Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 366: The Lich-Witch Showdown (Part 2)

The reincarnation gods and demons who had just returned from the chaotic world found that there was a large area of ​​chaotic aura in the chaos outside the prehistoric world.

For a moment, he almost thought that he had returned to the chaotic world he was in before, that is, the chaotic world that Pangu opened up for the prehistoric world.

The state of the chaotic world in the past was just like now, chaotic, full of endless laws and even the aura of the avenue.

Various similar and relative laws filled one place, causing a series of chaotic storms, causing countless storms to rage in the entire chaotic world.

"Let's go and have a look!"

The reincarnation gods and demons moved their minds and began to head towards the center of the storm.


In the battlefield of the witches and liches.

"Brother, I'm here to help you!!!"

When Zhu Jiuyin saw that his elder brother Dijiang couldn't bear it, he shouted and galloped towards Dijun on the avenue of time.

When Dijun saw Zhu Jiuyin coming towards him from the other side, he became a little more serious and his face changed from the previous smile.

These two ancestor witches are nothing if they are taken out individually, but if they are put together, they will be quite tricky.

Although time and space are nothing if they are separated, if they are put together, it will be an extremely powerful avenue of time and space.

Although the avenue of time and space is not an independent avenue in the strict sense, it has many extremely special magical powers. This is because the avenues are similar, and the power of the two superpositions has skyrocketed.

"It seems that I have to be a little more serious."

The corners of Emperor Jun's mouth rose slightly, holding the Emperor Sword, and his right hand suddenly pulled the sword out. A golden light flashed in the sword tip, turning the avenue of time into a blank.


Emperor Jiang showed an angry look on his face and roared wildly.

"Space Storm!!!"

"Time Storm!!!"

The two storms merged together and turned into a space-time storm. Wherever the space-time storm passed, the chaotic aura was instantly torn apart, and piece after piece of chaotic aura was torn into pieces until it was torn into nothingness.

Suddenly, the place in front of everyone instantly turned into nothingness.

Even the aura of chaos disappeared, leaving only a breath of nothingness.

Time kept passing, and at this moment, it seemed as if the years had turned into a knife, slashing at the figure of Emperor Jun.

"The light of the sun shines in all directions, even in the chaos, and the land of nothingness is not exempt!!!"

Emperor Jun chanted in a low voice, and a huge sun appeared behind him. The sun was like the sun in the prehistoric times, illuminating the entire chaos.

Originally, the aura of chaos that could not be penetrated by the light was now shrouded by the sun behind Emperor Jun.

Under the light of the sun, all the darkness in the heavens will retreat, even in the endless chaos, and it is inevitable.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield was filled with light, and the originally gray world suddenly appeared with infinite light, causing a strange emotion to rise in the hearts of many sacred beings present.

However, this strange feeling was only fleeting, and it recovered in an instant.

When the light of the sun appeared, it instantly shone the power of the space-time storm.

"Sun! Sun! It is the great power of your majesty!!!"

"We will win this battle!!! Kill!!!"

"Kill these Wu people who dare to rebel and revolt, kill them!!!"

For a while, all the Hunyuan creatures of the demon clan were greatly encouraged, and their fighting power increased greatly.

This is the special effect of the sun, and also the prestige of Emperor Jun.

Morale is naturally very important.

The fighting power of an army with high morale often explodes. If they encounter an army with low morale, they will often be crushed.

But unfortunately, they are fighting against the Wu clan.

The Wu clan is upright, fighting against heaven and earth, and never surrendering. No matter those demons standing on the top, or those forces that are not as strong as them, as long as they are their enemies, their fighting spirit will always be extremely high.

"Empress Hou Tu."

Tai Yi looked at the peerless and ethereal Hou Tu in front of him, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

He looked at Hou Tu in front of him and knew that Hou Tu was here to stop him.

It was not a stop, but she was here to stop him.

"Your Majesty Tai Yi."

Hou Tu saw that Tai Yi was not in a hurry to take action, but instead started to reminisce about the past. He was not in a hurry to do anything, but reminisced with Tai Yi.

"Why did the Empress start this war with the Wu Clan?"

Tai Yi's face was still cold, but he was quite puzzled in his heart.

In his opinion, it was okay for the Wu Clan to not understand the destiny, and it didn't matter if they didn't understand the opportunity of the Great Dao, but they actually wanted to have such a meaningless decisive battle with the demon clan.

Although the general trend of the Heavenly Dao was that this calamity was the calamity of the two clans of Wu and Lich, the two clans would have to fight sooner or later, so that the protagonist of heaven and earth, the human race, would step onto the world stage.

But now, in order to avoid conflict, Di Jun has been trying his best to be tolerant and has tried his best to avoid conflict with the human race. He has even allowed the human race's strength to continue to expand without taking any action.

In other words, regardless of whether the two races of witches and liches fight or not, the human race has actually developed extremely strong, even to an outrageous degree.

Such a short period of time can keep up with the countless years of precipitation of the two Lich clans. Sooner or later, the human race will surpass everything and become the most powerful existence in the world.

If that time comes, even in this era called the Lich era, the human race will still be an existence that cannot be ignored, and it will even be a major force that guides the development of the ancient world.

Just like the two Lich clans today, even though it was the age of the Lich, the Dragon clan was stronger than them. Although it now surpasses the Dragon clan's power, the Dragon clan is still an existence that cannot be ignored.

"Brother, if you want to fight, then let's fight!"

Houtu didn't say much, he just looked at Taiyi with a smile and said.

After hearing the words, Taiyi nodded, then looked at Hou Tu in front of him and said slowly: "Although the empress's cultivation is amazing, if she is just the empress, she may not be my opponent."

His face was extremely arrogant, and his figure standing between heaven and earth was so conspicuous, like a bright sun sneaking in the darkness, making all living beings in the world have to look at him.

Xihe and Mrs. Yuanmu, who were far away in heaven, were watching this scene calmly in the fairyland of Yaochi.

Although Chaos is far away from the primitive world, it is not difficult for them to see such a scene.

"In addition to the empress, there is also me!"

On the other side, Tu Bo's figure appeared from the side with a heavy tone.

His eyes were full of caution, and he looked at Taiyi in front of him with caution.

Taiyi's aura made him feel a little suffocated. He knew that he was far from Taiyi's opponent, but there was nothing he could do.

Taiyi Yiben is a powerful and unparalleled existence, and now his cultivation realm is even higher than them. Only Yi Zunhou Tu's cultivation realm can reach the mid-level realm. Although it is just a forcibly improved cultivation level, it is real. The cultivation level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the middle stage.

It can be said that Hou Tu is the only being in the Wu clan who can confront Tai Yi head-on.

Except for Hou Tu, no existence can resist Tai Yi head-on.

Taiyi shook his head slightly and said slowly: "It's not enough. With you, it's far from enough."

It's not that he looked down on Tu Bo. Tu Bo was innately sacred and unrivaled in strength. His two horns circled in nine directions, symbolizing the innate holiness of the Netherworld.

This kind of existence cannot be weak in strength.

But strength has always been something that can only be distinguished by comparison. If compared with other Hunyuan, it is naturally extremely powerful, but if compared with Taiyi, it is naturally nothing.

Tu Bo was not angry when he heard this. He just felt Tai Yi's aura and knew how terrifying Tai Yi was at this time. He had long wanted to have a fight with this widely recognized god of war.

It's just that he has never found an opportunity, and today is an excellent opportunity, but just facing Taiyi's power head-on is overwhelmed by the opponent.

It's just that the two opponents are so powerful. If they really start fighting, they will be killed in an instant.

"And me!!!"

Suddenly, a man in dark imperial robes stood up. He was Emperor Fengdu, the strongest witch under the Earth Ancestral Witch Tribe, Chi You.

Now, Chi You has become the Great Emperor of Fengdu. Although he is still a great witch, he is not an ordinary great witch. He is far stronger than other great witches. Compared with the thirteenth ancestor Wu Xingtian, he is actually only one step behind. After that, he can be called the second largest witch in the witch clan.

But now, Xing Tian has become the thirteenth ancestral witch, and Chi You is naturally the strongest witch.

"Not bad, it's quite interesting."

Taiyi nodded appreciatively at first, but then shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "It's still not enough."

"Then what if you add me?!"

A voice that suppressed anger appeared, followed by a huge giant, that was the ancestor of fire, Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong looked at the extremely arrogant Taiyi in front of him with an angry face, his eyes full of fear.

Although he was extremely angry in his heart, he was not a fool. He knew that Taiyi in front of him was not easy to mess with, and he knew that Taiyi was not something that ordinary people could beat.


Taiyi nodded and showed a smile, and then an extremely powerful fighting spirit appeared behind him. It was the Daoyun of the Dao, the Dao of Hegemony.

After the Dao Yun of the Avenue of Hegemony appeared, in an instant, a field appeared around it, which was a general existence that swept everything away.

"What's this?!"

Zhu Rong's brows jumped, he was startled, and couldn't help but ask aloud.

Taiyi didn't reply, he just held out the Donghuang Bell and flew towards Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong was shocked when he saw this and did not dare to be careless. He quickly used all his strength to move towards everyone.

the other side.

"It turns out that it's a decisive battle between the two Lich clans..."

The Samsara God and Demon looked at the battlefield in the distance and couldn't help but shake his head.

He really didn't understand why these people would incur such insignificant casualties when they could develop with peace of mind and improve their cultivation.

In the past, reincarnations and other gods and demons on the great roads were afraid that after the chaos disappeared, the great roads they built would become slower, and some gods and demons would even be seriously affected. Only then did three thousand great gods and demons appear to jointly stop Pangu.

Of course, there is still an actor.

That is the God and Demon of Destruction. This God and Demon who used to clamor to kill Pangu actually finally joined forces with all the Gods and Demons. Originally, there was still a slight chance to kill Pangu.

Of course, it's just a hint of theory.

After all, with Ye Xuan's existence, they simply couldn't do this.

"Hey, that's... Pangu's breath!!!"

The Samsara God and Demon, who had been watching the battlefield, suddenly found that there was a flash of Pangu's aura in a corner in a certain time and space. Immediately, the Samsara God and Demon's heart skipped a beat.

In an instant, his figure came to the place where Pangu's eyes turned into whirlpools before, looking at this chaotic place.

"It is indeed Him! Pangu!!!"

The Samsara God and Demon was shocked, and his thoughts were confirmed once again.

"Pangu!!! Come out and see us!!!"

The Samsara Gods and Demons were shouting crazily on the battlefield. For a moment, the creatures of both the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan stopped one after another, looking at the Samsara Gods and Demons with doubts.

"Pangu has revived?!"

"Pangu is resurrected?!"

"Father God has awakened?!"

"No, this is the Great Dao God and Demon?!"

"When did the Great Dao God and Demon revive?! Why haven't we heard of it?!"

Many creatures looked at the Samsara God and Demon. They were still surprised that Pangu had revived, but then they felt the breath of the Samsara God and Demon, and they were all shocked.

Whether it is the gods and demons of light or the gods and demons of reincarnation, only a few existences are actually aware of their existence.

"Teacher, have you found any traces of God the Father here..."

Hou Tu looked at the figures of the reincarnation gods and demons and muttered silently in his heart.

"Hey, hey, hey, you dare to be distracted when you fight with me, don't you want to live?"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice appeared next to Houtu's ear, but Taiyi had already appeared behind Houtu, and a wave of heat blew towards Houtu's back earlobe during the words.


Hou Tu was confused for a moment, screamed out in surprise, and instantly distanced himself to look at Tai Yi behind him.

"If I had murderous intentions just now, you would have already fallen."

Taiyi shook his head slightly, looking at Houtu in front of him with a little disappointment.

These people were already weaker than him, but when fighting against him, they actually dared to be distracted. If he didn't admire the other party as a Hou Tu who was willing to make great contributions to the world, he would have killed the other party in one minute.

"Thank you Donghuang for not killing me."

Hou Tu Yingying bowed and said slowly.

Unexpectedly, Taiyi shook his head even more dissatisfied and said: "When you were saluting just now, I was able to kill you again."

As soon as these words came out, Hou Tu's face darkened, he nodded and said, "Your Majesty is teaching you a lesson."

"How dare you insult my sister!"

When Zhu Rong saw that Taiyi not only didn't appreciate his sister's thanks but also said such words, his expression suddenly changed.

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