Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 378 Suiren's Enlightenment, Houtu's Resurrection

After seeing Suirenshi's appearance, Ye Xuan also felt a strange emotion in his heart.

"If the world I live in is also like the prehistoric world, and a supreme being plays with everything, what will happen to me then?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ponder.

But after a while, Ye Xuan's eyes gradually became clear, because he already had his own answer. Even if his life was at the mercy of others, at that time, he would try his best to jump out of this world and completely control his life.

And just after he thought of this, he looked at Suirenshi's extremely red eyes again, and a feeling rose in his heart.

The human emperor in front of him might have the same idea as he did now.

"Instead of being angry about this, it is better to strengthen yourself. When you are strong enough, no one can manipulate your life."

Ye Xuan spoke lightly and comforted him.

If Suirenshi can become stronger because of this, it may be a good point.

After all, the stronger the creatures in the prehistoric world are, the stronger he is. Theoretically, it is almost impossible to kill him.

And he did not explain anything to Suirenshi, because although he was helping the human race, he was also invisibly controlling the fate of the human race and deciding the direction of all things.

After hearing Ye Xuan's words, Suirenshi fell into silence, and calmed down for a while. He was not as angry as before, and he had no other thoughts.

"Yes, become stronger..."

"After becoming strong enough, you can get rid of anyone's control. At that time, the human race will be the most powerful existence..."

A new belief emerged in Suirenshi's heart, and it became stronger and stronger once it appeared, almost turning into substance.

With the emergence of this belief, Suirenshi's eyes became extremely firm. When he looked at Ye Xuan again, he no longer had the previous resentment, because he knew that in this world, only the strong can say what counts.

Everything is because of insufficient strength. If the strength is sufficient, there will be no scruples, and there is no need to worry about the man in front of him.

Although he didn't know what level Ye Xuan's strength was, Suiren believed that he would be able to get rid of the guy in front of him sooner or later, and he would definitely surpass all existences and truly control his own orders.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. From today on, set a goal!"

Suiren's eyes were filled with ambition again, which was the ambition to become stronger, and his first goal was to surpass Di Jun. Only after surpassing Di Jun could he climb the next peak again.

"Not bad, you are worthy of being the emperor of the human race."

After seeing this scene, Ye Xuan couldn't help but admire.

Then, he turned around and disappeared.


After hearing Ye Xuan's praise, Suiren couldn't help but laugh at himself. For a moment, he didn't know whether he was happy or sad. It was joyful, after all, the other party was indeed praising him. It was sad, because the other party was indeed playing with him and the entire prehistoric world.

"Perhaps, we are all born to be jokes, but the road is long, and we may not be jokes in the end..."

Suiren murmured to himself, his eyes became more and more fiery, and then he looked up to the sky, with infinite heroism in his heart.


Heavenly Palace, Lingxiao Palace.

After Emperor Jun returned from the battlefield, he led the remaining Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to the Lingxiao Palace.

He looked at the gods in front of him, his heart was full of heavy feelings.

His brother Taiyi died, eight of the ten demon generals died, eight of the Nine Stars Lords died, ten of the Thirty-two Heavenly Emperors died, and many other gods also died.

More than 40,000 of the more than 100,000 Hunyuan realm demons died in one battle. It can be said that they were seriously injured and their vitality was seriously damaged.

But even so, it is far from being something that other small forces can touch.

What is even more terrifying is that the top fighting force of the Heavenly Court, Emperor Jun, has completely shocked the villains in all directions, making them dare not act rashly.

Emperor Jun, wearing an imperial robe, showed an infinitely sad expression on his face. He slowly glanced at the ministers and sighed, "Everyone, you have worked hard."

"Your Majesty, please accept my condolences!!!"

After seeing this, the demon commander Bai Ze was overwhelmed with sadness and cried.

In this battle, the Heavenly Court seemed to have won, but in fact it was not much better. It can be said that both sides were injured.

"Your Majesty, please accept my condolences!!!"

Seeing this, the gods in the Heavenly Court cried one after another.

Some of them were truly sad for the loss of so many people in the Heavenly Court, but some were simply because the atmosphere was there and they couldn't help but follow.

"It doesn't matter. It's just a temporary fall. It will eventually recover and return. The ten thousand years is just a blink of an eye."

Emperor Jun shook his head slightly and said slowly.

Although he was indeed very sad and could not accept the death of Taiyi, he calmed down after the war. Since Pangu said that it would take ten thousand years, he would be able to see Taiyi after ten thousand years.

No one had ever died before, so they didn't know how long it would take to recover. Now that Pangu had said this, it undoubtedly gave him a dose of reassurance.

"Your Majesty is right. Bai Ze admires you very much!"

After hearing this, Bai Ze immediately said again.

As soon as these words came out, Di Jun was a little curious. Bai Ze was not usually such a flattering person, so why did he praise him so much today.

However, he did not think about it carefully, and then said: "Everyone must have been mentally exhausted due to the continuous battles. Let's go back and recuperate for the time being."

"My son, come with me."

After saying that, his figure disappeared, but he went to Yaochi Wonderland.

And the ten golden crows behind them all headed towards the Yaochi Fairyland.

When many saints saw Emperor Jun leaving, they all began to leave one after another.

In this battle, it is difficult to say who has won. As for winning, it is naturally Heavenly Court who has won. But if we say who has won, it is not easy to say.

Although it seems that the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the Witch Clan suffered heavy casualties, including even the Lord of Reincarnation, the impact was not huge in fact. After all, it would not take long for them to be resurrected and return.

And all they can get is to get back what should belong to them, that is, the position of Emperor of Heaven, the dominant position of the prehistoric era.

Yaochi Wonderland.

With the arrival of Emperor Jun, the restriction here was also broken.

"I have met His Majesty."

Mrs. Yuanmu bowed Yingying and said slowly.

"Don't be too polite, get up quickly." Di Jun said quickly.

Then, he looked at Xi He. Xi He's eyes were full of anger. She couldn't understand why the entire heaven was participating in the war, but Emperor Jun refused to let them.

Even if you die in battle, you will only come back after a while, not to mention that you may not die in battle.

"Mother, aunt."

The ten Golden Crow princes also saluted the two goddesses behind them. One was the Sun Goddess and the other was the Guixu Goddess. They could be said to be opposites.

"I hope my son is fine."

Xihe nodded, with a look of kindness in his eyes.

Mrs. Yuanmu on the side also forced a smile. Taiyi fell, and her mood was not much better. Although she knew Taiyi would return eventually, she still felt bad after watching Taiyi fall with her own eyes.

"Brother, sister-in-law, I'll take my leave now..."

After saying that, he disappeared into the fairyland of Yaochi without waiting for Di Jun and Xihe to reply.

At this time, Dijun's family was reunited, and it was not suitable for her to stay here. In addition, Taiyi died again, so it was impossible to see this scene.


Xihe shouted when he saw this, but in the end he couldn't match the opponent's speed, so he had to give up.

"My second brother passed away, and now that I see us again, my brother and sister will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable. Just take it easy and it will be fine."

Di Jun comforted Xihe from the side and told him not to worry too much.

"You haven't answered my words yet, why don't you let us go to the battlefield?" Xihe didn't know this, so he turned to Di Jun and asked.

Emperor Jun sighed after hearing the words, knowing that some things cannot be avoided, he nodded immediately and said: "If we lose this battle, I don't know who else can survive. Heaven cannot be in chaos, so I let you and my siblings sit in heaven. That way, I can rest assured.”

This was indeed his idea, but more importantly, he still didn't want to see Xi He die on the battlefield, even if he had to bear some infamy, he would not hesitate.

Mrs. Yuanmu is Taiyi's wife, so she is naturally within this range. If the rest of them fall, they will fall as well.

This is true even for ten children. Because they will eventually return after their fall, Di Jun is very open-minded.

As soon as he said these words, Xihe also fell into silence. Yes, such a perfect reason made her a little confused about what to say.

But now that the deal is done, let's forget it.

"Never leave me alone again in the future."

Xihe's eyes turned red and he murmured in a low voice.

For a moment, Di Jun couldn't help but soften his heart. After seeing this scene, he hugged Xihe in his arms and sighed: "Such things will never happen in the future!"

At the same time, he swore fiercely in his heart that nothing like this would ever happen again.

"Goodbye, kid!!!"

After seeing this, the Ten Golden Crows said something softly, then turned around and left quickly, for fear of disturbing their parents again if they stayed here.

In the underworld.

Above the six realms of reincarnation, there is a land of nothingness.

A figure stands on the six paths of reincarnation, stepping on the reincarnation with its feet and holding the six paths in its hands. The rhythm of the avenue of reincarnation permeates the entire underworld.

For a time, endless sadness rained down.

"My disciple, come back!"

That figure was none other than the God and Demon of Samsara. His mind was condensed in the Six Paths, and he suddenly shouted loudly.

"After the land was perfect, the body transformed into reincarnation, but now it is unfortunate, and it should be the world!!!"

"Come back~~~come~~~"

With the sound of returning, the stars scattered and gathered together to form a human shape.

That was the figure of Hou Tu. Hou Tu, who had just fallen in the chaos, solidified again at this moment.

And when Hou Tu's figure was completely manifested, his beautiful eyes suddenly opened, a light flashed in his eyes, and his mind had returned.

"Thank you teacher!!!"

Hou Tu was grateful and quickly bowed to the gods and demons of reincarnation.

The gods and demons of reincarnation dare not interfere in the dispute between heaven and hell, but this does not mean that after Hou Tu's death, Hou Tu cannot be resurrected with the help of the power of reincarnation.

The reason why Hou Tu was able to be resurrected so easily is because Hou Tu herself possesses the characteristics of immortality and immortality of reincarnation, so there is no need to wait for the condensation of time to slowly revive.

The God of Reincarnation smiled and shook his head, and then his figure disappeared. This time, he was going to understand the way of reincarnation and climb higher mountains.

He wanted to reach the realm of Pangu now, and then try to open up the world and derive living beings in the fruit of the Tao, and use the power of endless living beings to help himself enter a higher realm.

And to make that attempt, he must first reach the realm of Pangu.

After the God of Reincarnation entered the six reincarnations, Hou Tu Niangniang looked at the current underworld with a sense of loss in her heart.

"Congratulations to the Queen on your return!!!"

Suddenly, the five living ghost emperors shouted loudly in their own place.

They realized that Hou Tu had returned, so they bowed to the place where Hou Tu Palace was.

"Well, each of you should do your job. Don't let the underworld be in turmoil during the absence of the King of Hell and the Emperor of Fengdu."

Hou Tu's voice was different from the previous gentleness this time, and it also carried a hint of the majesty of the Lord of the Underworld.

"I will obey the orders of the Queen!!!"

The five ghost emperors in different ghost dens were all shocked, but they also quickly agreed.

Almost all the Kings of Hell in the Ten Halls have fallen, leaving only one King Qin Guang who has not fallen. The rest of the Kings of Hell have fallen, and after hearing what Hou Tu said, the five ghost emperors also knew that they were asked to fill in the missing Kings of Hell in the Ten Halls.

So, the five people gathered together, and after discussing with each other, the five ghost emperors split nine clones to fill the vacancies of the Ten Kings of Hell.

In the underworld, the Lord of the Underworld, Hou Tu Niangniang, the most respected, followed by the Emperor of Fengdu who controls the netherworld, and then the Lord of the Yellow Spring, Tu Bo.

Apart from these people, the most powerful are the Five Ghost Emperors, followed by the Ten Kings of Hell.

Therefore, it is not a problem to let the Five Ghost Emperors temporarily replace the Ten Kings of Hell. It is better than letting those small ones replace them. After all, after letting those small ones replace them, when the Ten Kings of Hell return to their positions, those small ones will inevitably have some unnecessary ambitions and unwillingness in their hearts.

If a person does not come into contact with these powers, then he will not have any strange emotions in his heart, but if he gives them to the other party first and then takes them away, then this person will inevitably have a lot of unnecessary emotions in his heart.

This is nature, which is determined since birth.

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