Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 374 Zhurong falls, Gonggong explodes

In chaos.

People from the two Lich clans began to die one after another. In the melee, no one was sure that they would never die.

The Golden Immortal Realm of Hunyuan Daluo has never been immortal, but has become difficult to die. In today's prehistoric times, it is almost an immortal existence.

The latter's immortality means that sooner or later after death, one will be resurrected. This resurrection is a real resurrection and not the kind of resurrection that involves reincarnation.

Strictly speaking, reincarnation is not a true resurrection, because after reincarnation, although the true spirit does not change, the soul and even the three souls and seven souls actually change.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the true spirit.

The Emperor Suiren looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but feel sad in his heart.

"Alas! I don't know how many of my former friends have been lost now!"

The Suiren clan said rather sentimentally that he had naturally made many friends during his years as the Human Emperor, and had some connections with many members of the Lich and Lich clans.

Just like Di Jun, Taiyi and others to him, although they are leaders of different forces, they are actually Taoist friends. They are on the same path and can call each other Taoist friends.

It's just that due to identity issues, they call each other by their positions.

"Brother, why are you so sad? Now that the Lich and Lich tribes have perished, only our human race will dominate the world. By then, the human race will be the truly strongest force!"

Different from Suiren's sentimentality, Shennong's eyes showed a hint of excitement. During his reign, he did not communicate with those alien creatures, and there were very few people with whom he had good relations.

Therefore, when he faced the duel between heaven and hell, his heart was not at all sad, but instead filled with joy.

This is what many forces in the prehistoric era want to see. If heaven and hell are always peaceful and friendly scenes, then those forces will never think about development, and all that awaits them is obscurity. Go down this road.

"That's true!"

After Suiren heard this, the sentimentality in his heart disappeared in an instant. Just as Shennong said, if the two Lich clans really fell, then the affairs of the world would be decided by the human race.

As for the Dragon Clan, they will never conflict with them. As long as the human race does not interfere with the Four Seas Land, the Dragon Clan will definitely not leave the Four Seas Land.

Thinking of this scene, the original friendship in Suiren's heart disappeared in an instant.

As the saying goes, in the face of race, all friends are false. If possible, Suiren would risk his own life.

Different from the calm scene between the two here, in the depths of the vast chaos, there is a lich battlefield.

Chaos is full of violent aura, and the energy of chaos is raging everywhere, and it has even begun to affect the members of the Lich and Lich clans who are fighting.

"go to hell!!!"

Taiyi yelled, and with an angry look, he took out the Chaos Bell and headed towards Zhu Rong. It turned out that Zhu Rong was not well-liked in the first place, and now he even dared to offend him.

After a long fight, Taiyi finally felt tired, and then decided to kill Zhu Rong, who seemed to be the most hateful one.

"The law of heaven and earth!!!"

Zhu Rong roared, and his body continued to surge.

bass! bass!

There was originally no wind in the chaos, but as Zhu Rong's body surged, winds gradually appeared one after another.

The clouds moved with the wind, and the huge Zhu Rong's body was surrounded by clouds one after another.

In the past, Zhu Rong had a body of 100,000 feet. Now, with the blessing of Fa Tian Xiang Di, he has a body of one million feet.

This is his Tao body. The Tao body has transformed into such a huge existence. Although the target has become bigger, its strength and other aspects have naturally been greatly improved.

"Nanming Lihuo!!!"

"The Stream of Fire - Three Thousand Worlds!!!"

Zhu Rong shouted loudly, and punched Taiyi with supreme power.

clang! ! !

The Chaos Bell shouted loudly, and the rippling sound waves were centered on it and radiated towards the battlefield in all directions.

As the bell rang loudly, all the witch clans on the battlefield and the creatures in the underworld were affected.

And the three thousand worlds that suppressed the chaos came down with the power of that punch, and the power of all the worlds fell on Taiyi instantly, causing Taiyi who was originally high up to feel the dignity in his body in an instant. .

"The great sun - shining in all directions!!!"

A loud shout was heard, and a violent light burst out from Taiyi's body in an instant. The light shocked all directions and rippled for nine days.

In an instant, all the creatures of the Witch Clan in the entire battlefield were affected by it.


There were screams one after another. It turned out that the soldiers of Heavenly Court had seized the opportunity and attacked and killed the opponent.

Because they were affected by the Chaos Clock and the Taoist Rhythm of the Great Sun, they were stagnant for a while, so they were suppressed and killed by it.

When they die, the true spirit disappears.

In other words, I did not see the existence of the true spirit.

"Damn Taichi!!!"

Zhu Rong was furious when he saw this, but he was even more horrified in his heart. He was surprised to find that he could not escape from the suppressed place for a while.

Then Hou Tu, Tu Bo and Chi You were not idle, and they all displayed their most powerful magical powers.

"The way of reincarnation - swallowing reincarnation!!!"

Following Hou Tu's spell casting, Six Paths of Samsara actually appeared above the battlefield, exuding violent devouring power and heading towards Taiyi.

Taiyi was shocked when he saw this, and quickly covered himself with the Chaos Bell to prevent him from being swallowed up by the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The next moment, as the Chaos Bell withdrew its defenses, Zhu Rong finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the huge and violent Dao Yun of the Sun was still suppressing something that was difficult to escape from him.

"The Nine-Meandering Yellow River—Netherworld comes to the world!!!"

Tu Bo's horns emitted a strange light, and then the Netherworld appeared in this battlefield, ignoring the invasion of the Chaos Land. Because of Tu Bo's existence, this Netherworld This place can last forever.

And when the Netherworld appeared, the Yin Qi increased significantly, and soon the Dao Yun of the Great Sun invaded part of the Shen Yun.


Chi You shouted loudly, and slashed at Taiyi with the Nine Soul Tiger Soul Saber in his hand.

"How dare you hurt me, junior?"

Taiyi shouted loudly, and the immortal-killing flying knife on his waist appeared in front of him.

"Please baby turn around!!!"


A white light flashed out from the treasure, exuding a breathtaking and dangerous aura.

And at the moment when this white light flashed, Chi You's aura dropped rapidly.

"Chi You?!!"

Upon seeing this, Hou Tu turned around and shouted loudly, looking at Chi You behind him.

But at this time, the charm in Chi You's eyes had disappeared, but his body was not strange at all.

But it is the vicious existence in this immortal-killing flying knife gourd that specializes in eating people's minds and harming their souls.

"What kind of treasure is this? How can it be so terrifying?!"

Tu Bo was horrified and looked at Taiyi across from him in horror.

"How dare you do this!!! It's too much to bully someone!!!"

Zhu Rong's eyes were full of anger, and then he ran madly towards Taiyi.

"Since I can't kill you, I'll drag you along and destroy you together!!!"

Seeing the great witch die tragically in front of him, Zhu Rong felt worried and angry. After knowing that he was no match for the other party, he wanted revenge in his heart.

If there was still room for high-level battles between them before, then there is absolutely no room for action now, and they are completely blind.

Since the death of the first creature, the rest of the beings have become quite angry.

And after experiencing too much, the hatred for the other party has long been in my heart.

Hatred can make people lose their minds and reason, leaving only rage covered by anger.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Taiyi sneered, stretched out his right hand and pressed down hard on Zhu Rong.

A majestic force emerged from nowhere and pressed Zhu Rong to the ground, unable to move.

"Please baby turn around!!"

Taiyi took the opportunity to shout again, and the Immortal Killing Flying Dagger instantly burst out with a burst of intense white light, heading towards Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong showed a hint of disdain when he saw this. This immortal-killing flying knife was something that was harmful to people's minds. However, as an ancestral witch, he had no soul, so he restrained this treasure innately.

Sure enough, after the white light circled towards Zhu Rong, it returned to the gourd.

The flying knife that kills immortals will definitely be contaminated with life. If there is no soul accompanying it, it will cause some damage to itself, making it impossible to use it again in a short period of time.

In other words, this is a life-saving treasure. If you can attack and kill, you can reset the CD and attack again. If you don't kill the opponent, you can only wait for the CD's cooling time to expire. Then it can be used again.

"Hahahaha!!! Let's die together!!!"

In this moment of neutrality, Zhu Rong rushed to Taiyi's side.

As these words fell, Zhu Rong's body suddenly expanded rapidly.

The flames between heaven and earth seemed to have gathered in Zhu Rong's belly, and they could be seen rising high in his belly.

"not good!"

Taiyi's mind was in turmoil, knowing that Zhu Rong wanted to blow himself up, so he was so frightened that he quickly flew away.

The technique of turning the golden house into a rainbow, a rainbow light flashed across.

Boom! ! !

Just as Taitai started to take off, a huge energy burst out from Zhu Rong's body and shot towards the battlefield.

A huge ball of flame appeared in the vast chaos and exploded in all directions.

In an instant, the entire gray battlefield was lit up extremely brightly, as if the sun had appeared beside him.

"Fourth brother!!!"

After Hou Tu saw this, he yelled towards where Zhu Rong was with his eyes splitting with anger.

Immediately afterwards, a huge fireball ravaged the entire battlefield with terrifying energy.

"Run away!!!"

For a time, many creatures near Zhu Rong stopped fighting and fled into the distance.

"Want to run away!? Stay and die!!!"

A great witch from the witch clan roared and decided to delay the other party's escape even at the cost of his own life.

How could their ancestral witches allow these creatures on the other side to escape with the opportunity they had gained by self-destructing their lives?

"Zhu Rong!!!"

Gonggong yelled heartbreakingly in the distance, and he understood something the moment he saw the light.

However, the time was running out, he still needed to kill Fuxi in front of him.

"Suffer death, Fuxi!!!"

Gonggong roared angrily and filled his heart with sorrow, summoning up infinite water and drowning Fuxi.

"Are you crazy!!"

Fuxi, who had always been unparalleled in wisdom, now saw the madness in Gonggong's eyes and was horrified.

He could see in Gonggong's eyes that he was looking forward to death. If he guessed correctly, the other party would be...

Explode! ! !

Boom! ! !

Another sound of self-destruction appeared. Gonggong first trapped Fuxi with the heavy water for a short moment, and then immediately started the self-destruction without any hesitation.

In an instant, a huge fireball crashed together with the boundless waves.

They are not afraid of death, and even if they die, they can always come back again.

Therefore, after being hit on the head, they began to self-destruct in order to kill the other party.

For a time, not only the two ancestral witches self-destructed, but also many great witches also learned to self-destruct one after another.

In an instant, colorful lights began to erupt.

Many great witches saw that they were going to be killed by other tribesmen's self-destructions, so they simply started to self-destruct.

far away.


Suirenshi looked at the violent fluctuations of energy coming from the distance, feeling speechless and helpless in his heart.

He was so shocked at this time that he didn't know what to say. These people of the Wu Clan were really shocked...

"Is this the Witch Clan..."

When Shennong saw this scene, he was dumbfounded and murmured to himself. This was the first time he had seen such a scene.

When has the Wu Clan been so crazy? They couldn't beat the opponent and started to self-destruct.

"How can we defeat this kind of race?"

For a moment, the Shennong family couldn't help but have this thought in their mind. If all the Wu clan members could not defeat the opponent and would choose to pull the enemy to self-destruct, even if the Wu clan was not one of the most powerful forces in the world, it would not matter. The tribe dared to invade them.

"Is the Witch Clan crazy? How could it be like this?!"

Canglong, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, couldn't help but jump up and said that he couldn't empathize with this kind of behavior at all, but he was just sure that the other party was mentally ill.

If you really can't beat the opponent, you can't run away. As for pulling the opponent to self-destruct like this...

After all, the Wu clan only needs to surrender and admit defeat. After all, in their opinion, this battle is completely unnecessary.

Therefore, Canglong didn't understand it.

"The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan!"

Zulong heard this and glanced at Canglong sideways, and said lightly.

For this Canglong who succeeded him as the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he always felt that the level and depth of his thoughts were not enough.

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