The land of the East Pole, the Nine Netherworlds of the underworld.

"he came?"

After Hou Tu sensed the aura of the Human Emperor Shennong, doubts arose in his heart.

But in an instant, Hou Tu realized that the Shennong clan was the reincarnation of the heavens in the past three days, and was now the emperor of the human race. Now that the human race is peaceful and prosperous, the Shennong clan must have finally made time to visit the past. The yellow sky and the blue sky come from the same root.


Upon seeing this, Hou Tu cast a spell to attract the true spirits of Huang Tian and Qing Tian to the Hou Tu Palace.

Of the many buildings in the underworld, the Hou Tu Palace should be the most respected, and among the Hou Tu Palaces, the Hou Tu Palace is naturally the most noble.

Even the Reincarnation Hall is a bit inferior. After all, Houtu is the master of this palace group, and naturally the Houtu Palace is the most noble.

Hou Tu looked at the two true spirits in front of him. Although Huang Tian and Qing Tian had been nurtured for hundreds of millions of years, they still had no consciousness at all.

The immortality of a true spirit only gives it the possibility of being reincarnated and re-cultivated. It does not mean that it can still have the consciousness or memories of its lifetime.

This is the true spirit, which is the final bottom line for a living being.

If a living being dies and only a little bit of the immortal true spirit is left, then naturally only this little bit of true spirit is left.

Whether it was memory, inheritance, or anything else, they were all forgotten. Only the Tao that was comprehended during his lifetime still remained in the true spirit, waiting for reincarnation to be cultivated again.

And Shennong was like this in his last life. Even after he was reincarnated, he only knew the things in his previous life. Although the memory disappeared, a powerful person like Shennong naturally knew the things in his previous life. .

Although memory does not exist in the true spirit, everything is recorded in the way of heaven. As long as you search patiently, you can always find everything.

No matter how bad it is, there is still the long river of time and space. If you go upstream and restore it to the original, you can always find your existence in the previous life.

However, the Shennong family is the Shennong family in this life, so naturally he should act for the human race. Only when there is nothing wrong with the human race can he live for himself.

Of course, it is also necessary to pay attention. After all, he is now the human emperor of the human race, and he vividly represents the existence of the human race. Naturally, every word and action also symbolizes the meaning of the human race.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, please."

When Shennong came to the sky above the underworld, a netherworld road appeared in front of him, and a voice came.

"Thank you so much, the Emperor of the Earth, the most benevolent empress."

Shennong smiled and nodded.

Hou Tu respects him, and he cannot disrespect Hou Tu, so naturally he should reply.

Existences like theirs are basically close to omniscience and omnipotence. Of course, that is for existences that have not yet entered the realm of supreme Hunyuan.

The so-called omniscience and omnipotence is always a relative existence. No matter how absolutely omniscient and omnipotent you are, it is always a higher-level perspective that jumps out of your so-called omniscient and omnipotent circle.

Therefore, when a living being can only rely on the existence of the overlapping concept of omniscience and omnipotence, it is just like that.

He is of course omniscient and omnipotent in his own comfort zone, just like God in the Kingdom of God. God is omniscient and omnipotent to all living beings in that world.

Jehovah can suppress Satan with a word, and the entire world with a gesture of his hand.

Maybe some people will say that it is the omniscience and omnipotence of countless worlds, but let’s take the Kingdom of God as an example. Before the Kingdom of God was captured by the human race of Ye Xuan’s prehistoric world, in the Kingdom of God, there were actually He who has countless worlds has endless worlds.

And countless worlds, all the worlds are the worlds in the Kingdom of God, because the Kingdom of God and the Great Desolate Kingdom are completely two kingdoms that do not want to interact with each other, and each kingdom has endless world time and space. , except for certain circumstances, the two divine kingdoms would almost never meet.

But the meeting between these two divine kingdoms led to the integration of the divine kingdom into the prehistoric times.

If this were not the case, God would be omniscient and omnipotent in the true sense, but unfortunately, outside of this so-called world, there are always other worlds, and in other worlds there are extremely powerful existences. The so-called omniscient and omnipotent person in this world will be trampled under his feet.

Just like Jehovah in the kingdom of God, he was directly beaten to death by the Shi Hao clan in the human race. He was beaten to pieces in an instant, and he was hung up and beaten.

Therefore, there has never been an omniscient and omnipotent person in the true sense. If there is, it must be within his comfort zone. When he breaks out of this circle, there are countless powerful beings outside the circle.

Just like today's prehistoric world, the most powerful person is only the Emperor Jun of Heaven, but if he jumps out of the prehistoric world, I don't know how many existences can kill him in an instant.

There are thousands of fifth-level creation gods alone, not to mention the powerful creatures in their world.

Not to mention how many existences are more powerful than the Emperor of Heaven in the kingdom of those sixth-level creation gods, and even those seventh-level and eighth-level beings...

Shennong stepped into it with one step and entered the underworld in an instant. With a thought and a flash of his body, he went directly to the Houtu Palace.

No matter how powerful the organization's defense is, it is only on the outside. The restrictions inside can be easily broken through, just like the Shennong clan, which cannot stop him at all.

Powerful beings in the Hunyuan Realm like them will always be able to block the existences of the same realm, and it is definitely not those that can be blocked by some so-called formation restrictions.

The reason is that the realm of Hunyuan is Nirvana, which is essentially different from other realms.

The back earth palace.

"Your Majesty is interested."

Shen Nong looked at the two true spirits in front of him and said to Hou Tu with a smile.

Hou Tu shook his head slightly, looked at Shennong and said, "It's such a trivial matter, why bother with it."

To her, this is just a matter of gathering those true spirits together and finding them.

In the past, she knew that there would be great fortune and great opportunities in these three days.

But she didn't expect that this great opportunity and good fortune would come so quickly and come so big.

Who would have thought that this ancient emperor who had died a long time ago and had not even seen her with her own eyes could be reincarnated into the current human emperor and become one of the six emperors.

"Are these the true spirits of Huang Tian and Qing Tian?"

Shen Nong looked at the two true spirits in front of him, with neither sadness nor joy on his face, and said lightly.

In his opinion, the two true spirits in front of him were just old friends from the past. Once they met, it was just that, and after meeting them, they just found out.

"Whether it is yes or no, His Majesty knows best."

Hou Tu replied from the side.

Shennong nodded, then bowed his hands to Hou Tu and said, "Thank you for your protection over the years."

Although the immortal true spirit will not disappear with the change of time, it will be erased by the existence of powerful monks.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome."

Hou Tu said politely.

Over the years, Houtu has always acted like a good gentleman.

"Mother, I'm leaving first."

Shennong smiled and said to Empress Houtu, and then wanted to leave.

There is nothing important about my trip to the underworld. I just want to see the yellow sky and blue sky of the past.

As for Huang Tian and Qing Tian, ​​Shennong thinks that they are likely to become the Human Emperor just like him. Although he doesn't know whether they will take over his position, he probably will become the Human Emperor.

Although it is not known how many generations the position of Human Emperor will be passed down, it is conceivable that the sooner he ascends the throne, the more benefits he will get.

"Your Majesty, walk slowly."

Empress Houtu said with a smile.

This "Your Majesty" is completely an honorific title. After all, she and the Human Emperor are of the same level, so there is no need to call Shennong "Your Majesty" or anything like that.

And Shennong didn't need to call her empress, but empress was a completely honorific title. After all, Hou Tu's position was the earth emperor among the six emperors, that is, the emperor, and he could be called your majesty.

Among the human race, the Shennong clan returned to his capital and looked at the Shennong's Herbal Book in his hand. As he became enlightened, it became his most precious treasure, which could be guarded or suppressed.

Although it is not very powerful in terms of attack, it does not require him to fight or anything.

If the Human Race really needs the Human Emperor to take action, it means that the Human Race has reached its end. By then, the Human Race will basically be in the cold.

Therefore, it would be great if his treasure could suppress luck.

In addition, the Shennong clan itself is not good at fighting, and he also has a Human Emperor Sword in his hand, which is extremely powerful.

As time continued to pass, Shennong became more and more melancholy.

"That's all, let's go to the Emperor!"

In the Southern Wilderness Heavenly Court, the Southern Emperor Suiren clan is also the emperor of the human race.

Although the Southern Wasteland Heavenly Palace is prosperous, there are no maids or guards inside. It is extremely empty, with only the Suiren family living here.

Suiren was dressed in a raincoat, standing on the Tianmen above the Southern Wilderness Heavenly Court, holding a fishing rod and fishing in the sea of ​​clouds below.

It was as if there were still fish in the sky for them to fish, but in fact there were no fish for him to fish.

However, Suirenshi did not do it for fishing, he enjoyed this state extremely.

There is a treasure mountain in the sky, but I don’t feel that there is anything to be proud of.

In fact, the heaven he built was just for Nanhuang's appearance, not for his own enjoyment.

In his opinion, being the Human Emperor or the Southern Emperor is actually inferior to being an honest fisherman.

Compared with other things, it is not as good as enjoying it honestly.

Time passed and he no longer knew how long he had been fishing.

He enjoyed enlightenment while fishing, and he became stronger and more powerful during his enlightenment.

Suddenly, the arrival of a person broke the tranquility.

"If you don't stay among the human race, why did you come here so well?!"

The fisherman Suiren raised his head slightly, looked at the man next to him wearing a human emperor robe, and said slowly.

"Your Majesty, it turns out that the position of the Human Emperor is so lonely."

Shennong sat next to Suiren and said with a sigh.

"Ha ha……"

Suiren laughed loudly when he heard this, and looking at Shennong in front of him, he felt as if he had seen his former self.

I recall that I looked like this back then.

It's cold at high places, that's all.

When a person is in a high position, everyone respects you and loves you, but at that time, no one really treats you as a friend.

Even though Shennong now has a wife, this is still the case.

Because when he got married, he was already the Human Emperor. The two of them had no feelings since childhood. Even if they had feelings later, even if his wife admired him very much, there was always some gap between them.

Suiren doesn't know what that kind of barrier is, nor does he know how to say it, or how to break it, but he truly has it and can say a lot of things, but there are still some words that he can't say.

"Your Majesty, I want to abdicate."

Shennong sighed and said slowly.

Suiren looked at the young man next to him in surprise when he heard this. He didn't know why such a young man didn't feel any fatigue when he traveled all over the Southern Wilderness for the human race. Later, after he became the leader, he traveled all over the world for the human race. I have suffered countless hardships.

At that time, Suiren didn't feel any fatigue. Such a man who devoted himself wholeheartedly to the human race was now thinking of abdicating.

"You can abdicate if you want, but you have to find a qualified successor."

Suirenshi said slowly after being silent for a while.

Although he didn't know what Shennong had gone through, since Shennong already wanted to abdicate, he would naturally not stop him. After all, the other party was not greedy for power, which meant that he was still the same young man as before.

It's just that young people can also become tired, and young people can also become old.

And the most important thing is that the Shennong family has governed the human race well. If they want to abdicate now, their achievements are enough.

Not to mention anything else, just Shennong's Herbal Classic and Five Grains can spread the Shennong clan among the human race.

"Okay, I will find someone who can take over for me, and I hope His Majesty will come out to check it when the time comes."

After Shennong heard that Suiren asked him to abdicate, a smile appeared on his face immediately. The pressure from the human race over the years had been too heavy on him.

For such a long time, he was almost breathless from the pressure.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to shout. I have abdicated a long time ago. As for the position of the Southern Emperor, we are talking about the human race now, and there is no need to talk about His Majesty.

As for the checks you mentioned, I will also check it for you when the time comes. "

Suirenshi nodded and accepted the matter.

Although he abdicated, after all, he was once the Human Emperor. How could he watch the position of Human Emperor be handed over to an uncertain person.

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