Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 364: This battle will last for ten thousand years

Hou Tu looked at the many brothers and sisters in front of him and said slowly.

This calamity is the calamity measured by the Lich. As they reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they have already understood this matter. However, the two clans have been deliberately delaying it and have been holding back, so they have never done it. What a war.

Both Heavenly Court and the Wu Clan have been restraining the occurrence of this war before. Now, under Pangu's instructions, the Witch Clan has become somewhat willing to fight with Heavenly Court.

"Since you all agree, let's fight!"

The other ancestral witches also expressed their opinions.

For this battle, many ancestral witches have actually longed for it, but due to various reasons, they have been unable to actually start the battle.

But now, the opportunity has come.


When the Wu Clan decided to conquer the Heavenly Court, the heavenly secret appeared, and for a moment, a bloody atmosphere swept through the Heavenly Court.

"Witch clan, how brave!"

Di Jun looked at the place where the Wu Clan was, with a trace of shock, anger and appreciation flashing in his eyes. He appreciated the other party's courage to challenge them, but he also felt annoyed by the other party's behavior.

The Hunyuan is one, and everything is according to the heart. As long as there are living beings who think of themselves, they will feel it.

Even though Pangu Palace isolated everything, it was still difficult to stop Emperor Jun from sensing the discussion of the Wu clan about him.

What's more, the Wu Clan didn't cover it up at all, which caused the secret to manifest, and eventually turned into murderous aura and soared into the sky, and everywhere in the nine heavens was covered with a bloody aura.

The auspicious aura in the sky in the past disappeared, leaving only a bloody aura.

"Your Majesty, if the war breaks out, everything in the wilderness will become what it was in the past, and today's prosperity will no longer exist. When the time comes, all life will be devastated and the wilderness will be devastated. There will probably be endless karma and retribution gathered in the sky above the heavens. Although it is against us, There is no such thing, but there are many people in Heaven who have not become Hunyuan, and they may not be able to enter Hunyuan."

After Bai Ze saw the murderous intent in the sky, he quickly asked to see Di Jun, bowed down and expressed his thoughts.

"This battle is not what I want, it is a witch."

Di Jun shook his head slightly and said slowly.

Indeed, as he said, he had no reason or intention to start a war. For him, there would be no benefit in defeating the Witch Clan, but the disadvantages of defeat could be imagined.

Although he was confident that Heavenly Court would never be defeated, he did not want to do such a thankless task.

For him, there is no advantage in winning, but there are endless disadvantages in losing.

Therefore, he has no reason to start a war. Even if it may promote the progress of the prehistoric world, it is not a bad thing to take it slow.

Besides, there is no guarantee that a new realm will appear after the Lich battle.

But now, no one in the prehistoric era has reached the late cultivation realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, so how can we talk about whether a new realm can be opened.

Even if it is open, who can go up?

The answer is, no one.

At least in the current prehistoric period, no one in Di Jun's heart can achieve this point.

"Your Majesty, can you go and talk to those ancestral witches to see what they want?" Bai Ze frowned. He always felt that although the people of the witch clan were a little stupid, they were not that stupid. This state.

Don't do something like this that obviously does more harm than good to Honghuang, and it also obviously does more harm than good to the Wu clan.

If there really is a decisive battle between the lich and the lich, then all living beings will be devastated and the karma of the killing will appear. Even if the witch clan wins, they will not be able to get what they want.

"No need, don't you know the character of those ancestral witches? Nothing can stop what happens after they decide." Di Jun shook his head slightly and said slowly, then sighed and said: "Perhaps everything is destined. , But this is also a great thing, at least this time, nothing happened to my ten children. "

He thought about the things stipulated by the law of heaven, and the decisive battle between the lich and the lich, which caused Buzhou Mountain to collapse and the sky pillar to tilt. In the end, the sky was broken, and the water of the Milky Way poured down. He did not know how many murders were caused. .

But now, at least nothing has happened in heaven, and at least nothing has happened to his ten children.

At this moment, a divine thought came out.

"Wudi Jiang, the ancestor of the Wu clan, comes to pay a visit to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven!!!"

A bold voice appeared in the Lingxiao Palace and resounded throughout the sky.


Di Jiang's eyes lit up, and his whole body suddenly became energetic. He looked out of the hall intently.

As his voice appeared, a huge figure passed through the thirty-sixth heaven and reached the Lingxiao Palace.

"Di Jiang of the Wu Clan, on behalf of the Wu Clan, hereby comes here to issue a declaration of war. I also ask His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven to accept this declaration of war and fight against the Wu Clan!"

After Di Jiang saw Di Jun, he did not salute as usual. Instead, a letter of challenge appeared in his hand, and he held Di Jun in both hands and handed it to him in the air.

When Di Jun saw this situation, he was a little curious, but after seeing the content of the war letter, he instantly understood what the Wu clan meant this time. It turned out to be this.

"This is a battle, ten thousand years later, in the midst of chaos, we will fight to the death."

Di Jun waved his hand to accept the letter of challenge, looked at Di Jiang in front of him with a heavy expression, and said in a deep voice.

After seeing Di Jun receive the letter of challenge and agree to the war, Di Jiang immediately replied: "Since the letter of challenge has been accepted, Di Jiang bids farewell!"

After saying that, Di Jiang disappeared, went down from the Heavenly Palace, and headed towards Pangu Palace.

"Your Majesty! So this is what the Wu Clan thinks! I wonder why the Wu Clan would behave like this, but they are not stupid."

Bai Ze smiled, looking at Di Jun with joy in his heart.

I originally thought that the Wu Clan was stupid for suddenly doing this, but now it seems that they are not. At least they are smart and have considered the consequences of a full-scale war.

"The Wu Clan is not stupid, they just want to fight with us. If that's the case, what's wrong with satisfying them? What's more, this is the best solution."

Di Jun also smiled, and he was obviously very appreciative of the Wu Clan's decision.

If a full-scale war breaks out, those beings who are not in the Hunyuan realm will not only have no effect on the outcome of the war, but will also cause the consequences of the destruction of all living beings, and will make the karma of the two tribes of witches and liches extremely deep.

Although these karmas have no effect on those beings who have reached the Hunyuan realm, the problem is that the two tribes of witches and liches have countless living beings who have not reached the Hunyuan realm. And if the karma reaches a certain level, those karmas will cause those living beings who have not reached the Hunyuan realm to never reach the Hunyuan realm.

"The Heavenly Court has been peaceful for too long. This battle can be regarded as a time for everyone to stretch their muscles again..."

"In the ten thousand years, I look forward to your strength. Don't let this battle become anticlimactic..."

Di Jun muttered to himself. As the Emperor of Heaven, he didn't want to see the arrival of war, because that would only destroy the existing perfect system and make the peaceful and tranquil prehistoric world chaotic, just like the ancient prehistoric world before.

As Emperor Jun, he was eager for this battle. Just as he thought, too many people in the Primordial Realm of Heaven had not experienced war for a long time, and they might have forgotten how to fight.

And this battle, just treat it as a training, anyway, they will return sooner or later after falling.

"The witch and lich calamity was finally caused by Pangu's revival..."

Ye Xuan was silent, and he was quite amused and helpless in his heart. He didn't know how to say it, and his mood was inevitably complicated.

Originally, he didn't expect that there would be a witch and lich decisive battle, but he didn't expect that there would be a witch and lich decisive battle now.

Although this decisive battle was destined not to be so tragic, it was inevitable that it would affect the high-end combat power of the prehistoric world.

Fortunately, these combat powers only disappeared temporarily, and they would not return, and even if they disappeared temporarily now, it would not affect his combat power much.

After all, he has already controlled the three thousand avenues, and the combat power brought by these three thousand avenues alone is enough to make him invincible among the same level.

It is already a very rare thing to obtain one of the three thousand great ways, let alone to obtain all three thousand great ways.

In the netherworld.

“What are those little bastards of the Wu clan discussing? Why do they keep mentioning my real name!!!”

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation opened his eyes in the Six Paths of Reincarnation and woke up from his deep sleep.

He woke up from his deep sleep when he sensed that the ancestors of the Wu clan mentioned him repeatedly.

Then, a picture appeared in the Six Paths of Reincarnation in front of him, but the picture seemed to be cut off by something and disappeared, and no trace of it could be seen anymore.

“How could this be?!”

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation frowned and looked at the picture, his thoughts were extremely complicated.

"Although Pangu Palace can isolate perception, how can my means be compared with Pangu after his fall! I was able to sense the scenes inside before, but why can't I sense it now!!!"

Suddenly, the heart of the God of Reincarnation jumped violently, and his eyes widened suddenly, thinking of a possible thing.

"Could it be that Pangu has revived!!!"

As soon as he thought of this possibility, the God of Reincarnation shook his head and drove this idea out of his mind.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, it must not be that he has revived..."

"If he has revived, there is no reason why I can't feel his breath..."

"But if he hasn't revived, then what is this for..."

"No! He must have revived!!!"

The eyes of the God of Reincarnation became more and more determined, and then he turned and disappeared from the six reincarnations.

In the sky above the prehistoric world.

"I must witness it with my own eyes!!!"

The figure of the god and devil of reincarnation is madly fleeing from the prehistoric world. He wants to go to the chaos. He wants to go to another chaotic world outside the chaos. In that chaotic world are the figures of the gods and devils of the great way.

He wants to go there to see if Pangu's figure is solid and whether he has really awakened.


Chaotic world.

"Where are you, Pangu!!!"

The god and devil of reincarnation roared wildly in the chaotic world. Although he could not find Pangu's shadow, he had already felt Pangu's breath here.

Pangu really revived!

If not, the ban of Pangu Temple that isolated everything would not become so powerful, nor would he be unable to spy on what the ancestor witches in Pangu Temple were talking about.

"I must find you!!!"

The aura of the God and Demon of Reincarnation was radiating, and the infinite true meaning of reincarnation burst out from his body, frantically exploring the chaotic world where time and space did not exist.

In the dark, the gods and demons of the Great Dao had some inductions with each other, and he frantically searched for Pangu's existence in the chaos.

"Not here..."

"Not here either..."

"Primordial world, Pangu!!!"

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the God and Demon of Reincarnation. He could not detect the existence of Pangu in the chaos, but he clearly did not sense any figure of Pangu in the Primordial World.

If he sensed it, he would not be able to go here.

"Could it be that his cultivation has already reached a higher realm..."

A trace of shock flashed in the eyes of the God and Demon of Reincarnation. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. After all, in the chaos, Pangu's combat power was already the best in the entire chaos.

Now, if Pangu revived, it would be possible to quickly reach a higher realm.

After all, Pangu's combat power was like a nightmare, surrounding the hearts of the God and Demon of Reincarnation.

"Pangu has revived, I'm afraid the Destroyer God and Demon will never be able to destroy the prehistoric world..."

The Reincarnation God and Demon couldn't help but feel a little sad for the Destroyer God and Demon who had not yet revived, but then he thought that there were infinite worlds outside the prehistoric world. Even if he couldn't destroy the prehistoric world, he could still destroy other worlds, and he could still enhance the strength of the Destroyer God and Demon.

Thinking of this, the Reincarnation God and Demon went to the prehistoric world again.


The ten thousand years were just a blink of an eye, and the two tribes of witches and liches had already prepared for war.

The prehistoric world was in chaos.

Emperor Jun and Taiyi sat on the Great Sun Emperor's chariot together, and neither Xihe nor Madam Yuanmu appeared in this battle.

In the entire heaven, except for these two goddesses, even the remaining ten golden crows also participated in the battle, and the ten moons also participated in this battle.

From the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of the East, the ten princes, to the four demon kings, the ten demon commanders, the thirty-five heavenly emperors, and all the gods in the sky, all participated in this battle, even the Star Ancestor participated in this battle.

In addition to the twelve ancestor witches, various great witches, as well as the Emperor of the Underworld, Tu Bo, the Emperor of Fengdu, the Five Ghost Emperors, and the Ten Kings of Hell all came to this chaos. All those above the Hunyuan level did not participate in this battle.

In this battle, it can be said that both sides showed their strengths. As long as they have reached the Hunyuan level, they all participated in this battle.

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