Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 371 Internal strife, war breaks out!

Therefore, there are no high-level people in Buzhou Mountain now, so they are dissatisfied with each other on weekdays, and they can no longer tolerate it at this moment.

"Zhao Gongming, you were originally a cloud between heaven and earth, why do you hang out with those wet-born and egg-born people, and those who wear fur and armor all day long!"

The Taoist Manjusri Guangfa was blocking the disciples of Jiemen at this time, pointing at Zhao Gongming in front of him and cursing.

His cultivation was relatively low, and he was hit by the disciples of Jiemen a lot, so after the Three Pure Ones left, he started to attack Zhao Gongming directly.

As for whether the master will come back to punish him in the future, this is almost impossible, because this is a matter between them, and it will not be heard by the elders.

"That's right, look at the bad roots in you now, you have learned bad things from those people!" Taoist Cihang said with exaggeration.

It is not good to scold Zhao Gongming directly, and if you do so, it may alienate the relationship between them and Zhao Gongming.

There were some conflicts between the disciples of Chan Sect and Jie Sect, which originated from Yuanshi Tianzun's dissatisfaction with the disciples of Jie Sect.

Although the Three Pure Ones reconciled after that, Yuanshi Tianzun did not show any dissatisfaction with the disciples of Jie Sect. On the contrary, he pulled them to listen to his preaching like the disciples of Chan Sect.

However, these disciples like to compete and always like to compete for victory and defeat in private, and the disciples of Chan Sect are always inferior to the disciples of Jie Sect.

Over time, the disciples of Chan Sect could not find any advantage in the realm of cultivation, so they had to angrily criticize Jie Sect in terms of their origins. The disciples of Jie Sect were all hot-tempered. After hearing such words, the contradiction between the two naturally became greater and greater.

"What are you talking about, brothers? Second Master is not ashamed of our origins, but you are the first to be dissatisfied. What's more, in the prehistoric world, strength and background are important, and your origins are not important." Zhao Gongming frowned and looked at the Taoist Cihang and Taoist Wenshu in front of him. He was full of anger, but in order to avoid a quarrel, he did not say anything directly. If this was not Mount Buzhou and the other party was a disciple of Chan Sect, he would have used his magic weapon to kill the other party. But this is Mount Buzhou and the other party is also a disciple of Second Master, so in his opinion, it is better not to cause trouble. "Haha, you are a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, with amazing talent, and you are also a top figure in the entire Buzhou Mountain. But now you are willing to be with these flat-haired beasts. Isn't this self-degradation?

As your senior brother, I naturally don't want to see you fall into the endless darkness, and I want to help you."

The Taoist Manjusri sneered, swept his eyes, and looked at the disciples of the Jiemen behind Zhao Gongming, saying with disdain.

Strictly speaking, he is the direct disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, while Zhao Gongming and the disciples behind him are just some outer disciples, not direct disciples.

In addition, the masters of the three sects of Renmen, Chanmen, and Jiemen are all brothers, that is, the Three Pure Ones.

Therefore, these people have to call the Taoist Manjusri their senior brother, after all, he is a direct disciple.

But even if he is a direct disciple, he is still far behind Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren, who are really valued by Yuanshi Tianzun.

After all, there are differences in closeness among the direct disciples. It is obvious that Yuanshi Tianzun likes Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren more.

This is why Yuanshi Tianzun only took these two direct disciples with him, and the other disciples stayed in Buzhou Mountain.

"I have repeatedly respected you as my senior brother, so I will not argue with you, but why are you targeting us repeatedly now? I am afraid you want to stir up trouble!"

Zhao Gongming saw that the Taoist Manjusri in front of him was still chattering and mocking them, and he couldn't help but get angry, and immediately pointed his finger at the Taoist Manjusri and the Taoist Cihang.

At this time, the outer disciples of the Jiemen behind him were all angry and wanted to kill these two people.

But Zhao Gongming was here at this time, so they couldn't say anything over Zhao Gongming.

Because there are so many people in the Jiemen, Tongtian deliberately attaches great importance to the rules and asks them to respect their elders, so that some friction can be reduced as much as possible, and Yuanshi Tianzun will not particularly hate these disciples.

"Haha, so what if it is?"

Cihang Taoist sneered, looked at Wenshu Taoist beside him, and said with courage.

He was not afraid of these Jiemen disciples in front of him. After all, they were his direct disciples. If these people dared to take action, it would be a living crime of insubordination. When they ran over to complain, these people would naturally be in trouble.

Although they were beaten up and it was a bit embarrassing to run over to complain, it was normal that they could not beat so many people on the other side, so they could lose some face.

"I have heard from my teacher that there were great supernatural beings in the chaos of the past, called Dao gods and demons. Pangu Supreme was a body of the innate Dao, which is suitable for our current body. The other three thousand Dao gods and demons, some are covered with scales and some are covered with hair.

Are you two brothers saying that the Dao gods and demons in the chaos of the past were not in line with the Dao and were not worthy of the stream?!"

After hearing this, Zhao Gongming calmed down. After thinking about what his master said in the past, he immediately scolded him loudly.

He really didn't believe that these two people dared to say that the gods and demons of the past were all low-class guys. That was a big cause and effect.

"You! Junior Brother Zhao is quite sharp-tongued!"

Taoist Manjusri was furious when he heard this, but he did not dare to say anything more, so he had no choice but to attack Zhao Gongming.

After all, those Dao gods and demons are all transformed from the Dao, and they are the most essential existences. How could he dare to slander those existences.

If he really waits for that kind of existence to revive, let alone him, even his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun may not end well.

That was the existence that was the enemy of Pangu Taoist Master in the past. Even if he is defeated, you can still see how strong he is!

"To each other, the words of the two senior brothers today will be unforgettable by our disciples!"

Zhao Gongming looked at the two people with a livid face, snorted coldly, and then led the disciples towards Biyou Palace.

Biyou Palace is a group of palaces that reach the sky, and the portraits of the sky are stored in it. These people went there to pray and say hello to the teacher. Who knew that they met two disgusting people, Taoist Cihang and Taoist Manjusri, on the way? Guy.

"Brother, what should we do?"

Taoist Cihang frowned, looked at Taoist Manjusri and said.

Taoist Manjusri gritted his teeth and said: "What else can we do? They only have this few people. If they go back and shake them, I want to see if Zhao Gongming can stop us and the Twelve Golden Immortals!!!"

The Twelve Golden Immortals are just a good name, but it does not mean that they are just the cultivation of the Golden Immortals.


Taoist Cihang nodded after hearing this, and followed Taoist Manjusri to Yuxu Palace.

Yuxu Palace is the dojo of Yuanshi Tianzun. It is magnificent and magnificent. Although it is not as good as the Heavenly Palace, it still has a unique scenery.

"Senior Brother, we were bullied by those disciples, please ask Senior Brother to make the decision for us!!!"

Taoist Manjusri came to the Antarctic Immortal with a mournful face and cried and begged.

The Antarctic Immortal has been following Yuanshi Tianzun for a long time. He is Yuanshi Tianzun's proud disciple and the eldest disciple.

"Yes, senior brother, that cut-off door is too deceiving! I hope senior brother can make the decision for us two!!!" Taoist Cihang also bowed at this time and shouted loudly.

The Antarctic Immortal had a kind look on his face. He smiled when he saw Taoist Manjusri and Taoist Cihang who came to complain, shook his head, and said slowly: "You don't need to say more. Now that the master is not here, it is not convenient for me to do anything. Whatever happens, you can report it to the master yourself when he comes back."

After he said these words, the expressions of Taoist Manjusri and Taoist Cihang both changed, and they pretended not to say anything more.

The Antarctic Immortal naturally knows what kind of character the two junior brothers in front of him are, so he can't say that he helped these two junior brothers to get ahead, but it's hard to say anything more. After all, they are his own junior brothers, so it's fine if he doesn't help them. .

And this makes it impossible for them to go to their master to complain. After all, they will not go at all, so this matter itself is untenable.

"Thank you, Senior Brother. We will take our leave first."

After hearing this, Taoist Cihang and Taoist Manjusri had no choice but to resign and left in despair.

After all, if the senior brother refuses to help them, they can no longer stay here.

After the two of them left, the Antarctic Immortal looked at the place where the two of them left and shook his head helplessly. Although these junior brothers are all very talented, in terms of true character and character, few of them can see it. past.

Among the twelve golden immortals, except for Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren, there is no one with good character.

This is also the reason why Yuanshi Tianzun loves these two disciples even more, not only because their cultivation talents are good, but also because their character is still very good.

"Master accepts these disciples, but I don't know whether it is good or bad..."

The Antarctic Immortal sighed, and then immersed himself in his own world, no longer paying attention to these junior brothers.

The reason why he joined the Chan Sect was because of Yuanshi Tianzun, not because of these junior disciples.

the other side.

"Okay, I'll take my leave..."

After Taoist Cihang and Taoist Manjusri hit a wall again, they walked out dejectedly.

"Junior brother, these two senior brothers are unwilling to help us. Now we have no choice but to go to senior brother Chi Jing..."

Taoist Manjusri sighed and said helplessly.

I originally thought that these senior brothers would help them two, but I didn't expect that neither Antarctic Immortal nor Yun Zhongzi would help them.

"It's normal. The two senior brothers are not our disciples. It's normal for them not to help us. I think the other senior brothers won't refuse."

Taoist Cihang quickly adjusted his mentality and smiled at Taoist Manjusri.

Immediately afterwards, the two went to the caves of Chi Jingjing, Master Taiyi, Master Huanglong, Master Puxian, Master Lingbao, Master Wei Liusun, Master Daoxing, and Master Qingxu Daode.

After a visit, among the eight saints, only Master Huanglong, Master Qingxu Daode and Master Daoxing refused, while the remaining five all agreed.

Therefore, a group of seven people headed towards Biyou Palace where Zhemen was located.

In front of Biyou Palace.

Chi Jingjie, Master Taiyi, Master Puxian, Master Lingbao, Fearful Sun, Taoist Cihang, and Taoist Manjusri blocked the door. They did not dare to enter Biyou Palace to confront Zhao Gongming and others. Use force.

After all, this was causing trouble in Uncle Tongtian's dojo. They were not fools, so naturally they would not do such a mindless thing.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

There was a burst of noisy voices inside, and it was the outer disciples expressing their gratitude to Zhao Gongming.

Because Zhao Gongming said that he would let them go to his cave together, and he would discuss the Tao with these junior brothers.

It was said that he was talking about Taoism, but in fact it was equivalent to preaching. After all, Zhao Gongming's cultivation level was much more advanced than theirs.

"No need, we are all brothers, we should take care of each other, why should we be so polite!"

Zhao Gongming held his hands in front of the many junior disciples with a smile on his face.

He really wanted to see Zhemen become stronger, and coupled with the previous difficulties imposed by Taoist Cihang and Taoist Manjusri, this further strengthened his idea. After all, he could not be by the side of these junior brothers anytime and anywhere.

And just when they walked out of Biyou Palace, they saw the seven brothers who explained the sect in front of them. Everyone's expressions immediately changed, and their originally good mood fell into a trough in an instant, as if they had encountered something. Something extremely disgusting.

But it was impossible for Zhao Gongming to pretend that he had not seen them, so he stretched out his hands, bowed his hands and said, "Zhao Gongming has met all of you senior brothers."

"I've met all of you senior brothers."

Behind them, Luo Xuan, Empress Shiji and others also bowed to the seven golden immortals.

"Hmph! Who is your senior brother? Do you still have half of me in your heart!"

Chi Jingzhi snorted coldly when he heard this, staring at these people with suppressed anger in their words.

According to Taoist Manjusri, these outer disciples dared to bully their direct disciples, which made them feel extremely angry.

"Senior brother, what are you talking about?"

Zhao Gongming frowned, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked.

"Stop talking nonsense, today I will let you know what the authentic sect of Chan Sect is!!!"

Chi Jingzheng said coldly, not bothering to say more to them, and just used his magical power to throw it towards Zhao Gongming and others.

Zhao Gongming was horrified when he saw this, and quickly used his twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls to absorb the magical power of this attack.

"How brave! These disciples of the Chan Sect are bullying others too much. Junior brothers, please teach these guys a lesson!!!!"

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