"Although His Majesty has abdicated a long time ago, he is still the Emperor of the Human Race after all. What's more, once you are the Emperor, you will always be the Emperor. Although Your Majesty is no longer in his position, in the hearts of the Retsuyama clan, Your Majesty is still the magnificent Human Emperor."

Shennong said with a smile, a look of reminiscence appeared on his face.

He still remembered the first time he saw Suiren's appearance. That appearance made him admire him very much and planted a seed deeply in his heart.

"Forget it, you can call me whatever you want. It's just a title, but you have to think clearly. Once you abdicate, there will be no other throne for you to sit on. The Emperor of Heaven asked me to take the position of Southern Emperor. I definitely don't want to. I will grant you the title of Western Emperor or Northern Emperor again."

Suirenshi shook his head slowly, sighed, and said.

Then, he looked at Suiren again and said: "There is a divine being descending from the sky in the Western Wilderness. I don't know where it came from, and I don't know where it came from. But what is conceivable is that that divine being is a born supreme, and one day he will become the Western Emperor." position.

I know this, the Emperor of Heaven also knows this, and there are many other saints who know this. "

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. When Lieshan came here, she already knew about this matter. Naturally, she made her decision long ago and will never go back on it."

Shennong nodded and confirmed again.

Suiren, who had been holding the fishing rod in his hand, suddenly swung the fishing rod, and a beautiful arc came out. A fish actually appeared on the straight hook.

The fish was all golden in color, and it looked like a fish made of gold, but it was actually a fish that was constantly struggling and jumping.

"This is the unique product of the Southern Wilderness, the golden fish. It only exists in the clouds of the Southern Wilderness. It usually disappears and disappears, and cannot be found. I have been fishing here for hundreds of thousands of years. This is the first fish I have caught. ”

Suiren's face was overjoyed, and he sucked the golden fish with his left hand. The struggling fish became quiet in his hand and stopped struggling.

"Your Majesty Hongfu can naturally be caught. It's just a matter of time."

Shennong said with a smile on his face.

He traveled all over the world without knowing the efficacy of this golden fish. Today, he only learned from Suiren's mouth that there is such a kind of fish in the world.

"This fish is extremely rare. You can gain luck by eating it. It is a fish of luck, which is formed from the luck that disperses between heaven and earth." Suiren continued to explain, and as soon as he opened his eyes, there appeared in front of him. A tool for grilling fish.

These tools are also the work of Shennong. Many eating methods and tools were created by Shennong, and the fish grilling equipment is no exception.

"Your Majesty, since this fish was transformed by luck, why is it called a golden fish? Although this fish has a golden color on the outside, how can it only focus on the surface and abandon its inner nature?"

Shennong was curious when he heard this and asked.

"Yes, how can we care about the appearance and abandon the inner part?"

Suiren didn't answer Shennong's words, but instead smiled and said.


Hearing this, the Shennong family felt as if they were struck by lightning, and understood instantly. He immediately stood up and bowed to the Suiren family, and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for clearing up the confusion. The Lieshan family has more important things to do. How can you abdicate like this! If so, Isn’t it true that His Majesty passed the throne?”

"You're welcome. I also said that I have abdicated a long time ago. Don't call me Your Majesty. No one has called me that in dozens of Yuanhui." With a smile on his face, Suiren handed over the grilled fish in his hand. Half of it was given to Shennong, and he took a bite directly.

“Smells so good~”

"Your Majesty is the emperor after all. There are differences between elders and younger ones, but you must have a name for your Majesty." Shennong said with a smile, and then took a hard bite of the golden fish.

It melts in your mouth, is fragrant and glutinous, and is so delicious.

"Then call me brother!"

Suiren said without hesitation that he was the previous Human Emperor and this is the current Human Emperor. It would not be a loss to call him a brother.

"I will obey the orders of my royal brother!"

Shen Nong laughed loudly after hearing this, and then swallowed the golden fish that was transformed into luck.

The so-called golden fish is actually not something transformed by luck at all, but a fish transformed by Suiren's magic power. It was just created to persuade Shennong.

I recall that Suiren has been fishing here for so many years, without any bait or fish, and with a straight hook, if there is a fish that can live in the clouds, it will definitely not be such a stupid fish.

Therefore, in fact, this is just a scene created by Suiren to persuade Shennong.

"There's really nothing we can do against you..."

Suiren shook his head helplessly. He now had a headache when he heard about your majesty. He finally got this kid to stop shouting, and another royal brother came.

But since I shouted, let’s just shout like this.

Western wilderness.

A figure dressed in white appeared in the Western Wilderness. This person had endless Tao charm, and countless Tao movements followed his every move.

It is as if the great road is the man himself, and this man is the embodiment of the infinite great road.

This person was Ye Xuan. After Ye Xuan learned that the Shennong family wanted to abdicate, he came to the Western Wilderness.

"Hey, you're not abdicating again?!"

Ye Xuan let out a sigh, he was really confused.

At first, the term of the Human Emperor Shennong was not over at all, but when Shennong wanted to abdicate towards Suiren, Suiren agreed. He really thought that Shennong was planning to abdicate, but who knew that he would appear again? reverse.

It can be said that things are back to how they were before.

Ye Xuan set the general trend, but he was not precise enough to detail everything.

Therefore, it is not necessarily possible to control what happened in the middle, just like the previous Shennong family suddenly deviated from the original trajectory of development, but in the end it was discovered that everything was as he had planned.

There is no limit to the term of the Human Emperor. The reason why Suiren wants to abdicate is just because he is tired of this matter, and he has indeed done enough. Many things have indeed been achieved, and they have been completed very well. the historical responsibility he shoulders.

"Forget it, leave him alone!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, and then took a step forward and came to the Xihuang Heavenly Court, which is the palace complex of Emperor Gouchen in the West, also known as Gouchen Palace or the Western Palace.

"It's an honor for me, fellow Taoist, to visit me. Please."

A man wearing imperial robes appeared at the palace door and said with a smile.

The person who came was none other than Emperor Gouchen. According to Taoist myths and legends, Emperor Gouchen was the brother of Emperor Ziwei in the North Pole. He was one of the four emperors, in charge of the stars in the sky and in charge of human wars.

That is, the serious god of war, the god of war.

It is a higher level than the Zhenwudang Demon Patriarch. He is just a subordinate of Emperor Ziwei, and there is still no way to compare with Emperor Gouchen.

When Ye Xuan heard this, he smiled without saying a word and took a step forward to the main hall of Gouchen Palace.

Emperor Gouchen's face changed when he saw this, and he was extremely shocked and angry.

"How dare this guy do this?!"

He kindly came out to greet him in person, but this boy didn't give him any face. Not only did he treat him as a Taoist friend, he didn't even reply. He even went directly into his main hall.

It was simply a shame and a huge humiliation, and it was a slap in the face.

call out!

A golden light flashed, and Emperor Gouchen came to the main hall. He looked at Ye Xuan sitting in the main seat, his face turned pale for a while, but when he saw Ye Xuan's breath, it was as if he had returned to his original nature and there was no trace of it.

Obviously, the other party cannot be a mortal without cultivation, which means that the guy in front of him is a guy who can't even see through himself.

For a moment, Emperor Gou Chen was shocked and angry. He was surprised that there was such a powerful person in this ancient world, and he had never heard of it. He was angry that this guy relied on his own cultivation to be so powerful, but he didn't. Keep him in your eyes.

"Boy! When I saw you coming here, I wanted to treat you well, but why did you offend me so many times? Do you really think I'm easy to bully?!"

Emperor Gouchen suppressed his anger and said sternly to Ye Xuan, who was sitting high on the main seat.

"If you don't come down again, don't blame me for being unkind!!!"

Seeing that Ye Xuan didn't make any move, he became even more angry. He exuded a dangerous aura and looked at Ye Xuan in front of him with a frosty face.


Ye Xuan chuckled and didn't pay much attention. He wanted to see what the emperor in front of him could do.

Emperor Gouchen was furious when he heard this, and his aura suddenly surged, and bursts of Tao Yun appeared, shrouding Ye Xuan in them.

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me!!!"

Ye Xuan looked at Emperor Gou Chen who rushed to his face in an instant. He was calm and unhurried. Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. Emperor Gou Chen's magical power could never touch him.

Ye Xuan raised his right hand slightly, slowly touched Emperor Gouchen's forehead, and said softly: "Zhen!"



In an instant, a general trend came from all directions and rushed toward Emperor Gouchen.

Emperor Gouchen was horrified, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"How...how could this happen!!!"

"Who is this person? Why is he so powerful!!!"

A general trend came from all directions, suppressing Emperor Gouchen to the point where he could hardly breathe.

As time continued to pass, the panic in Emperor Gouchen's heart became stronger and stronger. He felt that not only the flow of time around him had become extremely slow, but even the surrounding perceptions seemed to be disappearing.

"What do you want?"

Suddenly, Ye Xuan's cold voice came, and it fell in the heart of Emperor Gouchen like the sound of nature.

"Senior, forgive me!!!"

Emperor Gouchen shouted quickly. He finally understood why the man in front of him suddenly became cold after he said those words.

It turned out that he had offended the other party, but he felt very wronged in his heart!

I am a dignified Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. After meeting Ye Xuan, I don't know what kind of cultivation he is. In terms of emotion and reason, it is not too much to call him Taoist friend.

Even if I yelled wrongly, couldn't you just remind me?

Also, if he is so powerful, wouldn’t he know it if he showed a little aura?

Of course, there is no right or wrong in ancient times. Strength comes first. If you call someone wrong, you call someone wrong.


Ye Xuan nodded, raised his hand slightly and withdrew, the majestic momentum disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

Emperor Gou Chen also felt that he could move freely again in an instant, and immediately loosened his bones, stepped back, and bowed to Ye Xuan who was sitting on the main seat, saying: "Senior, may I ask your name."

At this time, he felt fortunate that the other party did not kill him directly, otherwise, there would be no place to argue.

Although it is said that after achieving the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, one is almost immortal, but his intuition makes him think that the guy in front of him may really have the ability to kill him completely.

Ye Xuan did not speak after hearing this, but looked at the Emperor Gou Chen in front of him, frowning.

"No, what is the matter with the strange breath I felt in the sky before?"

"There was such a strange breath on this guy, but why can't I see it now when I watch him up close and even fight him..."

Ye Xuan was full of doubts, and the reason why he deliberately found fault to make the Emperor Gou Chen in front of him unable to help but take action was also because of this.

When he was in the sky above the prehistoric world, although he was staring at Shennong and Suiren with all his heart and soul, and picking out what he was interested in, there was a strange breath that flashed in the direction of the Western Wasteland, which was very different from any creature in the prehistoric world.

He instantly cast his eyes towards the Western Wasteland, but he could not see any strange breath, and could only vaguely sense a trace of breath from Emperor Gou Chen.

Even if he used the Great Way of Time and Space afterwards, he could not see anything unusual in the Western Wasteland, but he vaguely found a trace of evidence of the existence of a strange breath from Emperor Gou Chen.

But he was not very sure whether it really existed, so he came to the Western Wasteland in person, wanting to see Emperor Gou Chen with his own eyes and see what was going on.

After Ye Xuan pondered for a while, he slowly said: "You are born a noble, you should govern the Western Wilderness with your heart, and don't let the people suffer."

Although he couldn't find any traces of the existence of strange aura, he knew that his feelings would not be wrong, and his eyes would not deceive him. The Emperor Gou Chen in front of him might have some problems.

He didn't know what the problem was, but he knew there must be a problem.

He knew that he had alerted the snake. Although there were disadvantages, the difficulty of detecting the strange aura would only increase, but there were also certain benefits.

For example, it would deter the weird and make it dare not do whatever it wants to the prehistoric world, and let the weird know that it still exists in the prehistoric world.

"Don't worry, senior, I will do it!"

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