"It won't be long before you can surpass him."

The Emperor Suiren, who was wearing a raincoat, was looking at him with a smile on his face and said slowly.

Shi Hao was stunned when he heard this, and was a little confused. He still didn't know when he would be in the same realm as Taiyi, and where did he come from that he would surpass Taiyi in a short time.

"Why did your Majesty say this? Although I am relatively powerful among the human race, my current cultivation level is not enough, and my combat power is also far behind. How can I surpass him? If I want to surpass him, I am afraid I still don't know. How many years.”

Shi Hao's words were full of doubts, but he had no doubts about whether he could surpass Taiyi.

If you don’t even have the courage to surpass others, then there is no need to even think about surpassing them.

It's just that we have to be realistic after all, and we can't make false claims. It's a good thing to have the idea of ​​surpassing the other party, but we can't exaggerate it in our words.

"When the human race becomes the true number one force in the prehistoric times, you will surely be able to surpass Taiyi..."

The smile on Suiren's face did not diminish, and he looked at Shi Hao next to him, his heart full of trust in Shi Hao.

Shi Hao and he were from the same human race, one of the first human races, and everyone knew about each other's growth in cultivation along the way.

The Suiren clan has achieved the positions of the Southern Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven, so they have strong luck both in heaven and among the human race. This has also allowed the Suiren clan's cultivation to advance by leaps and bounds, and its speed to explode.

After Shi Hao retired from the position of King of the Stone Kingdom, the luck he occupied was no longer as huge as before. He only occupied some luck as an ancient sage.

Therefore, the speed at which Shi Hao's cultivation level improved naturally slowed down and was not as fast as before.


When Shi Hao heard this, he slowly shook his head and smiled at Suiren.

What he said just now was meant to comfort him. In other words, it might be who knows how many years it will take until the human race truly becomes the number one force.

Maybe it won't take long. After all, after the two Lich clans lost a large number of people in the war, the human race is actually the strongest force.

"In this battle, I don't know how many clan members will die, and I don't know when we will be able to stop..."

Ye Xuan looked at the scene below and couldn't help but feel some confusion about the future.

Today's prehistoric times are much bigger than before, but most of them are good things, and this time there is nothing good or bad for prehistoric times.

After all, if the lich does not fight decisively for one day, this calamity will be the calamity of the lich. Apart from the longer delay, there are no other disadvantages.

The cultivation level of the ancient creatures is still rising as always, and they will still die.

Therefore, everything is not too different from prehistoric times.

As for using supreme means to travel to the future to see the outcome of this decisive battle, this is completely unnecessary.

Even if Ye Xuan ran over, it would be impossible to truly see the true result.

Because the results are nothing more than three, either the Witch Clan wins, the Demon Clan wins, or the three results are invincible and undefeated.

The future is different from the present and the past. The present is full of variables, the future is full of infinity, and in the past, people can run wherever they want.

And if it is the future, even if it is seen, it will not be the real future, it will only be a possibility among countless parallel universes in time and space.

Of course, it is also possible to see the real future in this time and space.

Therefore, instead of looking at the future, it is better to wait quietly like this, and a result will eventually come out.

Southern Wilderness, Human Race, Xiao Country, Xiao City.

A white-haired old Taoist was wearing a Taoist robe, with all kinds of sacred auras flowing around his body.

Paths of immortal energy hang down, like rays of starlight, flowing in and out.

"As time goes by, although the Immortal Sect is once again deserted, there are still some real beginners left."

Hongjun felt that the immortal energy in this city was not as prosperous as when he preached in the past, but fortunately it did not disappear.

He was afraid that his hard work many years ago would be in vain, but now it seems that his efforts were not in vain. On the contrary, a spark of fire was left behind.

The next moment, a huge figure appeared in the sky above Xiao Cheng.

"Brother, this is teacher!!!"

A young human race saw the appearance of Immortal Ancestor Hongjun in the void, and the aura contained in it made him recognize at a glance that this was their former teacher.

"Teacher?! It's indeed a teacher!!!"

Another man heard this and looked up. When he saw Hongjun, tears filled his eyes with excitement. The grievances in his heart for many years suddenly burst out.

Over the years, countless relatives and friends have warned him not to stay in the Immortal Sect, and to follow them to practice in other sects. After all, the former founders of Taoism have disappeared.

And they always firmly believe that only the immortal way can reach the end, and there are still a very small number of people who feel that the immortal way is the way that suits them best, so they insist on walking in the immortal way.

When they saw Hongjun, they were not all moved by seeing their mentor again. Most of them were moved by the fact that they could have a stronger understanding of the immortal way in front of their former mentor.

After all, he was the person who walked at the forefront of the immortal way. In their hearts, no one understood the immortal way better than Hongjun.

"Let's go, find the teacher!!!"

At this moment, countless disciples of the immortal sect in the city put down all their affairs and headed towards where Hongjun was.


Hongjun still came to the original place. This place had long been regarded as a place for preaching by those disciples of the immortal sect and became the most sacred place of the immortal sect.

Xiaocheng is the birthplace of the immortal way, at least the birthplace of the immortal way of the human race.

"You are all here."

Hongjun smiled, and his body exuded a fairy spirit while sitting cross-legged. The rhyme of the immortal way was revealed at this moment, making him the most sacred existence in the world.

At least, at this moment, he was such an image in the eyes of those disciples of the immortal sect.

"We pay our respects to the teacher!!!"

The disciples of Xianmen suppressed their excitement and began to kowtow to Hongjun.

"The human race stands tall and proud, why do you need to kowtow to me? I already know that you have the intention."

Hongjun raised his hand slightly, so that all the disciples of Xianmen could not kneel down.

The reason for this is to make those who are watching around accept Xianmen better, enter Xianmen, and become his power.

For this reason, Hongjun did not even block this place, so that all living beings in the world can hear his preaching, and all the cultivators around can spy on this scene.

"Thank you, teacher!!!"

The disciples stood up, then sat cross-legged on the ground, quietly looking at their former teacher.

They found that Hongjun's aura had become stronger, and not only that, the aura and rhyme of the Tao had also become deeper, far from the first time they saw Hongjun.

In fact, Hongjun was still the Hongjun of many years ago. His cultivation had not changed much in these years, and it was still the same as before.

It's just that Hongjun deliberately suppressed his cultivation level before, and didn't dare to expose it among the human race. After all, in that era, there were still very few people who had the cultivation level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but now it's different.

There are too many cultivators in the Hunyuan realm to count, let alone these big clans, even some casual cultivators have reached this realm.

Therefore, there is no need to hide anything now. What's more important is that so many Yuanhui have passed. If the cultivation level has not been improved, who would still believe in the immortal sect.

Hongjun looked at the disciples in front of him and was very happy. He still has 800 disciples. Although these 800 disciples seem to be a small number, in fact, the number is already very good.

You know, he hasn't appeared for dozens or even nearly a hundred Yuanhui. He hasn't appeared for such a long time, and these people haven't left, which shows that they are very recognized of the immortal way in their hearts.

And this is just the disciples in Xiaocheng, and many disciples nearby may not have arrived yet.

"Yes, this old Taoist is not keen on those etiquettes!"

"Yes, this is rare in the prehistoric world!"

In the void, some of the human disciples who originally came to watch out of curiosity were exchanging their views in the void.

"Teacher, why have you not heard from me in these years? We have been running around in the prehistoric world and have not found any trace of you."

Suddenly, a boy with a bold demeanor stood up, first bowed to Hongjun, and then asked with a puzzled look.

As soon as these words came out, the people on the scene looked at this guy and then turned their eyes to Hongjun, and they were also puzzled in their hearts.

"I suffered a great disaster before and almost died, and then I escaped by luck. I spent countless years to make up for myself, and finally stepped into the supreme primordial realm. After a period of recuperation, I came here."

Hongjun did not hide it, but slightly changed it and told the disciples about the matter.

"Teacher, who dares to attack you?!"

The boy bowed again and asked with an indignant look on his face.

After seeing this, although Hongjun felt a little impatient with his constant questioning, he remained calm on the surface, and instead made a gratified expression, nodded and said: "Since I have broken through to the realm of Hunyuan, my enemy has naturally fallen between heaven and earth."

"So that's how it is. Congratulations to the teacher for getting revenge and entering the supreme Hunyuan!"

The boy hurriedly bowed and saluted upon hearing this, and then sat down again.

After seeing him sit down, Hongjun felt relieved. As the saying goes, telling a lie requires more lies to make up for it, and he didn't want to continue to lie.

"Congratulations to the teacher for getting revenge and entering the supreme Hunyuan!"

The other disciples also bowed and congratulated.

Because they were all sitting cross-legged, this scene looked very much like kneeling on the ground, at least their heads were almost touching the ground.

After watching this scene, Hongjun felt quite happy, but he still raised his hand restrainedly and said: "I came here to preach with you, spread the great way of immortality, strengthen the immortal gate, and then enter the supreme fairyland to feel the depth of the great way of immortality!"

After he said this, the disciples immediately stopped talking, and sat down one by one, waiting to see Hongjun, expecting Hongjun to explain to them the deeper great way of immortality.

Sure enough, this was like a killer, and no one would be unwilling to listen to the sound of the great way.

"The immortal, among the human race, is the mountain of man, which means that people with great magical powers can ascend to the sky and hide in the mountains, so the immortal is a person with great magical powers..."

As the saying goes, great sound is silent, and great elephants are invisible. A good great way will naturally spread more widely, and the sound of this great way is naturally far-reaching.

As Hongjun explained the immortals, many members of the human race really felt that this was the truth, and their eyes and ears were brightened for a moment.

"... Immortals are free and at ease. Although Mantian Shengshen is also a great supernatural being, he is not free and at ease. He is trapped by the duties of the heavenly court all day long. He cannot transcend the way of heaven, cannot transcend the heaven and earth, and cannot be free and at ease..."

Then, Hongjun started from the word "immortal" in the human race, and then talked about the various meanings of the great way of immortals.

He even used Mantian Shengshen as an example to prove the benefits of practicing the immortal way. For example, those gods who entered the heavenly court had to work for the heaven and earth, and could not transcend the heaven and earth.

However, the great achievements of the immortal way are different. They can transcend the heaven and earth, the great way of heaven, and even the great way of chaos.

Although he himself did not achieve this, it really shocked a group of cultivators.

After all, what Hongjun said was true. Those saints in the sky, no matter who they were, had to work hard for the world, but it was different to cultivate to become immortals.

Moreover, the realms nowadays were named after immortals, so people recognized the great way of immortals and the immortal gate more, and they all felt that what Hongjun said was very reasonable.

Not long after, the number of disciples in the immortal gate quickly increased from 800 to more than 30,000.

And these more than 30,000 people were just the beginning. With Hongjun's preaching, there would be more and more until it became a super gate.

Kunlun Mountains, Buzhou Mountain.

The Three Purities had entered the chaos early with their most beloved disciples, watching the battle between the witches and the demons. This was also a good opportunity for them.

Tongtian brought four disciples, Duobao Taoist, Jinling Shengmu, Wudang Shengmu, and Guiling Shengmu, while Taishang brought two disciples, Xuandu and Lu Dongbin, and Yuanshi Tianzun brought two disciples, Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren.

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