Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 377: Suiren's worries, extreme sorrow

"Wu clan members, pay respect to the Heavenly Emperor!!!"

Qiang Liang suppressed his anger and bowed slightly to Di Jun and shouted angrily.

His words were full of disobedience and unyielding, but facing Pangu's order, he did not hesitate at all and led the remaining members of the Wu clan to salute Di Jun.

"Wu clan members, pay respect to the Heavenly Emperor!!!"

The remaining Wu clan members, whether they were ancestors or great witches, bowed and shouted angrily.

The roar of the Wu clan shook the sky, making the whole chaos tremble.

"Stand up, all the gods of heaven, follow me back to the palace!"

Di Jun's face was as calm as water, and he slowly raised his arm, signaling the other party to stand up. After Pangu spoke, it was time to stop anyway. If he continued to fight, I am afraid that the Heavenly Court would not get any benefits.

And he could only pretend not to see the disobedience of these Wu clan members.

At least, the Wu clan chose to surrender on the surface, and did not violate what he said just now.

When you are out there, you have to fight for face. Since the other party has bowed his head and surrendered, and with Pangu's words, let's just forget about it.

"I will obey your majesty's order!!!"

The remaining demon kings, demon commanders, and other clansmen or immortals serving in the Heavenly Court also saluted and shouted.

This time, although the Heavenly Court won, it lost a top-level high-level official and eight demon commanders after all. Even if it won, it was only a miserable victory.

And the ten thousand years period is not long, nor is it short.

For the existence of these Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is naturally a blink of an eye, but for some creatures, it is a real change of the world.

"Witch clan son, go home!!!"

Qiang Liang raised his arm and shouted loudly.

Among the twelve ancestor witches, he is actually the one with the strongest cultivation who is alive now, so at this time, he is the one who stood out. Even if the others are ranked ahead of him, they are actually not as strong as him.

“Go back…”

There was an indescribable loneliness in Suiren’s words, as if this era had left him.

After he finished speaking, his originally hunched body became even more hunched, like an old man in his twilight years, exuding countless deathly aura.

Shennong, who was standing by, was about to ask, but saw Suiren’s figure had disappeared in the vast chaos.


Shennong murmured in a low voice, his eyes full of heartache and confusion.

He didn’t understand, why the Human Emperor, who had always been tenacious, had become like this now.

He still remembered how high the reputation of the Human Emperor Suiren was, and what kind of divine power he had, but now he couldn’t find any trace of the Human Emperor in Suiren.

Although things have changed, after all, the Human Emperor for many years should still have some dignity.

But now Suirenshi has become lifeless after this battle, and no one knows why.

He did not participate in this battle, nor did he die, but he seemed to have really given up and really died.

"Your Majesty..."

Shi Hao murmured in his heart, and his eyes looked at the place where Suirenshi left with complicated meanings.

He vaguely realized why Suirenshi was so angry, or maybe all this was just his own guess.

Then, he also flashed and went to the prehistoric world.

The spectators began to evacuate the battlefield one after another. The battlefield in the chaos soon returned to its former appearance, and there were no traces of the battle.

Even the chaotic storm that was constantly blowing because of the battle disappeared and restored its original airflow.

Although the chaotic turbulence is still a very terrifying thing, it is much more relaxed and comfortable than the chaotic storm.


Prehistoric world, Southern Wasteland, Southern Palace.

"Your Majesty, why are you so haggard?"

After Shi Hao arrived at the Southern Palace, he soon found Suiren.

The old man who used to sit at the door and fish disappeared, and an old man was lying on the throne. Although he was still wearing a straw raincoat, he always felt a little different from before.

After seeing Shi Hao coming, Suiren wanted to say something several times, but when the words came to his lips, he finally sighed and said, "I abdicated a long time ago..."

"Although your majesty has abdicated, you are still the emperor of the human race, and now you are the Southern Emperor of the Heavenly Court. The name of your majesty is worthy of you!"

Shi Hao's face was normal, with a smile on his face, he walked straight up, saluted Suiren, and said, "Your Majesty, why are you so haggard?"

Seeing that Shi Hao still did not forget to ask, Suiren sighed leisurely and finally raised his hand slightly.


The entire Southern Palace seemed to be wrapped up by something, shielding the nine heavens and ten earths, and shielding the four seas and eight wildernesses.

If someone was outside, they would be able to observe that although the Southern Palace, which had always been here, appeared to be fine, it had actually already gone to some unknown time and space, or escaped into some other world.

It was just that it could still be seen on the surface, but in fact it was no longer in the Southern Wilderness at the moment.

"What I am worried about is not myself, but the human race!"

Suiren's body shape changed, as if he had become the supreme human emperor of the past. The aura of decadence and death that had just been on his body also disappeared, replaced by the aura of a heroic lord.

The power of the Human Emperor rushed towards him, making Shi Hao vaguely seem to have returned to the past, to the ferocious days of the past.

At the beginning, the Suiren clan's expression was the same as it is today, full of worries about the future of the human race. However, although the Suiren clan had a worried look before that, it was more of a longing for the future of the human race.

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about?!"

The smile on Shi Hao's face disappeared, he looked at Suiren with a solemn expression, and asked in confusion.

It was a matter of great importance to the human race. He didn't dare to smile like before, and his heart was filled with a heavy look.

The Suiren clan suddenly sighed and said: "I thought that after the Lich War, the human race would be greatly prosperous, but now it has not arrived yet, far from it. Although the two Lich clans have been injured, they have not yet truly prospered. Get to the root.

Now, Emperor Jun holds the power of the Great Sun and has become the true God of the Great Sun. Even if the power of the Emperor of Heaven is taken away, the power of the Sun God can still support his huge destiny.

But today's Emperor Jun is extremely powerful, and apart from the Taoist who existed and opened up the world, there is no other opponent in the ancient world.

The future of the human race, this time, even I can’t see..."

At this moment, the Suiren clan is no longer the old fisherman before, but a true human emperor, a human emperor who is related to the future of the human race.

Although he has abdicated, it is not that he does not take the safety of the human race seriously. He has never stepped forward to take care of things on weekdays. That is because the Shennong family is already very good at dealing with the human race, and there is no need for him to intervene at all.

But this time is different. This is a matter related to the future of the entire human race, facing foreign races.

Previously, he had always firmly believed that the human race would be able to overcome various difficulties and become the Emperor of Heaven.

But now this battle has completely shattered his ideas.

With the Lich War reaching such an extent, it is still impossible for the human race to win the position of Emperor of Heaven. If the human race really wants to attack the heaven, even if they die, they don't know whether they will have the current results.

The Witch Clan actually sacrificed the lives of the ancestral witches and great witches to inflict casualties on the demon clan caused by self-explosion.

And even so, it still cannot escape the ending of defeat.

Not to mention the emperor who was at the height of his power, it was a huge gap that was insurmountable for all living beings in the ancient world.

Originally, the Suiren clan thought that even if they were defeated by Di Jun and Tai Yi, they could still fight with them. However, whether it was Tai Yi's terrifying performance of surviving the self-destruction of many ancestral witches, or Di Jun's killing of Di Jiang, Zhu Jiuyin, and Zhan. Judging from the intimidating power of the dark gods and demons like slaughtering chickens, he is far behind.

Shi Hao also fell into silence after hearing this. Yes, how can they surpass such a powerful heaven.

But if you have always lived under the heaven, how can you be willing to do so?

Although the Suiren clan made a promise, there will always be a day when Emperor Jun abdicates. After that day, if the human race wants to reach the top, it will also need to have enough strength.

Perhaps Di Jun will not take the initiative to abdicate, but now that the momentum is approaching, the recovery of the great gods and demons is no longer a distant thing.

After the gods and demons of Yi Zun Dao are completely revived, whether Emperor Jun can firmly hold the position of Emperor of Heaven at that time is another matter.

"Your Majesty, I think the human race is talented and intelligent, and more and more people are entering the realm of Hunyuan. After dozens or hundreds of Yuanhui, the number of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals in the human race will definitely be able to crush the two Lich clans! !”

"No! Since ancient times, only the top combat power can decide everything. Just like today's Emperor Jun, he is no longer invincible by human power. Although he belongs to the same realm, his combat power is very different, no matter how many people he possesses. There is nothing we can do in the realm of Hunyuan..."

After hearing Shi Hao's words, Suiren instinctively felt something was wrong and shook his head.

"Then it's up to us to surpass them! Whether it's Taiyi or Dijun, I will definitely surpass them!!!"

Suiren's words did not discourage Shi Hao. On the contrary, his heart became even more passionate.

After hearing this, Suiren fell into silence for a while. Facing Shi Hao's self-confidence, it was not that he wanted to attack them, but Taiyi and Di Jun were too inhuman, as if they were loved by God.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look up and remembered that existence.

Ye Xuan.

Just as Suiren raised his head and looked up into the sky, Ye Xuan also happened to lower his head and look at the world.

Wherever you look, prosperity comes into view.

"For thousands of years, I flick my fingers in the mulberry fields, like a dream, and look back at the dust."

Just as Suiren looked up into the sky, Ye Xuan also happened to see Suiren at this time.

You can tell the cause at a glance, and the consequences at a glance.

Spanning infinite time and space, it shines on the heavens forever.

He is Ye Xuan, the God of creation, a God confirmed in countless time and space, an existence that is respected by thousands of people and cannot be surpassed.

When Suiren stared at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan also understood the cause and effect.

"If Emperor Jun had not been allowed to become so powerful, wouldn't the human race have easily become the overlord? If so, what else would the human race have to pursue? Wouldn't it be that under my arrangement, the human race would have become the overlord of the world without any disasters? position."

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly and said slowly.

This passage was not heard by Suirenshi, but it was transformed into the true meaning of the Great Dao, and the original meaning was integrated into the Great Dao and spread to the Southern Palace.


After receiving the truth, Suirenshi was silent in his heart, and was full of sadness and helplessness for a while.

He no longer had the previous doubts, and Ye Xuan really answered his question. Just as he thought, Di Jun was really strengthened by Ye Xuan.

He suddenly felt that his life seemed to be manipulated by others. Everything depended on Ye Xuan's preferences. How Ye Xuan wanted the prehistoric world to develop, the prehistoric world could develop.

Just like the current situation, the reason why it is said that the efforts of various tribes have become like this is better to say that this is the situation that Ye Xuan wants to see.

As soon as this idea came out, Suirenshi instantly felt a kind of sadness and helplessness. He was not angry at all, because he knew that his anger was useless.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty?"

Shi Hao, who was standing aside, saw Suirenshi's face suddenly become extremely sad, and immediately couldn't help asking.

"Forget it, forget it, go!"

The aura of Suiren disappeared, and he became listless, just like before.

Shi Hao was confused, not knowing why the emperor in front of him had become like this again.

He wanted to say something else, but Suiren was unwilling to say more, canceled the shield, and then waved his hand.

Shi Hao saw this, although he was full of doubts in his heart, he sighed helplessly and said: "Your Majesty, take care, the human race will definitely be fine in the future!"

After that, he bowed to Suiren again and disappeared in the Southern Palace.

"How could this be, how could this be..."

Suiren seemed to be struck by lightning, muttering to himself, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

This feeling of being played by others throughout his life destroyed the dignity and achievements in his heart in an instant.

It turns out that it was not because of how powerful he was, nor how strong the human race was, but simply because Ye Xuan wanted to see the human race become stronger, so the current ending came about.

Just when Suirenshi doubted the world and his three views were shattered, Ye Xuan's figure appeared in front of him.

After seeing Ye Xuan, the tears in Suirenshi's eyes did not stop, but became more violent and burst out.

"Why is it so?! Why is it so?!"

He shouted loudly with his hair disheveled, like a madman.

He just wanted Ye Xuan to give an answer to soothe the sadness in his heart.

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