"If you believe in me like this, you will obtain the supreme magic way."

In the dark, after Luohou felt Lucifer's request in the endless demonic realm, he immediately showed his body and sent a divine thought to Lucifer who was kneeling devoutly in front of him.

A black demonic energy crossed the sky, and then infinite demonic thoughts appeared. The rhyme of the great way of the devil appeared, and the devil dyed the blue sky. The already dim hell was even darker, and no light could be seen.

After seeing Luohou's figure appear, Lucifer knelt on the ground as if he had seen a real god, and began to kneel down to Luohou.

"My ancestor!!!"

"Get up."

Luohou looked at the extremely pious figure in front of him with admiration in his eyes and said with a smile.

He had a long layout in the prehistoric world, and finally met such a pious disciple for the first time.

However, he, who has always been cautious, naturally knows that no matter how pious the other party is, it is possible that he is pretending, so he will still be vigilant and leave a back-up plan, which he has prepared since he converted the other party to the Demon Sect.

"Thank you, my ancestor!!!"

Lucifer stood up with a pious face, but he still bowed and waited.

"No need to do this, since you have already entered the realm of Hunyuan, you should be a high-level demon sect, so you don't need to pay such respects." Luohou smiled and said slowly. Although he was very satisfied with Lucifer's piety, he would not enjoy this kind of false ceremony of kneeling.

In his opinion, although these kneelings are the worship of one creature from the heart to another, there are actually many creatures who have no such concept and do not feel shame, so he does not believe in such things from the heart.

Even in the heaven, there are those who enter the realm of Hunyuan and do not kneel to the Emperor of Heaven, let alone him, a demon ancestor.

Of course, you don't have to kneel down in normal circumstances. If you really want to suppress someone, you have to kneel down and admit defeat.

"Thank you, my ancestor. I understand..."

Lucifer bowed again devoutly, then raised his head and looked at Luohou in front of him.

Suddenly, his eyes shrank and his pupils dilated. He actually saw the true God in Luohou. The way he pursued seemed to be reflected in Luohou.

For a moment, Lucifer's mind was shocked, making him a little dazed.

Seeing this, Luohou nodded with satisfaction, looked at Luohou in front of him and pointed out, and a sense of the devil's way was transmitted into Lucifer's mind.

"This is the sense of the devil's way that I have been feeling for many years. I pass it on to you today. I hope your cultivation can be further improved." Luohou said with a smile.

"Thank you for the gift from my ancestors!!!"

Lucifer bowed his head and saluted, his heart full of gratitude. It seemed that there was something more in his soul. He felt as if he had touched some rare treasure with just a little understanding, which made him curious and eager.

He knew that this was the true solution to the magic way, the understanding given to him by the Demon Ancestor Luohou, the purpose of which was to make his cultivation more profound, that is, to be able to better help the Demon Ancestor in the future.

Lucifer didn't think anything of this. After all, the other party couldn't help you for no reason. The other party could help you and want to use you because you were valuable, just like him to the Demon Ancestor Luohou.

Luohou nodded with satisfaction, and then warned again: "Although you have become a demon now, you must not provoke Jehovah. There is something strange about that kid, and he is very unusual. Except for the perfect human race, no creature in the mortal world can be his opponent, even you who have become a god now..."

"As for the demon realm, don't come in for the time being. Stay in the mortal world and develop your power. I will find you when I need you."

After saying that, regardless of Lucifer's shock, his figure flashed and disappeared, and the demonic energy in the sky also disappeared with the disappearance of the demon ancestor Luohou.

"Jehovah, are you so powerful..."

Lucifer looked up at the sky, clenched his hands tightly, and his eyes were no longer full of piety for Luohou, but the same desire to liberate the mortal world.

Since he rebelled against Jehovah, he came to this hell to do only three things: fairness! Fairness! Or damn fairness!

As for his so-called piety towards Luohou, it was just a gesture he made to get what he wanted.

And now, he got what he wanted.

How could a young man like him who had ideals have so-called faith in a demon ancestor?

If he really had faith, he would not have doubted Jehovah at the beginning, and there would be no betrayal later.

In the center of heaven and earth, near the Kunlun Mountains, the Ancestral Witch Hall, the twelve ancestral witches and the Queen of the Earth gathered together.

"Little sister, did your master say when the Father God would be revived?" Di Jiang frowned, looked at Hou Tu in front of him, and said slowly.

He had never thought about when the Father God would be revived, until he saw that the God of Light and the God of Reincarnation had both revived, he began to desire the Father God to be revived.

As the Great Dao Gods and Demons born in the chaos, why were the God of Reincarnation and the God of Light revived, but his Father God has not yet revived.

Especially after the Father God was resurrected under Ye Xuan's call last time, although they did not see it with their own eyes, they all knew about it. They all regretted not being able to see the Father God.

As for the previous Pangu obsession, it had automatically dissipated not long after Pangu revived. The reason was that Pangu had no expectations for this prehistoric world, because he saw it himself.

Just that one glance, he saw all the past events, the future after endless years, and even all kinds of possible futures in countless time and space in all aspects.

After seeing these, Pangu no longer had any expectations for this world. He knew that he would be resurrected sooner or later, and then he would see the prehistoric world again.

And now, just one glance is enough.

"I don't know, the teacher said that he didn't know when the Father God would be resurrected. He said that the resurrection of the Great Dao Gods and Demons depends on whether there will be corresponding existences in the prehistoric world to affect the development of the origin of the Great Dao. The more the Great Dao vibrates, the farther you go, and the faster the corresponding Great Dao Gods and Demons will be resurrected." Hou Tu shook her head and said slowly.

Regarding Pangu's revival, no one can tell exactly when he will revive.

"If so, the Father God controls the three thousand great ways. Is he the last one to revive among the great way gods and demons!?"

Zhu Rong frowned and said what he thought.

"Yes, if this is the case, then the Father God is probably the last one to revive..."

Even Gong Gong, who always liked to argue with Zhu Rong, couldn't help but nod and agreed with Zhu Rong's statement.

"Yes, what should we do? If other gods and demons want to destroy the prehistoric world..."

Qiang Liang said with some concern.

"Don't be afraid! With us and the witch clan, even if the Father God has not yet revived, we will definitely be able to defend the prehistoric world! Don't let those great way gods and demons destroy it!!!"

Di Jiang's eyes flashed with strong confidence, which made everyone believe it.

It was true that Emperor Jiang had never let them down. Apart from other things, Emperor Jiang had never led the Wu Clan wrongly. As for the combat power, with such a strong combat power, the Wu Clan was able to cope with the invasion of all gods and demons.

What's more, the innate saints were originally incompatible with those great gods and demons. If those people wanted to destroy the prehistoric world, it was not only the Wu Clan that stopped them, but also the human race and the demon race, which would definitely send troops to protect the prehistoric world.

As for the dragon clan, they didn't know, and they were not sure whether they would appear.

The dragon clan was different from the other three clans. The three clans clearly knew that they would protect the prehistoric world. After all, apart from other things, their fruit positions also prompted them to protect the prehistoric world, while the dragon clan had no fruit position, but only relied on the luck of occupying the four seas of the prehistoric world.

Of course, the probability of sending troops was still greater. After all, if the prehistoric world was gone, they would not even have the luck of the four seas.

"Not necessarily!!! Father God is the existence that controls the three thousand great ways. It is possible that each of the three thousand great ways can awaken Father God after it grows!!!"

Just when a group of ancestor witches thought that Pangu might be the last great way god and demon to revive, Hou Tu did not think so.

She instead thought that Pangu might be the one who revived the fastest among the great way gods and demons. After all, Pangu was the god and demon who possessed the three thousand great ways among the three thousand gods and demons. To be precise, He was not the god and demon among the three thousand gods and demons, but another special existence.


When Hou Tu said this, many ancestor witches felt that it was quite correct, as if it was the truth.

But for a while, the ancestor witches did not know whether it was accurate, but they all chose this point.

"If what my little sister said, now the reincarnation gods and demons and the light gods and demons have revived, doesn't it mean that Father God is likely to be able to revive soon?"

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the many ancestor witches with joy and said happily.

While many ancestor witches were discussing

"Witch tribe, very good."

Suddenly, a heavy and warm voice resounded throughout the Pangu Temple.

Instantly, when this voice sounded, many witch ancestors were all stunned and stood there in a daze.

Although they had never heard this voice before, when this voice sounded, they all knew the source of this voice without exception.

"Witch tribe has never been just my bloodline descendants. Do whatever you want to do. With me in the prehistoric world, there will be no trouble."

"Father God!!!"

When Pangu's voice appeared again, Dijiang and others all cried with joy and shouted wildly.

Instantly, the voices of the thirteen witch ancestors resounded throughout the Pangu Temple at the same time.

Fortunately, Pangu Temple has its own prohibition that prohibits everything, so that their voices cannot be transmitted to the prehistoric world, otherwise, I am afraid that all the creatures in the Kunlun Mountains will be scared and unable to sleep.

"It's the voice of Father God!!! Father God is guiding us forward!!!"

"Father God!! Why don't you come out to see your children!!! The witch clan is now very powerful and developing very well!!!"

"Yes, Father God, why don't you come out!!!"

The witch ancestors shouted madly and walked around in Pangu Hall frantically, trying to find Pangu's figure.

"Father God, are you awake?"

Among all the witch ancestors, only Hou Tu had clear eyes and spoke calmly.

Although her heart was also surging, she was still able to restrain herself from getting crazy excited.

"Yes, I just woke up, and the development of the prehistoric world is even more powerful than I thought, and the many futures I saw are beyond imagination."

Pangu's voice sounded again. His revival was not as grand as the reincarnation gods and demons and the gods and demons of light, but so calm. Although calm, he also announced his revival to the witch ancestors.

"May I ask the father god, why don't you come out to see us? Is it because of what we did that the father god is not happy?" Di Jiang frowned and asked bravely.

He felt uneasy that Pangu had revived but did not come out to see them. If he and others had not done something wrong, why didn't Pangu come to see him and others?

"I still have many things I don't understand. After I think it through, I will return to the prehistoric world. You can do whatever you want. As for the prehistoric world, nothing will happen. Even if all three thousand gods and demons revive, I will kill them all by myself!"

Pangu's voice was full of domineering, and the voice spread throughout the Pangu Palace, making many ancestor witches dare not have the slightest disobedience to his words.

At this time, he was in the chaos, with endless time and space under his feet. The long rivers of time and space gathered together like a Zhoutian chessboard.

Every horizontal line, every vertical line, and every small dot on the chessboard is a space or even infinite time and space.

This is a strange world, different from the prehistoric world, but it belongs to the world of chaos, a world similar to the prehistoric world.

This world is the world of Hunyuan, hidden in the chaos, and can only be entered by reaching the realm of Hunyuan.

This world is a world that was re-evolved after Pangu was born with his own Dao fruit. To enter this world, one must be a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who possesses a complete Hunyuan Dao fruit.

Even if a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who possesses the supreme Hunyuan Dao fruit enters, it is difficult to break the barrier of this world.

This is Pangu's meditation world, empty, nothing, just a model of a world, unlike the prehistoric world with all its internal organs.

When Pangu finished speaking, his voice disappeared in the Pangu Palace.

"Father God is gone..."

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