Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 350 Emperor Gou Chen, the Holy White Tiger

Ye Xuan has been back to his ancestral star since he participated in the national competition of the United Eagles and won the championship.

He didn't know where he would go to practice during the four years of college. Although there were many people with higher cultivation levels than him in the Three Thousand Star Territory, there were no opponents at the same level.

He couldn't beat the fifth-level God of Creation, and he couldn't beat the fourth-level God of Creation in seconds.

His current situation is quite embarrassing, and it doesn't serve any purpose at all.

As for those monsters, their strength is quite different, so there is no difficulty.

Therefore, Ye Xuan just lay down in the ancestral star.

These days I have been immersed in the wilderness.

Most of the creation gods are like this when they have nothing to do, because to a certain extent, watching their kingdom of gods develop step by step, they do have a sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

And the mentality is different. He looks down at everything in the world as if he is the omnipotent god.

There are even many creation gods who are really obsessed with their own kingdom of gods and enjoy themselves all day long in the kingdom of gods.

The beauties in the Kingdom of God are his forbidden concubines, allowing him to play with them as he pleases.

And those kingdoms of gods are indeed unable to resist his existence. After all, he is the Creator God, an omnipotent god in his own kingdom.

Just like Jehovah to that world, just a creature in the kingdom of God is already at the top of the entire world, and no one can overthrow it yet.

In this case, let alone the aloof Creator God, who possesses the power of the entire Kingdom of God and is able to override all living beings in the Kingdom of God.

"Ye Xuan."

Suddenly, a figure came directly in front of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan was startled by the sudden appearance of the person. Just as he was about to take action, he saw that it was Zhu Yuanzhang, the dean of Daming College.


Ye Xuan shouted quickly.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and nodded when he heard this. Something appeared in his hand and he said slowly: "This is your prize after winning the championship. It was sent to me directly by the United Eagles."

That thing was only over thirty centimeters long and only seven or eight centimeters wide.

The whole body is extremely red and has the shape of a spear.

"What is this?!"

Ye Xuan frowned and said slowly.

"This is a divine card..."

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile.

"God card?!"

Ye Xuan frowned even more and asked in confusion.

This damn thing doesn’t look like a god card!

It's not like he hasn't seen divine cards before. Each of those divine cards looks like a card, and there will be corresponding comments on the card.

But what Zhu Yuanzhang is holding now is obviously a short gun! There is no trace of a divine card.

"You'll know when you take it." Zhu Yuanzhang threw the short spear in his hand, and Ye Xuan quickly took it after seeing it.

Ye Xuan felt the information inside with hesitation.

[God card: Soul-eating gun, unparalleled in attack, can suck the soul of living creatures to become more powerful, can grow, without limit. 】

"This is the magic card of the treasure, so why does this happen?" Ye Xuan looked at Zhu Yuanzhang in confusion, and then asked.

It turns out that in this world, in addition to the divine cards of those characters, there are actually divine cards of this kind of magic weapon.

But he doesn't need this thing. There are countless magic weapons in the ancient world, and those spiritual treasures have also grown with the growth of the ancient world.

This is the power of Lingbao. The current so-called soul-eating gun seems to be able to grow, but in fact it doesn't seem to be of much use...

"This is an extremely special treasure. No ordinary card maker can seal it in a divine card. Back then, after a seventh-level card maker created it, it backfired and he was actually possessed by it. Most of the soul was sucked away, and then he fled and disappeared.

The card maker spent countless years of effort to replenish his soul that had been sucked away, and this soul-eating gun no longer even had the cards to restrict and seal it.

After going around and around, the gun lost its whereabouts, and unexpectedly it was in their hands. "

Zhu Yuanzhang sat down on the sofa, looking at the sexy beauties on the screen, with a half-smiling expression on his face, and slowly told the whole story.

"So strong?! Then why did they give it to me?"

Ye Xuan was a little surprised when he heard this. With such a powerful gun, it stands to reason that those people would have no reason to give it to him.

"Because they want to use this gun to kill you. It's just a short gun that no one can use. It's okay to keep it in the treasury. It's better to give it to you. They can take you away, and they can also You don’t have to take responsibility, after all, it’s your own fault and you can’t control their rewards.”

Zhu Yuanzhang spread his hands and expressed the other person's thoughts.

The fact is exactly like this. How could those people have such good thoughts? How could they really give Ye Xuan such good treasures? They naturally wanted to kill Ye Xuan.

After all, the people on the other side are not fools. Although the harm Ye Xuan does to them is not a big deal at the moment, it will naturally be huge in the future.

A world created by the chaos and waste world can actually be so tyrannical. Even the top mythical kingdom is just beaten in front of Ye Xuan, let alone other kingdoms.

Facing such a Ye Xuan, those people naturally could not just let Ye Xuan grow up.

But he couldn't go to the Great Xia Kingdom and do anything untoward to Ye Xuan. After all, that would lead to a direct war between the two countries, which was something the other side didn't want to see.

Therefore, the appearance of this short spear has become extremely important. It is given to Ye Xuan directly as a championship gift. If Ye Xuan is not greedy, he will not lose anything, but once Ye Xuan is greedy, then they You can directly use this to get rid of Ye Xuan.

Taking an unusable treasure in exchange for Ye Xuan's possible death is a huge gain.

At least in the eyes of the other party, this is extremely profitable.


Ye Xuan was so frightened that he threw the short gun in his hand towards the sofa nearby. After all, this damn thing could actually kill him, which made him instantly panic.

But then, he immediately realized that this thing should be in a sealed state, otherwise he would have died long ago, and Zhu Yuanzhang would not have thrown it to him directly.

So, he opened his right hand and the short gun returned to his hand.

"Yes, as you thought, this weapon is half-sealed. It is not completely sealed in the divine card, but its power is indeed sealed."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Ye Xuan and knew that Ye Xuan had already guessed it, so he immediately said it.

The reason why this short gun is so powerful is because it is so powerful that it can actually backfire on its owner, and even the creator almost died under this gun.

No one knows how to control this gun, and no one knows whether the eighth level of strength can control this gun.

In other words, people don't care about this gun at all.

But everyone who knows this gun knows one thing, that is, this gun cannot be used. It looks very strong, but in fact it is useless.

"Then how should I use it?"

Ye Xuan was a little confused, this thing was of no use to him! It doesn’t work, who dares to open it? Opening it is a dead end...

"This is your business."

Zhu Yuanzhang spread his hands and said irresponsibly.

Ye Xuan: "..."

Just kidding, if Zhu Yuanzhang knew how to do this thing, he would have already done it for Ye Xuan, where did so many things come from.

What's more, he is a seventh-level creation god, and the person who made this weapon is also a seventh-level creation god. The person who made it himself almost died at the hands of this thing, let alone him.

"Okay, let's leave it like this for now. You might be able to use it when you find a way. Don't worry about it. After all, it's a reward from a foreign country. The next step is your country's reward for winning the United Eagles National Competition. ”

Zhu Yuanzhang patted Ye Xuan on the shoulder and told him not to pay too much attention.

To be honest, it would be great if you can give this kind of reward from a gringo, and you still expect what others want to give you.

Giving a weapon that can harm you can be regarded as a sign that the other party has a conscience and knows how to give it, even if it is to kill Ye Xuan...

When Ye Xuan heard this, he became interested instantly. Yes, there are not foreigners, but also his own family.

My family won't be searching for anything.

Sure enough, Zhu Yuanzhang took out two things in an instant.

"Both are treasures of the Star Realm. One is the God Card Gouchen Shanggong Emperor, and the other is the White Tiger among the four images of the God Card."

Two divine cards appeared in Zhu Yuanzhang's hand. One of these two divine cards is the Gouchen Shanggong Emperor among the legendary four emperors. He is the being in charge of killing and war. It is the heavenly court. Among them, the positions belonging to the God of War and the God of War are extremely powerful beings.

Whenever the Heavenly Court needed to put down a rebellion, it would basically ask Emperor Gouchen to come forward to put down the rebellion.

Although the God Card Gouchen Shanggong Emperor is a treasure of the Star Realm, it is an extremely rare God Card. If given to any God Kingdom, it can be promoted to the Myth God Kingdom.

And with Emperor Gouchen as the center, a heavenly system headed by Emperor Gouchen can be outlined.

Although the Four Elephants God Card is only a treasure of the Star Territory, it actually has a rather special status. The stronger the Kingdom of God, the stronger the Four Elephants will naturally be. In other words, if an ordinary Kingdom of God uses this A divine card will not only fail to bring out the attributes that the Four Elephants God Card should have, but will actually make the Four Elephants God Card extremely weak.

But if it is used by the extremely powerful Kingdom of God, this kind of four-image divine card is not inferior to that kind of treasure that is the national treasure.

In other words, these two god cards are actually good rewards.

At least for Ye Xuan, this is something that can be seen, touched, and used.

Compared to that soul-eating gun that looks awesome but actually doesn't work at all, it's countless times better.


Ye Xuan took the two divine cards and said politely.

Store all these rewards in the void above the chaotic world.

There are no living beings anywhere, so you don't have to worry about putting these things there.

"You're welcome, you deserve it."

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and continued, "The last thing, because your performance is too outstanding, you should report to the Genesis Continent in the next semester. There are more resources and more subsidies here. You will know the details when you come. All the procedures have been completed. Just come directly when the school starts."

After that, Zhu Yuanzhang disappeared, and he had obviously left here.


Ye Xuan was speechless. These people didn't say hello to him before doing things, but always came to inform him at the end.

But there was no way, who made him not cultivate enough.

And in fact, apart from making him feel a little uncomfortable psychologically, there was actually no other disadvantage. On the contrary, it was much simpler and did not waste time.

So, this behavior is still very good, but if you can say hello in advance next time, it will definitely be much better.

"How powerful will these two magic cards have on the prehistoric world..."

The next moment, Ye Xuan's mind ran to these magic cards.

The next moment, Ye Xuan's mind moved, and he came to the prehistoric world.

Above the chaos, in the void.

"Is this the Great Emperor Gou Chen..."

Ye Xuan picked up the God Card with two fingers. On the God Card was a middle-aged majestic man wearing an emperor's robe.

It was obviously just a picture on a card, but it seemed as if a real god was really bred in it.

I don't know if the Great Emperor Gou Chen was born in the prehistoric world, but at least there is no such Great Emperor Gou Chen born by Dou Mu Yuanjun.

"Well, the throne of the Western Emperor has been vacant until now, so you can take it."

As Ye Xuan's words fell, he threw the God Card towards the prehistoric world.


The God Card flew quickly towards the prehistoric world, and in the next moment, the God Card entered the prehistoric world.

A golden light flashed and slid down the sky.

In the Western Wilderness, a Gou Chen Palace fell from the sky, and it appeared at an unknown time.

However, it is located in the starry sky above the Western Wasteland, and it has become the Heavenly Palace located in the Western Wasteland.

Emperor Gou Chen was conceived in it, and a middle-aged man appeared. He was born with extremely powerful cultivation and had already known the true meaning of Hunyuan.

Although he has not obtained the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, he will surely become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the future.

"This world is very good and strong!"

Emperor Gou Chen's eyes flashed, and he muttered to himself in his heart.

He likes this world very much, and here, he can give him a broader platform to display his talents.

An extremely powerful aura emerged from his body, flashed in the sky, and then fell silent.

This is his declaration to this world, announcing his arrival.


Wu clan, space ancestor witch tribe.

"Someone was born, and it seems that his strength is extremely strong. Although he has not entered Hunyuan, he is not far away!"

Emperor Jiang frowned and looked up at the sky, not knowing who was born.

Then he closed his eyes and calculated, wanting to know who was coming.

Although the witch clan does not have a soul, it does not mean that they do not know the art of calculation.

This kind of existence with such powerful strength at birth made Di Jiang curious. This kind of existence will definitely not be an unknown person in the future, so he naturally needs to grasp the other party's information first.

At this time, the other ancestor witches all felt the breath transmitted by Emperor Gou Chen and frowned.


Daluo Realm, Lingxiao Palace.

"The position of the Six Emperors has to be divided into one more."

Di Jun opened his eyes and looked to the west, and saw Emperor Gou Chen sitting in the Gou Chen Palace.

Emperor Gou Chen seemed to sense something and looked up at Di Jun, but he could not see any abnormality. After all, his cultivation was much worse than Di Jun.

"The Heavenly King of the West, I wonder if it is the work of that existence again..."

Di Jun shook his head slightly, and then closed his eyes again.

Since he is born as the Western Emperor, he will be sealed away at that time. Of course, the premise is that he must wait until he reaches the state of Hunyuan, otherwise he will not be able to bear the position of the Six Imperials.

If the Six Imperials of the Primordial Heavenly Court return to their positions, then the luck of the Heavenly Court will definitely soar again, and all forces can also get a share.

It’s just that the Dragon Clan does not enter the Heavenly Court and does not interfere in anything.

It seems that they can be alone outside without suffering anything, but in fact, they have missed countless opportunities and countless luck.

If the Dragon Clan can get the position of one of the Six Imperials, then the Divine Court established by the Dragon Clan will be legitimate, because each of the Six Imperials can build a Divine Court, and they all belong to the Divine Court of the Heavenly Court.

Unlike the so-called Divine Court established by the Dragon Clan, it is actually not really able to obtain luck. The Divine Court of the Dragon Clan only gathers the luck of the Dragon Clan, and it cannot absorb the luck of the Heavenly Court like the human race or the underworld.

“The Four Symbols God Seats, the Four Symbols Gods…”

Ye Xuan frowned, looking at the White Tiger God Card in his hand, hesitant.

The White Tiger is a sacred beast from the West, it is in charge of killing. The previous Emperor Gou Chen was already in charge of killing. If another sacred beast in charge of killing is added, the world will be in chaos…

The Four Symbols are not ordinary beasts. They are all sacred beasts of destiny, and they are the existences that suppress the four poles of heaven and earth.

The west belongs to gold, which is the main element of killing. Therefore, Emperor Gou Chen and the White Tiger are both the main elements of killing, because they both suppress the west.

"Forget it, let's get it first..."

Ye Xuan threw the divine card in his hand, and a figure of a white tiger rushed into the wilderness, transformed into a sacred beast, sitting in the land of the West, guarding the West.



The White Tiger's divine power is like a prison. It roared to the sky, and the creatures of the entire West were trembling with fear, and they all surrendered to the divine power of the White Tiger.

He is a sacred beast, an existence that guards the West, so he was born in the mixed origin, in charge of the wilderness of killing, and supreme.

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