Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 353: Battle with Huang Shang! My friend's mother

Huang Shang was quite surprised. The man in front of him was the one who helped him speak at the school gate. He didn't expect that this man was so powerful that he could stay in the vice president's office for such a long time.

Zhu Yunwen turned around and looked at Ye Xuan, glanced at Huang Shang's position, and said: "Let me introduce you. This is Huang Shang. He is the strongest among the freshmen of this year. The strongest in the country. Well, he is stronger than you when you first entered college. Now he has reached the realm of the fourth-level creation god. In one year, he is not the only one in the entire history, but he is also an extremely rare existence. Even I was not so powerful back then."

At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. These people now are really getting more and more powerful.

Could it be that the era of great contention is really coming?

This kind of phenomenal genius has appeared for two consecutive years.

Ye Xuan smiled and nodded to Huang Shang, expressing his friendship.

He was also quite shocked by the Huang Shang in front of him. This kid was able to break into the realm of the fourth-level creation god in just one year. He was indeed stronger than himself at the beginning!

However, if it had not taken too long to breed the Great Dao Gods and Demons, there might have been hope that he could have been promoted to the fourth-level Creation God before entering college.

But that was only a possibility, a situation that would only exist in possibility forever.

And the Huang Shang in front of him actually did this, so in this respect, Huang Shang is even stronger than Ye Xuan, much stronger!

"This is Ye Xuan, the strongest player in the last session, and he also won the national championship in the Eagle United Nations. As for how strong he is, you should have heard about it." Zhu Yunwen then looked at Huang Shang and pointed at Ye Xuan and said.

"So you are Ye Shen! I have heard of you for a long time!!!" Huang Shang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said with a fist. His guess was indeed confirmed. Such a young man sitting here, still a student, seems to have no one else except Ye Xuan.

But I didn't expect that Ye Xuan would also come to this college.

The reason why he was able to come here right after the start of the school term was mainly because he was born in the Creation Continent, so he naturally entered the main academy in the Creation Continent.

If people from other branches wanted to come in, it would be impossible for them to come in right after the start of the school term. At least they had to show their talents, potential and strength like Ye Xuan to be able to enter.

The reason why Ye Xuan did not enter the academy until his sophomore year was that he felt that it didn't matter where he was. As long as he could get the discount, the rest was not so important.

So he never applied, and if Zhu Yuanzhang hadn't helped him to complete the procedures directly, I'm afraid he would have been under the pressure all the time.

"You're welcome." Ye Xuan also clasped his fists in return and said with a smile.

Huang Shang smiled and asked Ye Xuan: "God Ye, I want to compete with you, is it okay?"

Although Huang Shang has always heard of Ye Xuan's reputation, he has never watched Ye Xuan's battles, so he doesn't know much about Ye Xuan. The battle clips he has watched are only the battles of those mythical creatures, and there are few photos of Ye Xuan himself.

Ye Xuan saw that his words were full of courtesy and his eyes were very pure.

He really wanted to compete with him, probably to see the gap between the two.

I nodded immediately and agreed: "Of course, the battle of the kingdom of God or the individual battle?"

Huang Shang hesitated for a moment after hearing this, and then said: "Can we try both? I want to see how big the gap is between you and Ye Shen."

Although he has been pushing his opponents all the way and knows that he is invincible in the world, but Ye Xuan's reputation in the previous life was too loud, so he has never been proud and complacent, but instead regards Ye Xuan as his biggest opponent, eager to defeat Ye Xuan one day.

He knew that he would never be Ye Xuan's opponent now, although he was extremely rare to reach the level of the fourth-order Creation God before entering college, which was rare in the ages.

But he also wanted to see how long and how far he was behind Ye Xuan now. It was meaningless to compare with Ye Xuan in the past, because Ye Xuan practiced a year earlier than him and was stronger than him.

He couldn't say, "Don't be so arrogant, I'm stronger than you before!"

This was meaningless, just like Ye Xuan was stronger than almost all the Creation Gods at the same age, but what was the use? Everyone looked at the present, not the so-called relative strength.

What we looked at was the current strength, how strong you are now, whether you can defeat the opponent, and whether you can beat the opponent.

Because whether it was Huang Shang or Ye Xuan, when facing others, they were facing their current strength. There was no meaning in talking about the past. The only meaningful thing was to improve themselves and beat the opponent.

"Of course, I wish so, but I dare not ask." Ye Xuan casually quoted a sentence in classical Chinese. With his education level, he didn't know whether it was appropriate to use it here. Anyway, he quoted it, so what.

"Then let's fight alone first, please teach me, Lord Ye!" Huang Shang bowed and bowed, obviously very happy to receive the competition from Ye Xuan.

You know, he has never lost a game so far, if he can lose to his peers, it will motivate him even more.

Climbing to the top is always the biggest motivation for a person. When a person stands at the foot of a mountain and looks at a mountain tens of thousands of meters high in front of him, no one will have the courage to climb it.

But if there is only a mountain hundreds of meters high in front of you, almost everyone will have the courage to climb it.

If after climbing hundreds of meters, there is another mountain over a thousand meters high in front of you, then after resting, most people will still choose to climb it.

Even the peaks of thousands of meters in the future, until you climb the peak of tens of thousands of meters.

If there are still peaks after that, you still have to climb until you reach the peak that has no end, and then it is time to ascend to heaven.

Cultivation is like this. Many people can also set a person as their goal, just like the meaning of Ye Xuan to Huang Shang. He wants to regard Ye Xuan as a peak of his own, constantly surpassing the current Ye Xuan, until he really surpasses Ye Xuan!

"Space cutting!"

Zhu Yunwen waved his right hand, and a space cut the place where Ye Xuan and Huang Shang were.

In an instant, the two of them left the vice president's office and came to an unfamiliar space.

This is the space cut out by Zhu Yunwen, and it is the parallel time and space cut out by him using the Great Dao of Space.


Ye Xuan looked at the other party and said slowly.


In an instant, the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Power appeared behind him, and an extremely terrifying breath enveloped the entire space.

It was a breath full of destruction!

It was a breath full of annihilation!

But it also contained new life and was full of good fortune!

It was weird, it was the Great Dao, it was the endless Dao!!!

The three thousand origins of the Great Dao are all included in it, this is the Great Dao of Power!!!

"How can it be so powerful!!!"

Huang Shang was shocked by the Great Dao of Power, and he dared not move at all, for fear that he would be crushed by the Dao rhyme.

"Is this the gap between the two of us?" Huang Shang muttered to himself in his heart, staring at Ye Xuan with horror.

Ye Xuan just stood there straight, without moving anything, and a Dao rhyme came out, suppressing the heavens.

"What kind of avenue is this!? There is no such avenue among the three thousand avenues! But this is the innate origin avenue! What kind of avenue is this?!!"

At this time, Zhu Yunwen's face changed drastically, and he shouted wildly in his heart, looking at the young man in front of him with a shocked face.

He didn't know how many billions of years he had lived, but in this extremely long time, Zhu Yunwen had never seen such a great way.

Among the countless avenues he cultivated, he had never seen such a great way.

In the breath of the Dao rhyme of that avenue, the breath of the five supreme avenues of creation, destruction, destiny, infinity, and chaos appeared at the same time, and there were even twelve powerful avenues and the remaining three thousand avenues! ! !

"Is it the avenue that is formed by the blending of the three thousand avenues..."

"But will the blending of the three thousand avenues really not produce a big explosion..."

"If all the three thousand avenues collide and explode, then wouldn't the kingdom of God be completely destroyed, and the kingdom of God will no longer exist..."

Zhu Yunwen was guessing how the three thousand avenues were integrated into one. If it was really an avenue formed by the integration, then would this path really be feasible...

For a moment, Zhu Yunwen couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Although his kingdom of God has not yet obtained all the three thousand avenues, it is not far away. If possible, he can also integrate such avenues, then wouldn't he be invincible in the world in the future...

"I give up..." Huang Shang said with a bitter smile.

He knew that he was no match for Ye Xuan, but he didn't expect that the difference in strength between him and Ye Xuan was so great that it was unimaginable.

He didn't even have the courage to fight in front of Ye Xuan.

No, it's not that he doesn't have the courage, it's that he can't even make a move!!

When he was enveloped by the Great Dao of Power, he felt like he might suffocate at any time, and he might fall into death at any time!

This was an extremely terrifying thing, which made Huang Shang hesitate constantly. When he finally made up his mind to make a move, he suddenly felt a kind of repressive Dao rhyme that suppressed him in place, making it impossible for him to make a move.

Facing all this, Huang Shang tried for a long time, but he couldn't make a move, so he shouted to surrender.


Ye Xuan took back the Great Dao of Power after hearing this, and at this time, Huang Shang felt that the big stone pressing on his chest disappeared instantly.

"Thank you Ye Shen for your teachings. Ye Shen's strength is far beyond mine. I admire you very much!!!" Huang Shang stared at Ye Xuan with his eyes burning. At this moment, Ye Xuan was his lifelong enemy.

Sooner or later, he would surpass Ye Xuan, and he must surpass Ye Xuan!

When he surpasses Ye Xuan, he will stand on the real peak.

Now the gap between the two is like a chasm, and he is completely crushed by Ye Xuan.

But this is not a problem. As time goes by, he is confident that the gap between the two will become smaller and smaller, because the later the cultivation, the longer it will take.

The difference between him and Ye Xuan is only the difference brought by one year of cultivation. When Ye Xuan's cultivation speed slows down, he will get closer and closer to Ye Xuan.

Of course, this is just the most ideal situation. In reality, it is very likely to be even more cruel.

After all, Ye Xuan's talent is unparalleled. The chaotic world has changed from a wasteland to such a powerful kingdom of God. This is something that countless people in all dynasties have not been able to do.

But at this moment, Ye Xuan has done this. Not only has he done this, but miracles have been born again and again, and the creatures nurtured in it are becoming more and more powerful.

Ye Xuan's current strength has far exceeded that of the fourth-level creation god. Not to mention Huang Shang, who has just entered the realm of the fourth-level creation god, even if the old fourth-level creation god who has been immersed in the fourth-level creation god for tens of thousands of years comes, he can't be Ye Xuan's opponent!

"Thank you, thank you!"

Facing such a polite junior, Ye Xuan naturally replied with a smile on his face.

If a student can choose Daming College, he must be a war faction like himself, a representative of the hawk faction.

Therefore, he was also quite polite to Huang Shang.

Of course, the main reason is that the other party has always respected me. If the other party respects me, I naturally have to respect the other party.

This is the legendary mutual respect, and Ye Xuan has never been polite to those who do not respect him.

"Do you want to compete in the next battle of the kingdom of God?" Zhu Yunwen looked at Huang Shang and asked.

Because in his opinion, the gap between the two is so huge, which means that the strength of the kingdom of God is naturally very different.

In this case, there is no need to compete, so I will ask Huang Shang more.

After hearing this, Huang Shang shook his head slowly and said: "I already know the strength of Ye Shen. I am far inferior to him. Even if it is a battle of the kingdom of God, the final outcome is the same. It is impossible to have any resistance."

After all, it is difficult to control casualties in the battle of the kingdom of God. After all, neither of them appeared in the world, and they are all hidden behind the scenes.

So, if they really fight, I am afraid that there will be more or less casualties in the two kingdoms of God.

Huang Shangke was unwilling to let the creatures in his kingdom run over to die, after all, these were the creatures that he had watched grow stronger.

In addition, he was extremely satisfied with the strength of the creatures in his kingdom. If those top beings fell, it would undoubtedly cause a devastating blow to the entire kingdom.

By that time, his strength would also decline rapidly!

Zhu Yunwen nodded after hearing this, waved his hand, and the world changed instantly, and everyone returned to the office just now.

Originally, he thought that the two might cause some damage. Although he knew that Ye Xuan would definitely win, he didn't expect that he would win so easily, so easily, and that he would only be shocked by a great Dao rhyme, without causing any damage at all.

If he had known this earlier, Zhu Yunwen would not bother to move, and would just sit aside and watch.

This battle started with a bang but ended with a whimper. Ye Xuan thought that the other party would attack or do something, but he didn't expect that the other party would not fight back, and even dared not to fight back.

At this time, Huang Shang was also thankful that he did not speak out beforehand, saying that if Ye Xuan dared to accept the challenge, he would dare to beat Ye Xuan to death.

Or he might have said something like "Don't say I didn't warn you" or "Let's wait and see".

Fortunately, Huang Shang did not say a word, and was always respectful to Ye Xuan. Even if he wanted to spar with Ye Xuan, he used extremely respectful words.

In this way, even if he was defeated now, it was not shameful. It was just that he could not beat the opponent. What was shameful?

Just like Ye Xuan also had people he could not beat, but would Ye Xuan be embarrassed in front of those people?


But if Huang Shang spoke out before the two of them fought, he would say all kinds of tough words anyway. At that time, not to mention being defeated, he would not even dare to stretch out a fist to hit Ye Xuan. Even if he himself was not ashamed, Zhu Yunwen next to him would be ashamed for him.

It's not shameful to be unable to beat others. After all, Ye Xuan has practiced for one year longer than Huang Shang, so no one will blame Huang Shang for anything. But if you can't beat others and still talk nonsense, it will be shameful.

"Vice Dean, is there anything else? If not, I'll go back first." Ye Xuan said with a smile. He didn't have any unpleasantness about what happened today.

The only unpleasant thing was that he was glared at by Lin Tu at the school gate. Apart from that, there was nothing else to be unhappy about.

"It's okay, you go." Zhu Yunwen waved his hand, indicating that there was nothing to worry about.

The reason why Ye Xuan was called here this time, in addition to meeting Ye Xuan and informing Ye Xuan of the treatment, the only purpose was to let the two geniuses meet.

He wanted to use Ye Xuan to suppress Huang Shang's arrogance, at least to make Huang Shang not too complacent.

But at present, it seems that Huang Shang is still quite sensible, at least he didn't show those extremely complacent situations, which is indeed good.


After Ye Xuan came out of the vice-president's office, he went directly to the villa given to him by the school.

Although no one led the way, the corresponding authority was given to him directly, and he could also know where the villa was located.

As soon as he entered the villa, Ye Xuan lay down on the sofa casually, turned on the TV, and a large holographic screen appeared in front of him.

"A Japanese love action movie, the kind with an intense plot."

"Now playing for you, "Friend's Mother"..."

"Hey, isn't this a movie from Western countries? How did it become a Japanese movie..."

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