Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 357 Jinpeng's plan, Shennong's thoughts

For a while, Kong Xuan was in a dilemma.

Should he fight or not? After thinking for a while, Kong Xuan finally decided to take a step back.


Kong Xuan's face turned pale. He originally thought that the human race would not pay too much attention to what he had done.

After all, the human race was extremely powerful. The territory owned by the human race almost covered the entire southern wilderness. Now it was just some territories near the South Pole. But he didn't expect that the human race would be reluctant to give such a small territory to the Phoenix clan.

He was extremely worried and angry, but there was nothing he could do. Who let the human race be so powerful?


The Golden Winged Peng bird shouted to the sky after hearing this, and then turned into a big peng and spread its wings. Without a single pause, and without paying attention to the Phoenix clan members behind him, it flew directly into the Immortal Volcano.

He sneered in his heart, thinking that Kong Xuan was teasing him.

But there was nothing he could do. After all, Kong Xuan's strength was indeed higher than his.

However, the Golden-winged Peng Bird did not intend to really submit to Kong Xuan obediently, because from the root point of view, they were both sons of the Yuanfeng and Yuanhuang, and they were equal in level. Let's look at the avenues they mastered.

One controls the acquired five elements avenue, and the other controls the acquired Yin-Yang avenue.

Yin-Yang suppresses the five elements, and Yin-Yang is a stronger avenue than the five elements. Therefore, Jin Peng's heart is more arrogant than the originally proud Kong Xuan.

In his opinion, there are few people in the world who can be stronger than him, and he is the one who should really stand at the top of everyone.

Kong Xuan looked at Jin Peng who walked away alone and didn't say much. He just took a look and then urged the Phoenix people to go back quickly.

Feng Tian and other Phoenix people saw this and flew towards the Immortal Volcano.

Although they didn't say anything on the surface, their evaluation of Kong Xuan was really lowered in their hearts. One ran to them without discussing anything and asked them to come to the Southern Wilderness to build Phoenix City.

It turned out that they were worried about this happening and didn't want to go. Kong Xuan swore that there was no problem here and they would have no problem coming here.

But now they found out that Kong Xuan didn't even say hello to the human race. They thought Kong Xuan had already talked to the human race, but who knew that they had just built Phoenix City and the human race came here with people.


Fang Yuan looked at Kong Xuan who knew the situation and snorted coldly, and then warned again: "I know what you are thinking. If there is a next time, don't say I didn't warn you!"

As soon as the words fell, Kong Xuan felt angry. Just when he was about to say something, he felt a breath of death shrouding him, as if he could die at any time.


Fang Yuan snorted coldly, and the huge fairy Gu in front of Kong Xuan disappeared, and the huge Phoenix City behind Kong Xuan disappeared.

As Phoenix City disappeared, Kong Xuan instantly felt that the luck of the Phoenix Clan, which had risen a little bit, fell again and turned into nothingness.

Phoenix City symbolizes the luck of the Phoenix Clan. When Phoenix City is there, it means that the Phoenix Clan has a certain luck here.

When Phoenix City disappears, it means that the Phoenix Clan has no place to stay here, which means that this place does not belong to the territory of the Phoenix Clan, so the luck also disappears.

When Phoenix City disappears, Fang Yuan also disappears here.

"I will definitely take back what I lost!!!"

Kong Xuan looked at the place where Fang Yuan disappeared and said fiercely in his heart.

He didn't even dare to say it out loud, for fear that Fang Yuan would sense it.

Perhaps Fang Yuan knew that he would not accept it in his heart even if he didn't say it, but Fang Yuan didn't say much.

The human race has developed so rapidly in recent years, and countless forces and creatures are extremely jealous of the human race.

Therefore, Fang Yuan had long been accustomed to such people. As long as they did not really infringe on the interests of the human race, he would basically ignore anything.

"Damn human race, sooner or later, I will ride on your heads!!!"

Kong Xuan said again in his heart with hatred, and then spread his wings and flew away from the territory of the Southern Wilderness.


"The Phoenix Clan has run into a brainless guy like Kong Xuan. I have to say, it's really unlucky..."

Ye Xuan looked at the scene below. There were not many creatures that had conflicts with the human race. It was even more impossible to occupy the fat territory that the human race had almost got.

It can only be said that Kong Xuan is really brainless.

Even if he ran to the human race's imperial city in advance to talk to the human emperor Shennong, no matter whether it worked or not, at least he would not end up in such a humiliating situation now.

"Although Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang of the Phoenix Clan were also somewhat brainless, they didn't know how to think and believed too much in strength, but they were not as bad as Kong Xuan now..."

Ye Xuan thought of Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang, who were also brainless, but not as bad as Kong Xuan now.

At least, Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang were not as brainless as this. Although they did not see through the conspiracy of the Immortal Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor, they also knew that they had to meet before dealing with the Dragon Clan.

It is not to say that he just jumped on it, but the current Kong Xuan is at this level. He just ran up all by himself without thinking about whether he could successfully gain a foothold in the Southern Wilderness now.

Especially for a race like them that is not originally in the Southern Wilderness, it is basically impossible to get involved from the outside.

Not to mention such outside interference, even the racial forces that originally lived in the Southern Wilderness can only choose to submit to the human race and respect the human race as the master, otherwise they will be expelled. In the southern wilderness.

Many races went to other places because they did not want to surrender to the human race. As for where they went, only they knew. Anyway, the human race did not care about this.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xuan looked at Kong Xuan in the Phoenix Palace in the immortal volcano. He wanted to know what Kong Xuan would do now.

In the Phoenix Palace.

"Damn it! Damn it! Hateful!!!"

Kong Xuan cursed loudly in the Phoenix Palace. He has been extremely arrogant since he was a child. He has never been wronged like this. Even if he encounters a setback, at most he will retaliate on the spot. There has never been such a humiliation and he can't fight back. Chance.

"Sooner or later, I must defeat them all one day! I must stand at the top of the ancient world!!!"

Kong Xuan shouted crazily in the Phoenix Palace, his eyes full of anger. He had never accepted such humiliation. He thought that he was born as a golden immortal, and his starting point was much higher than those of the innate saints in the past. .

"Brother, the human race is powerful. We should not have provoked them in the first place. Let's go to the Northern Wilderness!"

At this time, Jin Peng walked over from the side, came to the main hall, and said coldly.

"The Northern Wasteland is too far away for the Phoenix Clan to come back and guard the Immortal Volcano..."

Kong Xuan was surprised at first, but after seeing that it was Jin Peng, he did not get angry. Instead, he calmed down and spoke slowly.

If others dared to say this, he would have become angry.

But after seeing that it was his biological brother, he calmed down.

"Brother, why not just send a few phoenixes to escape from the immortal volcano, stay in the northern wilderness forever, and thrive in the northern wilderness. Although it is a bit unfair to the phoenixes guarding this place, at least it will provide real benefits to the phoenixes. The family's luck increases.

When luck increases and more phoenixes are needed to guard the immortal volcano, more phoenixes can go to the northern wilderness to recuperate. "

Jin Peng knew that such a question would be asked when he came, so he replied again. This time, Kong Xuan was stunned and nodded in an instant.

"Yes, yes, I haven't seen you for a few days, and my second brother is actually so smart!"

Kong Xuan patted Jin Peng's shoulder with a smile on his face and said slowly.

Jinpeng: "..."

He was speechless. He just didn't expect that his brother was so powerful, but his brain didn't seem to work very well. From the looks of it, he would have to plan carefully in the future.

At least the Phoenix clan cannot be allowed to fall in the hands of Kong Xuan, but this is also a good thing for him. After all, he can better seize power in the future.

In other words, it was an actual seizure of power that eclipsed Kong Xuan.

After this incident, Kong Xuan's reputation among the Phoenix Clan will naturally drop a lot, and after this plan is revealed, those Phoenix Clan members who stayed behind in the Immortal Volcano will definitely feel sorry for Kong Xuan. There is dissatisfaction.

After all, we were the ones who committed the crime in the first place, and we are also the ones who bear the consequences. Why should those tribesmen be allowed to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and go to live in a better place, while they still have to stay here and suffer.

Don’t worry about scarcity but worry about inequality, don’t worry about everyone suffering together, and you can persist even for many years. As long as everyone is like this, you can persist. But if one person can step out at this time, then These suffering people will naturally feel extreme hatred for that person.

"That's right, let's do it like this. Now I will gather everyone and select a small number of tribesmen to go to the Northern Wilderness. When we have enough power, we will take over the Buddhist land in the Western Wilderness!"

Kong Xuan's eyes flashed with light, and he instantly paid attention to himself, knowing how to choose.

As for the Southern Wilderness human race that was so close at hand, Kong Xuan did not dare to move. The human race was gaining momentum now, and there was no way the Phoenix clan could provoke them.

As for the current territory, except for the remaining areas in the Northern Wilderness, the only option is to go to the Western Wilderness to find Buddhism's bad luck.

Although Buddhism is considered powerful in front of them now, it also occupies a lot of territory. If they are allowed to develop for a period of time, it is not impossible to complete.

Southern Wilderness, Human Race, Qishan City.

"Your Majesty, King Fang has sent word that the Phoenix Clan's invasion of the Southern Wilderness has been successfully pacified. The Phoenix Clan has recognized the current situation and retreated to the land of the immortal volcano in Antarctica."

Prince Yanju came to the main hall, looked at his father's clone, bowed slightly, and said.

Shennong nodded when he heard this and said slowly: "I understand."

"Resign, kid!"

Prince Yanju bowed again and then exited the palace.

"Although the human race is in the limelight, it is still a big tree that attracts the wind. It is such a troubled time now. I don't know where the human race will be in the future..."

Yan Ju looked up at the sky and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The human race has now grown extremely strong. Almost every step will have many creatures staring at the human race, and they are almost walking on thin ice every step.

It seems that the human race is powerful, but in fact it has reached the end. Any further step will require conflicts with other races.

And the human race's territory is actually large enough now. If they want to expand, they will conflict with the demon race and the heaven if they go to the East Wilderness, and they will conflict with the witch race if they go to the West Wilderness. If they go to the North Wilderness, they will conflict with countless small tribes.

Of course, from all aspects, going to the North Wilderness is the best choice.

But the demon race and the witch race have long occupied the North Wilderness near the Kunlun Mountains, the center of the prehistoric wilderness. If the human race wants to occupy it, they will go to those wilderness areas.

And if they go to those places, they might as well go to the mortal world.


At the other end, Shennong looked at the Human Emperor Sword in his hand.

There are some engraved totems on the hilt of the Human Emperor Sword, but they have not really appeared yet, and it is not clear what kind of picture it is for the time being.

In the hands of Suiren, this sword was engraved with the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers on both sides of the sword, and now in his hands, there is a possibility that one side is engraved.

For a while, Shennong's eyes began to become a little confused.

Looking back to the past, he thought he could not be a good emperor, but later with the help of Suiren, he gradually knew how to be a good emperor.

As long as he is fair and generous to the human race, naturally those people of the human race will admire him and worship him.

And what Shennong has done in these years is indeed to fight for the human race and make contributions, which makes Shennong's prestige increasingly grand, and this makes the Human Emperor Sword recognize it, and slowly engraves the picture symbolizing Shennong's achievements.

That was the sword of the human race's destiny, and the engraving was naturally the engraving of the knife of the human race's destiny.

"Well, let's go to the underworld and see what happened to the two brothers in the previous life!" Shennong slowly exhaled. In this life, he got what he wanted. Although the past has gone with the wind, he is Shennong in this life, but he still has some vague feelings.

He feels that his two brothers may also become the emperor of the human race...

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