Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 367: The Lich-Witch Showdown (Part 3)

Zhu Rong's body was filled with flames, and his whole body was filled with flames. The flames burst out with Zhu Rong's anger, and streams of Nanming Lihuo shot straight into the sky from his body.

The chaotic battlefield that was originally reduced to nothingness now became even more nihilistic, as if even the essence of chaos was revealed.

But it seems that just relying on these Nanming Lihuo is far from reaching that level, somewhere between nothingness and reality.

"Playing with fire?"

A wicked smile appeared on Taiyi's face, and then a bright sun appeared behind him. Above the sun, there was a three-legged golden crow that raised its head to the sky and roared loudly.

Following the long hiss of the three-legged golden crow transformed by Dao Yun, the true sun fire emerged from the sun and rushed towards Zhu Rong.

The most domineering flame in the ancient world was the True Sun Fire. With the emergence of the True Sun Fire, Zhu Rong was instantly covered.

Fortunately, Zhu Rong is also a saint who plays with fire, so he was not burned in a short period of time. However, the previous Nanming Lihuo was all burned by the true fire of the sun.

As the sun's true fire spread across the battlefield, the temperature of the entire battlefield instantly rose, and more and more creatures fell into the fiery heat.

"Three Light Divine Water!!!"

Upon seeing this, the ancestral witch Gonggong quickly offered up the three-light divine water that he had cultivated. The three-light divine water was the divine water that was created by combining the three light divine waters of sunlight, moonlight, and starlight.

It is the most powerful water in the world, even more powerful than the Milky Way water in the sky.

However, it is extremely troublesome to collect this kind of divine water. You need to collect sunlight divine water, moonlight divine water, and starlight divine water.

However, the sun, moon and stars all belong to the sphere of influence of Heaven. Of course, Heaven cannot really prevent the light from shining on the earth. If this is the case, there will be chaos in the ancient world.

One drop of the three-light divine water turned into ten thousand drops, and one piece turned into a vast ocean. In an instant, the true fire of the sun that burned to the extreme in the chaos annihilated each other and disappeared.

The original three-light divine water could still be recovered after use, but now it annihilates and cancels out each other with the true sun fire.

The three rays of divine water are exhausted, but the true fire of the sun is infinite.

If you procrastinate for a long time, you will definitely suffer a lot.

After Ye Xuan entered the vortex, he came to a strange world.

"Is this the new world you created?"

Ye Xuan spoke softly.

He knows this world. It is a world of the same class as the prehistoric world, and it also belongs to the world of chaos.

Of course, although they are of the same class on the surface, they are actually much worse than the prehistoric world. It is just that the difference in level is not clear.

"This is the realm of Tao, the realm of Hunyuan, a world derived from my Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

In this world, the great road is hidden, the way of heaven cannot come out, there is nothing, no sky, no earth, and no living beings.

However, in this world, one inherits the thoughts of gods and demons, inherits the creation of heaven and earth, breeds all living beings, and transforms infinite divine power.

The realm of Hunyuan is the secret of stepping into the next realm. "

Pangu said with an extremely proud expression on his face, obviously very satisfied with his results.

It is normal to be satisfied, after all, he has created a path to a new realm.

However, at this time, Ye Xuan's pupils shrank sharply. Pangu's move was very similar to his Creation God system.

Open up a new world in the Tao Fruit, evolve all living beings, and use the power of all living beings to help you step into a higher realm.

It is very similar to the system of the Creator God, except that after they broke through the Creator God, Pangu broke through his own realm with the help of the power of this world.

"Did you realize this method on your own?" Ye Xuan said nothing for a long time, and then said slowly.

A meaningful smile appeared on Pangu's face when he heard this. He looked at Ye Xuan beside him and said, "Yes or no, I felt the chaos of heaven and earth coming from above, so I thought of opening up the world in the Tao Fruit." Achievements are stronger.”

This is also true. Since he met Ye Xuan in Pangu Palace that day, although he fell into a deep sleep, he also knew some very special things.

Among them are why Ye Xuan's strength will never see an end, and why Honghuang is getting stronger and stronger, and the scope of the world is actually getting bigger and bigger.

Just like the initial chaos, at the beginning, such powerful Dao gods and demons were only in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

This kind of existence that stands at the pinnacle in all kinds of worlds is actually just a Taiyi Golden Immortal in the chaotic world!

After that, the cultivation level became stronger and stronger, and the chaotic world became larger and larger. They, the gods and demons of the avenue, were the ones who could feel it the most.

If the current prehistoric world is the earth, then the chaotic world of the past cannot even be counted as a microorganism on the earth. I don't know how outrageous it is.

Of course, for the great gods and demons of their period, it was actually possible.

If it were now, it would be one step away...

Pangu's words were like a thunderous blow, hitting Ye Xuan's mind.

"I didn't expect you to have such a talent."

Ye Xuan said in amazement, looking at Pangu with eyes full of disbelief.

He didn't expect that the wisdom of these great gods and demons could be so high, and their talents were so terrifying. Ye Xuan was already a peerless genius in that universe.

However, facing Pangu, it was far from enough, and the difference was unknown.

Although his talent and talent were nothing compared to Pangu, the stronger Pangu was, the stronger he was.

"I was born from the three thousand great ways, mastered the three thousand great ways, and was born to be the strongest. However, when facing the Lord, I repeatedly hit a wall and could never touch the Lord's strength.

Therefore, when I woke up, I received the memories brought by that wisp of obsession and decided to open up a new world from the Dao fruit."

Pangu's voice was quite calm. This time there was no more arrogant expression on his face. It seemed that this matter was as common as a daily meal.

Time was constantly passing, and the two knew a lot of things between questions and answers.

Although Ye Xuan can control all the creatures in the chaotic world, his deep understanding of the chaotic world is still not as good as those creatures manifested by the Great Dao.

There are many secrets in the chaotic world and even the Great Dao that even Ye Xuan does not know, but Pangu knows them.

Therefore, Pangu also told Ye Xuan everything Ye Xuan asked.

When asked whether Ye Xuan is the master of this world, Ye Xuan also admitted this identity.

Although he is weak and nothing but powerful combat power compared to the huge chaos and even the many gods and demons in the chaotic world, he is indeed the master of the chaotic world.

Because of him, the chaotic world can be born, and because of the chaotic world, Ye Xuan can become so powerful now.

Ye Xuan is grateful to the chaos, and the chaos cannot do without Ye Xuan.

When Ye Xuan falls, the chaotic world will also fall into destruction and fall into the previous darkness.

The two complement each other and depend on each other.

Just when the two were chatting happily, Pangu suddenly frowned.

After Ye Xuan noticed it, his mind moved, and he instantly understood what happened.

"The God of Reincarnation has already known your existence, don't you want to see Him?"

Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised, with a hint of laughter in his words.

The God of Reincarnation is really good. Pangu didn't even plan to announce the prehistoric world. This guy was directly shouting madly on the battlefield of the witch-lich decisive battle. What does this mean? It means that all the creatures in the prehistoric world know this.

Although there are exaggerations, these beings who have reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are also the top leaders of various forces. After they know it, it won't be long before the prehistoric creatures know it.

After all, this is not a secret that cannot be kept secret. Regarding Pangu's revival, these creatures will naturally not hide it from the prehistoric creatures, and they will certainly publicize it in the prehistoric world.

"Forget it, after all, we are old friends. Since Your Majesty has spoken, let's meet each other."

Pangu sighed softly, his eyes revealing the past years, thinking back to the time when he fought against three thousand gods and demons in the chaos, and died after fighting against three thousand gods and demons.

After turning into all things, he didn't expect that he would wake up again in just such a short period of time.

With his existence in the prehistoric world, it is naturally impossible for anything else to happen.


On the other side, in the chaos.

"Fight, the more chaotic the fight, the better, the more deaths, the better..."

Demon Ancestor Luohou muttered to himself with shining eyes, but his figure went to an unknown place in the chaos.

There was the seal of the Immortal Ancestor, and the place where Hongjun, his lifelong enemy, was suppressed.

Since Hongjun was suppressed, even if his former disciples of the Immortal Sect searched everywhere, they could not find any trace. In addition to the existence of those who suppressed Hongjun personally, only Demon Ancestor Luohou knew about this place.

The place where Hongjun is suppressed.

Luohou looked at the extremely powerful seal in front of him and smacked his lips. Even after practicing till now, it was impossible for him to open the seal from the inside.

Of course, any seal is for the existence inside the seal, but for the other existences outside, it is a funny thing.

Especially when the existence of the same level takes action, it is very easy for the existence sealed outside to break the seal.

Just like Tang Seng broke the seal that suppressed Sun Wukong, just walk up and take it off.

This is still because of the will of Tathagata that Tang Seng must break it. Otherwise, let alone the existence of the same level, even the existence of a few levels lower can still get rid of it.

"Hongjun, if you are unwilling to bow your head, you will never be able to escape from here. Are you sure you want to sink here forever?"

Luohou asked softly without changing his expression.

In his opinion, this was a very good opportunity. The witches and liches had a decisive battle. They had tried every possible way to prevent the witches and liches from fighting. But now, they had done nothing, but the witches and liches had a decisive battle.

All the various strategies they had thought of at the beginning, in the end, none of them succeeded. However, in the end, the witches and liches still had a decisive battle.

Fate plays tricks on people, never giving anyone a chance to react.

"Luo Hou, give up. Even if I sleep forever here, I will never submit to you."

Hongjun, who was sealed, had his spiritual consciousness sealed. Logically, he could not hear the movement outside, but after Luo Hou's targeted voice transmission, Hongjun could hear Luo Hou's voice.

"No, you do! Do you know how many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian there are in the prehistoric world now? Your idea of ​​making the prehistoric world the only Hunyuan you have long been shattered!"

After hearing this, Luo Hou chuckled and mocked.

In his opinion, Hongjun wanted to escape from this place. After all, the prehistoric world is getting stronger and stronger. If Hongjun doesn't come out, he will be abandoned by the prehistoric world sooner or later until he can no longer be seen.

Now there are middle-stage Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians in the prehistoric world, and there is Pangu who may have been resurrected. If that existence is really resurrected, I am afraid that the cultivation realm of the prehistoric world will be refreshed soon.

In this way, it is not necessarily impossible for the existence of a higher realm to erase the existence of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm.

Even if the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian proves the supreme Hunyuan Yinzhaozhutian, it is hard to guarantee that the existence of a higher realm cannot have a higher means to erase it.

Hongjun fell into silence after hearing this.

After a long time, Hongjun's voice slowly sounded: "How many?"

Luo Hou's mouth corners slightly raised, knowing that there was basically hope for this matter, and immediately smiled and said: "Hundreds of thousands or even millions."


Hongjun exclaimed when he heard this, as if a bunch of divine beasts were trampling through his heart.

His worldview seemed to be shattered in an instant. He knew that there might be tens of thousands, but he didn't expect that it would reach hundreds of thousands.

If there really are so many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, then what is he...

"Hehe...Don't deceive yourself, there has never been a lack of talented creatures in the prehistoric world..."

Luo Hou sneered and ridiculed Hongjun mercilessly.

Hongjun fell into silence when he heard this. Yes, who in the prehistoric world is not a super-talented existence? If it really has experienced such a long period of development, it is not impossible that so many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will appear.

But, this is too much, isn't it? !

Although Hongjun found it difficult to accept from the bottom of his heart, he actually accepted it.

The realm that he was proud of had now appeared so many times in the prehistoric world. This inevitably made him feel as if he was in another world.

"You came here this time because something big happened in the prehistoric world, so you want to seek my cooperation, right?"

Hongjun asked in his inner world with a sharp gaze.

Luo Hou's face froze when he heard this, and he didn't say much.

As if Hongjun knew Luo Hou's expression, he smiled and said, "So, you have to let me out."

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