Bai Hu's words were full of confidence and had a scornful aura, which made Ye Xuan couldn't help but feel shocked.

Ye Xuan looked at the white tiger in front of him with complicated eyes. He didn't know how much the white tiger in front of him knew.

And after hearing the previous words, he was deeply shocked.

He was shocked that Bai Hu knew so much, and he was also shocked that Bai Hu dared to speak to him like this.

You must know that no matter how much the white tiger has experienced, it is just a creature in this world, a creature under Ye Xuan's jurisdiction. In other words, if Ye Xuan wants to kill the white tiger, the white tiger will undoubtedly die.

"This guy said that Emperor Gouchen was seventeen years old. Most likely because he knew how to detect, and they were able to survive the destruction of so many divine kingdoms without falling. In other words, they are not afraid of death at all..."

In an instant, Ye Xuan figured out that even if a person like Bai Hu killed him, it seemed impossible for him to be afraid. The worst he could do was wait for the next time.

Therefore, for a while, he really couldn't find anything that could control the other party's existence.

When a creature is not afraid of death, then he is theoretically almost invincible, because even if you can kill him, he is still fearless.

Although the body is dead, the heart is not convinced.

"What is the only true world?"

Ye Xuan hesitated again and again, and finally asked the question that was most interesting to him.

A playful smile appeared on Bai Hu's face. He looked at Ye Xuan and said slowly: "Just like what you said in the prehistoric life drawing cake, there is only one in the world and one in all worlds."


Bai Hu's words were like a bolt from the blue, striking Ye Xuan's heart, causing him to stand on the spot dumbfounded.

"Is there really a single true world?!"

Ye Xuan still couldn't help but confirm.

"That's natural!"

Bai Hu nodded slightly and confirmed again.


Ye Xuan couldn't help but take a breath when he heard this, and an unknown thought immediately appeared in his mind.

"There really is one true world in this world, and Bai Hu said before that they are the creatures that are projected from the true body in the one true world, so they can experience the destruction of the Kingdom of God again and again and survive... "

"In other words, even if there is a unique true world in this world, it is still a world that has a unique true world. What kind of world is it? The only true world that can actually be suppressed..."

"The eighth-level creation god is impossible. If any one of the five great nations achieves the only true world, then the other creation gods will probably cease to exist..."

"So, that is to say, there really is a ninth-level creation god in this world!!!"

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan's eyes suddenly opened. If it was not an eighth-level creation god among the five major countries, that is to say, there was at least a ninth-level creation god in some corner of the universe.

As for the existence of the ninth-level Creation God, we still don’t know where he exists, why there are no rumors about him in this world, and what purpose he has.

"No, no, no, there is another possibility. The time and space I am in is not the only one, and this universe is not the only one. The eighth-level Creator God is indeed the number one in this universe, but there are other universes. There is a stronger existence in that universe!

Moreover, the cultivation system of that universe is not necessarily the system of the Creator God..."

"Of course, all this is just speculation. Who can say clearly what the facts are..."

Ye Xuan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the doubts in his heart not only did not get less and less, but became more and more as he figured it out, but this kind of doubt was different from the previous doubts.

As for why there are so many doubts, it is ultimately because his strength is too low and he cannot touch the real secrets of this world.

Bai Hu looked at Ye Xuan in front of him and his eyes changed several times in an instant. He didn't know what he was thinking of, but he didn't want to guess. Instead of working so hard, it would be better to go to sleep directly.

"If nothing happens to you, I will fall asleep again. If you have nothing to do, don't come here to see me. I will help you guard the Westernmost Land in this world, so don't worry too much. "

The white tiger holy beast yawned and said slowly.

During his extremely long life, no living being could defeat him. Only deep sleep could make him feel that time passed faster.

The holy beast White Tiger, the spirit of the four poles, is born to be the most powerful and immortal.

These characteristics make him the pinnacle of strength in this world. Even if other creatures want to do something to him, they will never be able to succeed.

Even if it succeeds, the white tiger will not die.

In addition, the holy beast of the white tiger is born to be extremely powerful and is responsible for killing. There are very few creatures that can defeat the holy beast of the white tiger.

Therefore, the White Tiger Holy Beast is invincible no matter which world it goes to. Since it is invincible, it will directly fall asleep.

"One more thing."

Ye Xuan looked at the white tiger holy beast in front of him expressionlessly and said slowly.

"What's the matter!"

"How can we make the prehistoric world the only true world?"

After Ye Xuan finished asking, he stared at the white tiger in front of him, for fear that the other party would avoid talking.

He knew in his heart that Bai Hu himself probably couldn't tell the answer to this question, but he still couldn't help but want to ask.

After all, this is the only real world, and the real opportunity to prove the only real world is here. If you don't ask, you will be at a huge disadvantage.

The White Tiger Holy Beast was stunned when he heard this, then smiled, slowly shook his head and said: "You think too highly of me, I am just a clone of my true body manifesting in the world, how could I know this, even if it is my true body? Now that I’m here, I’m afraid I can’t answer your question.”

Sure enough, even if the White Tiger Holy Beast has lived for countless divine kingdoms, he still doesn't know how to achieve the only true world.

These words suddenly shocked Ye Xuan's heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although the White Tiger Holy Beast didn't know how to achieve the only true world, this was something he had already expected, so he didn't feel frustrated after getting the answer. He just wanted to take a gamble.

But after hearing Bai Hu's words, he thought of something.

That is, since the true body in the only true world has manifested into the world, allowing his presence to exist in endless worlds, does this mean that the so-called divine card of the white tiger sacred beast is specially made for the creation god system? Something that comes out.

Do other universes have something similar to God Cards?

Even if this is not the case in other universes, why is it in the form of a god card that acts in this world? Each creation god has its own divine kingdom, and one divine kingdom is an endless world. time and space.

If it was really just for the purpose of manifesting the world, how could it be restricted by just one god card?

Just like the Emperor of Heaven in the prehistoric times, the emperor's figure reflected in the infinite time and space. In the entire Chaos Divine Kingdom, in the infinite parallel time and space and non-parallel time and space, the figures of the emperor are full of manifestations.

Even if there is no existence named Emperor Jun in some time and space, there is indeed the manifestation of Emperor Jun and the same avenue.

The White Tiger Holy Beast couldn't figure out why Ye Xuan suddenly had a smile on his face, but after seeing the other person finish asking, he lay on the ground again and began to fall into a deep sleep.

Since Ye Xuan said there is one more thing, there is only one thing. Regardless of whether Ye Xuan has any other things after that, it is all gone.

After Ye Xuan saw the appearance of the white tiger holy beast, and felt that the other party was indeed asleep, he was speechless, but he couldn't say much.

After all, the White Tiger Holy Beast does know a lot of things, even the Emperor Gouchen, who is also a divine card. What does this mean? It means that in the eyes of the White Tiger Holy Beast, Emperor Gouchen is someone who can be controlled at will. Ants.

As for how many incredible magical powers the White Tiger Holy Beast possesses, even Ye Xuan has no clue about this.

And after all, the White Tiger Holy Beast told him a lot of secrets, but it was not easy to break his face, not to mention that he would also need the White Tiger Holy Beast to tell him some things in the future.

After Ye Xuan glanced at the white tiger holy beast in front of him, he turned around and left.


After Ye Xuan left, a roar came from the depths of the West End.

After the white tiger holy beast heard this, he immediately woke up from his deep sleep, turned around and faced the direction where the roar came from, and looked up to the sky and roared: "Roar!!!"

The roar of the white tiger holy beast carried supreme power and roared towards that direction.


"court death!!!"

The white tiger holy beast's eyes were filled with anger, and he snorted coldly and stopped roaring.

Since you can't suppress the opponent just by roaring, then just use force to suppress them.


Ye Xuan took a breath when he saw this, and watched the white tiger holy beast deep in the West Pole slap a vicious beast in the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal realm to death. It was a direct slap to death, ending countless other beasts. The figure in time and space erases it from the origin of time and space.

From then on, there was no such ferocious beast in the wilderness.

"This tiger is actually so strong..."

Ye Xuan murmured to himself, feeling quite shocked when he saw that the ferocious beast he controlled was killed by the white tiger.

The white tiger sacred beast glanced up intentionally or unintentionally. This glance went straight to the sky, penetrating infinite time and space, as if it was looking at Ye Xuan.


Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan quickly moved his gaze elsewhere, not daring to look at the white tiger in his kingdom.

"Why does He have such eyes that reach into the depths of his soul?!"

Ye Xuan thought in confusion.

It is normal for Bai Hu to know that he created this ferocious beast. After all, a normal ferocious beast has already surrendered to Bai Hu, so how could he dare to compete with Bai Hu.

Not to mention directly provoking the white tiger crazily, and it is also a ferocious beast in the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal realm, which is even more impossible.

The cultivation of the ferocious beast is extremely slow, and it feeds on the evil energy of heaven and earth, so it is not easy to cultivate at all.

At least for now, no ferocious beast in the ancient world has been able to break through to the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal realm, except for the previous ferocious beast that was used to test the white tiger holy beast's combat power.

Therefore, it is normal for the White Tiger Holy Beast to be able to guess this.

With the wisdom of the White Tiger Holy Beast, it is easy to think of this, but Ye Xuan is not afraid of being known by the White Tiger Holy Beast. After all, even if he knows, it is understandable.

However, the White Tiger Holy Beast could actually see through infinite time and space at a glance, reaching directly into the depths of his soul, as if it could threaten him.

This is extremely unbelievable to Ye Xuan. After all, he possesses the total power of all living things in this world, and he controls three thousand origin avenues and infinite acquired avenues. However, even so, he is still defeated by the White Tiger Saint. The beast was shocked by that look.

This was something he had never done before, and something he had never imagined.

"This tiger is not easy to mess with. It's better not to mess with it in the future..."

Ye Xuan murmured to himself, making up his mind not to provoke the White Tiger Holy Beast again.

"But how did this guy do it so that I can't even master all of his magical powers..."

Ye Xuan frowned, thinking that the magical power that the White Tiger Holy Beast had just displayed could actually obliterate them all in infinite time and space, becoming Kunpeng's second...

That magical power was naturally mastered by Ye Xuan at the moment when the White Tiger Holy Beast was used. However, Ye Xuan did not think that this was a magical power that the White Tiger Holy Beast had just realized.

This must be a magical power that the White Tiger Holy Beast has long understood, but Ye Xuan cannot obtain it from the White Tiger Holy Beast at all. Of course, not all magical powers cannot be understood instantly.

It's just that there are a few magical powers that he has not understood, and the move that Bai Hu used just now was specifically used to declare his combat power.

Ye Xuan knew that no matter how clumsy the White Tiger Holy Beast was, it would not be able to beat him, and he could still easily suppress it. However, he knew that there were probably not many beings in the world who could match the White Tiger Holy Beast. Yes.

Except for the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Humanity, there is probably no one who can say that they can compete with the White Tiger Sacred Beast.

As for those Dao gods and demons, if they get their true bodies, it will naturally be another matter, but they are not the opponents of the white tiger holy beast yet.

And even Di Jun, Suirenshi, and Donghuang Taiyi may not be able to defeat the White Tiger Holy Beast. This all depends on how many powerful magical powers the White Tiger Holy Beast hides.

Mortal world, hell.

"Demon Ancestor, Demon Ancestor, give me stronger power!!!"

Lucifer was full of demonic energy and entered the realm of supreme Hunyuan. After he reached the realm of supreme Hunyuan, he knew in his heart how to go to the demon world.

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