"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

Lin Tu, the head of the student union, came over and frowned at the people gathered together.

The student union was originally together with the etiquette lady, and the etiquette lady also belonged to the student union.

So, after seeing this scene, Lin Tu, the vice president of the student union, quickly put down the things in his hands and rushed over.

"Chairman Lin, this man has been staring at the thighs of several of us, and he has a lewd expression!" After the previous woman saw Lin Tu, she quickly pointed at the previous student and complained.

Lin Tu frowned when he heard it, looked at the man coldly, and asked: "Is what she said true?"

The man nodded calmly and said slowly: "First of all, I did see it, and secondly, I didn't have a lewd expression, I had an admiring expression!"


After seeing the man admit it, Lin Tu scolded coldly with a dark face.

Seeing this, the man's face turned very ugly. He looked at Lin Tu in front of him and said coldly: "Why should I apologize?"

Lin Tu was so angry that he laughed and said: "Why? Just because you stared at her thighs!"

"What's wrong? I was still staring at you below! Hey, where's the snake? Why is it just a small match?" The man was very eloquent. He stared at Lin Tu's lower body and said sarcastic words.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, which was made by Ye Xuan.

The others also wanted to laugh, but they tried hard to hold back their laughter, because they all heard the woman say that this was the chairman. Even those who didn't know Lin Tu knew that Lin Tu had an identity here, not to mention that most of the people around him were sophomores.

"You are looking for death, right?!" Lin Tu was angry immediately. He glared at Ye Xuan first, then approached the man with his chest puffed out and threatened.

"Fuck! Do you think I was scared? Try to touch me?!" The man was not to be outdone, and glared back.

Lin Tu raised his right hand high, and at this time Ye Xuan said lightly: "That man did not do anything wrong. If you really hit him, whether you can keep your position as chairman is another matter."


Lin Tu put his hand down, stepped back, and exhaled slowly.

Yes, this is true. He can't hit him, or he will be useless.

"Why didn't you make a mistake?" The woman was unhappy when she heard it, and asked Ye Xuan with her hands in her hands.

"Whether you made a mistake or not, didn't he just tell you clearly?" Ye Xuan frowned, and didn't want to pay attention to this woman. In his opinion, this woman was really looking for trouble.

If you dislike others looking at you, why don't you just stop wearing this.

On the one hand, you earn this salary, and on the other hand, you are afraid of others seeing it. How can there be so many good things...

The woman was choked with anger when she heard this, and she didn't know what to say to refute.

"Coward, soft egg." The man said lightly when he saw that Lin Tu didn't hit him.

"Fuck you! Say it again!!!" Lin Tu was furious and wanted to fight, but he held back.

"I have never seen such an unreasonable request. Fortunately, I am a person who likes to help others. Then I will satisfy you again. Coward, soft egg, how about it, are you satisfied? If not, I can continue to scold you." The man looked very calm, looking at Lin Tu in front of him, and said it again slowly.

The man's words made it seem like Lin Tu had become an M, who liked to be scolded and abused.

The people around saw that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and they all watched from a distance, fearing that they would be affected.

Many of the freshmen who were queuing also ran over to watch this scene. What kind of queue is it? When can't you queue? This scene is rare now!

The Daxia country's love of joining in the fun is firmly engraved in everyone's heart. It is a gene passed down from generation to generation and cannot be changed.

"Boy, very good, I remember you, you are the freshman of this year, right?" Lin Tu's face was livid. He was not very good at speaking, but he stared at the man with gloomy eyes and said viciously.

"So what? Are you afraid of a little match like you?" The man waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"Very good, then come and register, and you can go in after you finish it." Lin Tu suppressed his anger and said gloomily.

"If you let me go, I will go? Don't I have to queue? Do you think everyone is like you and don't know how to abide by the law? I am a good citizen and know how to queue! But you, don't go over to register these freshmen, why are you here to interfere? If you delay the time, be careful that we will go and complain, do you believe it?" The man sneered and said quite complacently.

Lin Tu wanted to say something after hearing this, but he held back and sat down in his previous position without saying a word.

There were actually seven people registered there, and he was more responsible for management and coordination.

Unexpectedly, he encountered such a scene, which made him extremely angry, and he also hated Ye Xuan.

Now, if anyone dares to provoke him, he will remember it directly and will retaliate in the future.

"The freshmen nowadays are so shameless..."

"I don't know, people's hearts are not the same as before..."

Some sophomores sighed and walked inside.

After seeing this, Ye Xuan also walked inside.

The man from before looked familiar to Ye Xuan, and felt like he had seen him somewhere before.

When Ye Xuan disappeared in front of him, he realized that this was the proud man of heaven! But why did he come here?

For a moment, the man was quite confused by Ye Xuan's appearance, but he didn't take it too seriously and just treated him as a like-minded person.

Yes, Ye Xuan also liked to look at those beautiful legs and stared at them. He noticed it, but he was not as confident as he was...

After a while, the man was finally satisfied. He looked away from the hostesses and ran over to queue up.

The etiquette ladies finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was really unlucky for them to encounter such a strange person.

After a while.

"Name." Lin Tu registered the man himself and stared at the man with hatred.

The man didn't care about Lin Tu's gaze opposite him, and said calmly: "Huang Shang."

At their level, they can completely know what words the other person is saying, so there are no so-called homophones.



Huang Shang said lightly.

"Are you looking for trouble!" Lin Tu said fiercely when he heard this.

"Remember it, anyway, it's your fault if you make a mistake. It's your fault. If you make other mistakes and you say I concealed them, I want to see how you write this gender!" Huang Shang looked at it with a sneer. Looking at Lin Tu, he didn't panic at all.

Lin Tu gritted his teeth, lowered his head and wrote the character "male".

After Huang Shang saw it, he sneered, but he didn't laugh at anything more.

When Lin Tu heard this, his veins bulged, and he swore that he would make this kid die without a burial place!

"Which school are you from..."

Admissions Office.

Ye Xuan came here with a smile on his face. When he just entered the school, Zhu Yunwen asked him to come over.

Ye Xuan naturally walked over here without saying a word. There was no other way. The authority in Chuangshi Continent was too strict, and the authority in these five major colleges was even scarier.

Even the fourth-level Creation God can't fly out of thin air inside. At most, he can only run faster on the ground as light as a swallow.

Although Ye Xuan's strength is strong, his authority is still that of the fourth-level Creation God.

This also shows that authority and strength are not equal. No matter how rubbish the fifth-level creation god is, the authority is greater than that of the fourth-level creation god, no matter how powerful it is.

Just like the gods in Dragon Ball, they may not all be powerful, but their life levels are much higher than ordinary lives.

The same is true for the Creation God. The higher the level, the higher the authority. The magical powers that can be displayed in the Creation Continent are more like those in his own kingdom.

I heard that the ninth-level creation god is a god among gods, a truly powerful being who can change the laws with just a word.


After Zhu Yunwen saw Huang Quji walking in, he put down his work and said with a smile on his face.

Everything in this college cannot escape his eyes, so Zhu Yunwen naturally knows about the conflicts that occurred at the school gate.

"associate dean."

Ye Xuan lowered his head slightly and said.

He didn't know what the dean's attitude was towards him, so he didn't dare to be too presumptuous for a while.

"Sit wherever you like, just like in the previous college. You're welcome. When you get here, you're home!" Zhu Yunwen said with a smile on his face, pointing to the sofa beside him kindly.

"Thank you, Vice President."

After Ye Xuan said something polite, he walked directly to the sofa and sat down.

"I came to see you this time mainly because I wanted to see you with my own eyes and the privileges you have in the academy." Zhu Yunwen said immediately.


Ye Xuan asked doubtfully.

Zhu Yunwen nodded with a smile and explained: "Of course, a university is actually a society. The stronger here naturally means the higher the salary you can have. We naturally understand your strength, so what you can do The authority you have naturally corresponds to a lot.”

"You must have also discovered that you can't travel freely in the academy, right? You can't even fly, right?"

Ye Xuan nodded after hearing this.

"By the way, this is because you don't have enough permissions, and we can help you open this permission." Zhu Yunwen said with a smile, and then pointed out.

There was a sudden click around Ye Xuan, which was the sound of the invisible confinement being broken.

As expected, he started to float.

"Thank you, Vice President."

Ye Xuan thanked him. It was very uncomfortable for him to be unable to fly here, but now that he could finally fly, he was naturally extremely happy.

"You're welcome, this is what you should have." Zhu Yunwen waved his hand, not taking credit.

This matter itself is because Ye Xuan has enough strength, so Zhu Yunwen gave him the permission to open it. If Ye Xuan didn't have it, Zhu Yunwen would naturally not give it to him.

Therefore, it is not a special treatment, so naturally there is no need to say thank you or anything like that.

"Besides that, classes and the like are the same as always, you can go or not, but every semester, you have to reach a certain number of points, which can be obtained through tasks. The higher the points, the more things you can exchange, and the greater the power you can have."

"Also, you will have an independent villa here, which you can live in on weekdays. For you, this is permanent, and you can come back to live even after graduation."

Zhu Yunwen kept talking about the treatment that Ye Xuan could enjoy. Those treatments were relatively basic, and Ye Xuan didn't think there was any problem. In fact, the only thing that was really useful to him was the power to fly.

Being able to fly saved him a lot of time, and walking was really not cool enough.

Think about others walking on the ground, while he was flying in the sky, how many people would envy him.


Ye Xuan asked puzzledly after hearing this.

There are actually points requirements in this university...

"Yes, there are certain points requirements for each semester. If the points are not enough in one semester, you can make up for it in the next semester. If the accumulated points are not enough for two semesters, you will be expelled. Don't worry, you will just return to other branches after expulsion. It's not like you get nothing."

Zhu Yunwen explained it to him, and then said: "As for the points requirement, you need five points per semester in your freshman year, which is ten points in total. You are now a sophomore, and the requirement for each semester is fifty points, which is one hundred points for two semesters.

The points that can be obtained for each task are also different. C-level tasks can only get one point, B-level two points, A-level five points, S-level ten points, SS-level twenty points, and SSS-level can get fifty points."


Ye Xuan nodded and agreed.

Although he didn't know why the SSS-level suddenly increased, he didn't care about it. His requirement for a semester was only fifty points.

Even if the SSS-level tasks are difficult, he can do SS-level or S-level tasks. Besides, if even he can't complete the SSS-level tasks, then no one can complete the SSS-level tasks.

Moreover, according to his understanding, this kind of character points can generally be used for exchange or can be obtained together.

If it really doesn't work, then you can spend some divine source to buy points, which is also a way.

Besides, if you do a few SS-level tasks, you don't have to worry about anything for a semester.

Just at this time, there was a bang on the door outside.

"Come in."

Zhu Yunwen changed his expression, his smile disappeared, and he was replaced by a serious face.

"Hello, Vice President."

The person who came was Lin Tu, the vice president of the Student Union. Lin Tu bent down and looked at Zhu Yunwen with a smile on his face, and found that there was actually someone sitting in front of Zhu Yunwen.

You know, Zhu Yunwen always stood, but that guy was actually sitting there.

He glanced over there secretly, but happened to see Ye Xuan curiously looking back at him.

Immediately, Lin Tu's heart jumped.

It was him! It was the guy who helped Huang Shang speak at the school gate before! ! !

It turned out that this guy's background was so deep! He was able to come directly to Zhu Yunwen's office, and even sat and talked to him face to face! ! !

"This is the registration information of this year's freshmen, all here." Lin Tu took out a folder, which was all handwritten information.

In fact, it has been stored in the terminal for a long time, but the handwritten information has always been used for future comparison.

"Well, put it on the table." Zhu Yunwen said lightly, and both his expression and tone seemed to be different from the previous one.

This level made Ye Xuan give him a thumbs up in his heart. He didn't have such a good skill in nourishing qi, and he had to learn from these old predecessors, so as not to fall behind.


Lin Tu didn't dare to ask any more questions. He just lowered his head and put the folder on the table. Then he bowed to Zhu Yunwen and left the office.


"Fortunately, I didn't have a direct conflict with this guy. I just had a conflict with that kid. Otherwise, I would be dead..."

"But then again, I glared at this kid before. He shouldn't hold a grudge against me..."

"Probably not! He is not so tolerant. He just reminded me not to be impulsive. He probably didn't take it seriously..."

Just when Lin Tu was comforting himself, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"You?! What are you doing here?!"

Lin Tu asked in surprise.

"Hehe, this is the vice president's office. What do you think I am doing here?" The man sneered and asked back.

"Impossible! How could you know the vice president?!" Lin Tu shouted in horror. Standing in front of him was Huang Shang, who had previously made him doubt his life.

Huang Shang reached out and pushed him aside, saying coldly: "A good dog doesn't block the road!"

After that, he walked inside.

"It's over! I actually provoked two ruthless people at once..." Lin Tu wanted to cry but had no tears, thinking in horror.

Suddenly, he remembered the time when Huang Shang pushed him. It seemed that he could not even resist and was pushed away by the other party.

"I am dead now..."



"Vice Dean, you are looking for me?"

Huang Shang looked at Zhu Yunwen with a smile on his face, bowed honestly, and then asked.

"Yes, that's right, come here, sit down and talk."

Zhu Yunwen nodded, pointed to the sofa, and sat down on the sofa.

"Thank you."

Huang Shang walked over with a smile on his face. Suddenly, after he saw Ye Xuan on the sofa, the smile on his face gradually condensed.

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