"That's all, after all, he is my junior fellow apprentice, so just go ahead and do whatever you want!"

The Antarctic Immortal sighed upon seeing this and said helplessly.

For this group of incompetent juniors, he also resented the incompetence of iron. The foundation of a monk's identity does not lie in other things, but in his own cultivation. He doesn't even know this, where are he playing all day long? I really don’t know what it means to look down on other junior fellow apprentices.

This is also the reason why he doesn't want to associate with those junior brothers. They are not the same type of people at the root.

Among the Twelve Golden Immortals, only Master Yuding is honest and honest, and he can still get along with him. Although Guangchengzi is not that honest, he is also smart and sensitive, and he is not as good as the outer disciples who openly face the door. They showed disgust.

Although Master Taiyi doesn't care about this, after all, this kid is too protective. If outsiders bully the disciples of the three sects, he will hold a grudge and look for opportunities to get them back, including the disciples who intercepted the sect.

And if there was a conflict among the three sects, then he would naturally protect the disciples of the Chan sect first.

Only these three are pretty good. The remaining two, Qingxu Daodezhenjun and Daoxingzhenjun, only care about themselves and don't play with these people. Therefore, the Antarctic Immortal's temperament towards these two I don’t really understand either.

Among the Twelve Golden Immortals, except for these five, the remaining seven are not good things. Anyway, they are not good things in the eyes of the Antarctic Immortal, especially the fearful grandson.

Not only is his cultivation low, but his character is also looked down upon by the Antarctic Immortal.

Of course, one will die if one compares with another, and if he is compared with a guy like Taoist Manjusri, then Zhen Liusun will be considered a good gentleman.

The Antarctic Immortal is born divine and can easily see into people's hearts. Among the twelve golden immortals, Manjusri, Cihang, and the always taciturn Samantabhadra are the most despicable, followed by those who are afraid of leaving grandchildren, Chi Jing, and Ling. Master Bao, Zhenren Huanglong...

"Thank you, Senior Brother, Taiyi is grateful!"

When Master Taiyi saw that his elder brother was willing to help, he was immediately grateful and bowed to the Antarctic Immortal in front of him.

If this matter happens after Master and the others come back, then none of them who participated in the previous battle will think about it.

But if the other party releases the two captured Golden Immortals, then there is no need to worry about Master and the others finding out.

"Let's go!"

The Antarctic Immortal nodded and said, then he flew up and headed towards the place where the interception door was.

He didn't know where Zhao Gongming lived, but he knew that the disciples of Zhemen all lived in a random cave in Kunlun Mountain.

The creatures who lived there before didn't have any objections. After all, what Jiejiao occupied was not to dominate the mountain but to live in a place. In addition, Sanqing was on Buzhou Mountain, so they didn't dare to do it. Naturally, I just let them do whatever they want.

After a period of searching, the Antarctic Immortal and Master Taiyi finally found Fangdong Mansion.

I saw the glow of the cave in front of me, and the power of formations coming from one after another.

"In seclusion?"

The Antarctic Immortal frowned and murmured in a low voice. He never expected that the other party would actually play such a trick.

It was obvious that he didn't want to be friendly with them, and he made it clear that he wanted to expose this matter to his master, uncle, and uncles.

This was also the most tense dispute between the disciples of the Zhejie Sect and the Zen Sect disciples. In the past, they could only mock each other in private when the Master and others were not around, but now they were actually fighting.

The concept is different now, and it will be even more different if the other party reveals it to the master.

"The poor Taoist Antarctic Immortal is the great disciple of the Chan Sect. He visited Junior Brother Zhao's cave today and asked Junior Brother Zhao to show up."

The Antarctic Immortal first bowed his hands to the cave, and then stood in front of the cave and waited quietly.

Taiyi Zhenren on the side saw this, his face was full of shame. He felt ashamed that he had revealed something and asked his senior brother to risk his face to settle the matter.

In the cave.

"What should I do? The Antarctic Immortal is coming outside..."

Luo Xuan frowned and said at a loss.

Originally, they planned that those golden immortals would not come to them to embarrass themselves and ask for someone. Even if they came licking their faces, they would not pay attention to each other.

But now that the Antarctic Immortal is here, it's completely different.

Even Zhao Gongming fell into deep thought for a while and didn't know what to do now.

"Senior Brother Zhao, you should go and meet him. After all, he is Senior Brother Antarctica. If you don't give him some face, it will be unjustifiable..."

Empress Shiji noticed Zhao Gongming's hesitation and spoke quickly.

"Yes, yes, let's meet..."

As the saying goes, people are reflected in the shadow of famous trees. The reputation of the Antarctic Immortal is naturally much greater than that of the Twelve Golden Immortals, and his cultivation is even more unfathomable.

"Okay then, let's meet up!"

When Zhao Gongming heard what these junior brothers and sisters said, he immediately nodded and agreed.

As they said, after all, the person coming here is the Antarctic Immortal. If the other party pays such a polite visit without seeing him, it will annoy the other party. If the other party directly rejects it, it will be a troublesome thing.

After all, with the strength of the Antarctic Immortal, he can directly break the formation restrictions, break into the cave and kill them all.

"Elder brother, will he come out to meet you?"

Taiyi Zhenren on the side said with some uncertainty. It had been a while since the Antarctic Immortal shouted. If the other party wanted to see him, he would have come out to meet him long ago.

The Antarctic Immortal had a confident expression on his face and said with a smile: "Don't be anxious, give me some time to think about it."

This is the self-confidence that comes from strength. In addition, there is nothing wrong with his personality. The other party will definitely meet him after thinking about it again and again.

Sure enough, just as he finished speaking, he saw a man in a green robe walking out of the cave, crossing the magnificent formation, and came to the front of the Antarctic Immortal and Master Taiyi.

Behind him, there were some other disciples who also came out one after another.

"I've met Senior Brother Chanmen!"

Zhao Gongming quickly bowed his hands and bowed to the Antarctic Immortal.

"I've met Senior Brother Chanmen!!!"

The junior brothers and sisters behind him all bowed to the Antarctic Immortal and shouted loudly.

"I've met all the junior brothers and sisters."

The Antarctic Immortal smiled and bowed his hands again in return, smiling at the disciples in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Master Taiyi quickly raised his hands and bowed, but he didn't shout anything.

The disciples who intercepted the door completely ignored him, and the reason why he chose to bow was just because the senior brother had already saluted. If he didn't salute, it would be a bit disrespectful to the senior brother.

"I don't know what the honor of Senior Brother is when he comes to my humble residence?"

Zhao Gongming asked with a smile, his words were very direct.

"Haha, I came here this time to ask for just one thing."

When the Antarctic Immortal saw the other party going straight to the point, he was immediately unambiguous and overturned the rhetoric he had planned to say before, and spoke directly and boldly.

Zhao Gongming saw that what he said was a request, and his good feelings doubled immediately. He had long known that the Antarctic Immortal was kind to people and made good friends with others, but now it turned out to be true.

And the most important thing is that he felt a powerful force in the Antarctic Immortal's body, and he knew that he was probably not the opponent's opponent.

"Senior Brother, what you said is serious. If you have something to say, it doesn't matter. Although we are disciples of the sect, the three sects are one family. Senior brother is the eldest son of the Chan sect, so he is our senior brother. If you have any requests, you should obey them. labor."

Zhao Gongming's words were full of respect for the Antarctic Immortal. Just like in the past, Master Taiyi who was watching on the side was dumbfounded.

"Why can these people be so hypocritical and conciliatory? No, you must learn this skill, otherwise you will be too passive when encountering trouble..."

Master Taiyi secretly decided in his heart, he didn't know why the two of them could talk so kindly, as if they were really like a family, even though the two sects were on the same level.

But what he didn't know was that without their cynicism, maybe Chanmen and Zhemen could really get along well with each other.

From the bottom of my heart, although some of the disciples at the lower level of the Zhe Sect disciples are indeed unscrupulous and messy, they are indeed very united among themselves, and it will not matter if they meet fellow disciples.

It's just that the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect are proud of themselves and look down on the disciples of the Jie Sect who have bad backgrounds, which is why the current situation has occurred.

"Alas! To be honest with what I said, senior brother, I do have something to do. The master is not here, and I have not taken into account the responsibilities of other senior brothers. Therefore, I have not been good at restraining some disciples of the Chan Sect, so I let them run to the front of Biyou Palace. , only then can this happen.

Closer to home, in the final analysis, the responsibility this time still lies with me. I was the one who indulged them.

Therefore, I hereby implore my junior brother to release the two of them and teach them a lesson, which is entirely his responsibility. As for my fault, as long as he says a word about it, he will accept it without any hesitation. "

The Antarctic Immortal sighed, and then spoke.

Speaking of the latter part, the Antarctic Immortal had a face full of shame, wishing he could make some big talk about himself.

When Master Taiyi on the side saw this, he quickly stood up and bowed to the disciples of Zhe Sect: "Junior brothers, I was wrong. I also ask Junior Brother Zhao to release the two of them back to Chan Sect."

Seeing that the Antarctic Immortal was willing to admit his mistake with all his face, Master Taiyi naturally no longer had any burden in his heart and did not care about his face.

After all, they are the ones asking for it now, and it is better to be embarrassed now than to be embarrassed and punished when Sanqing comes back.

Zhao Gongming, who was still hesitating at first, saw that Master Taiyi was willing to put down his posture and admit his mistake. He immediately turned around and looked at the junior brothers and junior sisters.

"It's up to senior brother to make the decision!"

After Luo Xuan and others saw this, they immediately clasped their fists and said.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Gongming nodded, smiled at the Antarctic Immortal, and returned the greeting with his hands raised: "As my senior brother said, I will release the two of them, but if they come to trouble us again in the future, by then …”

"At that time, senior brother, no matter how thick-skinned I am, I will not come here again. If this is the case, junior brother, I will punish you!"

The Antarctic Immortal Weng quickly answered and said with an apologetic smile.

This time, it can be said that he put all his face on the line and completely lost his own face.

But in fact, it is precisely this that makes the disciples of Zhemen respect them even more, and those who are more concerned about face often lose the least face.

After hearing this, Zhao Gongming quickly shouted: "Don't dare!"

After that, he waved his sleeves and sacrificed the Dinghai Divine Pearl. With a flash of white light, the red sperm suppressed inside and the fearful sun who was bound by the dragon-binding rope appeared in everyone's sight.

Zhao Gongming snorted coldly, and the dragon-binding rope returned to his palm, and a fairy-binding rope also flew out of his palm and landed on Ji Liusun's head.

Just as Ji Liusun looked around in confusion, he saw the fairy-binding rope and immediately took it with great joy. This was his only treasure, so he had to keep it well.

"If it weren't for the senior brother coming here to plead for you, I wouldn't let you go no matter what you said today!"

After Zhao Gongming said this coldly, regardless of Chi Jingzi's livid face and Ji Liusun who was happy because the treasure had returned to him, he directly bowed to Nanji Xianweng and said with a smile: "Senior brother, I don't know if there is anything else. If there is nothing else, then I will take my leave..."

"Thank you, junior brother, there is nothing else."

Nanji Xianweng also returned the greeting and smiled.

After hearing this, Zhao Gongming took many junior brothers and sisters back to the cave quickly.

In front of the cave that was originally quite lively, only the Nanji Immortal, Taiyi Zhenren, Chi Jingzi, and Ju Liusun were left.

"Hmph! Look at what you have done! Go and copy the Jade Pure Peaceful Heart Mantra for me 10,000 times. Remember, word for word!"

After saying that, Nanji Immortal disappeared without paying attention to the faces of these people.

Taiyi Zhenren was not bad. He bowed to the place where Nanji Immortal disappeared and said, "I will follow the instructions of the senior brother."

After saying that, he said to Chi Jingzi, "Senior brother, I will go back to copy the mantra first."

After that, he flew away on the clouds.

"Hehe, baby is back!"

After Ju Liusun laughed, he also said goodbye to Chi Jingzi. As for the method of copying, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Chi Jingzi looked at Ji Liusun, who was like a fool, and then looked at the back of Taiyi Zhenren leaving, and his heart was full of hatred.

"Damn Zhao Gongming! Damn Nanji Xianweng!! Damn Taiyi!!!"

"If you hadn't refused to help me, I wouldn't have ended up like this. Now you're pretending to save me and punishing me to copy the spell!"

"Today, I won't copy it, what can you do to me?!"

"And you, Taiyi!!! You are destined to pay the price for your choice!!!"

Chi Jingzi's heart was full of hatred for Nanji Xianweng, even more than for Zhao Gongming. He hated Nanji Xianweng for being so powerful, but he refused to help him deal with Zhao Gongming.

He hated Taiyi Zhenren for parting ways with him and not listening to him at all.

Although Taiyi didn't say it directly, he could also feel the change in his attitude.

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