Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 360 The White Tiger Who Knows Everything

After Emperor Gouchen felt Ye Xuan's departure, he looked at Ye Xuan's leaving figure and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Who is this person? He has such great power!"

"I have never heard of this person's name before. Could he be some peerless expert?!"

Emperor Gouchen had countless doubts in his mind, but then he shook his head.

"No! Such existences, if they are from the ancient world, will definitely leave a profound mark on the ancient world. There should be no one in the world who can make me so frightened!"

"Even the immortal ancestors and demon ancestors of the past could not make me do this! Even the emperor today cannot erase my existence!"

"But this guy can really kill me!!!"

For a time, Emperor Gouchen's heart was filled with shock. The more he thought about it, the more he felt how great Ye Xuan was. The more he thought about it, the more powerful he felt about Ye Xuan.

Even after racking his brain, he didn't know where Ye Xuan came from or what kind of existence he was. He couldn't feel the slightest breath on his body, but it still gave him a suffocating feeling of death.

Even suppressing oneself is only possible with one word. There should be no one in the world who can suppress oneself with one word.

However, the fact is that Ye Xuan is so powerful.

This scene filled the heart of Emperor Gouchen, who had always been complacent and arrogant, with shock. This moment also completely woke him up and made him know what true power meant.

Standing above him were not only the innate gods of the Emperor of Heaven, but also such a super ancient god.

"No wonder, why do these people never have the idea of ​​unifying the ancient world? Why did heaven not unify when it could unify the ancient world? It turns out that there is such a great god in the ancient world."

Emperor Gouchen sat in his seat, looking out of the hall, thinking silently in his heart.

The water in the wilderness was much deeper than he imagined!

At least, it's not as obvious as it seems.

"are you still there……"

Emperor Gou Chen asked in his heart.

After waiting for a while, there was still no answer.

For a moment, Emperor Gouchen's heart sank.

"still there……"

Emperor Gouchen asked again, but there was still no answer.

After some time, Emperor Gouchen asked again, but there was still no answer waiting for him.

At this point, he could only temporarily abandon the idea of ​​contacting that existence.

"Haha, it is indeed inside this guy's body!"

Ye Xuan looked at Emperor Gouchen below and sneered in his heart.

Although he could not find the figure of the strange aura, he actually heard the words of Emperor Gou Chen from the fluctuations of Emperor Gou Chen's soul.

In this world, as long as he wants to know, there is nothing that can be hidden from him, except the voice of his heart.

Although Ye Xuan can know various things about a living being through various channels, he cannot see through the other person's heart. In addition, even if it is a conversation among the souls, or some legend Music and the like are no secrets in Ye Xuan's eyes.

The voice of the heart is also thoughts and ideas. This kind of thing has no trace and no way to know. At best, it is just a guess.

After learning about Emperor Gouchen's soul inquiry, he also knew that the strange aura existed on Emperor Gouchen's body.

He hadn't paid much attention to Gou Chen before, and he didn't know when this strange aura appeared.

It was the explosion just now that made Ye Xuan aware of the existence of this thing.

"Now that the trap has been exposed, there is no need to worry too much, but you still need to keep an eye on the opponent at all times. If you have the opportunity, you must find it out. This thing will always be a potential danger as long as it exists. ”

After Ye Xuan made up his mind, he flashed and completely left the sky above the Western Wasteland.

Gou Chen Tiangong.


A strange aura suddenly appeared on Emperor Gouchen's body. I don't know where the strange aura came from, and I don't know what it is. The only thing I can be sure of is that it is completely incompatible with this ancient world. It seems to be another world. The creatures that come from within.

"That person is gone..."

A figure appeared, a strange being with two sharp horns on its head.

"Who is that person and why is he so powerful?!"

Emperor Gouchen frowned, looked at the strange figure in front of him and said.

He and this strange figure have the same origin, they both appeared from that card, and this strange existence has always been attached to his existence, and he has no way to deal with it.

Likewise, there was nothing he could do about this strange aura.

"You don't even know, how can I know?"

The strange existence retorted and said.

"With such an existence, how can you be sure that he has really left?" Emperor Gouchen frowned and looked at the figure in front of him.

It stands to reason that a terrifying existence like Ye Xuan cannot be perceived by the strange figure at all.

If the other party really wanted to hide it, let alone a strange figure, even he would not be able to detect anything.

"I am born with omniscience and omnipotence, so I naturally know whether he has really left!"

The strange figure said proudly, with a smile on his face.


Emperor Gouchen sneered when he heard this, but didn't say much.

Are you so omniscient and omnipotent? What if someone who is omniscient and omnipotent can be forced to live here? Can you hide and dare not come forward? !

If you really want to be omniscient, how could you not even know who the other party is?

After hearing Emperor Gou Chen's sneer, the strange figure seemed to have been humiliated. He immediately said angrily: "The omniscience and omnipotence I talk about is a nearly invincible existence in the world where I was born. This is different from that in the prehistoric times. What’s the relationship! !

He was very angry, but he had no choice but to rage and vent his dissatisfaction.

And there is no way around this. After all, it is true that the so-called omniscience and omnipotence are only omniscient and omnipotent within a certain range, and after jumping out of that comfort zone, it is not the so-called omniscience and omnipotence.

Just like after he came to the prehistoric world, he knew almost nothing about it, and even survival became a problem. He had to rely on Emperor Gouchen to survive in this prehistoric world.

"Haha! Since you can't know everything in the wilderness, how can you know whether he has left?"

Emperor Gouchen even sneered, full of doubts about the intelligence of the creature in front of him.

As soon as these words came out, the strange figure was stunned on the spot. He was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

a long time.

The strange figure then said leisurely: "You are right, but if the other party has not left, he probably knows about my existence."

The words were full of loneliness, and the tone was even more emotional.

"I have been invincible for endless years, so I have lost even the most basic judgment ability."

He began to reflect on himself. In fact, it was not that he had really lost it, but that he had not used it for so long that it was inevitable that he would become a little rusty.

The land of the West Pole.

"Haha, little Heizi, you're showing off your trap!"

The corners of Ye Xuan's mouth rose slightly, and after sensing the presence of the strange aura, he suddenly became aware of it.

He knew where that guy came from, and it was just him who scared him before.

After all, suddenly an existence beyond his control appeared in his world, which filled his heart with an uneasy feeling.

But since he knew who the other party was, the uneasiness in Ye Xuan's heart naturally disappeared.

Although the other party is still not under his control, this will not have any adverse impact on him. After all, after knowing what kind of creature the other party is, he can already sense the other party's aura.

In other words, even if the other party is hiding, Ye Xuan will be able to find him immediately no matter where he is hiding.

As for those existences similar to Jehovah in other worlds, they are also under the jurisdiction of Ye Xuan. Although they are creatures from other worlds, after all, they followed their world and surrendered to the prehistoric world, which means they became Ye Xuan The creatures under control.

"That's all, don't worry about that."

Ye Xuan shook his head, his mind no longer focused on the alien creature, but instead headed to where the white tiger was.

"Are you the creator of this world?"

Bai Hu looked at the man in white clothes in front of him and said slowly.

His eyes were full of wisdom, as if everything was under control, as if nothing in this world could hide his existence.

Ye Xuan was shocked when he heard this and fell silent.

"Let me go, do the saints created by these divine cards have their own memories?! Or are they connected to all existences in the heavens and the worlds?"

Ye Xuan looked at the white tiger in front of him and thought in shock.

It's not surprising that he thought so, after all, in the entire prehistoric period, only Bai Hu had spoken the word "Creation God".

He was a little unsure in his heart, not sure whether the white tiger in front of him was talking about the creator god of this divine kingdom or the creator god of this world.

Although the Kingdom of God is equivalent to the world in most cases, in fact, without the Kingdom of God, there would be no world. However, without this world, the Kingdom of God can still have other worlds.

The former is a creation god like Ye Xuan, while the latter is a creation god similar to Pangu.

The two cannot be equated. Although Pangu can dominate everything in the prehistoric era, Ye Xuan can dominate everything in Pangu and even the three thousand gods and demons.

"The Creator God is the Kingdom of God."

Bai Hu looked at Ye Xuan in front of him and said nothing for a long time. A smile appeared on his face and he said slowly.


Ye Xuan's eyes widened suddenly as if he had been struck by lightning in his heart.

The white tiger holy beast in front of me actually knows the existence of the God of Creation! What this divine kingdom said left no doubt in Ye Xuan's mind. It is conceivable that the other party must be talking about the former's creator god!

After all, no living being in the ancient world knew the term "Kingdom of God", except for the white tiger holy beast in front of him.

"You actually have memories from different time and space!"

Ye Xuan's face returned to calmness and he said calmly.

When he found the white tiger, the white tiger was still sleeping, with a look that looked down upon the world, as if he had experienced endless worlds.

"Is this weird? It's not just me, even that kid Gou Chen is like this! Almost all the divine cards are like this!"

The White Tiger Holy Beast smiled and asked the little man Ye Xuan in front of him.

"God card!!"

Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed when he heard the words, and he looked at the White Tiger Holy Beast in front of him seriously. This white tiger seemed to know a lot, and it seemed that Emperor Gou Chen knew less than the white tiger in front of him.

Otherwise, Emperor Gou Chen would not have known what he was when he was facing him!

A powerful existence like him is the best in the entire prehistoric world. There is no creature in the prehistoric world that can compare to him. If Emperor Gou Chen knew, how could he not think of who he was!

As for concealing it? That doesn't seem like it, and from his appearance, it's all out of sincerity, and he doesn't know.

The holy white tiger seemed to have the ability to see through people's hearts. When he saw Ye Xuan's appearance, he immediately said slowly: "The creatures of the God Card are the projections of the real bodies in the only real world. No matter how many times they die with the world, they will always be reborn on the God Card.

No matter how many times they are reborn, they still have memories of the previous worlds, and each creature of the God Card has different experiences, so what they remember is naturally different. Gou Chen is still very young. I look at his appearance. He is only seventeen years old.

Therefore, it is normal that he does not know the existence of the Kingdom of God and the God of Creation."

"Seventeen years old..."

Ye Xuan muttered to himself. I guess this year is the destruction of a Kingdom of God...

In this way, there are long and short ones, and seventeen is not a lot, so it is normal for Gou Chen not to know.

For a holy beast like the white tiger, there are naturally more people who want to own it than those who want to own Emperor Gou Chen, so it is normal for him to experience more.

And the only true world he mentioned...

Ye Xuan was shocked and at a loss. Wasn't this the wording of the creatures in the flood? ?

But why did he really hear this thing from the mouth of the white tiger now! ! !

"Then why didn't you find me?"

Ye Xuan suppressed all the questions in his heart, frowned, and looked at the white tiger in front of him. He always felt that he couldn't play with the cunning and experienced white tiger holy beast in front of him, but since he was here, he wouldn't just run away, not to mention that he still had many questions to ask.

"Why should I find you? To me, you are just one of the countless creators who have experienced countless times in the long years. Although you are a little special, it is not worth it for me to find you in person.

What's more, I calculated that you would come to me sooner or later."

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