Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 372: Capture Juliusun Chijingzi alive!

Zhao Gongming was furious when he saw this, and he shouted immediately, then he sacrificed 24 Dinghai Shenzhu and attacked the disciples of Chan Sect in front of him.

Luo Xuan behind him saw this, and he could no longer suppress his emotions, so he immediately sacrificed the Wan Ya Hu in his hand.

In an instant, countless fire crows spewed flames towards Chi Jingzi.

Chi Jingzi saw this, his face did not change, he sneered, and let the fire crows spray towards him.

Although the flames sprayed on Chi Jingzi, they were completely blocked by the Bagua Zishou Yi he was wearing.

Luo Xuan's face changed when he saw this, and he secretly said that it was bad, but the light emitted by the Bagua Zishou Yi saved Chi Jingzi from such a disaster.

"Boy, it's my turn now!"

Chi Jingzi looked at Luo Xuan coldly, and then a mirror appeared in his hand.

This mirror is the Yin-Yang Mirror, which contains powerful Yin-Yang Qi. If it is illuminated, the Yin-Yang Qi will rush out to take people's lives.

After Luo Xuan was illuminated, he suddenly felt a sense of horror in his heart. Just when he wanted to run away, he was fixed by the Yin-Yang Qi and could not escape.

"Brother, save me!!!"

Luo Xuan hurriedly shouted to Zhao Gongming on the side.

Zhao Gongming saw this and quickly controlled a Dinghai Shenzhu.

A white light flashed, and the Yin-Yang Qi spit out by the Yin-Yang Mirror was absorbed by the Dinghai Shenzhu.

Chi Jingzi's face changed drastically when he saw this. This guy's treasure actually has this function, but it just restrains his Yin-Yang Mirror.

No matter how much Yin-Yang Qi his Yin-Yang Mirror spits out, it is probably difficult to fill Zhao Gongming's Dinghai Shenzhu.

"Hey, how dare you lie to me that there is no one in my Chan Sect!!!"

Ji Liusun on the side shouted, and threw a long rope in his hand towards Zhao Gongming.

This long rope is the Lingbao Immortal Binding Rope. The Immortal Binding Rope is not the only thing, but a treasure that can be mass-produced, but this kind of treasure is not something that ordinary people can refine.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun was able to refine it and gave it to the short and fat Ji Liusun.

"You are just a trifling skill, and you dare to show off your skills in front of an expert!" Zhao Gongming snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

Then he threw out a rope fiercely. This rope was the Dragon Binding Rope, which has the ability to bind immortals and dragons. It is a treasure that is more advanced than the Immortal Binding Rope.

After the Dragon Binding Rope appeared, it automatically went towards the Immortal Binding Rope.

The two ropes were entangled with each other in mid-air, and the Dragon Binding Rope was more powerful than the Immortal Binding Rope after all, and it tied the Immortal Binding Rope tightly in a few seconds.

Zhao Gongming stretched out his left hand and called back the dragon-binding rope, and also took the bundle of immortal rope into his pocket.

Ju Liusun was horrified when he saw this, and pointed at Zhao Gongming with trembling fingers and muttered in his lips, but he dared not speak.

Chi Jingzi saw this and shouted: "Junior brother, you are not worried, I will take back the treasure for you!"

After that, he raised a water and fire blade and killed Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming was not surprised but happy when he saw this, and he fought back with one hand.

Ju Liusun did not dare to neglect it, and quickly used the earth-walking technique to hide in the ground, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

His magic weapon was taken away now, and because he was not liked, he only had this treasure, so this time it was taken away by Zhao Gongming directly, and now he could only rely on earth escape to attack.

Taiyi Zhenren also quickly sacrificed the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover and slapped Luo Xuan who was playing with fire before.


As a bell rang, nine fire dragons burst out from the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, carrying the Samadhi True Fire and rushing towards Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan was horrified when he saw this, and he shouted: "Three Heads and Six Arms!!!"

As he used the means of the three heads and six arms, he immediately took out the Feiyan Sword, the Five Dragon Wheel, the Wanli Qiyunyan, and the Zhaotian Seal from his other arms. Together with the Wan Ya Pot that he had sacrificed earlier, it happened that each of the six arms had a treasure in his hand.

The Feiyan Sword is two fire swords, which are Luo Xuan's companion treasures. Luo Xuan's original body is the Immortal of Flame. It is reasonable to say that he is a monster transformed by flames and is not afraid of flames.

But this Samadhi True Fire is really powerful. Let alone the immortals and gods transformed by flames, even if the fire god like Zhu Rong comes, he has to defend himself well.

Although the Samadhi True Fire used by Taiyi Zhenren will not hurt Zhu Rong, this does not mean that the Samadhi True Fire is not good, but that Taiyi Zhenren is not good.


Countless fire crows spewed out of the Wan Ya Pot again in an instant, and each fire crow absorbed the Samadhi True Fire in front of it.

After the fire crows absorbed the Samadhi True Fire, they were also burned by the Samadhi True Fire in their bodies, and they died together.

Endless fire crows spewed out from the Wan Ya Pot, and the nine fire dragons in the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover seemed to have an endless supply of Samadhi True Fire, constantly burning the fire crows in the Wan Ya Pot.

Seeing this, Luo Xuan knew that it was not a solution, and immediately sacrificed Wanli Qiyunyan again and fired a round of rockets at Taiyi Zhenren in the distance.


Tens of thousands of rockets went towards Taiyi Zhenren and even several other Golden Immortals.



Each rocket made a violent explosion in the sky, and the power of the explosion went in all directions, and countless flames scattered on the sky with the explosion.

Most of the flames fell to the ground, and in an instant, the treasures of the immortals in front of the Biyou Palace began to burn.

Taiyi Zhenren didn't dare to take this attack head-on. He retracted the Nine Dragons Fire Cover, and two wind and fire wheels appeared under his feet. He fled the battlefield in an instant and avoided the attack.

Other immortals each offered their own defensive treasures to block in front of themselves, blocking the rockets in the sky.

"You have three heads and six arms, and I have three heads and eight arms!!"

Taiyi Zhenren laughed loudly, and his body turned into a three-headed and eight-armed form, which was stronger than Luo Xuan's three heads and six arms, with two more arms.

When his three heads and eight arms appeared, the wind and fire wheels under his feet supported him to fly freely, at an extremely fast speed, even faster than the Golden Light Technique.

The Hun Tian Ling was wrapped around his body, and he held the Qiankun Circle, two fire spears, gold bricks, the Nine Dragons Fire Cover, the Yin-Yang Swords, and the treasure file in his hands.

In this way, each of the eight arms had a treasure in his hand.


Luo Xuan was shocked when he saw this. How much did the guy in front of him like the second uncle Yuanshi? He actually had so many treasures. You should know that he only had five treasures, while the other party Taiyi Zhenren actually had eight treasures.

These eight treasures covered Taiyi Zhenren's whole body. A stream of light emanated from the treasure file, covering him and providing protection.

The wind and fire wheel allowed him to escape or fight more flexibly, while the mixed sky silk was a treasure that could control others.

The remaining Qiankun circle, fire spear, gold brick, nine dragons fire cover and even the Yin and Yang double swords were all treasures used for attack and killing. For a while, Luo Xuan fell into a disadvantage when fighting with him.

"Brother Luo Xuan, I'll help you!!!"

After seeing that Luo Xuan was defeated, Niangniang Shiji immediately gave up the Lingbao Master in front of her and sacrificed her Bagua Longxu Pa and Bagua Yunguang Pa.

In an instant, hundreds of yellow-turbaned warriors appeared. Each of them wore a yellow turban and looked dull, but they were extremely powerful.

"It's just a trifle, not worth mentioning!"

Seeing this, Taiyi Zhenren said with disdain, and swung the Yin-Yang double swords in his hands at the opponent.

Boom! !

A fierce sword energy transformed from the Yin-Yang Qi destroyed all the yellow-turbaned warriors, and then the remaining power went towards Niangniang Shiji.

Seeing this, Niangniang Shiji turned pale, and hurriedly held the Tai'a sword and used all her cultivation to cut the sword energy.

Boom! ! !

The two sword energies collided with each other, making a violent collision sound, and Niangniang Shiji was blown away.


Niangniang Shiji covered her chest, spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Taiyi Zhenren with hatred.

Taiyi Zhenren ignored her and continued to use all kinds of magical powers to suppress Luo Xuan and beat him up.

At this time, Ji Liusun, who had been hiding in the ground, found an opportunity and hit Shiji Niangniang fiercely.

Boom! ! !

A lightning bolt came from the horizon and hit Ji Liusun, who was about to attack, in an instant, and split him into charcoal.


Ji Liusun fainted the moment he was hit and fell to the ground unconscious.

The person who made the move was the Golden Light Holy Mother. The Golden Light Holy Mother stood high in the sky holding the Lightning Mother Flag, and from time to time controlled lightning to strike the seven golden immortals of the Chan Sect who were fighting below.

"Brother Chi Jingzi has a high seniority, but his strength is not good. If your strength can be a little bit as strong as his, it would be enough!"

Zhao Gongming looked at Chi Jingzi, who was fixed by his twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls, and said with a cold face full of disdain.

Before the fight, he still respected the other party. After all, the other party was his direct disciple, and he had to give him face, so he repeatedly tolerated the other party.

But now, the fight has started, so who cares about these things.

Chi Jingzi looked at Zhao Gongming with horror, and felt extremely shocked. He didn't know why this little outer disciple in front of him was so powerful that he could suppress him to the ground in a short time.

He thought he could easily suppress Zhao Gongming, but the result was completely the opposite of his own, which made him feel very disappointed.

Then, Zhao Gongming waved his hand and took Chi Jingzi into the space of Dinghai Shenzhu, completely suppressing him in the space.

Zhao Gongming then looked at the battlefield around him and found that Luo Xuan, who was fighting against Taiyi Zhenren, was the most dangerous. He immediately went towards Taiyi and shouted: "Taiyi, don't hurt my junior brother!!!"

The reason for shouting was to remind the other party and let Taiyi Zhenren know that they would not do such a despicable thing as sneak attack. If they want to win, they will win in an upright manner.

As for bullying the minority with the majority, Zhao Gongming did not resist this in his heart. In his mind, sneak attack was a despicable means, while having a large number of people was an upright thing. After all, who made you not have a large population?

What's more, the Chan Sect always finds fault with them because they have many brothers and sisters. Since you say that we are numerous and a mob, what are you who were defeated by the mob today?

With Zhao Gongming joining the battle, Taiyi Zhenren gradually began to lose his strength. His cultivation was not as high as Zhao Gongming's. If he were to fight Zhao Gongming one-on-one, he could still rely on his numerous treasures to compete with Zhao Gongming for a while.

But now that the other party has Luo Xuan, who is equally powerful, he naturally becomes even more unable to hold on.

Soon, the wind blew under Zhenren Taiyi's feet, and he ran away directly on the Hot Wheels. He left here and went to the place where the Antarctic Immortal was, asking for reinforcements.

With the fainting of fearful sun, the escape of Zhenren Taiyi, and the suppression of Chi Jingjing, the remaining Taoist Cihang and Taoist Manjusri of Chanmen, as well as Zhenren Puxian and Master Lingbao, also quickly began to escape.

Zhao Gongming did not chase the other party, but shouted loudly to stop the junior brothers who wanted to pursue him.

"Senior brother, why don't you take advantage of the victory and pursue it?"

Luo Xuan collected his magical powers and asked in confusion.

Zhao Gongming glanced at the queen who was lying on the ground, and with a wave of his hand, the dragon-binding rope tied her tightly, and then put it into the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

"What happened this time was that the other party started the fight. We were just fighting back. But if we chase them after we have beaten them away, the nature will be different."

After Zhao Gongming looked at the scene in front of him that was severely damaged due to the battle, his expression became extremely ugly.

This is in front of the Biyou Palace. They were beaten in the face by others. Although they said they won, their face was not much better.

Luo Xuan nodded in understanding, with a smile on his face, and said: "Now two of them have been captured by senior brother, I want to see how they will stop after the second senior uncle comes back! "

"Hahahaha, that's it!!! Junior brothers, come with me back to the cave. We won't be able to leave until the master and the two uncles come back!!"

Zhao Gongming laughed loudly and shouted to his junior brothers to go to his cave.

As for the scenery in front of Biyou Palace, we should keep it until the master comes back and ask about it, and let the arrogant Chan Sect disciples look remorseful.

"Senior Brother, hurry up and save Senior Brother Chi Jingjing and Junior Brother Fearu Sun! They were captured by the outer disciples who intercepted the door!"

Master Taiyi came to the place where the Antarctic Immortal was with his hair disheveled and unkempt.

The Antarctic Immortal shook his head slightly when he saw this. He had expected this scene, but he really didn't expect that the other party would actually detain his junior brothers.

He had a good idea of ​​Zhao Gongming's cultivation. Although it was not as good as his own, it was still far beyond what the twelve subsequent junior brothers could handle.

Maybe Junior Brother Guangchengzi can fight, but he is not here at this time, and Luo Xuan is not an easy person, so he has already expected the outcome of this trip.

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