Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 351: Freedom of clothing or freedom of seeing

The White Tiger was surrounded by lightning and clouds.

It is said that the wind comes from the tiger and the clouds from the dragon, but at this time, the White Tiger was following the wind and clouds, with lightning and thunder, as if it had the ability to control the weather.


The White Tiger roared to the sky, announcing its arrival to the prehistoric world.

This time, it not only announced to the prehistoric world, but also roared towards the ground, and the flying sandstorms calmed down in an instant.

The West Pole, which was originally full of wild sand and filled with wind and sand, became calm under the roar of the White Tiger.

The huge West Pole became extremely calm, and there was no longer any sandstorm or huge and hot fire wind.

Even those beasts that were buried underground by the sandstorm and ravaged the prehistoric world in the past have calmed down a lot and no longer roared day and night.

"Is this the power of the Four Symbols?"

Ye Xuan was quite surprised when he looked at the scene in front of him.

The climate of the Four Poles is such that no creature in the entire prehistoric world can change it. Only the current White Tiger Sacred Beast can calm the polar climate of the Western Poles.

The Four Poles can be ignored by those with high cultivation, just like the Hunyuan people can enter the Four Poles and stay there as long as they want.

However, the Hunyuan people have no way to change the climate of these polar regions. They can only survive in them, not that they can change these extreme climates.

"The Four Symbols, with the backs of heaven and earth, the prehistoric world will not die, and the Four Symbols will not perish..." Ye Xuan stared at the sacred beast White Tiger in front of him. These Four Symbols are somewhat different from other creatures.

To be precise, the Four Symbols are not creatures, but a very special creature bred by heaven and earth to suppress the Four Poles.

The cultivation of these Four Symbols can be continuously enhanced as the foundation of heaven and earth improves, and if heaven and earth do not die, the Four Symbols will not perish.

The reason is that the Four Symbols are sacred beasts condensed by heaven and earth, different from other creatures.

It is somewhat similar to Hou Tu's situation, but one is a reincarnation created by himself, and the other is a creature created by Tao. Although the two methods are different, they are still quite similar in many situations.

After the birth of the sacred beast White Tiger, it was hidden in the four poles. Unlike the Emperor Gou Chen who has a Gou Chen Palace in the sky above the Western Wilderness, the White Tiger has nothing.

But the White Tiger does not care about these. The harsh climate of the Western Extreme Land is just like a hotbed for Him, and it has no effect at all.

Therefore, the White Tiger took a nap in the Western Extreme Land, but the mighty power emanating from its body and the lightning and thunder that were constantly raging around it had already scared the beasts living in the Western Extreme Land from getting close.

Therefore, the White Tiger was too lazy to care and just lay aside. The long life began with sleep.


Time passed quickly, and several months passed in the blink of an eye.

In these few months, Ye Xuan's strength did not rise too much, but only improved steadily.

This was also unexpected. After all, the strength would increase more slowly as time went on. Ye Xuan was not too anxious. After all, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.


"There are many people in the prehistoric world who have broken through to the middle stage of cultivation. Their strength has increased several times again. Now they won't be too embarrassed to meet the fifth-level Creation God..."

Ye Xuan thought confidently, with a smile on his face.

Although he hasn't really fought against the fifth-level Creation God, he probably won't be completely suppressed and unable to fight back.

Even if he is suppressed and can't fight back, he will probably be able to escape if he encounters him...

Of course, these are just Ye Xuan's own guesses. After all, he has never really fought against the fifth-level Creation God, so if he really fights, it's not clear.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xuan opened the Tongtian Ranking with great skill and sent a message to the small group of friends.

Tongtian Ranking, Eight Hundred Standard Soldiers Running to the North Slope Group Chat

Ye Xuan: Brothers, I'm going to the main academy in the Creation Continent, come on!

Liu Yong: Awesome! You are worthy of being Brother Ye! (calm)

Shui Yan: I guessed it a long time ago, it's just expected.

Zhang Bin: I will strive to go to the main academy during the four years of college!

Gao Long: Hey, don't be defeated by others!

After Ye Xuan sent a message, everyone in the group chat immediately started to say goodbye to Ye Xuan.

In the past few months, no one has seen each other, and they are all busy with their own development. As for socializing, at most they chat in the Tongtian Ranking.

This is also very normal. Unless you have been together all the time, it is difficult to see each other again, because everyone has grown up a lot and knows what to focus on.

Originally, entering college is to become stronger, to have a higher status in the future, to have more resources, and a broader future.

As for socializing, it is just an appendage of strength.

Only when the strength is sufficient, it is useful to socialize, otherwise it is useless.

Just like the two people who met Ye Xuan before, now they can't even see Ye Xuan's shadow.

People like Ji Zhen also entered the five major colleges. They all came from Jiangnan Province, so they got to know each other.

As for those who didn't get into the five major colleges, Yao Hai, who was in Jiangnan University, successfully came out with his own strength, and then he reestablished a relationship with Ye Xuan.

This is the importance of strength. When your strength can't keep up with the other party, even if the other party doesn't say anything, you know that you should silently bless him behind your back.

In the era of the survival of the fittest, it's good to leave a thought. Don't pester the other party by yourself, which will only make the other party feel that you are annoying and need to rely on him to solve everything.

If the strength is relatively equal, or if you don't fall behind too much, then there is no big problem.

When the gap in strength between two people is too large, they will naturally start to move away from each other.

Because no one will wait for you in the same place, all you need to do is to seize the opportunity to keep getting stronger and stand by the other party again. After all, it is not fair to let the other party stay and wait for you. It is you who can't keep up with the other party's pace, and you can't blame others.

If you say that you have also worked very hard, then it can only prove that the two of you are people from two different worlds.

After saying goodbye and talking to Tang Xia, Ye Xuan headed for the Creation Continent.

"Strange, I can't reach anywhere..."

Ye Xuan frowned and muttered in astonishment.

He had clearly locked onto the Creation Continent just now, but he still couldn't go to the Creation Continent.

As for the places around the Creation Continent, he had never been there, which meant that he couldn't go to the Creation Continent by his own space road.

The Creation Continent was not far from the Zuxing, which was just a huge planet around the Creation Continent.

But even so, it should have been easy to reach, but it couldn't be reached.

"It stands to reason that the boundaries of the Creation Continent should not be like this after going to the Creation Continent. I didn't expect that I couldn't do it even if I wanted to..." Ye Xuan shook his head and instantly understood why.

The reason is that the foundation of the Creation Continent is too high, beyond imagination.

With Ye Xuan's strength as a fourth-order Creation God, he could not use the Space Avenue to perform space transfer and shuttle in the Creation Continent. This was because he did not have enough authority.

Strength is authority. The higher the strength, the higher the authority, and the more authority one has.

Just like Ye Xuan at present, because of insufficient authority, he could not perform space transfer, crossing, shuttle, etc.

"Forget it, I still have to go to Xingyou Company..."

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly, and with a thought, he went to Xingyou Company.


Creation Continent, Daming College.

School Admissions Office.

The person in charge of the Admissions Office is Zhu Yunwen. Zhu Yunwen's strength is obviously at the level of a sixth-order Creation God, and his cultivation is extremely powerful.

The person in charge of the Admissions Office is one thing, but the people who really do the work are the students from the Student Union.

They are responsible for assisting Zhu Yunwen in handling these procedures, and Zhu Yunwen is looking at a document in the office at this time.

This information is Ye Xuan's information. This is the procedure that Zhu Yuanzhang personally came to him to handle a few months ago.

This time, Ye Xuan did not enter other colleges, but was in Daming College.

Although Ye Xuan's strength and talent are amazing, it is obviously not enough to make the main colleges of the five major colleges do this for him at the same time.

After all, the five major colleges have never lacked geniuses. Although it is a pity that Ye Xuan was not accepted, compared with what Zhu Yuanzhang did, they did not have any regrets. After all, Zhu Yuanzhang escorted Ye Xuan all the way.

So, when Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to take Ye Xuan into his pocket, those people had nothing to say.

Especially Liu Bang, he didn't say a word. He never thought of taking Ye Xuan under his command.

"It is indeed a young talent, but it's a pity that it didn't appear in my hands..." Zhu Yunwen shook his head and said with regret.

If Ye Xuan was discovered in his hands, it would be great.

It's just that he has been working in this academy for many years. It's impossible for him to discover talents outside the Creation Continent. He has to let the deans of other branches discover them and then send them to him.

If Ye Xuan was born in the Creation Continent, then joining Daming College would naturally be his achievement, but now, the greater achievement is on Zhu Di's side.

So, Zhu Yunwen is so sorry.

Although he and Zhu Di are both descendants of the Zhu family, they are actually in a competitive relationship, vying for the position of dean of this academy.


Daming College, at the school gate.

A barrier blocks it. If you want to step through, you must have the certification of Daming College, otherwise you will be blocked by this barrier.

If you dare to break in, you will immediately launch an attack and notify all the teachers and students in the school.

The final outcome can be imagined. The person who dares to break in will be arrested and sentenced.

This is how much the Great Xia Kingdom attaches importance to the five major academies. If you dare to break in, you will be prepared to go to jail.

This sentence is not a simple sentence. It is to cut off all divine sources, close the Shura battlefield to his kingdom, and then confine him in a small room and not let him go out.

In this case, let alone increase the realm of cultivation, it would be good if he does not even lose the realm of cultivation!

After all, when the divine source of one's own disappears, then the kingdom of one's own will no longer have resource supply. The final result is that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth will be exhausted and enter the Dharma Ending Age.

Even further away, the world may face a collapse.

At this moment, in front of Daming College.

Several tall, sexy women wearing graceful cheongsams and curvy figures stood in front of the gate.

These women smiled one by one. They were the etiquette team of this school, also called the welcoming team.

It is a team with divine source subsidies, affiliated with the student union. At the beginning of each school year, they would stand at the school gate, waiting for the other students to enter.

Freshmen kept entering the academy. Some of them stopped at the door and looked at the eight women carefully. Some even went up to ask for the contact information of the Tongtian Ranking.

Although those women smiled on the surface, they refused one by one.

On the other side, there were some students who were responsible for handling the procedures for freshmen. There was a freshman entrance next to them.

There were also many freshmen waiting in line. Compared with these etiquette ladies, those students seemed more relaxed, after all, they were sitting.

Although according to their cultivation, even if they stood for ten thousand years, nothing would happen, but standing was not as comfortable as sitting.

When Ye Xuan came here, he saw those eight women wearing cheongsams, with slits almost to the hips, and the hems of the skirts swaying slightly with the wind. It was inevitable that many people stayed here to stare at those women.

"People's hearts are not as good as before, and the world is going downhill..." Ye Xuan shook his head slightly, looking at the snow-white thighs of those women, and couldn't help sighing.

Then, he looked at the slits of all the etiquette ladies with a critical eye, and then nodded and said in approval: "Who made this cheongsam? It's just right..."

The slits of the cheongsam were treated differently according to the heights of the etiquette ladies.

Some slits were higher, some were lower, but there was no doubt that they were just stuck in those looming places.

And at this time, there was a man around, who was even more powerful than Ye Xuan. He came closer and stared at the exposed parts of the women carefully.

The cheongsam women on the side subconsciously tightened their cheongsams with their hands when they heard the words, fearing that they would be exposed, and they all stared at the man with a rather disgusted look.

The man was a little surprised when he saw this. He pointed at Ye Xuan and said to the women, "If I want to see, do you think you can stop me from peeping? I'm just admiring, okay? Why is it okay for him to comment on me, but I admire you and you just look at me like this?"

When the etiquette ladies heard this, one of them immediately raised her eyebrows and scolded, "Although he is equally shameless, he still has some shame. What about you? You come closer to see it, and you want to get in to see it. Who can stand you?!"

"Oh! Then don't slit it. It's so high, and you still blame me for looking at it?" The man spread his hands and said in surprise.

In his opinion, these women are really strange. He didn't really get in to see it, but just got closer to take a closer look.

Are you afraid of being seen by others? Don't wear it like this. If you wear it like this, you blame him for looking at it?

Ye Xuan, who was standing by, was surprised and speechless when he saw the two quarreling. He wanted to see how the two would end it. He liked to watch men and women quarreling the most.

For a while, there were quite a few people watching around.

Many people are like this, they like to watch others quarreling.

"You are free to dress, what's wrong with that?!" The woman put her hands on her waist and said with a frown.

"The eyes are on me, so I am free to look at you. Did I peek at you? No? I looked at you openly, there is no problem!? I didn't reach under your skirt to look, right? I was standing and looking, right?" The man then spread his hands and refuted.


The woman was furious and wanted to curse, but there were many people here, so it was difficult to curse, so she just endured it.

"What do you mean? If all the women in the world dress like this and we can't see them, then do men have to blind their eyes when they go out on the street in the future?!"

The man saw that the woman couldn't speak, and then added a sentence.

This time, the woman was really angry.

"You! Don't leave after school!!!"

"Did you go to school?" The man continued to sarcastically.

"Okay, okay, don't bother with him, this kind of person is just like that..." Beside her, another woman hurriedly pulled the previous woman. She saw that there were more and more people around, and those who were embarrassed to look at them took the opportunity to look at them crazily.

There is no way, if you do this job, you have to endure some things.

And it's all because the school gave too much, they couldn't refuse at all. Even if they refused, there were still a lot of people outside who wanted to do it.

Originally, it was a good thing, and it was a good thing for everyone, but after meeting this man, everything seemed to become weird.

Yes, what this man said seemed to be true.

If you think it's too revealing, don't wear it. If you wear it, don't think it's too revealing...

Otherwise, if you don't wear anything, then I can't go out on the street? That doesn't make sense, right?

As long as the other person doesn't get under your skirt to look, and doesn't do anything obscene to you, you can't stop them from looking at you, right? No one has the right to deprive the other person of the right to look at where they want to look.

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