Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 356: Killing the chief culprit, Fang Yuan yells at Kong Xuan

"Yes, young master, please think twice..."

"If the immortal volcano erupts, all the merit we have accumulated over the years will be in vain!"

"And the human race, how easy it is to get along with them. Those guys are full of a sense of belonging to the territory. If we go in rashly, it will be a small matter if we are kicked out. If a large number of tribesmen die because of this, it will be a big deal. It’s great!”

"That's right, is there any so-called building a Phoenix City for us to settle in? We are of the Phoenix Clan! We can't live without a thousand-year-old phoenix tree! What a crappy city!"

After many phoenixes heard that they were going to the Southern Wilderness, they all expressed various reasons for their opposition.

What's more, some people refused to build a city because of a so-called non-Wu Tong. If they don't build a city and live there for a long time, then how will their luck belong to the Phoenix clan.

This does not mean that if you run over and say that this place is yours, it will really be yours, nor does it mean that you can control your luck in the past.

Righteousness, great righteousness is very important.

Building a city in Southern Wilderness is the easiest way to quickly accumulate the luck of the Phoenix clan in Southern Wilderness.

"This is what my brother means. If you want to refuse, just go and respond to him!" Jin Peng saw the phoenixes below chirping and objecting, and his head almost exploded. He was really convinced by these phoenixes. .

He is weak and has a lot of bullshit.

If it weren't for the fact that these phoenixes had enough blood and could become a major force after washing away their sins, he would have run away with Kong Xuan and others long ago. How could he stay and work hard as his parents?

"If you want to continue like this, then you can not go to the Southern Wilderness, huddle here, and spend countless years, billions of years passing by, and after an unknown number of calamities, your lives will be destroyed. When your sins and karma are washed away, you will be free again, and the realm between heaven and earth may have already exceeded the Hunyuan realm by countless realms.

At that time, how will you Daluo Jinxian survive in that great world? "

Suddenly, a figure wearing an imperial robe appeared, it was Kong Xuan. He was wearing the nine-color divine phoenix clothes worn by Yuan Feng in the past, with nine-color phoenixes flying on it.

It symbolizes that the Phoenix clan will become stronger and more prosperous.

In fact, this is not the case. The Phoenix clan is in such a state of decline that it takes great courage to even go out to the land of the immortal volcano.

Without this kind of courage, there is still no way to get out of the immortal volcano.

And those old phoenixes have long lost their vigor. The lingering life for hundreds of millions of years has made them only hold on to the prosperity of the past in their hearts, and forget that they should be more enterprising today.

As Kong Xuan finished speaking, these old Phoenix fell into silence one by one, and no one dared to say anything.

Because what Kong Xuan said is true. The Dragon Clan does not fight. That is because the Dragon Clan itself is rich in the world, which is enough for their survival and reproduction.

But the Phoenix clan has already fallen into such a situation. If they don't fight, what situation will they fall into!

"What the young master said is true. We were indeed ignorant and short-sighted before! We are willing to go to the Southern Wilderness and risk our lives to fight for a future for the Phoenix Clan."

Fengtian clasped his hands into fists, bowed and said slowly.

He was quite pleased that the young master was so farsighted that he was indeed much better than them.

Although Kong Xuan pretended to be happy on the surface, he was actually yelling in his heart. These Phoenixes had been isolated from the world for so long that they couldn't even understand the most basic things.

He didn't expect that these Phoenixes could be so stupid. It was simply beyond Kong Xuan's imagination.

Kong Xuan originally thought that if Jin Peng ran over and said something, these people would follow Jin Peng obediently, but who knew that this would actually happen, and even the children would still be there under his orders? Defiance retorted.

This is something that Kong Xuan did not expect.

Being so short-sighted, how did the Phoenix clan dominate the world in the past?

Is it really like the rumors that because their strength was good, Zulong gathered them together to kill them for three days and promised to divide the world among them?

Could it be that this is how the world of the Phoenix Clan really came to be? To put it this way, the Phoenix clan is too low.

If this is true, then another rumor should also be true. The Phoenix and Qilin clans were stupidly instigated by the Demon Ancestor and the Immortal Ancestor, and then joined forces to start a crusade against the Dragon Clan.

In the end, the two against one not only failed to fight, but also wiped out their own clans, taking advantage of the innate saints for no reason. The biggest beneficiaries were the Immortal Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor.

However, the Dragon Clan has made contributions to the world and has actually gained a lot of merit. From then on, they no longer dominate the ancient world, but their actual strength is to truly dominate the ancient world.

When Kong Xuan heard these rumors before, he thought they were rumors coming from the Dragon Clan and how false they were. But now that he saw it, it seemed that there was some truth to it.

After all, the dignified Zuo Guardian of the Phoenix clan could actually be so ignorant!

Even if the human race can't move, they won't dare to even try anywhere, right?

Moreover, one is a chronic death, and the other is a chance to survive if you give it a try. Even fools know how to choose!

"If it weren't for the fact that all the races that could be of some use in the prehistoric world were taken as subordinates by the four major forces, I would never choose the Phoenix Clan!!!"

Kong Xuan roared madly in his heart, but there was a smile on his face.

"Let's go!"

Jin Peng didn't say much. After seeing that these phoenixes were willing to go again, he turned into his original form directly, and with a flash of his wings, he crossed a distance of 1.8 million miles.

This is the speed of Jin Peng. Dapeng is fast, not to mention that it is the first Dapeng bird in the world, and the wings of this Dapeng bird are golden.

As the saying goes, Dapeng rises with the wind in one day, soaring up to millions of miles!!!

This can fly 900,000 miles with one wing flap, and 1.8 million miles with two wings flapped.

Of course, this is only his body speed. If he really uses his magical powers, it will undoubtedly be faster!

The reason why he didn't take a step and throw away these phoenixes behind him was to let them barely feel his flight trajectory and know where he was going.

Otherwise, with his speed, these phoenixes would not be able to catch up with him.


Seeing this, the phoenixes behind him showed up one after another and followed Jin Peng towards the Southern Wilds.

"Haha, these phoenixes listen to Kong Xuan in everything and completely ignore my words..." Jin Peng felt the breath of the phoenixes chasing him from behind and sneered in his heart.

On the surface, he was respectful when facing Kong Xuan, but that was only because Kong Xuan was strong and he had to respect Kong Xuan. It was the only way.

But in fact, he sneered in his heart. He was also a descendant of Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang. Why was it Kong Xuan who controlled the Phoenix Clan! Instead of him, Jin Peng!


Southern Wilds, the human race capital, Qishan City.

Qishan City is backed by Qishan, and to the east is a big river called Jiangshui.

With two natural dangers, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Of course, this is only used by later generations to attack the city, but nowadays, water is just water and mountains are just mountains.

Since Shennong ascended the throne, he wanted to find a place to build a new capital. After searching for a long time, he valued the Jiangshui River and built a city near Qishan.

This city was built on the scale of a capital, but it was not like the city of Sui that flew in the sky. This city was built on the ground to make it more convenient for those who have not yet achieved immortality to enter the city for sightseeing and so on.

During the reign of Shennong, the country was named Yan, and it was located by the Jiangshui River. It nurtured the spirit of fire virtue, used the water and fire to counteract each other, and backed the mountains to contain the earth virtue.

This was done by Shennong to make the spirit of the next emperor even bigger. This was selfless, and doing so would undoubtedly damage his own luck.

But Shennong didn't care about these at all. Instead, he cultivated the next illusory emperor for the human race.

Suiren built the human race from nothing to a prosperous place today. A rootless tree grew into a towering tree. Wood is everlasting, which is exactly what the human race wants. Therefore, Sui Dynasty belongs to the Wood Virtue.

Because he wanted to abdicate, wood gave birth to fire. Shennong's dynasty belonged to the Fire Dynasty. Fire is blazing, which should strengthen the human race.

Fire gave birth to earth, so the next emperor of the human race is the Earth Virtue. After strengthening the human race, it is also in line with the Earth Virtue. The next emperor of the human race will be in charge of military affairs and expand the territory of the human race.

"Your Majesty, more than 2,000 phoenixes appeared at the junction of the South Wilderness and the South Pole. They built a city there and created a Phoenix City made of thousand-year-old phoenix trees."

Yanju, the son of Shennong, bowed to the ground and said to his father.

On weekdays, the affairs of the Yan Dynasty were handled by Yanju, who was the son of Shennong and Tinghuan.

Ting Xuan is the daughter of the king of the Red Kingdom in Chishui. Although she did not enter the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian when she was pregnant with Yan Ju, she has entered this realm now.

Yan Ju, who was conceived by the two together, was born at the peak of the Daluo Jinxian realm. He condensed his true self at the age of one. At the age of twenty, he was named the prince of the Yan Dynasty at the ceremony of adulthood, thus entering the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm.

Of course, this title of prince only means that he is the prince of this dynasty, and was specially named by Shennong for his son to enter the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. It does not mean that this position will be passed on to Yan Ju in the future.

And after the replacement of a dynasty, it does not mean that the country will be abolished.

Just like after the Sui Dynasty was replaced by the Yan Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty did not disappear, but automatically became the Sui Kingdom, and Sui Ren appointed a human as the king of the Sui Kingdom.

And what Yan Ju inherited in the future was the Yan Kingdom, not the Yan Dynasty.

A country can be inherited by a son, but when it comes to human race, one must select the virtuous and capable, and not do it for personal gain.

"Phoenix clan? How did they escape from the South Pole? Did they invade the human race?" Shennong frowned and muttered for a while, then asked quickly.

If the Phoenix clan invaded the human race, then there is nothing to say, just send troops to destroy the clan.

And if they did not invade the human race, but just occupied a corner of the Southern Wilderness, then it means that there is no need to fight.

Shennong did not like war, and only wished that the human race would develop and grow peacefully, but it did not mean that the Southern Wilderness, which he regarded as a forbidden delicacy, could be occupied by other races.

At the beginning, the human race and the witch clan had agreed that the human race wanted to dominate the Southern Wilderness, and the witch clan agreed and withdrew the witch clan. Even the Heavenly Court did not object, let alone the dragon clan.

Now, a small Phoenix clan dared to come here, it was simply looking for death!

"No, how should we deal with it?!"

Prince Yan Ju shook his head slightly, looked at his father and asked.

"Let the lord of Fang country go to the Phoenix clan to ask them what they want to do. There are only two options. Either they submit to the human race and recognize the human race as the suzerain country. The human race can allocate a piece of land for the Phoenix clan to live and survive, or they are driven back to Antarctica. If it doesn't work, then kill them!

Remember, behead the chief culprit, and the rest will not be punished!"

Shen Nong's face was majestic. Even though he had a heart of a bodhisattva, when facing someone encroaching on the interests of the human race, he was also a little angry.

But on the surface, he was calm, as if nothing had happened.

He knew that those Phoenix clansmen still needed to guard the Undead Volcano, so they could not be killed all.

After all, if the Immortal Volcano is not suppressed by the Phoenix Clan, the human race living in the Southern Wilds may have to face the eruption of the Immortal Volcano.

The eruption of the Immortal Volcano will bring great trouble to the human race, so either the Phoenix Clan suppresses the Immortal Volcano, or the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian must be sent to suppress the Immortal Volcano.

But no matter how you think about it, it is a bloody profit to let the Phoenix Clan's Daluo Jinxians suppress it.

You can't let the Hunyuan cultivators of the human race go to suppress the Immortal Volcano, right? That would be a great torture!

Letting the cultivators of the human race go to the mortal world is a kind of exile in itself, but if they are really used to suppress the Immortal Volcano, it is not exile, it is almost a punishment.

Although the Immortal Volcano cannot cause any harm to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the extraordinary high temperature is also a torture for those people.

Of course, although the damage to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is minimal, staying there is undoubtedly not as comfortable as staying in the Southern Wilds or the Daluo Realm.

Just like Suiren, although he built a palace in the Southern Wilderness, he actually stayed in the Daluo Realm all day long to fish and gain enlightenment.

For them, enlightenment is the most important thing, and everything else has to be pushed back a little.

"Yes, I will obey my father's name!" Upon hearing this, Prince Yanju bowed again, then stood up and walked away.


Phoenix City.

"Submit or die." Fang Yuan came to Phoenix City alone, looked at the people below with a calm face, and said coldly.


Jin Peng flashed to the sky and looked at Fang Yuan with cold eyes.

"The land of the Southern Wilderness is the territory of the human race. Those who enter the Southern Wilderness must submit or die." Fang Yuan's aura surged, and after the Dao rhyme appeared, he turned into a figure of a poisonous insect, covering the sky and the sun, and pressing the entire Phoenix City.

For a moment, the sky above Phoenix City was covered by an extremely huge poisonous insect. The poisonous insect looked extremely ferocious, and its bloody mouth seemed to be able to swallow Phoenix City in one gulp.

Seeing this, Jin Peng's face changed drastically, and he begged for mercy: "We only occupy the territory outside the human race, and have never invaded any of the human race. The human race is powerful, and as the protagonist of heaven and earth, the emperor is the ruler of the world, why are you so cruel to us Phoenix people!!!"

"Submit, you can get a place and live in peace in a corner. Resist, there will be no Phoenix City today. Retreat to the Immortal Volcano to save your lives. I have warned you three times. If you don't make a choice, don't blame me for being ruthless." Fang Yuan's face did not change at all. He only had the order of the emperor in his heart.

The emperor ordered him to kill the main culprit. The main culprit is now in front of him. If he still doesn't make a choice, he will feed Jin Peng to his poisonous insects.

Jin Peng's face kept changing, and his brain was working rapidly. He relied on his cultivation to reach the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The man in front of him could only devour his true body at most, and he could not really wipe him out.

But these Phoenix people will really die!

For a moment, Jin Peng was at a loss.

Seeing him like this, Fang Yuan understood what was going on. He immediately looked up and shouted coldly towards the Immortal Volcano: "Kong Xuan! If you don't show up, do you really want your brother to die?"

His kingdom was close to the South Pole, so he naturally knew who the real ruler of the South Pole was. Seeing Jin Peng looking unsure of what to do, he knew that the mastermind behind the scenes was Kong Xuan.

The Human Emperor wanted him to kill the chief culprit, so he would just kill the chief culprit.

If Kong Xuan didn't come out to admit it, then killing Jin Peng would be considered killing the chief culprit.

As Fang Yuan finished speaking, a long cry sounded from the Immortal Volcanoes.

Then, a nine-color imperial robe crossed the sky, and in an instant, a man with an arrogant brow appeared in front of Fang Yuan.

"May I ask what your name is?" Kong Xuan said politely with a bow.

Fang Yuan bowed slightly and said, "Human Fang Yuan."

Even if they were going to fight to the death in the next second, as long as the other party saluted, the changed procedure had to be followed to avoid being accused of human beings being unmannered.

"So it's Fellow Daoist Fang, what's your purpose here?" Kong Xuan asked knowingly.

"I've said the same thing three times, I don't want to say more, tell me, your choice." Fang Yuan didn't give Kong Xuan any face at all, and said directly in a cold voice, staring at Kong Xuan with his eyes, as if he was going to take action at any time.

Kong Xuan's smile froze instantly when he heard this, the kid in front of him really didn't give him any face at all.

For a moment, he was also making a decision in his heart.

Should he break off relations with the other party, or just retreat in disgrace?

If he broke off relations, with their strength, even if they defeated Fang Yuan, the Hunyuan cultivators among the human race would be able to crush them. But if he went back, how would those people of the Phoenix clan view him?

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