Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 355 Kong Xuan peeks at the human race, the immortal phoenix appears

If it weren't for the light everywhere in the wilderness, it would be impossible for the gods and demons of light to be so enhanced.

It’s just that there is not only light in the world, but reincarnation is an indispensable part. If there is no light in the world, only ordinary people will suffer. If there is no reincarnation in the world, it will not just be ordinary people. It will be the whole world. Almost all living things suffer.

Whether it is a remnant soul, a soul, or a true spirit, if there is no place for reincarnation, then if these people fall, they will really fall.

If you don't find a good place to stay, your remnant soul will dissipate sooner or later, and by then it will completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

Therefore, the importance of reincarnation can be imagined, but it is much more important than light.

The reincarnation gods and demons also used the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation before, but it was not that he possessed this great power.

The Gods and Demons of Light do not have such a valuable treasure, so naturally they do not have the ability to do this.

"That's good." After hearing this, Hou Tu let go of his uneasiness.

For her, all she wants is for her family to be well.

The Wu clan is her family.

When the ancient wilderness was peaceful, in the south of the southern wilderness, in the land of Antarctica, there was the immortal volcano and the Phoenix Palace.

"Today, you have finally entered the realm of Hunyuan, and you should contribute to the prosperity of the Phoenix clan." Kong Xuan put on the emperor's robe and said slowly while looking at the golden-winged roc in front of him.

Dapeng is the first Dapeng bird in the world, and it is the real Dapeng bird.

The Kunpeng of the past was not a Dapeng bird, but a Kunpeng. It was Kun in the water and Peng in the sky.

But the Golden-winged Dapeng is the real first Dapeng. Just like Kong Xuan, he is the son of the former Yuanfeng Yuanhuang, and was born with the feeling of Yin and Yang.

In terms of avenues, the Yin-Yang Avenue is stronger than the Five Elements Avenue, which means that the Golden Winged Dapeng is more talented than Kong Xuan.

"Brother, as the son of his father, the Queen, and his mother, he should do his best to prosper the Phoenix Clan. However, now the Phoenix Clan is barely among the ancients with me and my brother. It's not easy to prosper!" Pengniao felt bitter after hearing this. After he was found, Kong Xuan took him directly to the Phoenix Palace to practice.

After such a long time, I finally achieved enlightenment through cultivation and entered the supreme realm of Hunyuan.

But at this time, Kong Xuan wanted him to prosper the Phoenix clan. It wasn't that he was unwilling, but what the hell was this different from using a mantis as a chariot.

If you want to prosper the Phoenix Clan, the best way is to find a place to live. Although the Phoenix Clan can live in the Immortal Volcano, it is obviously the polar region and not a good place to go.

However, if they want to get out of the immortal volcano, then the best place is naturally the southern wilderness. After all, it is close to the immortal volcano, which makes it easier for them to suppress the immortal volcano.

But what makes them so lucky is that the Southern Wasteland is the territory of the human race. If they really dare to set foot in it, they will most likely be kicked out by the human race.

Unless, surrender to the human race.

The Southern Wilderness is now famous for its uniformity. There are only human races there. At most, there are some descendants of the Wu clan and the human race, Jiuli Kingdom.

There are also some who choose to submit to the human race and are affiliated forces of the human race.

Since they surrendered to the human race, they naturally belonged to the human race, and they had to obey any orders from the human race.

Of course, surrendering to the human race is not a shameful thing. After all, the human race is one of the most powerful races in the prehistoric era and is expected to become the strongest race in the prehistoric era.

However, for the Phoenix clan, this is undoubtedly a shame.

In the past, the Phoenix clan truly stood at the pinnacle of the ancient world, but now they have to rely on other races? Isn't that a naked joke?

But if they don't rely on it, how can they march into the Southern Wilderness?

If they enter the Southern Wilderness on the front foot, they will be exterminated by the human race on the back foot...

The human race is different from the witch race and the demon race. The demon race just has an emperor who regards all living beings in the world as his own, so they have not suffered. The witch race also upholds the idea of ​​​​the unity of heaven and earth.

As long as no one destroys the ancient world, then it can develop as it pleases.

Even at the beginning, the Wu Clan gave up a lot of territory to the human race. Of course, this was also because it gave the Emperor of Heaven some face and at the same time made good friends with the human race.

But the human race is the same existence as the dragon race, and they are the real protectors.

Whoever dares to put their hand in, I will cut off your hand!

Although the Dragon Clan has been hiding in the Four Seas and has not come out, it is just a tacit understanding formed between them and other major forces. But if someone dares to occupy the land of the Four Seas, you can see what the Dragon Clan will do.

Just like in the past, countless ethnic groups of the Sea Clan rebelled, wanting to not respect the Dragon Clan as the main force, and wanting to settle down in a corner. Even the Dragon Clan has not completely occupied the huge land of the Four Seas.

But when facing the Sea Clan who wanted to disrespect the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan used direct and thunderous methods to quickly suppress it.

This is true even if a subordinate force rebels, let alone a foreign tribe extending its hand into the four seas?

Fortunately, the Dragon Clan has always been the overlord in the ancient world. Although the overlord is a little late now, he is still standing at the pinnacle of the ancient world. Therefore, no one can't help but want to come to the Dragon Clan to show off their power and run away. Come to the Dragon Clan and give him a head.

Therefore, the Dragon Clan is still a rich place all over the world.

Of course, the land of the Four Seas is rich, but its luck is indeed a level lower than that of other places. Otherwise, the power of the Dragon Clan will not become worse day by day.

This so-called "difference" refers to the comparison with the Heavenly Court, the Underworld, and the Human Race, which are also the peak powers of the prehistoric era. It does not mean that the strength of the Dragon Clan is gradually decreasing.

In fact, otherwise, the strength of the Dragon Clan is still increasing day by day, but when other major clans are growing significantly faster than the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan is no different from regressing.

The human race is also like the dragon race, and seems to have an innate need for territory.

It is obvious that the human race is rich in the entire Southern Wilderness and controls the Southern Wilderness on a large scale. If it continues to develop, sooner or later it will be able to completely control the entire Southern Wilderness.

Even so, the human race is still not very satisfied, if it were not for the current Human Emperor Shennong who thinks about strengthening the human race and developing the human race all day long.

I'm afraid that the human race is not filling in the population of Southern Wilderness, but fighting it out.

Of course, this attack is also directed towards the north, bypassing the Kunlun Mountains and seizing the Northern Wasteland.

After all, the Northern Wasteland is relatively barren and not something that many people want. Even the Lich Tribe does not live in large numbers there.

But this does not mean that the two Lich clans do not want the Northern Wilderness, but there is still a large blank territory in the Northern Wilderness.

Land-crazed humans like the human race naturally want to occupy it.

It's just that the Human Emperor Shennong felt that instead of allocating energy to occupy the barren land in the Northern Wilderness, it would be better to digest the blessed land in the Southern Wilderness first.

This place in the Southern Wilderness is second only to the Eastern Wilderness in terms of its aura, heritage, and number of cave heaven paradises.

In the prehistoric times, the east was the most respected and the most precious among the four seas and eight wastelands.

Therefore, the East Emperor is the leader of all emperors, so the underworld is located in the East Pole, so the aura, foundation, luck, cave heaven, etc. contained in the East Wasteland are stronger than other places.

Today, the land of East Ji is under the control of the Wu Clan, and the land of East Barren is under the control of the Monster Clan. The East Emperor sits in East Barren and actually controls the power of East Barren. The Earth Emperor sits in East Ji and actually controls the power of East Barren. The authority of the East Pole.

Both of these are extremely powerful beings, and the fruition positions they occupy are also among the top ones among the six imperial powers, and they are the top fruition positions in the prehistoric era.

After Kong Xuan heard his brother's words, he immediately showed a smile on his face and said: "Jinpeng Wuyou, the human race occupies a very large area in the Southern Wilderness, but there are still many areas in the Southern Wilderness that are not occupied by the human race. , we took possession of it, and expected that the human race would not say much.

Besides, even if the human race sends people to say something, we can definitely say that we only need a small piece of sycamore land to live in. The human race is grand, so we don’t expect to care too much about the current Phoenix clan... "

When Kong Xuan said these words, it was obvious that he did not understand the human race and what the human race was like. Not only did Kong Xuan not understand it, but no one in the entire Phoenix clan understood it either.

"But, brother, are you sure that the human race won't care about anything..." Jin Peng asked a little uncertainly. He had seen those human races when he was born, and they were always protecting their calves, although he said he would not go there. Invade other people's land, but if anyone dares to interfere, they will definitely get rid of the other party.

Just like two children, if one of them enlarges the house while playing a game and takes over the other's house, they start to argue...

Children are like this, so we can see what will happen to the adults. If they really occupy the Southern Wilderness that they think belongs to them, there is no guarantee that the other party will not send troops...

He had just become enlightened and did not want to fall into a deep sleep.

As for the other phoenixes of the phoenix clan, what does that have to do with him? They have no emotions at all. If Kong Xuan hadn't brought him here, he probably would never have come to such a place in his life.

After Kong Xuan heard this, he frowned. Indeed, it would be fine if he didn't care about this, but if he did, would the Phoenix clan have to retreat in despair...

"Brother, why don't we go grab the land in Beihuang? There are still a lot of open spaces there that are unoccupied. When we go to Beihuang, no one will say anything." Jin Peng saw Kong Xuan looking like this and knew in his heart. The other party also had some scruples, and immediately thought of his own life and made suggestions.

In his opinion, going to the Northern Wilderness is the best thing. After all, there is no force in the Northern Wilderness to hinder him.

This is also the only one that is not occupied by the four major forces.

Although it is due to barrenness, if time passes longer and the number of those creatures increases, then even the Northern Wasteland may still be occupied by the four major forces.

This is an inevitable thing and a future development trend.

Now the three major races in the prehistoric wilderness are busy digesting their own spheres of influence. In addition, whether it is the Eastern Barren, the Southern Barren or the Western Barren, they can be regarded as the treasures of the Immortal Family. For a while, they did not urge them to occupy other areas. The sphere of influence is not allowed.

Therefore, the Northern Wasteland can become an inaccessible place.

"No, although there is no major force directly controlling the Northern Wilderness, the area of ​​the Northern Wilderness is too worthless. Even if they occupy an area and no one comes to harass them, it is meaningless. After all, the luck there is not great, and it is not conducive to the Phoenixes to go back and forth to the Immortal Volcano to suppress the erupting volcano."

Faced with Jin Peng's proposal, Kong Xuan shook his head directly, indicating that it was not possible.

As he said, even if they went to the Northern Wilderness, with such a long distance, if the Immortal Volcano erupted again, they would not have time to suppress it.

"Then it can only be the Southern Wilderness..."

Jin Peng was silent for a while and said slowly.

From the bottom of his heart, he was unwilling to accept this matter, after all, this might completely bury the Phoenix clan.

And the Phoenix clan has experienced such a long time to suppress the Immortal Volcano, and the sins and karma they bear have also been reduced a lot. Now the highest level of cultivation that the Phoenix clan can achieve is the perfect peak of the Daluo Jinxian.

Because the sins and karma are too heavy, the creatures of the Phoenix clan can't condense the only true self and become the Hunyuan true self.

They can only constantly comprehend the great way of heaven and earth and enhance their combat power in the same realm.

In addition, they have no better way.

"No matter what, we have to try it. Don't touch the scope of the human race. The rest of the place can be occupied and Phoenix City can be built! Occupy the luck of one side!"

Kong Xuan's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he could only guarantee his greatest interests without touching the interests of the human race.

And the Phoenix can no longer be as arrogant as before. What a shit Fei Wutong Buxi, that is purely to show its nobility when it is full.

How powerful the dragon clan was in the past, the first overlord of the prehistoric world, but so what?

Aren't they still living in the same sea water as other sea clans.

Is it that they can't land? Or that they can't soar in the sky?

Neither, it's just a simple hypocrisy.

When the Phoenix Clan was strong in the past, there was nothing to say. It was just a demonstration of the Phoenix Clan's strength and nobility.

But now the Phoenix Clan has long become a thing of the past, lingering in the Antarctic, suppressing the Undying Volcano on the one hand, and using the Undying Volcano on the other hand to prevent the former enemies from entering the Undying Volcano and killing them.

As the prehistoric world entered the Hunyuan era, if it were not for the appearance of Kong Xuan, a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian with extremely powerful strength, the remaining Phoenix Clan in the Undying Volcano would probably have been killed by the former enemies of the Bird Clan.

In the past, the Phoenix Clan did not oppress the Bird Clan, and the Bird Clan has always been angry but dared not speak out.

It's different now. If it weren't for Kong Xuan and Jin Peng, they could easily wipe out the Phoenix Clan in the prehistoric world.

When the prehistoric world had not entered the Hunyuan era, not all tribes had Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but when the prehistoric world entered the Hunyuan era, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian had already become popular in the prehistoric world.

Many tribes have a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm. If it weren't for Kong Xuan sitting in the Phoenix Clan, the Phoenix Clan would not have survived until today and would have disappeared in the prehistoric world.

"Then do as my brother said..." Jin Peng nodded, then flapped his wings and flew high, instantly disappearing in the Phoenix Palace.


Jin Peng soared above the nine heavens, soared between the immortal volcanoes, and raised his head to the sky and screamed.



In an instant, the long cry of the Phoenix Clan came from all directions.

Then, hundreds of phoenixes gathered.

"Feng Tian greets the second young master!!!" The old phoenix turned into a human form, bowed to Jin Peng in the void, and said slowly.

In the past, they disliked Kong Xuan for being a peacock instead of a phoenix. They wanted to take the second one over, but the second one turned out to be a golden-winged roc, not a phoenix.

For a while, these phoenixes had to accept this situation.

"Big brother has ordered that half of the phoenix clan members go to the Southern Wilderness to build Phoenix City, recuperate in Phoenix City, occupy part of the Southern Wilderness's luck, and help the phoenix resolve its sins!" Jin Peng said calmly, looking at the hundreds of Daluo Jinxian phoenixes in front of him.

These old predecessors really don't have enough confidence to be arrogant in front of him, and he doesn't respect them when he looks at them. To him, these are just some remnants abandoned by the times.

The dragon clan has been strong until now, but they cannot be so. On the contrary, they have fallen into such a situation and are almost extinct.

Not to mention competing with the dragon clan, even other races in the prehistoric world are not as good as them. They are only slightly better than the Qilin clan. Apart from that, there is probably no other race that is worse than the Phoenix clan.

Of course, the premise is that the brothers Jin Peng and Kong Xuan are not included. Otherwise, the strength of the Phoenix clan is still barely acceptable.

"No, Second Young Master, the four clans that are the most unprovoked in the prehistoric world are the four major clans. If we rashly set foot in the Southern Wilderness, we will definitely be wiped out by the human race! This is not good for us!"

Feng Tian objected immediately after hearing this, and then said: "What's more, if half of the tribe members go to the Southern Wilderness, what will happen to the Immortal Volcano? Only half of the tribe members left are not enough to suppress the entire Immortal Volcano Group!"

"If the Immortal Volcano erupts, our sins will probably increase. Moreover, after the Immortal Volcano erupts, in addition to the South China Sea, the first to be affected is the Southern Wilderness, which is exactly the place we occupy..."

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