Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 365: Lich and Wizard Showdown! (I)

In addition to the existences participating in the war on both sides, whether they are humans, dragons, or those outside the casual cultivator forces, they have also entered the chaos one after another, watching this from a distance.

Although they can use their magical powers to manifest themselves and don't have to face it personally, if they don't witness such a major event with their own eyes, they always feel that something is missing.

During the great catastrophes in the ancient world, although many of the innate saints did not participate in them, there were also many beings who used their spiritual thoughts to spy on what was happening.

The reason why I didn't use my body to enter was because I was afraid that it would affect myself.

However, this time, these beings have reached the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, so they are not afraid of anything, even if it is affected, they will not fall.

But for the two Lich clans, it is not a good thing.

After all, there are many monks of the same realm watching them fight from a distance. If they fight to the point of losing both sides, these people will swarm up and kill them all. Although they can still be resurrected, by then the world will be long gone. They no longer have the final say. Even if they are resurrected by then, they don't know how much they will lose.

Therefore, most of the creatures of the Lich and Lich clans are somewhat unhappy.

However, for the top leaders of the two Lich clans, there is not much to say. After all, they are extremely relieved about the human race. Even if the dragon clan has any intention, the human race will probably stop it, because the human race can become the force it is today. Being nearly the strongest existence is indispensable without the support of the two Lich clans.

Especially the Heavenly Court, which has the utmost trust in the human race. The Suiren clan personally promised Emperor Jun that as long as the Heavenly Emperor is the Emperor Jun, they will not rebel. As long as Nuwa is in the Heavenly Court, they will not rebel.

The promise in this sentence was too much. Di Jun did not believe that he and Nuwa would fall in this battle.

As for whether the human race would watch them fall, watch the dragon clan occupy the heaven, and then the human race conquer the sky again, Di Jun also felt that whether the Suiren clan would sit back and watch this scene happen or whether the dragon clan would be bold enough to occupy it. Both of these things are impossible to happen in heaven.

Because the foundation of the Dragon Clan is not to fight for supremacy in the wilderness and not to occupy the heaven.

If the Dragon Clan dares to set foot in the wilderness and compete for hegemony in the heavens, it will undoubtedly end in self-destruction, especially since the Dragon Clan is not the most powerful existence at all.

Putting aside the two Lich clans, the Human race is undoubtedly the strongest.

"The decisive battle between the lich and the lich is about to begin."

Ye Xuan looked at the two Lich clans below. Their figures were hidden in the void, hiding in the chaos. Although he came from the chaos, no one could see him.

Until, he suddenly discovered that in the endless chaos, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at him, like needles and needles.


Ye Xuan turned around fiercely and looked behind him, only to see a pair of huge eyes staring at him from behind.


Those eyes were as deep and boundless as the boundless starry sky, and also like the vast gray chaos.


Ye Xuan was shocked and couldn't help but speak.

Since he fell into chaos, although he was hidden in chaos and disappeared among all living beings, no one in the sky could detect his existence.

But at this time, he was found by Pangu and discovered.

As Pangu's words fell, the pair of eyes slowly began to rotate, faster and faster, and finally formed a vortex door, as if leading somewhere.

"Does He want me to enter it? If so, let's go in and take a look..."

Ye Xuan murmured to himself, then raised his legs and walked toward the vortex.

He is not afraid of anything restraining him. In the chaotic world, no existence can kill him or trap him.

He didn't even have the ability to cause any harm to him. After all, he controlled all existences, even Pangu was no exception.

However, he was quite surprised that Pangu could discover his existence.

But it was only later that I didn't feel surprised anymore.

The reason why he was able to become invisible in the chaotic world was that he relied on the power of the great avenues, and Pangu also mastered the existence of the three thousand great avenues. Naturally, he could see through Ye Xuan's hidden body at a glance.

And Pangu had been waiting in the chaos for a long time.

Now, Ye Xuan and Pangu finally meet again!

"Today, let me lead all the princes to wipe out the Witch Clan. The Wu Clan, the wolf-like ambitions and evil spirits, are trying to compete with the Monster Clan for the space between heaven and earth, trying to seize my position. After I came to the throne, I have worked hard and have never been unfair at all, even The ancestral witch of the Wu Clan, Empress Tu, was granted the title of Emperor of the Earth, with control over the life and death of all creatures in the wilderness. However, today's chaos in the Wu Clan is both the first and final battle.

After this battle, no matter whether the lich or the lich is victorious or defeated in the world, all will be lost! Cherish this last battle, everyone respects you! ! ! "

The emperor Jun wore a royal robe and began to swear an oath in the supreme place.

After saying that, he fiercely drew out the Heavenly Emperor Sword, and his imperial uniform transformed from the original imperial uniform into a battle robe.

This is the Heavenly Emperor's shirt. It enjoys the heavenly luck bonus, has top-level defense, and is the ultimate treasure of luck.

The Heavenly Emperor's Sword in his hand is even better than the Human Emperor's Sword, and there is also the Heavenly Emperor's Seal that can be used to attack and defend people. It is a combination of attack and attack.

Although Emperor Jun's companion treasures are only the two innate spiritual treasures of the River Map and the Luoshu, he has many treasures of luck in his path.

And Taiyi is like a god of war, wearing a fiery red three-legged golden crow robe, with a three-legged golden crow mark between his eyebrows, shining, and his fighting spirit is constantly rising.

He is surrounded by the Chaos Bell and has a flying knife on his waist. Although there are only these two treasures, they are already treasures that countless saints dream of.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Taiyi looked like frost, his voice was extremely cold, and he shouted loudly.


Many demons shouted in unison, shouting at the demons.

In addition to the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of the East, there are four demon kings. Among the four demon kings, only Fuxi is a man, and the rest are all women.

Nuwa, Changxi, and Wangshu are all women. Although their fighting power is not as high as Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Fuxi, they are also stronger than many demons.

Although it is not true that one advances one day and advances every step in the prehistoric world, in front of most creatures, one becomes stronger every step.

Because from the beginning, the talent and foundation of everyone who can ascend to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will not be low, and with the same foundation and foundation, some creatures can go faster, which means that the foundation and foundation of the one who takes the lead are stronger.

After all, this batch of innate saints are almost all descendants of Pangu, not the first batch of innate saints.

If it is like the Star Ancestor, it can be said that the other party is one step ahead in time, but a little later in time, not a matter of foundation and foundation.

And now among the forces of the Heavenly Palace and the Underworld, the vast majority are innate saints of the Pangu clan. Innate saints at the same time, since Nuwa, Chang Xi, and Wangshu can reach the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm one step earlier, it means that these three people are stronger than those other creatures in all aspects.

Otherwise, it would not be the three of them who were one step ahead at the beginning.

Of course, they are just not good at fighting, not that their cultivation talent and footwork are much worse.

On the other side.

Just like the Heaven Court is swearing an oath, the Wu Clan is also cheering madly.

One giant after another stands in the chaos, as if they are chaos giants.

The eyes of the Wu Clan giants are full of endless fighting spirit, and every Wu Clan has great fighting spirit since they were born.

"The Six Emperors of Heaven, are you a species?"

Di Jiang's eyes were full of excitement and fighting spirit. His eyes looked into the distance, through the gray chaos in front of him, as if his eyes reached the other side of the demon clan.

He can finally fight Di Jun.

He has waited too long for this battle.

The two were born at almost the same time. Di Jiang was transformed by Pangu's bloodline, and Di Jun was transformed by Pangu's charm. Both are authentic Pangu.

In addition to their birth, the two began to show their talents in the prehistoric world at almost the same time.

Then, one of them rose in the eastern part of the prehistoric world, and the other rose in the central part of the prehistoric world.

Gradually, some contradictions began to appear, and even some fights began.

However, they were always restrained and did not really break out.

Then, the immortal ancestor Hongjun almost achieved enlightenment, lied about becoming a saint, and wanted to preach in the prehistoric world. The demon clan entered the Zixiao Palace and became guests of the Zixiao Palace, while the witch clan did not become guests of the Zixiao Palace because of the existence of Pangu's obsession.

It was thought that Taiyi and Dijun might be harmed by him, but the star ancestor destroyed Hongjun's purpose, so that Dijun and Taiyi went to the starry sky to listen to the Hunyuan Avenue.

From then on, the real difference between the two began.

Until later, Dijun achieved enlightenment and became the real emperor who suppressed the world. It was thought that the end of the witch clan had come, but who knew that Dijun had an extremely broad mind and tolerated all living beings in the world.

From then on, all beings in the world had a new view of Di Jun, and they had infinite respect for him.

Because if Di Jun of that era wanted to seal the thought of Hunyuan, he could really do it, and he could really make the thought of Hunyuan disappear in the prehistoric world.

He only needed to kill Hongjun and other beings who had entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self to completely seal the thought of Hunyuan, and from then on he could control the prehistoric world alone.

But Di Jun did not do so, instead he forced Hongjun not to dare to step into the prehistoric world.

Di Jun's light illuminated the nine heavens and ten earths, the four seas and eight wastelands, and the past and present.

No matter who it was, they would always feel ashamed in front of him.

However, although everyone was the same at the beginning, I don't know when Di Jun left Di Jiang behind...

"This time, I, Di Jiang, must defeat you once! Di Jun!!!"

Di Jiang's eyes crossed the infinite chaos and reached Di Jun's body.

Although he couldn't see the other party, he knew that the other party must be looking here at this time.

As expected, Di Jun also stared straight in the direction of Di Jiang.

Although the two could not see each other, they could feel each other's presence in the dark.

"This time, you still can't defeat me! One step win, then every step win!"

Di Jun was extremely confident and said slowly.


With Di Jun's order, the army of heaven began to move towards the army of the underworld.

Hundreds of thousands of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian came to the depths of chaos and began a decisive battle.

This battle, just at the beginning, has already turned the originally deadly chaos into chaos.

The originally chaotic atmosphere in the chaos has become even more chaotic.

At this moment, kings are fighting kings, generals are fighting generals.

Di Jun is alone, standing on the throne.

After seeing this, Di Jiang waved his fists and went to Di Jun, who was at the forefront.

Everyone also found the existence they should find tacitly.

"Di Jun!!!"

Di Jiang roared, and his right fist hit Di Jun's face fiercely.

Di Jun looked at the huge giant in front of him, and his heart was not shocked or panicked. He just raised his left hand slightly, holding the Emperor's sword and lightly blocked Di Jiang's fist.

Boom! ! !

Waves of shock waves spread out in the distance, turning the originally chaotic atmosphere into an extremely chaotic one.

A stream of chaotic airflow rolled towards the creatures of the two tribes of witches and liches, and one after another, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian fell into a piece of chaotic dead land.

Fortunately, their cultivation was amazing, and although they were caught in it, they were not in any serious trouble.

The Hunyuan people were one body, and the chaotic aura could not harm their existence.

"Just you, it's not enough, far from enough."

Di Jun looked at Di Jiang in front of him calmly and spoke slowly.

With his cultivation of the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, if he was defeated by Di Jiang alone, then he would not be the emperor of heaven.

Fighting in the same realm, it is still unknown who will win, but now Di Jun's cultivation is even higher, how can Di Jiang compare with him.


Di Jiang was furious when he heard this, but he could not refute it. As Di Jun said, he really could not defeat Di Jun alone.

But he was unwilling to give up, and nameless anger appeared in his heart, and he roared to the sky.

Then, he disappeared in front of Di Jun, and when he reappeared, he appeared behind Di Jun, with a fist carrying the avenue of space rolling towards Di Jun.

"No matter how strong the wind blows from the east, west, south, and north, I am like a pillar supporting the sky, like a needle that stabilizes the sea, and I will never move!"

Di Jun ignored the attack behind him, his face was extremely calm.

An extremely powerful force appeared, instantly suppressing the magical power that tried to pull Di Jun into the turbulent flow of space.

"How... How is it possible!!!"

Di Jiang was stunned when he saw this, and looked at this scene in disbelief, his body seemed to be fixed, unable to move.


On the other side.

"What happened? Why did the chaos that was always quite calm become so turbulent! One after another, the chaotic storms seemed to appear without stopping!"

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