Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 376: One move destroys darkness, the lich finally stops fighting

"If the light never dies, I will exist forever!!!"

A figure appeared silently on the battlefield, but it was the light god and demon who felt the resurrection of the dark god and demon, the former enemy of the great road, in the ancient continent.

After feeling the resurgence of their former enemies, the gods and demons of light quickly came to the battlefield of chaos.

It happened to catch up with the three-way conversation between the Gods and Demons of Samsara, Pangu, and the Gods and Demons of Darkness. After hearing the words of the Gods and Demons of Samsara, they directly manifested themselves.


The face of the dark god and demon twitched. This recovery is really not a happy event.

I thought that after I recovered, I could return the world to chaos and let the chaos of the past reappear.

Although it is said that after the emergence of the prehistoric world, it was also a strengthening for him. After all, when the heaven and the earth were not divided, there was no darkness in the chaos, everything was chaos.

At this time, apart from the light in the wilderness, there was darkness.

Where light cannot spread, there is darkness.

When the sun dispels the darkness, light is born.

But the prehistoric world has a bonus for him, and it has a bonus for the mortal enemy the God of Light and the Demon. If this continues, he may be left behind by it.

Therefore, the dark gods and demons wanted to destroy the ancient world, but now with the threat of Pangu, he did not dare to move.

Although it is said that Pangu did not truly recover, but only regained consciousness, he also regained consciousness, and still did not have the body of a great god or demon. Otherwise, he could still give it a try.

But now, we can only bow to Pangu temporarily and look forward to changes in the future.

"You damn existence that disgusts me has actually come back to life..."

The gods and demons of light looked at the gods and demons of darkness across from them with disgust. The two were in conflict with each other, and they opposed and hated each other from the very beginning.

However, at this time, the dark god and demon actually recovered.

He just thought about it briefly and realized that it was because of the absence of light in the world and the invasion of darkness that the dark gods and demons suddenly revived.

If there hadn't been this battle, the guy in front of him would not have recovered.

For a time, the light gods and demons' disgust for the Witch Clan became even stronger.

After he saw Pangu, he was shocked, but he soon calmed down. After all, as long as he didn't want to destroy the ancient world, the other party probably wouldn't do anything to him. Otherwise, he would have been killed long ago. Back on the road.

"I've seen Brother Dao!"

The God of Light bowed slightly to Pangu and smiled calmly.

The dark gods and demons looked at the light gods and demons in front of them with a look of fear on their faces, and their hearts were full of grief and anger. They had clearly reached their own time, but they had to face so many enemies at this time.

Pangu nodded and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist."

Without Kaitian's mission, Pangu would have been Taoist friends with all these great avenue gods and demons. Because he was born to control the three thousand avenues, he could chat with anyone among these great avenue gods and demons.

If there was no mission to open the sky, Pangu and any of the great gods and demons could discuss the Tao and promote each other's cultivation.

But it is a pity that under the mission of Kaitian, the gods and demons of the Dao all stood on the opposite side of Pangu, or in other words, Pangu stood on the opposite side of them, and then there were three thousand gods and demons. Fallen, the scene of the ancient world.

"Hmph! The road is unfair. Why should you, my predecessor, be revived? Otherwise, today's prehistoric times would have ceased to exist!!!"

The Dark Gods and Demons looked at the Dao Gods and Demons in front of them coldly and said coldly.

When Pangu heard this, he didn't say much. If no one wanted to destroy Honghuang, he would not interfere with anyone's life, but if anyone dared to take action, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

"Hahahaha! Ridiculous!"

Before the Dao gods and demons could speak, Di Jun burst out laughing when he heard the words. Then he looked coldly at the dark gods and demons in front of him and said lightly: "I thought that the Dao gods and demons were all as supreme as the Taoist Lord. Existence, or a peerless figure like Samsara Daoist, I never thought that there would be such a shameless guy in darkness, just like the light before!"

"Insolent!!! Despicable flat-haired beast!!!"

The dark god and demon was furious when he heard this, turned to look at Di Jun, and waved a wave of dark power to hit him.

Panicked by the pressure of the general trend, an indescribable power appeared, and the years, time, space, and everything in the heavens were dimmed by this general trend.

The fierceness of heaven rises with raging force.

The scorching sun and true fire roared in the darkness.

The darkness was driven away by the sun, and the power of light appeared in front of the world.


There was a soft sound, but it was Di Jun's palm that reached into the chest of the dark god and demon.

"With such strength, how dare you be arrogant in front of me?"

The corner of Di Jun's mouth slightly raised, and the aura on his body was clearly revealed. It was the late cultivation level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which was higher than the reincarnation gods and demons. It was the breakthrough after Taiyi's fall.

Among the many beings present, except for Pangu, no one is the opponent of Emperor Jun anymore, including Samsara, Guangming, who are the gods and demons of the Great Dao...

The reason why the gods and demons of the Dao are strong is that the true body of the Dao is condensed from the Dao. It is invulnerable to all laws and all evils retreat. It is impossible to break through the defense. Only the gods and demons of the Dao can do it. can do it.

But none of today's Dao gods and demons have their own Tao body, so the dark gods and demons were crushed by the emperor in front of them. After all, the cultivation of the dark gods and demons was only the early stage of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

It is still just a consciousness without the body of the Great Dao...


With a sound, the dark gods and demons that had just awakened fell into silence in the chaos again and returned to the Great Dao.


This scene made the bright gods and demons on the side stare with their eyes wide open. After hearing what Di Jun said just now, he was also furious. Just when he was about to attack, he saw the battle between the dark gods and demons and Di Jun, but in just a moment, the dark gods and demons were sent away by Di Jun...

And now, the bright gods and demons closed their mouths tightly, not daring to say anything.

"Because the gods and demons I gave birth to should be buried by me."

After doing all this, Di Jun said lightly, then turned his head to look at the bright gods and demons on the side. The threat in his eyes was self-evident, and the murderous intent was revealed, almost turning into reality.

Facing all this, the gods and demons of the reincarnation world were somewhat apprehensive, but they did not dare to say much. The Emperor Jun in front of him had obviously lost his former demeanor and became a true emperor of heaven, a peerless and unparalleled emperor of heaven.

As for Pangu, he would not care about anything that did not endanger the prehistoric world. After all, these great gods and demons had been extremely hunting for him in the past. It was already very good that he did not trouble them, let alone save them.

His name was Pangu, and he was the god of the creation of heaven and earth. He was not some great saint or a great grudge.

"Your Majesty is so powerful and majestic, and we respect you!"

The gods and demons of light saw that Emperor Jun wanted to kill him, so they immediately bowed and shouted.

He completely ignored his own face. Facing such a wonderful prehistoric world, he did not want to fall into sleep again.

After hearing this, the murderous intent in Emperor Jun's eyes slowly disappeared, his face became a little more peaceful, and he nodded.

"Hiss! How can he be so powerful?!"

"Emperor Jun is so powerful, how can we kill him?!"

"Since Father God has revived, why did he let us die without saving us?!"

The witches could not help but scream in pain. They were still trying to kill each other, but in the blink of an eye, the Emperor of Heaven was able to kill the Great Dao God and Demon alone.

The gap between them made them feel desperate, and they felt that this battle was almost impossible to win.

"You, surrender or die!!!"

Emperor Jun's face was extremely cold, and he shouted coldly at the creatures of the witches from a high position.

He didn't want to have any thoughts about these witches anymore. He just wanted them to surrender to him and stop killing.

He looked extremely cold, and in the eyes of outsiders, it seemed that Taiyi had revived, but in fact, he didn't want to kill anymore in his heart.

The reason why he killed the dark gods and demons without any scruples was to shock these witches.

The twelve witch ancestors of the witch clan, Dijiang, Zhu Jiuyin, Zhurong, and Gonggong have all died, leaving only eight witch ancestors, Ju Mang, Qiangliang, Rushou, Xuanming, Tianwu, Xizi, Shebishi, and Xingtian.

The losses in the underworld were even more disastrous, with Hou Tu, the Lord of the Underworld, Tu Bo, the Lord of the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, and Chi You, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, all perished.

The monster clan was not much better, except for Taiyi, who died, and eight of the ten great monster generals died, leaving only Bai Ze and Ji Meng, and the rest all died in battle.

Fortunately, the monster kings were fine, and the real supreme fighting power was Taiyi who died.

The Chaos Bell also disappeared on the battlefield, and no one knew where it went.

In fact, from the moment Taiyi was killed, countless beings coveted the Chaos Bell, but no one could detect the trace of the Chaos Bell.

"I don't accept it!!!"

Tian Wu, the ancestor of wind, roared and rushed towards the high and mighty Emperor Jun.


Xuan Ming shouted behind him, she didn't want to see the scene of Tian Wu's fall.

Too many ancestor witches have died today, it's time to stop.

Di Jun looked coldly at Tian Wu who was rushing towards him, and was ready to kill him in his heart, but at this moment.

A mysterious breath appeared with a bang, and an extremely powerful force appeared on the battlefield.

A tall and majestic figure ignored the magical powers of many creatures and said one word.



In an instant, the entire battlefield seemed to be cast by some magic, all the magical powers disappeared completely, and all the creatures stopped on the spot in shock.

However, the next moment, all the gods returned to their original hearts.

"What happened?!"

"Pangu has taken action..."

The pupils of Emperor Jun's eyes shrank. He ignored all existence, but when facing Pangu, he vaguely felt that he could not be the opponent of the other party, so he did not do anything to Pangu.

"This battle is over. Emperor Jun is the natural emperor of heaven, and the Wu clan is also the son of the earth. The spirits that fell in this battle will return again after ten thousand years."

Pangu's voice resounded throughout the chaos. After he finished speaking, his figure disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

Although Pangu's figure disappeared, no living being dared to disobey Pangu's words.

"Sure enough, there is still an insurmountable gap between you and me!!!"

Emperor Jun shouted loudly in his heart, his eyes were quite calm.

He knew that there was an insurmountable gap between him and Pangu, and the great power just now made him unable to resist, and also made him know what Pangu was.

The power of the three thousand great ways in one body is impossible for any living being to stop.

Even if their cultivation realms are the same, their fighting power is simply not enough to fight.

It can be said that no one can fight with Pangu, let alone fight, and they are not even qualified to withstand the power of Pangu's eyes.

In the past, Pangu killed the gods and demons of the three thousand great ways like slaughtering chickens. Now, even if he does not have the body of the great way, he can still kill all the living beings in the entire prehistoric world.

This is an essentially invincible existence. The three thousand great ways in one body are destined to make no existence able to be Pangu's opponent before facing an opponent who has also comprehended the three thousand great ways.

Although he knew that he and Pangu could not compare at all, Di Jun did not lose confidence. He firmly believed that sooner or later he would be able to truly stand at the top of the prehistoric world.

"Pangu Daozun, so powerful, such an incredible and majestic existence..."

Suirenshi witnessed too many things that he had never seen before, the revival of the Great Dao Gods and Demons...

The fall of the Great Dao Gods and Demons...

The greatness of Pangu...

He thought he was standing on the top of the world, but suddenly felt that he was still far away, very far away.

"How many such powerful existences are hidden in the prehistoric world..."



"The more I live, the weaker I feel. The higher my cultivation, the smaller I feel. The prehistoric world is vast and boundless..."

Zulong sighed in his heart. The reason why he has been curled up in the four seas for these years and has not fought with anyone.

This is also because he was harmed by Hongjun and Luohou in the past.

In the vast prehistoric world, there are too many powerful people hidden. Only wretched development is the kingly way. The strength of the powerful dragon clan allows the dragon clan to stand on the top of the prehistoric world forever.

“After eternity, Pangu, you finally revived. The prehistoric world has become more interesting now, hehehehe…”

Luo Hou was in an unknown place, peeking at the battlefield, thinking secretly in his heart.

The greater the changes in the prehistoric world, the greater his hope of success.

“Ten thousand years…that is to say, I will launch the plan within ten thousand years…”

Luo Hou thought secretly in his heart that the strength of the Heavenly Court and the Witch Clan has been reduced to the lowest level. If he does not seize this opportunity, what will the next opportunity be…

Even though Di Jun is so powerful now, he still has not given up his plan.

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