"Why is Father God so anxious to leave..."

Xuan Ming said with some resentment.

If Pangu never recovered, then forget it. But when Pangu recovered, he saw many beings, but he did not see the twelve ancestral witches.

It doesn't matter if we don't see the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Even if we are pressed for time and don't have time to see them, we can still get over it.

But now, they have all recovered, but they haven't come out to see them yet.

"Xuan Ming!"

Di Jiang frowned and scolded, and then warned again: "It is a good thing that Father God is resurrected. As the descendants of Father God, we should bring glory to Father God. How can we have any resentment against Father God?! If there is no Father God, where will he come from? Where did our witch clan come from, so many living beings in the wild?"

"What's more, Father God has already said that His old man still has something to do. As the descendants of Father God, we are already very guilty for not being able to help. How can you have any resentment against Father God?"

Di Jiang looked at Xuan Ming in front of him and felt very angry. It would have been fine if someone else had said these words, but now it was Xuan Ming who said these words, one of the twelve ancestral witches.

The creatures of the Wu Clan do not allow anyone to be disrespectful to Pangu in the slightest. Believing in Pangu is like believing in a god.

Even their current cultivation has reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. From a realm perspective, they are in the same realm as Pangu, but in fact they still have infinite respect for Pangu.

The foundation of the Witch Clan is one thing, that is, they have infinite worship for Pangu. Even if their cultivation levels are the same, they will still pay high respect to Pangu.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake at the moment..."

A flash of panic flashed in Xuan Ming's eyes, and he quickly lowered his head and apologized.

She didn't know why she said such words, but after she said it, she felt a burst of regret in her heart, but she couldn't control it at all.

"I don't want to hear anyone disrespecting God Father from any of my brothers and sisters in the future. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Di Jiang glanced at the other ancestral witches with a stern look and said coldly.

"Brother, don't worry. How dare we disrespect Father God? Sister Xuan Ming must have just gotten carried away by accident."

Hou Tu looked at Di Jiang in front of him and said quickly.

The other ancestral witches also began to reassure one after another.

In fact, they wouldn't move anything without Di Jiang opening his mouth.

It has been some time since Pangu recovered, but compared to their long years, it is nothing.

After he recovered, he did not recall his Pangu Ax, nor did he rush to the wilderness. He just quietly recovered in the avenue.

After reviving, his cultivation realm spanned the infinite road in one step, directly reaching the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Although it was only the initial stage of cultivation, with Pangu's talent, this period of time allowed him to directly reach the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Afterwards, it was natural to pick up the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, which spanned all the time and space in the world and lasted for endless eras.

As low as a leaf, a flower, a hair, a speck of dust, as high as infinite time and space, and the heavens of endless eras, everything is manifested in this Fang Dao Fruit.

Pangu saw the evolution of the Great Dao, the interpretation of the prehistoric times, and the scenes. Then, he opened up the realm of Hunyuan in the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

In the end, the reality was blurred and condensed into chaos. Although it was only a small amount, it was actually a realm of Hunyuan that was so huge that it could rival the prehistoric world.

After achieving this, Pangu's cultivation realm naturally reached the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and also allowed Ye Xuan's cultivation realm to break through to this realm.

In this world, there is a spiritual energy comparable to the prehistoric world, and the most direct Hunyuan Avenue shines on the sky.

In this world, there are no living beings, not even the sun, moon and stars. There is only a piece of Hunyuan spiritual energy, and the avenues are full of avenues that can compete for the supreme Hunyuan realm.

"How strong are you!!!"

Even though Pangu was so powerful, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked and a hint of fear in his heart at this time.

Because he has seen that wisp of white clothes, seen Ye Xuan's power, witnessed Ye Xuan's great power, infinite power is added to it, and it is reflected in the era of the heavens. As long as he wants to see it, he can see it. .

That scene was so shocking.

Even someone as strong as Pangu was quite shocked by this.

Ye Xuan, who was above the heavens, couldn't help but feel quite satisfied when he saw Pangu below.

As expected of Pangu, he was different from ordinary beings, able to break mirrors one after another in a short period of time, and directly cultivate from the early stage of cultivation to the later stage of cultivation.

It can be said that after the resurgence of Pangu, he became a nearly invincible existence. Except for Ye Xuan, there was no existence in the ancient world that could compare with Pangu.

"The cause of all heavens, the fruit of all worlds, the son of fate, the bearer, the destinyr, is the beginning and end of all."

Ye Xuan closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

Pangu Hall.

"Fa Tian!!! Complete the mission we should complete!!!"

Di Jiang's eyes were full of calmness, but what he said shocked many of the ancestral wizards present.

"Brother? Never say this lightly!!!"

Zhu Jiuyin looked at Di Jiang in front of him in disbelief. He was horrified in his heart and stared at the eldest brother in front of him with dumbfounded eyes.

He didn't know why his eldest brother, who had always been so wise, now actually said these words of Fa Tian.

If the Witch Clan wants to attack the sky, first of all, it cannot stand upright in terms of justice. Secondly, the Witch Clan may not be stronger than the Demon Clan. If a war really breaks out, even if the underworld intervenes, I don’t know if it will be possible. Beaten.

What's more, if you live a harmonious life, why do you have to fight for life and death?

To put it in one sentence, now that the brothers have grown up, if they are allowed to work hard, it will be a bit unrealistic, or some people do not know how people's minds will change.

When they were poor, no one took them seriously, let alone blaming the sky and the earth. Anyone who dared to hinder their progress would naturally work their way up.

But now that they are getting richer, they are tolerant towards other races, and they don’t pay much attention to territory. As long as they have a good relationship, it is common to give them some territory.

It's like the Wu Clan directly allocated a gathering place to the Human Race. Otherwise, where would the Human Race's huge Southern Wilderness come from?

"Brother, what do you mean?"

Qiang Liang frowned when he heard this, and he was extremely horrified and asked quickly.

"Don't worry, you guys. Although the demon clan is powerful, our witch clan may not be able to fight with them!"

Di Jiang's expression softened, and he looked at the many brothers who were opposed in front of him. He softened for a moment, and then said again: "Do you still remember what Father God said just now?"

"Of course I remember it. How dare we forget what Father God said, but what does this have to do with attacking Heaven?!" Zhu Jiuyin frowned, nodded, and asked in a deep voice.

He still couldn't figure out why Di Jiang had this idea in his mind.

"That's good!" Di Jiang nodded first, then looked at the many brothers and sisters who were confused, a smile appeared on his face, and he laughed loudly and said: "Father God said that he will protect the ancient world. , nothing will happen, let us pursue what we want to do.”

"Now, let me ask you, is there anything you want to do?!"

Everyone's hearts shook when they heard this, and then they all looked at Di Jiang in front of them in disbelief.

For a time, Pangu Hall fell into silence.

On the other hand, Hou Tu's beautiful eyes showed a strange emotion. He looked at his eldest brother Zuwu Emperor Jiang in front of him and slowly asked: "What the eldest brother means is that the eldest brother has always wanted to beat up the heaven. When he becomes the emperor of heaven, position?"


There were extremely complicated emotions in Zhu Jiuyin's eyes, and he didn't know what to say.

"Okay! Since the Demon Clan can be the Emperor of Heaven, why can't the Witch Clan be the Emperor? If the Emperor Jun can sit, naturally my eldest brother can also sit!" Zhu Rong's already blushing face turned even redder after hearing this. It was obvious that he was Thinking of the majesty shown by his eldest brother Di Jiang after he became the Emperor of Heaven.


Zhu Jiuyin on the side took a deep breath when he heard this. Good guy, after Zhu Rong said this, Di Jun is most likely to have a sense. No matter what happens, it will not be easy to deal with the monster clan. relation.

If the Emperor of Heaven asks about it then, what will they say? Are you saying that you and others really intend to compete for the position of Emperor of Heaven...

And can Zhu Rong have a gatekeeper in his mouth? He actually called Emperor Jun by his name. Even if everything is blocked in Pangu Palace, it may not be able to block Emperor Jun's perception.

After all, none of them had ever fought with Di Jun, so naturally they didn't know how powerful Di Jun was now.

If Di Jun's strength far exceeds their imagination, how will they deal with it then...

"Yes, no!"

Di Jiang looked at the extremely excited brothers in front of him, took a chance, and then slowly said: "I am not seeking the position of Emperor of Heaven, I just see that the two Lich clans are old enemies, but now that things have happened There was no real decent war, which delayed the development of the prehistoric era.

Haven't you discovered that after each calamity passes, the strength of the prehistoric world will double? But now, the strength of living beings in the ancient times has been progressing slowly, and a truly higher realm has never appeared.

After the Long Han Tribulation in the past, the upper limit of the realm of cultivation in the prehistoric world was broken, and it was possible to reach the supreme Hunyuan. However, after so many years, it has never been able to truly advance to a higher realm.

Even our cultivation has slowed down, and we have been surpassed by countless juniors. "

Di Jiang said a lot in one breath, and finally laughed and said: "The most important thing is, don't you want to beat Di Jun and Tai Yi away with your own hands!!!"

For so many years, the demon clan has been suppressing the witch clan. They, the ancestral witches, cannot defeat the demon clan at all.

Taiyi, in particular, was simply their nightmare, relying on the power of the innate treasure Chaos Bell to suppress them and beat them wildly.

If you can suppress Taiyi and give him a violent beating, it seems... it seems... it would also be a very satisfying thing...


Zhu Rong roared angrily. If this place hadn't been the Pangu Palace, he would have already taken action and headed straight for the Heavenly Palace.

"Can you beat him?" Gonggong on the side rolled his eyes at Zhu Rong and said slowly.

For a moment, the atmosphere became cold again.

Yes, can they beat it?

The answer is, no way.

"So what if we can't win? If we can't win, that's what we are in now. If we win, it will be a great feeling, and the throne of the Emperor of Heaven will belong to the Witch Clan!!!"

When Zhu Rong heard this, he rolled his eyes and then retorted.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter even if he and others lose the battle. They can't die anyway, because they have proved the Supreme Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. It's all his presence.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to kill him.

"Yes, what Zhu Rong means is what I mean. We can form a great shaman from the Hunyuan realm to go to heaven with us. The purpose is also very simple. To invite all the monks from the Hunyuan realm in heaven to go to the chaos. A showdown between male and female, the winner will be the emperor and the loser will be the emperor."

A smile appeared on Di Jiang's face, he glanced at the many ancestral witches and said slowly.

"But what if the demon clan doesn't cooperate?" Gonggong asked with a frown.

He always felt that the people from the Monster Clan were not fools and would cooperate with them for no reason.

"No, they will cooperate. This is not just a game, this is a real war, a war that belongs to our Hunyuan Realm. This time, many people will die, and even us are not impossible to die. , but don’t be afraid, because we will be back in the near future.”

Di Jiang's eyes showed strong self-confidence. He never thought that he would lose. He believed extremely in the fighting power of the Wu Clan.

What's more, as he said, even if they lose, they will just fall, and their own immortality in infinite time and space will not take long to revive again.

After Di Jiang finished speaking, all the ancestral witches fell into silence again. Only Zhu Rong, who had always been bellicose, had his eyes wide open, obviously agreeing with Di Jiang's words.

After a long time, Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help but asked in a deep voice:

"So, is it worth it?"

"It's worth it! We're gambling on the future with our lives, not to mention it's still unclear who will win!"

A smile appeared on Di Jiang's face, and he looked at the many brothers and sisters and said.

"If that's the case, then I agree."

Zhu Jiuyin nodded, closed his eyes and pondered for a long time before giving the answer.

"I also agree. We take it as our duty to protect the ancient world and work conscientiously. However, now that the ancient world is stuck in a bottleneck, we have never heard of anyone breaking through to a higher realm. Are there other realms above Hunyuan? If so, what is the situation? What will it be.

And after this calamity has passed, you will be able to know the answer to everything. "

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