Earth Demon King really disappeared in infinite time and space.

After these demon generals and demon kings felt this, they instantly understood why.

The origin of the Earth Demon King must still be there, but Luo Hu didn't know what means he used to make the Earth Demon King return to his origin and reach his original state.

That is to say, forcibly send the Earth Demon King back to the time when the origin was first conceived. Although once proved, the Earth Demon Kings in infinite time and space are all Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even the newly born Earth Demon Kings are the same.

But the problem is that Luohou directly sent him to the most initial origin state before he was born, and even the Earth Demon King had not yet formed.

In other words, the Earth Demon King in front of him is indeed dead. Even if this origin breeds a new soul again, even if this new soul is also called the Earth Demon King, it is actually not the previous Earth Demon King.

In other words, compared with Di Jun's erasing Kunpeng from the origin, Luohou's trick is more like changing the Earth Demon King from the origin.

It is impossible to say which of the two methods is better or worse. Anyway, they are both extremely useful means. After all, the existence that can control the Hunyuan realm can only rely on various means in addition to the absolute crushing of cultivation.

However, Di Jun's skill was only used after his cultivation level had absolutely crushed Kunpeng, while Luo Hou's skill was only effective against creatures of the demon clan.

In addition to the demon clan, Luo Hou could not do it even for other creatures of the Demon Sect.

Because the origin of the demon clan was actually bred from Luo Hou, so when those demons were bred, Luo Hou had used some means, and these means were what Luo Hou used just now to protect himself and return the Earth Demon King to his origin.

This is a bit like setting a reset program in their program. Once the reset program is started, everything about the creature in front of him will return to the most original state.

This is what Luo Hou used on the Earth Demon King just now.

But the flaw is that Luo Hou can't do this at all for people like Minghe who joined the Demon Sect halfway.

At most, he can use the demon seeds to influence the other party's actions, but as long as the other party's cultivation level is strong enough, he can completely ignore this influence.

In other words, from the beginning, all the creatures of the demon clan were kneeling at Luohou's feet and could not escape at all.

Demon Ancestor, the ancestor of the demon clan, this is not just a simple shout, that is the real ancestor of the demon clan.

Of course, for the innate sacredness of Minghe, it is just a more powerful existence.

And Luohou is strong enough, so Minghe also depends on Luohou, and Luohou really made him get rid of the so-called influence of beheading corpses to become a saint, and successfully made him ascend to the realm of Hunyuan.

After doing all this, Minghe basically fell in love with Luohou, and there was a demon seed in his body, which made Luohou very relieved about Minghe.

As for those demon clan subordinates, Luohou always knew that these people could not turn the world upside down, so he never paid much attention to them.

But who knew that they actually gave him such a big surprise and big plan behind his back, which made Luohou furious.

It was like a creature that was clearly under his control, and absolutely under his control, dared to rebel against him. He was angry and amused at the same time.

Luohou looked at the demon kings and demon generals kneeling on the ground below with a cold look on his face. He didn't expect that he would encounter a collective rebellion of his subordinates.

Seventeen capable subordinates actually betrayed sixteen of them.

This is his sorrow, and also the sorrow of the other party.

"Since this rebellion was committed by the Demon King of the Earth, you, as the responders, can be exempted from the death penalty, but you can't escape the living crime." Luohou was silent for a long time, and finally sat on the seat of the Demon Ancestor and said softly.

"Thank you, Demon Ancestor! Thank you, Demon Ancestor!!!"

After hearing that the Evil Demon King and the Ancestor Demon King were not dead, they kowtowed again to thank him.

For them, as long as they don't die, it's a good thing. No matter what the punishment is, being able to save their lives is the real kingly way.

Originally, the crowd relied on their immortal bodies and treated Luohou with no regard. They all thought that even if the rebellion failed, Luohou would not be able to do anything to them.

Who knew that Luohou could actually control their life and death and let the Earth Demon King fall directly.

You have to know that this is the Hunyuan Realm! This is the first one they have seen who can destroy the Hunyuan Realm! ! !

For a moment, how could they not be afraid.

The thirteen demons of the seven emotions and six desires also knelt on the ground, not daring to look up.

"You will hand over half of your territory and power to the Heavenly Demon King for management, and the Earth Demon King's territory will also be inherited by the Heavenly Demon King." Luohou opened his mouth slightly and said slowly.

The Heavenly Demon King was the only one who did not rebel. Although this was his duty, compared with all the other subordinates who rebelled, it was naturally extremely rare and he should be rewarded.

And those demon kings also participated in the rebellion. If Luo Hou had not been in a hurry to use people, none of these demon kings would have survived.

But then again, if all these demon kings died, then the strength of the demon sect would naturally become extremely low.

Luo Hou would not do such a self-destructive thing.

Anyway, these guys will definitely be honest after this incident, because others can't kill them, but Luo Hou can.

Just a little punishment, that's enough.

"Let the Lord Demon Ancestor deal with it, we will obey your orders."

The Evil Demon King, the Ancestral Demon King, and the Thirteen Demon Generals also kowtowed. As long as this incident is over, even if the territory is completely lost, that's really all.

"Well, go down and live in seclusion for ten thousand years. You are not allowed to leave the palace even half a step." Luo Hu said softly.

"Yes! I will obey your orders!!!"

The demon kings and demon generals fled quickly from the hall, not daring to stay for a moment, for fear that the demon ancestor would regret it and kill them.

For them, these punishments actually did not hurt their roots, but they were indeed much worse than the Demon King in terms of power.

After the Demon King takes over these territories from them, there is no need to think that he will become the most powerful Demon King in the future.

Because if any beings in the realm of Hunyuan are born among those subordinates, they will all belong to the forces of the Demon King.

In addition, the Demon Ancestor places such great importance on the Heavenly Demon King, and they all carry the name of rebellion, so the subordinate demon creatures are not fools, and naturally they are all willing to follow the Heavenly Demon King, instead of Follow them.

"Thank you, sir."

At this time, the Demon King knelt on the ground and bowed to Luo Hu.

He has received so many benefits, so he naturally needs to thank him.

And this is actually another surrender to Luo Hu, asking Luo Hu not to think too much, he is really on his side.

"Well, get up..."

Luo Hu stretched out his right hand and raised it slightly, Void lifted the Demon King from the ground.

This should be a matter of duty, but under the background of those demon kings and demon generals, it seems that the demon king is extremely loyal, which is extremely rare...

"Thank you, sir."

The Demon King agreed and thanked him.

For a time, Luo Hu's eyes towards the Demon King became much kinder.

The Demon King's heart was filled with fear and joy.

He was now quite lucky that those bastards regarded him as a loyal dog, which allowed him to escape the disaster, otherwise he would not know how the day would end.

Although those bastards seem to have nothing to do, this is only because there are few Demon Ancestors now. When the Demon Clan has more Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you will see if those bastards can still have the status they have today.

In all likelihood, everyone will be kicked out of the center of power by Rahu, and by then it will be impossible to resist, because no matter what aspect, you will not have the power to resist.

In other words, the future of those demon kings and demon generals is already doomed, although there seems to be little punishment at the moment.

And I will definitely become more important as they become lonely!

In the future, he will definitely be the most important figure in the affairs of the Demon Sect, second only to Luo Hu.

And these are all thanks to the support of my peers!

"I'm not really special at first, I'm just a little stronger than them alone, but now I've become the only loyal general!"

The Demon King thought happily and felt extremely happy.

How could he be loyal? It was just that those bastards didn't want to play with him.

But Luo Hu didn’t know, and neither did the demon generals and demon kings.

Why don't you take him to play? Isn't it because he showed enough loyalty?

Isn’t it just that he is impeccable in his speech and expresses his loyalty to Luo Hu at all times?

And now, the harvest has arrived.

Luo Hu also looked at him with a smile on his face, which made the Demon King feel for the first time that being trusted by others was such a pleasant thing.

At the same time, I secretly made up my mind to not let anyone know that I was actually not loyal at all, and I would have to be more loyal in all aspects in the future, so that I would have no worries.

When Ye Xuan saw this, he also laughed dumbly, and then with a thought in his mind, he left the wilderness.

"Today's prehistoric world is too huge. Countless things are happening every moment, and there are also many interesting things. It's just that this demon clan doesn't have a single loyal person..."

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly, looking at the big-breasted beauties on the TV, feeling quite bored.

What happened to the demon clan in the prehistoric era was not as interesting as what happened to the demon clan. Sixteen of the seventeen demon clan confidants actually rebelled. The remaining one did not rebel because he did not play with him.

In other words, Luo Hu’s ability to manage his subordinates is really weak!

Look at Di Jun, Di Jiang, Zu Long, Human Emperor, and others. There is no one who has not built his racial power into an iron bucket, and there is no one who wants to rebel at all.

And Luo Hu’s men are all thinking about rebellion...

Of course, a large part of this is also due to the poor living environment of the demons.

The Demonic Realm outside the Territory was transformed from Luo Hu's body and was attached to a prehistoric world. Although the territory inside was not small, the actual living environment was extremely difficult.

Of course, most demons don't care about this, but some people do.

Just like the Demon King and the Demon General, you are all Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Why are you enjoying it in the wilderness, while we are living in this dire and fiery demon realm and lingering.

If possible, who doesn't want the place where they live to be better?

Just like the leader of the same country, you fight which country you want to fight every day, bully whom you want to bully, and I have to stay at home and be beaten passively every day?

Who can keep this balance in their mind...

So, those demon generals and demon kings asked Luo Hou every day, asking for permission to invade the prehistoric world, or at least to take down a piece of land belonging to the Demon Sect.

But Luo Hou thought that he should not expose the Demon Sect too early.

Letting the Demon Sect establish a base in the prehistoric world would undoubtedly attract the attention of other forces in the prehistoric world. It would not be like now, where no one would care about the Demon Sect at all.

What he wanted was to develop quietly, until he could overthrow all the other forces in the prehistoric world in one fell swoop, and let himself run over to serve as the Emperor of Heaven. If he could do this.

Then Luo Hou would overturn everything without hesitation...

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