"Swallow? Swan? What kind of rubbish is that? I am a real dragon, a member of the dragon clan, a congenitally sacred dragon, a real dragon transformed from the blood of Pangu Daozun!!!"

Although Canglong did not dare to refute Zulong's words, he still expressed disdain for Yanque and Honghu.

After Canglong's words appeared, Zulong's face fell instantly, and his face, which was not very good to begin with, became even darker and darker.

The other three dragon kings all smiled, wanting to laugh but not daring to really laugh.


Zulong was too lazy to pay attention to this guy, for fear that he would be upset again by the other party's shocking words.

Seeing that the Dragon Emperor and the three dragon kings had different expressions, Canglong's momentum weakened instantly, and he said weakly: "What's wrong with what I said..."

"No, no, hahahaha..."

The North Sea Dragon King Bingyi couldn't help laughing halfway through his words.


In the center of the battlefield.


In the huge fire shadow, a disheveled man with torn clothes and blood dripping from his body was gasping for breath.

"Damn Zhu Rong, he actually exploded directly, and also caused so many witches to explode..."

Taiyi's face was ashen. He was already embarrassed by Taiyi's explosion. Before he could escape, he encountered Gonggong's explosion again, and then countless great witches exploded.

So many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian exploded, and even the defense of the Chaos Bell was easily torn apart.

Not only the Chaos Bell, but also the Donghuang robe he was wearing was easily torn apart.

His blood kept falling like an unstoppable river.

When the flames dissipated and the entire battlefield was exposed, Taiyi, covered in blood, could be seen leaning on the Chaos Bell, looking at everyone with his last breath.

If it weren't for the defense of this Chaos Bell, he would have died in the self-explosion of hundreds of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


Hou Tu looked at the man in front of her and couldn't help but take a breath. She couldn't understand why the guy in front of her was not dead yet.

Even with the self-explosion of her two brothers and hundreds of great witches, she still couldn't kill him.

"Take advantage of his life to make him sick!!!"

Tu Bo on the side roared, carrying the Supreme Youdu Avenue and blasting towards Taiyi, who was lingering on at the moment.

However, his own body was also broken because he was injured by Zhu Rong's sudden self-explosion.

Self-explosion is a large-scale killing thing, and it can't automatically distinguish between enemies and friends.

However, he was only implicated by Zhu Rong's self-explosion, so although he was also injured, he was much better than Taiyi at the moment.

"Ahem... Ahem..."

Taiyi looked at the enemy, his eyes were almost crazy, and a kind of anger that had never appeared before appeared in his eyes.

Suddenly, his body rose up suddenly, and a voice like thunder resounded in the chaos.

"Brother, I will go first!!!"

With Taiyi's roar, a huge three-legged golden crow with infinite solar true fire suddenly appeared on the battlefield.


Di Jun in another place saw this and let out a roar. Suddenly, a heart-wrenching pain appeared in his heart, which was the pain of losing a loved one.

With the appearance of that feeling, a flame that seemed to cover the entire chaos came with a rolling fire wave.

The fire wave spread rapidly, and in an instant it swallowed up Tu Bo who wanted to kill Taiyi. The solar true fire swallowed up this Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in just a moment, which is something that ordinary solar true fire cannot do.

"Die, all of you must die!!!"

Di Jun screamed, his eyes fixed on Zhu Jiuyin and Di Jiang in front of him. At this moment, he lost the magnanimity of the Emperor of Heaven that he had previously possessed. He was now just a brother who wanted to avenge his brother.

With the death of Taiyi, a sacred and inviolable majesty fell on Di Jun, which was the authority of Taiyi.

After Taiyi's death, the authority of the Sun that he controlled fell completely on Di Jun.

From then on, Di Jun was no longer just a warm and graceful natural Emperor of Heaven, but also an unprecedented overlord who dominated the universe.

When the authority of the Sun was concentrated in Di Jun's hands, Di Jun's momentum suddenly soared, and it was a bit more terrifying than before.

Taiyi didn't just take away Tu Bo, he also took away the immortal Hou Tu, and some of the surrounding great witches and generals of the demon clan were also swallowed up by the terrifying sun fire caused by his self-explosion.

"Not good!!!"

Di Jiang's heart suddenly began to beat wildly, and he quickly used the Great Space Avenue to try to pull Zhu Jiuyin away with him.

"Want to run?!"

Di Jun's majestic and domineering voice appeared, which contained endless anger.

Di Jun, Taiyi, and Xihe were born with the power of the sun, and then Di Jun and Xihe had intercourse, and each of them was stained with a trace of each other's power. Now with the fall of Taiyi, Di Jun almost controlled the complete power of the sun.

The sun was formed by the charm of Pangu's left eye, and it was the most important existence. Therefore, the sacredness of the sun was extremely terrifying, standing on the top of the world.

And the real Great Sun God is an extremely terrifying existence, and the Great Sun power it contains can make the heavens tremble.

As Di Jun raised his right hand slightly and gently grasped it, a terrifying breath came out from the dark, and the terrifying Great Sun's deterrence instantly crushed the space-time channel.

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin, who entered it, were grabbed by a huge hand and pulled back to Di Jun.

"Today, there will be a ancestor witch who will die to sacrifice for my brother Taiyi!"

The extremely cold words rang in the ears of Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin.

I saw Di Jun slightly draw his sword and suddenly cut it.

"Not good!!!"

When Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin saw each other raise their hands, a breath of facing death appeared in their hearts, and they immediately used their strongest magical powers to escape.


A sword energy that rushed into the sky carried the true fire of the sun and buried the two in it, and they turned into ashes in an instant.

The so-called ancestor witch body also became as fragile as a blank sheet of paper in front of Di Jun, and the avenue of space and time did not play any role at all.


"Di Jun, you must not provoke him!!!"

"He is so terrifying, is he really in the state of Hunyuan?! Why do I feel vulnerable in front of him!!!"

"Even the body of the ancestor witch can't stop him for a moment, how strong is Di Jun who has been gentle to people all these years?!"

"It turns out that the strongest in the heaven is not Taiyi, but Di Jun who has always been gentle!!!"

In this battle, Di Jun's name as the strongest was once again established. This powerful man who first stepped into the state of Hunyuan once again showed his strongest fighting power to the world.

Whether it was the human race or the dragon race who were watching from afar, seeing the fighting power shown by Di Jun at this time, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"My brother Taiyi, born strong, now returns to the chaos of heaven and earth. To commemorate him, from now on, the sun will be extinguished for 100 days to commemorate Taiyi!!!"

Emperor Jun swept his eyes across the audience, his words were full of supreme authority, and his tone was neither sad nor happy.

As his words fell, the sun between heaven and earth extinguished instantly, and darkness began to dominate the entire prehistoric world, leaving only some scattered moonlight and starlight to illuminate the prehistoric continent.

"To commemorate His Majesty Donghuang, from now on, the moon will be extinguished for 100 days!!!"

The goddesses of the moon, Chang Xi and Wang Shu, both spoke.

As the words fell, the moon that originally illuminated the prehistoric world also fell into extinguishment.

"To commemorate Taiyi, the stars are dim, and the period of 100 days!!!"

The old ancestor of the stars also said in a deep voice.

For a time, the prehistoric world was completely plunged into darkness.

Endless darkness came from the chaos and filled the entire prehistoric world in an instant.

So far, the light has retreated and the darkness has lasted forever!

In the prehistoric continent, the creatures who had long been accustomed to the prehistoric sun could not help but curse at the witches.

In the prehistoric world, where nothing happened, the world was extremely peaceful and harmonious.

However, now, these witches have gone to the heaven to make trouble, and now there is no sun in the prehistoric world.

You know, there are still many creatures who have not even stepped into the immortal way. If there is no sun, the days are simply unimaginable.

And the most important thing is that the prehistoric world cannot do without the sun. If the sun is gone, all things will stop growing.

Now, the sun is really extinguished, and the creatures in the world have begun to curse the witches crazily.

Many creatures who originally had a good impression of the witches also began to feel disgusted with the witches.

The creatures in the world are like this. When they are good to you, they don’t care or flatter you. When they are a little bit unsatisfactory, they start endless abuse and slander.

As for Emperor Jun, who took the initiative to extinguish the sun, no one dared to resent him because of his strength. Instead, they blamed the Wu clan who indirectly caused this incident.

A terrifying breath began to appear quietly, coming out from the prehistoric world and returning to the chaos.


A huge breath full of darkness appeared and returned from the avenue.

Da~ Da~ Da~

A faint sound of footsteps appeared above the battlefield, clearly visible, but as if there was nothing.

Emperor Jun's face suddenly changed. He felt the extremely strong breath, but calmed down in an instant, looking at a place with infinite coldness in his eyes.

"What is this breath?!"

"Impossible!!! Where in the prehistoric world is there such a powerful and weird existence?"

"Could it be..."

"The Great Dao God and Demon!!!"

Suiren said leisurely, he also wanted to see with his own eyes how powerful this revived god and demon was.

Many gods and demons stared at that direction, their eyes full of fear and curiosity. This was the first time they were so close to the newly revived gods and demons.

An extremely powerful figure slowly appeared in everyone's sight. The infinite world fell into darkness as he walked, and there was darkness and silence everywhere.

"That is... the dark gods and demons!!!" Zulong couldn't help but exclaimed.

As Zulong's words fell, the figure in front of him became more and more solid, and then the dark gods and demons whispered: "I saw that world, Honghuang, is this the world you created..."


boom! ! !

An extremely powerful aura exploded from the chaos, and a figure that was even burlier than the dark gods and demons appeared in front of everyone. It was not only more burly than the dark gods and demons, but also more tyrannical.


"Father God!!!"

"Tao Zun?!!"

For a moment, all the creatures in the world who were watching this battle couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

After Pangu came, the depression and panic brought by the dark gods and demons to the world disappeared in an instant, and what was left was only the surprise of Pangu's recovery.

"Have you really recovered...?"

Di Jun murmured to himself, looking at the great man in front of him and speaking slowly.


Everything was lost in the eyes of the dark god and demon, except for Pangu in front of him.

"Are you also resurrected..."

"Put away your unrealistic thoughts, otherwise today will be the day when you fall into deep sleep again."

Pangu did not pay attention to the nonsense of the dark god and demon, but turned to speak coldly.

He originally didn't want to show up, but after feeling the destructive desire of the dark gods and demons, he appeared on the battlefield instantly.

He wanted to appear to shock the dark gods and demons in front of him. After all, neither his resurrection nor the resurrection of the dark gods and demons were noticed.

The dark gods and demons did not resurrect in another chaos, but directly resurrected in the prehistoric era.

At the moment when the light in the sky disappears, the light does not appear, but the darkness revives...

The dark god and demon fell into silence after hearing this. He did not refute, because when he recovered, he did think about destroying the prehistoric world, but then he felt a peerless battle in the chaos and rushed there. After getting here, I found that only some younger generations were fighting.

He, who has always been proud, does not take these creatures seriously, because He has crushed these creatures from the very beginning.

"Darkness, long time no see."

The figures of the reincarnation gods and demons also appeared on the battlefield. Looking at the dark gods and demons in the darkness in front of them, they smiled slightly.

The dark god and demon shrank his eyes and said with some surprise: "Samsara, you have also revived..."

"Not only me, but also your old enemy, the light, has revived..."

The reincarnation god and demon looked at the dark god and demon with a playful expression and said slowly.

Sure enough, after he said these words, the face of the dark god and demon instantly became extremely ugly, even more ugly than when he was threatened by Pangu before.

After all, Pangu was just a warning. As long as he didn't move, he would be fine, but the God and Demon of Light really wanted to disgust him...

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