Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 368 Hongjun escapes the seal and reincarnates to meet Pangu

"Haha, there is no such thing as having to do something in this world. Everyone has their own purpose in doing anything."

Luo Hu sneered when he heard this, and instead of directly answering Hongjun's words, he retorted directly.

"So, even if there is an opportunity in the outside world, if you don't ask me, I still won't let you go."

Luo Hu's words made Hongjun's heart skip a beat, and he became a little panicked for a moment.

But then he heard Luo Hu's voice again: "Now that the Immortal Sect is weak, my Demon Sect is prosperous, and the current pattern of heaven and earth is in turmoil, it is the time to open up a great situation.

If you don't ask me to let you go, not only will the Immortal Sect perish, but even you will be replaced by the times sooner or later. "

Luo Hu's words were like an extremely sharp knife, piercing into Hongjun's heart.

He looked at Hongjun, who was silent in front of him, and felt very happy, and even a smile appeared on his face.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, this guy Hongjun is really thick-skinned and extremely shameless. On the one hand, he needs him to release the other party, but on the other hand, he refuses to bow his head and looks like he's in control of himself.

Hongjun's expression changed, and then he closed his eyes and thought for a while.

He knew that what Luo Hu said was correct, and he also knew that Luo Hu must need him to join forces now, otherwise it would be impossible for a person like Luo Hu to come here like this.

But as Luo Hu said, the worst that the other party can do is miss this opportunity. Anyway, Immortal is waiting for the next opportunity to come, but he doesn't know how many years he will have to wait.

At that time, whether Di Jun and others had set foot on a higher realm, whether they would kill him again.

He couldn't wait in his heart, but he was unwilling to bow to Luo Hu. Having been in charge of everything for so many years, he had developed a very strong self-esteem in his heart, especially for a sworn enemy like Luo Hu.

Bowing to the enemy of your life is even more painful than beating him to death.

I think back then, if Luo Hu hadn't caused trouble, he would have become the only Hunyuan. At that time, he could completely seal the sky and the earth, and kill everyone who knew about the existence of Hunyuan. In that case, there would be no more Hunyuan. These are the things that follow.

"How's it going? Have you thought about it?"

Luo Huan looked at Hongjun with an expression that was half a smile but not a smile.

If Hongjun bows his head, he will release it and cooperate with it. If Hongjun does not bow his head, then they will be separated. Hongjun will then seal it and run back to the endless demonic realm.

The former can conspire for big things. With the current strength of the Demon Sect, if Hongjun, the old Yinbi, and the Immortal Sect under him are added together, they might really be able to stir up some trouble.

The reason why Luo Hui found Hongjun was because although Hongjun was the master of the Immortal Sect, he actually had a lot of wolfish ambitions. In addition, most of the forces in the prehistoric period had huge ambitions. enmity.

Therefore, if Hongjun comes out, he will definitely think of revenge and go back. When he was sealed in the past, the leaders of the Lich Tribe and the Dragon Tribe had their hands on him.

And if Hongjun is told at this time that the two Lich clans are fighting, the consequences must be imaginable, and he will definitely want to take revenge. This is extremely ideal as Luo Hu thinks.

"Help me."

Hongjun held it in for half his life before he could utter these two words.

Although he only said these two words, Luo Hu laughed crazily after hearing this.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I really didn't expect to hear your begging for mercy one day!!! Hahahaha!!!"

Luo Huan went crazy and taunted Hongjun, with a mocking expression on his face.

Hongjun's face calmed down at this time, and the previous trace of shame was no longer there, replaced by a surge of rage in his heart.

But he didn't show it or say much.

Facing Luo Hu's taunts, he just watched quietly. The top priority now was to get out. Only getting out alive was the most important thing.

When Luo Hu saw Hongjun's expression, he seemed to have lost interest and suddenly became boring.

"That's all. I, Luohu, am not as dishonest as you are. Since I promised you, I will naturally release you."

After Luo Hu said these words, his figure disappeared from Hongjun's heart.

outside world.

After Luo Hu broke the seal, Hongjun regained consciousness in an instant.

He looked at Luo Hu in front of him, his eyes full of hatred, but it only took a moment before he returned to calm.

"Now is the decisive battle between the two Lich clans. In the chaos, I don't know how long it will take for this decisive battle to end. I want you to pull out a powerful force as soon as possible within this period of time, and wait until the decisive battle between the Liches is over. At this time, it’s time for us to defeat the losing side!”

Luo Hu stood with his hands behind his hands. After saying this, his figure turned into a wisp of demonic energy, hidden in the vast chaos, and disappeared.

Hongjun clenched his fists, looked at the chaos with dull eyes, and secretly said cruelly in his heart: "Emperor Jun! Monster Clan! Witch Clan! Dragon Clan! I will definitely make all of you turn into nothingness, let this ancient world All races among them can bully the three races at will!

I am determined to make your three tribes fall to the bottom of the wilderness and become like the Phoenix and Qilin tribes, being humiliated and wantonly abused by others! ! ! "


Hongjun snorted coldly, and disappeared from the spot as his figure turned around.

If he didn't leave, it would be a bad thing if the gods who had sealed him in the past came to seal him again after knowing about it.



Zulong's heart rang, and he instantly sensed that Hongjun had escaped from the shackles of the seal and had escaped from the suppression.

"How is it possible? How could he escape?!"

Zulong was shocked. In the past, he suppressed Hongjun together with Dijun, Taiyi, Dijiang, and Zhu Jiuyin, five top innate gods in the world.

It stands to reason that among these five beings, Taiyi, who was in charge of the Chaos Bell, was specifically responsible for suppressing the seal, and Hongjun could not escape from it at all.

But now that things have happened, since he did not escape from the inside, it must be helped by outsiders.

Zulong narrowed his eyes and did not set out for the sealed place, because when he went there, Hongjun had already disappeared, so it would be a wasted trip.

"Who helped him escape the seal..."

Zulong had a question in his mind, and then he began to communicate with the avenue, trying to find clues in it.

At this time, the four saints, Dijun, Taiyi, Dijiang, and Zhu Jiuyin, who were fighting on the battlefield, all instantly sensed that the seal was broken, but at this time they seemed to have no time to care about it.

Compared with the witch-lich decisive battle, Hongjun breaking the seal was just a very small matter.


Hunyuan world, the realm of Daoguo.

After the reincarnation gods and demons entered it, they looked at Ye Xuan in front of them, and their hearts instantly became smart.

"Your Excellency is here too."

The reincarnation gods and demons bowed to Ye Xuan and said with a smile.

This was the rule he learned from the prehistoric world, and naturally he used it on Ye Xuan, which was also a courtesy.

Of course, the only person in this world who could make him salute was Ye Xuan. Unless Pangu threatened his life, he would not salute.

In his opinion, although Pangu was powerful, he was still the same as him, a great Dao demon, and was on the same level, although the other party controlled the three thousand great Daos.

Ye Xuan nodded, which was considered a return salute.

Among these great Dao demons, the only one who made him feel a little horrified was Pangu. Apart from Pangu, there was no other existence in this world that could threaten him, even the white tiger in the westernmost land.

But Pangu was not only incomprehensible to him, he always felt vaguely that if Pangu wanted to kill him, it was not impossible.

Ye Xuan didn't know where this feeling came from, but he did have this feeling.

The god and devil of reincarnation then looked at Pangu and said solemnly: "You have indeed revived."

In the past, he had met Pangu once, but that time, Pangu was not truly revived, but just a combination of wills scattered all over the place.

So the last time they had a good chat, it can be regarded as a reunion of old friends.

Although this old friend had killed him once in the past, it was after all in the past, and the most important thing is that he could not succeed in revenge at all.

What's more, the gods and devils of reincarnation now don't want revenge. If Pangu hadn't killed them to create this world, there would not be such powerful gods and devils of reincarnation now.

So, the gods and devils of reincarnation didn't think there was any problem. As for the so-called hatred, it was not worth mentioning in front of the avenue.

"You and the light have both revived, why can't I, Pangu, revived?"

Pangu had a smile on his face, looking at the gods and devils of reincarnation in front of him, and he was quite proud in his heart.

Even the former enemy now likes the prehistoric world so much. This sense of achievement is not something that can be given by ordinary things.

"Yes, after all, it's you. Nothing is a miracle in front of you."

After hearing this, the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation nodded and said as if he was referring to something.

Before Pangu could speak, he saw him say again: "This world seems to be a new world."

Although he asked in his words, he actually used an extremely affirmative tone.

He didn't quite understand why Pangu, who created the prehistoric world, would actually open up such an imperfect world.

Yes, imperfection is imperfect in the eyes of the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation.

Because this world is just the prototype of the empty world, even the most basic existence of heaven and earth is not there, only the existence of time and space, which is the indispensable foundation of a world.

"This is the world of Hunyuan, not just one world, but all worlds."

Pangu smiled and said slowly.

But the sound of the Great Dao fell into the ears of the Gods and Demons of the Wheel of Reincarnation, and his eyes lit up instantly. He looked at Pangu in front of him and muttered to himself: "Ten Thousand Worlds! Is this the secret to breaking through the Supreme Realm?!!"

How could the Gods and Demons of the Wheel of Reincarnation exist? After hearing Pangu's Hunyuan Realm, they knew that this was the world opened up by Pangu's Hunyuan Dao Fruit. Then they saw that it was not one world, but ten thousand worlds.

This means that the Hunyuan Realm is not a world like the prehistoric world where only one can exist, but an endless world, a world that everyone can create.

And opening up a new world in the Hunyuan Dao Fruit is naturally not a fun thing, and it must have some purpose.

Looking at Pangu's current cultivation, even the Reincarnation God and Demon couldn't understand it. The answer was clear immediately. Pangu's cultivation was in the late stage of Hunyuan, and he might even have reached the peak. At this time, creating this world naturally meant breaking through to a new realm.

And he didn't know what realm was above the Hunyuan realm, so he called it the Supreme Realm.

"Yes, but this is just a guess of mine. Whether it is feasible depends on whether I can break through to a new realm with this world." Pangu nodded, and did not play tricks again, but directly told him the answer.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the name of Pangu, and it is worthy of the title of Dao Zun, but why hasn't this world evolved yet?" The Reincarnation God and Demon nodded and patted him with a rainbow fart silently.

Although this is the recognized title of Pangu in the prehistoric world, Dao Zun, Dao Zun, Supreme Being.

But it is indeed the only case that the Reincarnation God and Demon of the Dao God and Demon shouted like this.

"Your Excellency, I dare not call myself Dao Zun. You and I used to sit in the chaos and discuss Dao, so we can be called Dao friends." Pangu shook his head and said solemnly.

When facing Ye Xuan, even He had to call him Your Excellency, so how dare he let others call him Dao Zun in front of Ye Xuan now?

The stronger the realm of cultivation, the more powerful Ye Xuan can feel.

Pangu knew that even if he attacked rashly, he would not be a match for Ye Xuan.

The level of his so-called three thousand great ways is simply a world apart from Ye Xuan's three thousand great ways.

How dare he call himself Dao Zun in front of such a powerful person.

Ye Xuan heard the words and said without waiting for the reincarnation gods and demons to speak: "I have no merit in the great way, so I dare not call myself Dao Zun. Pangu created the world and can be called Dao Zun!"

"Thank you, Your Excellency."

Pangu bowed after hearing the words, and did not refuse anything. Since it was what Ye Xuan said, he continued.

"Dao Zun, Your Excellency."

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation bowed and smiled, without any airs, as if the nobility of the gods and demons of the past had been forgotten.

Since Pangu called Ye Xuan Your Excellency, He would also call him that.

Pangu nodded, and then explained: "As for this world, I don't know how it should evolve for the time being. If it is stronger than the prehistoric world, it may endanger the prehistoric world. If it is weaker than the prehistoric world, I don't know if it can break through the realm."

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